MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 524 : Save Silly Damu!

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fry! fry! fry!

The U.S. military launched an almost crazy air strike!

"Coordinates: North Latitude 32°15 "Longitude: East Longitude 42°36", the location of the enemy missile force."

"The 4th Battalion of the Air Force is on a bombing mission!"

"Coordinates: 33°28 North Latitude "Longitude: 42°17 East Longitude"

combat command.

"The comprehensive aerospace reconnaissance network we have established works very well. We are gradually finding out various military facilities of the YLK Army from under the sand!"

"But it's clear that Silly Damu is not reconciled to failure!" Norman said loudly, "Therefore, we have slightly adjusted our recent battle plan."

"Adjust the attendance ratio of bombers and attack aircraft. I mean increase the attack aircraft, use the bombers as bait, surround the points to send reinforcements, and force the stupid big wood to send his air force to focus on destroying them!"

"On the electronic warfare side, open up the gap a little bit, so that they can detect our bombers, but they can't fully detect them, especially when tracking the second wave of troops who spread their nets behind.

Norman ordered that the staff group immediately make some fine-tuning of the tasks of each department according to the commander-in-chief's wishes, and strive to perfectly meet the commander-in-chief's requirements.

The current war situation is completely in the hands of the Americans. Without the constraints of the Soviets and the north, the U.S. military can finally let go of its hands and feet, and give full play to its firepower and technological advantages. This is a fun fight!

"I'm going to crush the air power of the YLK people before I advance on the ground!"

Norman slapped his palm heavily on the table and let out a bang, "Half a month later, without our permission, I want YLK not to be able to take off even a fly, and I want this YLK sky to be soared only by our coalition planes." !"

"Operation Clear Sky, start now!"

With 1,740 aircraft mainly from the US military and 28 temporary battlefield airports, each aircraft has to go to battle every two days, but each time it goes to battle, it must perform at least 4 combat missions!

More than 3,400 sorties of aircraft are dispatched every day, about 6,000 hours of combat missions are carried out, and more than 5,000 tons of bombs are dropped!

The battle plan is not inferior to the crazy bombing of Baghdad on the first day!

If there is any difference, the bombing on the first day was all concentrated in Baghdad, while the bombing missions in the next few days were more scattered!

As for YLK, Sha Damu is also doing his best to fight back, but compared to the air power of the coalition forces, Sha Damu has too few fighter jets in his hands. He was severely bombed before, and there are more than 200 Su-style fighters left in his hand. Aircraft, there is no way to compete with the US military in an all-round way.

But you can't just do nothing. Obviously, your missile base is being tracked by the U.S. air force. At this moment, Silly Damu can only send out his own air force to try to rescue him.

Silly Damu doesn't know what it means to defend for a long time and lose, but after fighting for so many years, his basic tactical level is not bad.

once, twice, three times

The rescue effect is good and sometimes bad, but every time a plane is dispatched for rescue, the air force will suffer some losses. With the loss of more and more military facilities, the command, control, communication and intelligence capabilities of the YLK people are greatly weakened.

Chemical plants, power plants, and various weapons production plants have been bombed one after another. The war potential is constantly bleeding, and the strategic counterattack ability is constantly weakening. with hope.

Now Silly Damu has to re-adjust his goal, and adjust his original idea of ​​occupying Kuwait and restoring the ancient YLK territory to retreating step by step, exchanging space for time, and delaying time until the U.S. military can't bear it.

Just how to fight back, Silly Damu couldn't find the direction for a while.

"That's it?" Sean, who was in Riyadh behind, looked at the combat report sent by the intelligence department, and his brows became more and more tightly frowned.

Rolling the report into a paper tube and tapping it in the palm of his hand, Xiao En's face was full of disappointment.

