MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3877 Unlimited treatment

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No one in the scene dares to depreciate, this culprits must have an extremely powerful side, otherwise how can the world be lowered.

But there should be a limit to strength.

The power displayed is beyond the scope of everyone's approval. They seem to have something that bursts open and desperately fills every corner of the body.

"It's not a lie, he has real unlimited energy," Luo Zheng's avatar tried to keep calm and said.

"Real infinity..." The first thing she knew about this sentence was the son-in-law, who laughed and laughed at herself. "If this is the case, we will lose the reason for struggling..." If you follow the true definition of "infinity", Not to mention strengthening the 70 billion chaotic creatures, that is, 700 billion, 7 trillion, 70 trillion, all numbers are pale in front of "infinity."

"It used to be said that the power of our six ancient gods is the truth. It is a shit. The infinite energy of the degraded is the absolute truth, and it is eternal. This is the general principle without any restrictions..." Sighed.

The hope that it is shattered is so fast that no one can stand it.

The spirits of the human civilization are also dejected, and their sacrifices are in such a situation that the mood can be imagined.

"Don't you fight?"

The voice of Luo Nian suddenly sounded.

His voice is very loud, and the thick voice is almost spread over half of Lishan, and the eardrums of everyone on the jadeite are slamming.

"Yes, despair is the most meaningless emotion, and death is not so ugly," said the bitter tree.

"My dream has been completed, and I have no regrets," said Yu Yu, who followed.

"..." The jade is on the rise.

Luo Zheng's avatar has a large blue halo, which is the energy of the super-polar state.

Hua Tianming felt the strange power of this mysterious space. "Luo Zheng, why is this?"

"Your strength is better than chaotic creatures, but they have super-polar states. I am afraid that they will not touch them except for the words. I will help you to lose their advantages..." Luo Zheng’s avatar said .

Luo Zheng's avatars are only weaker than the people present, but they can still be slaughtered by chaotic creatures in an instant. The reason is that they are in the super-polar state, and the erratic figures of chaotic creatures can hardly be captured.

The only way to confront is to reduce this part of the disadvantages. Luo Zheng's avatar can create a large range, so that everyone will not be able to fight back when they are confused.

It is also clear that Luo Zheng’s heart is clear.

That is more than seven billion chaotic creatures with super-polar states and devastating polar states. Their form of resistance is greater than meaning.

... "Oh..." One of Luo Zheng’s avatars appeared in a palace at the top of Lishan.

Luo Wei sat in the attic on the left side of the palace. The big door that had just been read made her ears creak. She was hesitating to go to the Jade Terrace. After all, the Nuwa Niang did not summon her.


Luo Wei called out after Luo Zheng’s avatar appeared.

"Come up?"

Luo Zheng’s avatar asked.


Luo Hao nodded and did not raise any doubts.

... Xianfu.

Luo Zheng’s avatar appeared in the room of Ning Yudie.

Ning Yudie turned to look at him.

With the repair of Ning Yudie, it has not been seen whether Luo Zheng is a deity or a avatar.

She showed a gentle smile, "There is not much time?"

"Well," Luo Zheng nodded. "Yes..." He just wanted to apologize. Ning Yudie had stretched his finger to cover his lips. "You are not sorry for anyone..." Luo Zheng grabbed her thin wrist. But she is holding her in her arms.

In another courtyard in Xianfu.

Xiqin Qin is putting a book in front of Luo Yunxin. The young Luo Yunxin is very intelligent. Now he can read the classics. There are huge books in the bookstore of Xianfu. Hundreds of parts came back.

Luo Zheng’s avatar quietly condensed behind her, watching the mother and son silently.

The Xiqin Qin is unaware of it, and it is arranged in the order of the history.

However, Luo Yunxin looked back unintentionally and called a sigh. The body of Xiqinqin suddenly shuddered, and when he turned around, his eyes were red.

She is not stupid than Ning Yudie. After hearing Luo Zheng’s remarks on Li Shan, on the returning cemetery, and the voice of the denomination, she certainly understands the current situation.

But she is not as calm as Ning Yudie, she is afraid of death, even more afraid of her daughter's death.

"Hey..." She cried to Luo Zheng's avatar and said her head to Luo Zheng's chest. "Yun Xin hasn't grown up yet. She is innocent. She hasn't experienced the warmth and coldness of this world. Can you let her live?"

When I heard this, Luo Zhengxin was like a knife, but he still shook his head. "I can't do it."

“Bring her to the chaotic world?”

Xiqin Qin asked again.

"In the chaotic world, you can't escape this disaster," Luo Zheng shook his head.

"What about the mysterious world?

Yun Xin can live there, right?

You sent her to the mysterious world," Xiqin Qin still does not give up.

She heard the magical world in pieces and pieces, knowing that Luo Yunxin has this talent, but she is unclear about what kind of positioning Xuanquan is. Now she can accept her as long as her daughter can survive.

"I can't escape this disaster..." Luo Zheng is still shaking his head.

Luo Yunxin looked at his father with a pair of black eyes, and he was very well-behaved.

Although she has been able to read a lot of books, but the time in this world is still short, but the life and death are not clear, but it is a carefree look.

"Why is this, why..." Xiqinqin screamed unwillingly.

In the courtyard belonging to Su Lingyun, it also condenses a singularity of Luo Zheng... At the last moment, it is not only Luo Zheng who bid farewell.

Nvwa, Fuxi and other immortals are also the same, some are facing their loved ones, lover, and some are bidding farewell to the people in their own world, they are about to be physically, the body world will also be destroyed, and it will always be destroyed. Tell the truth the truth.

... in the probability cloud.

Luo Zheng deity instantly transformed out a thousand avatars, each of which smashed out more than ten swords, that is, the tens of thousands of swords were smashed on the degraded.

At this moment, the degraded person is even too lazy to get rid of the avatar.

He floated in the air like this, and he was hardened by the tens of thousands of ruins.

"Booming and banging..." The purple swordsman made tens of thousands of paths in the air, tearing the degraded in a crazy gesture.

In fact, the power of destruction is enough to tear down the degraded, and tens of thousands of destruction of the polar attack can tear him into nothingness.

After this round of attacks, he was unscathed, as if King Kong was not bad.

The degraded person's body is full of life, and he activates the life pole.

A life pole can of course not withstand the destruction of the polar attack, but at the same time there are 10,000, 100 million, 100 billion lives, and even the infinite life of the ultimate energy superimposed on him.

In this case, any damage to the degraded person will be repaired at an undetectable speed, and this will reveal such a magical scene.