MTL - Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood-Chapter 3876 Really infinite

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Luo Zheng looked at the chaotic souls with inconspicuous gaze.

These chaotic creatures like ants suddenly become terrible... "Your changes are for all chaotic creatures?"

Luo Zheng asked.

"Of course," the degraded replied, it seems that Luo Zheng had long been expected to ask this question, "I just give them the super-polar state and make them more free..." Luo Zheng took a breath and closed. Eyes, quickly came to a figure of 476.61 billion, 193,434,481.

This is the number of chaotic creatures.

“Can you give tens of billions of chaotic creatures the ultimate energy?”

Luo Zheng is difficult to set the channel.

"Why not?"

The degraded responder still replied plainly.

"Impossible! No one can do it!"

Luo Zheng can not accept this answer at all.

He reached out and waved... Three thousand Luo Zheng appeared around him.

Immediately after the appearance of these avatars, they will display a large shift to meet the chaotic souls.

The result is almost the same as the previous one.

After the avatars appeared around the chaotic creatures, like the sheep that were sent to the tiger's mouth, they were instantly disintegrated and then divided up.

Ten breathing time, three thousand corps all fallen... The direction of these avatars is completely random, which means that the degraded person does not lie, it really gives tens of billions of chaotic creatures super-polarity! "How do you do this, it is impossible..." Luo Zheng’s voice has some bitter taste, and he is not willing to believe that others have already done it.

The extreme energy consumption in the deep space is extremely amazing, and the place of origin cannot be supplied continuously.

If the evil spirit possesses all the polar energy, he can not rely on the mother world to activate these polar energy, because the ability of the mother world is enough to supply the evil spirit.

Luo Zheng has the origin of the **** of blood, much more than the evil spirits.

The energy of the origin of the gods is endless, but at the same time, only about ten people can be used to use the polar energy.

This is already very powerful! The degraded can directly supply tens of billions of chaotic creatures to use the polar energy.

More than an order of magnitude more than the origin of the blood, in contrast to the energy of the origin of the blood of the gods completely turned into a joke.

The degraded look at Luo Zheng’s expression, and the complex eyes still flashed with sarcasm. “You think it’s impossible because the energy of the origin of the blood is enough to make you proud, and even makes you laugh so far...” “You think that God of origin The 'infinity' of blood is like a river. The energy never stops, the length is infinite, and the breadth is limited. This is not the true meaning of infinity..." "The real infinity is like this..." Raise the irregular epee.


Purple energy flashes in the crack of the irregular epee.

Destroy the polar state... At the same time all the eyes of the chaotic creatures turn purple.

More than seven billion chaotic souls are filled with devastating energy.

If these devastating polar energy erupt at the same time, it is enough to destroy the huge burial land hundreds of times! "The real infinity is infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity, and there is no limit in this vocabulary." The voice of the degraded person seems to have some kind of magic.

Every word is like a heavy fist in the heart of Luo Zheng, so that Luo Zheng shudders.

"Why can't I?"

Luo Zheng asked.


The degraded person seems to hear a joke. "I have already said that you are just a tool. You are not the one who uses the tool. You can't understand the meaning of infinity itself. This is the limitation of your life."

"As you said that I am a tool, the origin of the blood itself has consciousness, why can't it?"

Luo Zheng asked again.

The winner of the victory is very patient, and he continues to answer, "That is the consciousness that the origin of God's blood has inadvertently acquired. It is still a tool."

Luo Zheng is silent.

The origin of the gods heard this and did not argue.

"I do not believe!"

Luo Zheng’s eyes suddenly burst into flames.

One after another, the aperture continues to emerge from the top of his head.

Seven kinds of polar energy broke out, and the madness strengthened the body of Luo Zheng.

In order to meet this battle, Luo Zheng tried to strengthen himself with the energy of the night, regardless of day and night. These seven kinds of polar energy are most effective.

His body swelled and turned into a high-profile, a piece of crystal lattice on the surface of the body, which looked like a glass man, and a pair of blue wings on the back, with a purple sword in his hand.

The degraded watcher looked at the changes in Luo Zheng, and there was still not much mood swing. He just swayed the irregular epee slightly.

"Probability pole!"

Luo Zheng’s voice bursts out of his body.

A large probability cloud shrouded him and the degraded.

A Luo Zhenghua became a thousand Luo Zheng, and a degraded person became a thousand descendants.

"Booming and banging..." The purple long sword and the irregular epee that are destroyed by the destructive state are intertwined with each other. Each time, the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth is erupted, and the two have already completed tens of thousands of fights. The entire probability cloud is filled with powerful energy, and the general immortality will disappear in such an environment.

"You don't have to be angry and angry..." The degraded person easily took all the attacks from Luo Zheng. "The tools I used with ‘from’ are more than ten thousand. You are the best tool.”

"You are the tool! Dead!"

Under the anger of Luo Zheng, this sword is even more powerful.

"Boom..." Destruction of the polar energy burst, forming a huge purple flame will wrap the degraded.

When the purple flame dissipated, the degraded person came out of it intact. "I am complimenting you..." He did not finish his words, and Luo Zheng was the first sword.

Purple Flame once again swallowed the degraded... Because of the probability cloud, the people on the Jade Terrace could not see the battle between Luo Zheng and the degraded, but they saw the chaotic souls that quickly approached.

"The speed of these chaotic creatures is incredibly fast, very strange..." The bitter tree was the first to notice that something was wrong.

"They... seems to be much stronger than before?"

Wendizhi also said.

"Luo Zheng, why is this?"

The female niece stared at Luo Zheng’s avatar on the jade platform.

Luo Zheng’s avatar is of course clear of the reasons. He has some hesitation in his heart to tell you the cruel truth. After thinking about it again and again, he still said, “All the chaotic creatures have been given the super-polar energy by the degraded.”

“All the chaos is living?”

Smell the eyes and see.

"Do you mean that every chaotic creature has super-polar energy?

Are you crazy? ”

Smell the ground with a skeptical look at Luo Zheng.

"A total of more than 70 billion chaotic creatures, each of which is endowed with a super-polar state, and their bodies are still perfused with devastating polar energy..." Luo Zheng's avatar said in a dry voice.

"Cheat, deceive people..." Fuxi's voice trembled.