MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 525 : Bombing... with

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After saying hello to Norman, Sean mentioned it to Old Bu again, but Old Bu didn't respond. He was more concerned about the issue that the other four big gangsters would intervene that Sean said.

"You mean, the four of them, including which Arab countries don't want us to take down the stupid tree?" Old Bu's tone was doubtful, but he instantly agreed with Xiao En's thoughts in his mind, "Indeed, one was knocked out by 80 The YLK with 100% military strength is no longer a threat, and this kind of YLK is only good for the Arab world, not bad, after all, it is still the most capable of fighting, and it should really be kept under controllable circumstances.”

"Yes, but I think the idiot can't stay anymore!" Sean said in a cold voice: "cut the grass and root out the roots, the original idiot was only wary of the United States, now it's hatred, I don't think that idiot People will treat us like dogs because of a failure.”

"A dog that has eaten meat is no longer a dog!"

On the other end of the phone, Lao Bu nodded his head slightly, "Some people in Congress think that Sha Damu will realize the reality after this failure. Indeed, many people suggested that Sha Damu should be left in order to better control YLK!"

I don't know if this kind of voice is really what everyone thinks, or it is affected by people's public relations.

Of course, this is not to say that these congressmen are suspected of treason, that is impossible.

Although these American politicians are greedy, they really don't accept everyone's money, or dare to accept any money. These people are shrewd.

Whether you are patriotic or not is a subjective judgment, but it is the basic criterion for entering Congress.

Politicians are not gods, and they are not omniscient. 80% of their energy is devoted to internal political struggles, and they don't know much about other things. It is normal to be influenced by other people's words.

The United States is indeed strong, and it is only natural that the weak will be conquered by the strong.

"Let them die!" Sean scolded unceremoniously: "YLK doesn't only have one idiot, it's better to have someone with no influence on the stage. Close to us, at least until he has the approval of the entire Arab community."

"It's like Brook Kingdom." Old Bu said with a smile. Sean made a 'huh-huh' sound from his nose.

"Let's do it." Old Bu was very relieved to Sean, "Don't bother with those idiots in Congress, they will naturally shut up after the fact is established."

"Don't be under any pressure. The money will not be spent for a while. According to the calculations of the Wujiao Building, the 80 billion funds are enough for us to fight for 3 months with the current intensity of the war!"

Sean laughed out loud that the money must be fully spent. Whether it is the East or the West, if the budget cannot be fully spent, then the second year's budget will definitely be deducted for you, so even if it is a sudden spending.

After hanging up the phone, Sean sat on the spot and thought about it. The logistics side still needs to be strengthened, and the pressure on the military is not small. In the end, it is too ugly to spend money on surprise raids. I still have to help the military share some pressure. .

Who made the military their ally! My heart is so kind!



The reason why YLK can rise in the Arab world and become the strongest country is due to Silly Damu's decisive power.

Now that he has decided to pull Israel into the water this time, the idiot Damu will never be merciless when he starts.

I'm an Arab country oiler, isn't that justified!

Silly Damu detailed the wonderful plan handed over by his subordinates, and then issued a series of orders.

First of all, passive defense is carried out, and sporadic and small army units are sent to carry out harassment operations in the border areas of Saudi Arabia. They do not expect to achieve any results, but they must show an offensive style.

At the same time, Sha Damu ordered the troops in his own territory and Kuwait to dig tunnels in the desert area and start hiding underground. On this basis, he set up many fake military bases to disguise scrapped or ordinary trucks as The missile force attracts the air strike force of the US military to avoid air strikes and preserve its strength.

However, the real missile troops stayed in the desert area during the day and only acted at night, and it took two days to get out of the front line

Movement to near the Jordanian border.

After such a series of operations, the U.S. military's air strikes remained the same, but the losses of Silly Damu were greatly reduced.

This point was not discovered by the U.S. coalition forces.

During air strikes, the pilot can't see so clearly, and the radar will not show whether the bombed facility is real or not.

Even if some people felt something was wrong, the report was suppressed when it reached Norman.

On the other side, the missile unit, which marched for two nights, got ready immediately after arriving at the Jordanian border.