"Damn it, although I don't think the stupid big wood can win, but this is too watery, this f*cking light is beaten." Sean gritted his teeth, feeling anxious for the stupid big wood, and this happened for a week in a row

The bombing, look at the coalition forces, the US military only killed 28 people and injured 85 people, while other countries in the coalition forces killed 35 people and injured 135 people.

Look at the YLK side again. During this period of time, hundreds of aircraft have been lost, and 22 missile companies have been destroyed. If this continues, there is really no strength to fight back.

"What the **** is there so many non-combat attrition?" Sean shook his head as he watched. The climate in the Middle East is too harsh.

It's **** hot and it's **** for soldiers from northern Europe, Canada, etc.

What's the matter, starting at noon, the temperature can be as high as about 50 degrees.

There is no way to guarantee 100% power supply in the hastily built camp. Once the air conditioner stops working, you can immediately feel that life is passing by quickly!

In this ghost place, life is really continued by the air conditioner!

Carrier Corporation of the United States really made a profit in this Desert Storm operation, and the priority of air conditioning is higher than that of weapons in transportation.

Don't ask Sean how he knows, he is the general contractor for logistics and living supplies.. Can't go on like this!

Sean looked very dignified!

Sean didn't mean that he was on the side of the idiot, but that many people were dissatisfied with the end of the war so quickly.

There are more than 500,000 U.S. troops, and the consumption of daily necessities alone exceeds 50 million U.S. dollars. How many people are eating in this supply chain?

Including the consumption of various other weapons and ammunition, the daily cost exceeds 500 million U.S. dollars!

Now in this interest chain, many people have quietly expressed their concerns in various ways. The victory of the US military is what everyone hopes, but making more money is also what everyone hopes, and personal interests must be guaranteed.

Besides, Sean is worried that the stupid big wood will not die.

Silly Damu is a scourge, Xiao En is a little worried, if it goes on like this and really destroys Silly Damu's confidence, then the Soviets must intervene!

In the previous life, 28 days after the war, because the U.S. coalition forces fought too hard, and the idiot **** up, the Soviets stepped in at a critical moment and put forward four peace proposals. The idiot agreed, and immediately implemented UN Resolution 660, from Kuwait Withdrawal.

The Soviet Union made it clear that they wanted to keep the fools!

The battle is half fought, and the results have been achieved, but not fully achieved. The stupid big tree has completely fallen into the arms of the Soviets, which will become a serious problem for the Americans.

Although the United States did not agree in the end and forced the war to continue, it also left endless troubles. After more than 10 years of procrastination, Lao Bu stepped down sadly. It was not until Xiao Bu took over the United States that he forcibly pulled out this disaster.

Even so, the reputation is bad.

Now Xiao En has a close relationship with the Bu family, even if it is out of his own interests, he can't let Silly Damu live any longer, and the battle is forced to stop halfway through.

The question is, as an outsider, how can he intervene and let the silly Damu continue to fight, and not give some opportunities led by the Soviets to intervene.

In fact, it’s not just the Soviet Union that has its last breath left to intervene, including Britain, France, and the whole of Europe. Everyone wants to leave the stupid big tree behind and let the stupid big tree become a thorn in the middle of the United States. a thorn.

Not only the Soviets, the North, the Europeans headed by Britain and France, but also the Arab world itself, does Saudi Arabia really want the idiot to be beaten to death with a stick?

Does Saudi Arabia really trust the Americans so much?

I really believe that, the relationship is so good, why did the embassy withdraw and the weapons of the oil crisis were thrown out when I almost broke up with the Americans because of Dongsan 3!

These big dogs in the Middle East are rich, but not stupid. They won't really pack themselves up and sell them to the Americans.

What's the price for the Qing people, and what's the price after the buds are opened!

The truth is very simple!

The interests between countries are not so clear, no matter how annoying the stupid big wood is, even if it is stinky shit, it still has his use, isn't it!

Above the water, under the water, it is a completely different scenery.

