MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 817 i want to go out and relax

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  Chapter 817 I want to go out and relax

  Time flies, and it has been three months since we found out that everyone is pregnant.

  It was summer at this time, and Cicada kept barking from the tree, which made Qiao Yi very upset.

   "My wife, I got some ice from the cellar and made it into a smoothie. Try it."

   Seeing Qiao Yi feeling irritable, Mu Qing stretched out her pregnant belly, and walked towards Qiao Yi who was enjoying the shade under the tree, pulling a diced radish.

   Then he signaled to the attendant to put the smoothie on the table in front of Joey.

   A large bowl of smoothie was suddenly put beside her, and she felt a lot cooler instantly, which made Qiao Yi much more energetic.

  Mu Qing filled a small bowl and handed it to Qiao Yi.

  Joy had just picked it up when he noticed a line of sight looking at him.

  Looking down, it turned out that it was her little carrot head staring at the smoothie in her hand with bright eyes.

  Although Joey really wanted to have a couple. But since she is an adult, she can't compete with her son for food, right?

   "Want to eat?"


   "Take it and eat it, eat slowly, or it will be too cold."

  Joy carefully handed over the bowl containing the smoothie.

   "Thank you Liang."

  It's more than two years old, and the words are still a little unclear, so I called my mother cool.

   "Come sit here and eat, you sit too."

   Qiao Yi got up and gave up his seat to Mu Qing and the child.

   "Mom, see what delicious food I brought you."

   At this time, Yunxiao's voice came from far and near, and soon Yunxiao was seen shaking the apple in his hand while running, and the sweat on his forehead glistened in the sun.

   "Slow down, don't run, don't run, it's hot."

  Looking at the sweat on Yun Xiao's forehead, Qiao Yi felt warm for him.

   "Well, mother, what are you eating? It's so cool."

  Running to Qiao Yi, Qiao Yunxiao handed the big apple in his hand to Qiao Yi, and then stared at Shabing with bright eyes.

   "Try it, the smoothie made by your father Mu Qing, eat it slowly."


  Qiao Yunxiao just ate here, and several other little radish heads rushed over one after another.

   Soon, a large bowl of smoothie was divided among several children.

  Mu Qing looked at her son who was still having a pelvic floor, and was speechless.

  He had already counted the children, but he still didn't have enough to eat.

  He really underestimated the children's food intake.

   So much so that the wife didn’t even eat a sip of smoothie.

   "My wife, I'll make you some more."

   "No, it's not so hot now."

  Joy smiled wryly. The children were all there. If she ate smoothies, the children would definitely want them again. They had already eaten a lot, and if they ate any more, they would feel sick to their stomachs.

  Joy found that as the children grew up a little bit, she couldn't rank at all when eating.

   Do something thinking about bringing something to the children.

   She didn't dare to do too much, for fear that the children would eat too much, so that she wouldn't be able to eat anything.

  Let’s eat secretly by myself at night. I feel uncomfortable in my heart, as if I feel a sense of guilt. All I think about is that the children haven’t eaten yet, and she eats alone.

  August is the hottest day, and this year is especially hot.

   Even if you don’t do anything, it’s still very hot in the shade of a tree.

   "Wife master, calm and cool naturally."

  The sand ice is gone, and Mu Qing is also very helpless, but Qiao Yi's appearance and impetuous face are indeed a bit worrying.

   "It's not a matter of calmness, or inexplicable irritability."

  After she learned that everyone was pregnant together, her heart never calmed down, and all she could think about was what to do when she gave birth. What if something goes wrong?

  Looking at their current status, they have only been three months old, and all of them have big bellies as if they were six or seven months old. If you think about it with your feet, you know it is definitely not the same.

  Counting the children she already had and the ones in her stomach, Qiao Yi's heart became even more irritable. It's not that she couldn't afford it, but it was because there were too many children, almost like the Chinese cabbage picked up on the road.

   If she gets married or something in the future, won't she worry about death?

   "My wife, are you suffering from prenatal depression?"

  Mu Qing didn't think about this before, but combined with Qiao Yi's performance during this period, the word prenatal depression suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's mind.

   "What is prenatal depression? Is there such a disease? It's not the wife who gives birth, why does she have prenatal depression?"

   Originally, Jiu'er and Mu Chen were going to come over to see if the children were making trouble, but they just heard Mu Qing say that Qiao Yi might have prenatal depression.

   "It's just that there are too many things in my mind, it is easy to be sad, and I always worry about it."

  Joy sighed, now she wondered if she was depressed.

"Is the wife in a bad mood? Because of what? Do you want us to help you share it? But there shouldn't be anything to worry about now, right? Didn't it mean that Queen Da Zhou blew up half of her palace and is currently repairing it? She probably doesn't have time to make trouble, right?"

  Jiu'er looked puzzled, not understanding why Qiao Yi was still so upset.

  Joy: "..."

  She really wanted to say that it was because of you group of people who dangled in front of her with a big belly every day.

   The thought of having more than ten children at the same time gave Joy a headache.

   "I'm fine, I want to go out for a walk and relax, can I come back in a few days?"

  Although it is not appropriate to propose that she wants to go out at this time, Qiao Yi feels that if she continues to stay in this Qiao Mansion, she will definitely go crazy.

  She wondered, when was she so powerful that she could get all her husbands pregnant at once? And more than one?

  The last time they fell into a collective coma, it was because their bodies couldn’t keep up with the nutrition. They took a little tonic medicine, and then they took food supplements for more than a month, and they didn’t feel dizzy anymore.

  Thinking of their uncomfortable appearance, she was anxious while thinking, why bother? The burden on the body is too heavy.

  There must be someone who did the tricks, but she hasn't found out who did it so far, because everyone's tone is not usually tight.

  Threats and temptations, nothing works, even the servants in the family, she can't ask anything.

   "The wife master can go if she wants to, or just relax. When will you be back?"

   "One month."

  Joy thought about it and tentatively said a month.

  Mu Qing raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiao Yi with a smile.

   "Half a month..."

   "Seven days, no less. Just seven days."

   "We are waiting for your return."

   Seeing Qiao Yi say seven days, Mu Qing nodded in agreement.

   "My wife, remember to bring us something fun."

  Jiu'er really wanted to go out with her, but when she thought of her stomach, she immediately stopped thinking, so she had to settle for the next best thing and ask Qiao Yi to bring something back.

   "Bring more, we've had enough of Qiaocheng."

  Mu Chen and Jiu'er had the same idea, if they couldn't go by themselves, they would settle for the next best thing.

   "Don't worry, I have a share, then I'm leaving, and I'll be back in seven days."

   After finishing speaking, Qiao Yi had already run out of the yard, and when Mu Qing wanted to give some instructions, Qiao Yi had already disappeared.

   "Does the wife master hate us?"

   Seeing Qiao Yi running out impatiently, Mu Chen suddenly spoke thoughtfully.

   (Thank you for the two monthly tickets for Bing Baobao, for the two monthly tickets for Molu Baby, and for the two monthly tickets for Youjian Baby. Thank you for the monthly ticket for Wang Yuan’s Little Wife and Baby, I love you all~)

  (end of this chapter)