The capital defined by Israel is Jerusalem, which is also the capital of Palestine and the holy land of Judaism, Christianity, and YSL. Therefore, this capital is only in name after all.

Therefore, Israel also has a de facto capital, Tel Aviv Yafo, a city near the Mediterranean Sea.

Silly Damu: No one knows Jaffa better than me!

As for the enemy, of course we must understand clearly.

Where is the military facility in Jaffa, where is the power plant, and where is the industrial area? Silly Damu knows it clearly, and has the most definite coordinates!


The plan that Sean asked someone to hand over was to attack Israel's military facilities, power plants, chemical plants, naval bases and other targets, causing the greatest damage to Israel.

But when the plan came to Sha Damu, he changed it. Damn Israel's military target!

His purpose is to pull Israel into the war, attract the attention of the surrounding Arab countries, and let go of the rope around his neck.

Therefore, in Silly Damu's plan, Israel's combat effectiveness cannot be lost! Bomb the civilians!

Cause the greatest harm to Israeli civilians, let the government be engulfed by public anger, and must send troops!

There is nothing soft-hearted who can be the president.

The so-called human rights, the so-called justice... are nothing but a flag in the hand, take it out if you need it, and throw it under your feet if you don't need it!

The Americans have done things like bombing civilians! …

This time, Silly Damu really spent all his money. A total of 80 Scud-B missiles, 40% of YLK's inventory, were aimed at the residential areas of Jaffa.

Of course, whether it can hit the target in the end... then it can only be determined by ***.

With the extreme range and poor accuracy, there is no way to expect too much. Fortunately, Silly Damu didn't think that Israel could be wiped out, as long as he hit it and caused enough damage.

One command, "嗖"嗖"嗖"嗖"嗖"嗖'

The missile pulled out a long strip of light in the night sky and flew straight up towards the sky. The 80 Scud B-types are divided into 5 batches and launched separately. Do not launch too many at one time, for fear of mutual interference.

The first batch of 20 missiles took off first. Six minutes later, 20 meteors suddenly appeared over Jaffa. These meteors were approaching at an incomparable speed. The meteors became bigger and bigger, gradually turning into 20 fireballs When approaching the ground 10 kilometers, the radar alarmed frantically in the Jaffa military base, which woke up the night duty personnel at once.

Looking at the 20 light spots on the radar and listening to the piercing siren, the officer on duty buzzed, blood rushed to his head in an instant, blood vessels bulged, and his eyes were congested.

Different from soldiers in other places, because Israel was founded in the center of a group of Arab countries, it is surrounded by malicious people and is always in war. This makes Israeli soldiers particularly vigilant and quick to respond to emergencies Very fast.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the staff on duty realized that they had encountered an attack. Although it was impossible to determine what kind of attack it was, the staff on duty yelled and pressed the air raid siren.

The air-raid siren sounded first in the base, and then throughout the entire range, everyone was awakened by the ear-piercing air-raid siren unless they had fallen asleep.

The base suddenly exploded, but everything was nothing more than a futile struggle.

The reason why ballistic missiles are called strategic weapons is why countries led by the United States have signed a technology non-proliferation plan.

The biggest reason is that this thing is too difficult to defend.

When falling, the speed is too fast, the acceleration of gravity of the earth itself plus the acceleration of its own jet, even if the Scud is just the worst ballistic missile, the maximum speed is as high as Mach 6!

From being discovered to when the missile landed, it took only a few seconds to go 10 kilometers. Almost as soon as the air raid siren rang throughout the city, the missile landed there!

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The violent explosion sounded together, and mushroom clouds rose up in the night sky, so bursting, so dazzling.

The sound of the explosion seemed to be the roar of the devil from hell. As the mushroom cloud rose, the shock wave swept in all directions, destroying everything that the destroyer could.

The whole city trembled in the sound of this explosion!

In this kind of large-scale bombing, the error of a few hundred meters does not matter at all.

The sound of the first explosion had just stopped, and all the military bases in Jaffa started to move. After a short communication, none of the military bases were attacked in the missile attack just now. Everyone was scared by the news and drenched in cold sweat. Then comes anger, uncontrollable anger, rage that burns reason.

The army base does not have the ability to fight back, but it will not enter the air-raid shelter to hide, but rushes towards the civilian area under attack immediately to save people!

At the air force base, F-16s immediately scrambled into the air, ready to deal with the second wave of missile attacks. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, at this time, there is a one-ten-thousandth hope that must be grasped.

At the missile base, all the radars that can target the air are fully operational, and the missile interception facilities are activated, ready for interception.

It is more difficult to start the naval base and warships well, but the radar and missile facilities can be put into operation first.

Silly Damu never disappoints Youtai. The second wave of missile attacks came 5 minutes later, this time 15 missiles were discovered at an altitude of 30,000 meters from the ground.

The Israelis have used all the means of interception, missiles, planes...

But only 30 kilometers, in front of the maximum falling speed of Mach 6, it is only 20 seconds. What can you do in 20 seconds?

F-16 has a ceiling of 18,000 meters. Anti-missile system?

Still testing!

In 1986, Israel and the United States designed its own anti-missile system to target the stupid Scud.

Last year, in August 1990, the Arrow-1 anti-missile system was also tested, but in fact the Arrow-1 missile was for demonstration and testing. After 9 test launches, the development of the Arrow-1 was terminated, and instead Develop smaller, faster, more lethal Arrow-2.

But what the **** Arrow-2 is still an idea in the laboratory!

Who the **** would have thought that silly Damu would attack Kuwait just after the Iran-Iraq war ended!

How the **** would you think that silly Damu thinks he can single out the United States!

How the **** can he think that when the stupid big tree was attacked by the US air raid and couldn't raise his head, he didn't want to think about how to resist the Americans but turned his head and bombed himself!


I didn't **** join the coalition, and I didn't even issue a statement supporting the attack on YLK. I've been squatting honestly!

If this is the era of spiritual revival, the resentment of the Israelites can cause catastrophe right now!

Of course, it is impossible to sit still and wait for death. The anti-missile system on the battleship is ready to intercept, and dozens of missiles on the ground are also quickly launched into the air.

All in vain!

20 seconds later, "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom" flames, explosions, mushroom clouds, shock waves... 8 minutes later, the third wave of missiles struck.

Ten minutes later, the fourth wave of missiles struck.

15 minutes later, the fifth wave of missiles struck!

Within 48 minutes, five waves of missiles, a total of 80 Scud-B missiles exploded in Jaffa.

Even if the power of the missiles cannot be fully exerted in the city, UU Reading, but every time a Scud missile explodes, there will be no living things within a radius of 100 meters.

All people within a radius of 200 meters were seriously injured.

The explosion caused a big fire, the flames soared into the sky, and the night was like day. The loss was heavy!

Civilian areas were bombed, and the Israeli government moved without waiting for the missile attack to pass.

save people! Fight the fire!

Count the losses, important personnel enter the air defense facilities, report to the whole city, and do a good job of concealment!

Early the next morning, the sky was bright, and the air in Jaffa seemed to freeze. Everyone in the city was depressed, and there were still some fires that had not been extinguished.

The approximate losses were counted, and a wave of attacks were all targeting civilian areas, and it was midnight, when everyone was going home to rest. Looking at the numbers in the report, the Israeli Prime Minister almost passed out.

80 missiles killed more than 600 people and seriously injured more than 4,000!

Fortunately, the population of Jaffa is only about 300,000. Fortunately, there are fewer people and more land. Most of the residents live in bungalows with a large per capita living area.

If this is a high-rise building, a community with a large population density...the loss is unimaginable, at least ten times the start!

maybe more...

There are almost no important facilities destroyed, and the estimated loss is not large, but there are too many dead!

The total population is less than 300,000, and the hospital is crowded with wounded people. It is unknown how many people will not be able to survive. It is estimated that the final death toll is likely to exceed 2,000.

One percent death rate!

Everyone in the city wears mourning!

In the morning, the news spread all over the world.

The media all over the world were completely detonated by this news!

Please pay attention to the latest chapter to read the latest chapter

Read The Duke's Passion