Frowning, Sean held the recent

After watching the war report repeatedly, I wanted to help Silly Damu find a key that would give him the confidence to support him!

The whole night, the report made Xiao En rummage through, and finally let him discover a problem on the side of the coalition forces.

Forty countries have joined the non-binding anti-Iraq coalition, known as the Coalition of the Voluntary, and 34 countries have sent troops to participate in this joint military operation.

But among these countries, Sean discovered a strange thing, there is no Israel!

What is Israel?

It's oil country!

F-16s were sent to bomb Iraq's nuclear facilities many years ago. Even during the Iran-Iraq War, Silly Damu still squeezed money out of his fingers to support Palestine and Israel desperately.

The hatred is as deep as the sea is not enough to describe.

But this operation did not involve Israel!

The reason is that this is an internal problem in the Arab world. The Arabs can pay the Americans to take action, but they will never allow the Israelis to participate in it even a little bit.

So, look at it the other way around.

"Send someone to contact Silly Damu and tell him that the key to breaking the situation lies in Israel!" Sean, who hadn't slept all night, looked excited. He found Armstrong and told him, "Don't let our people go, find someone else to send him a message."

"Israel?" Armstrong seemed to vaguely understand something, but it was not clear.

"Yes, tell me that no matter how powerful his Scud missiles are, the actual damage he can cause to the coalition forces is nothing more than tickling. No matter how big the loss can be, the U.S. military has prepared 100,000 body bags. No matter how powerful he is, How else can you fill these body bags!"

Sean sneered and said, "So, change the target and bomb the capital of Israel!"

"As long as the Israelis suffer enough losses, even for the sake of public opinion, they must launch a counterattack against the idiots!"

"I see!" Amster looked at Sean in shock, his eyes were full of blood, what a shame!

The bad oily kind!

"As long as Israel dares to join the war, then Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar... these Arab countries will surely fall apart!" Armstrong followed Sean's train of thought and said: "In the final analysis, this is an internal problem of the Arabs. Everyone knows On the surface, I still want to say something about the Arab brothers, but if the Israelis intervene.

Armstrong shook his head, "Whether everyone sees the purpose of the idiot or not, they must turn their guns and aim at the Israelis!"

"Their religion, their civilization, their history, don't allow them not to react!"

"Yes!" Sean laughed loudly: "This is the Middle East after all, and it is the territory of the Arabs after all. Once the attention of the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia is diverted, the rope around the silly big wood's neck will inevitably be loosened, and he will Have the courage to fight on."

"As long as the silly boy doesn't let go, then the Soviets won't be able to intervene at this time!"

"It's better to prolong it and let the stupid big wood shed the last drop of blood and drive the stupid big wood crazy than to wave a tube of washing powder in the hand at the end. When we have accumulated enough advantages, we can take it all at once. he!"

"A YLK with complete control is a good YLK!" What Sean didn't say was that it doesn't sound good for me to steal oil for the United States, so it's not good to just grab it openly!

Armstrong didn't understand what Sean meant by a tube of washing powder, but as an intelligence chief, he knew the twists and turns.

"This matter..." Armstrong hesitated and said, "Shouldn't you say hello to Norman and ask them to cooperate."

"I'll say hello, but it's inconvenient for Norman to reduce the intensity of the attack." Sean thought for a while and shook his head, "The primary goal is to show off the prestige, which is related to the bigger picture."

"And rashly reducing the intensity of the strike will also make people suspicious."

"The members of the observation team are **** human!" Sean snorted.

After waving Armstrong to go to work, UU Reading Sean turned around and prepared to take a shower and sleep. He was heartbroken that his dear ally, Silly Damu, deserved to die.

On the other side, Silly Damu quickly received the following suggestion, and the more he listened to it, his eyes became brighter. He didn't need to think much about it before he decided that it was a great idea!

Attacking Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc., is not painful at all, but concentrate firepower on Israel.

Silly Damu excitedly slapped his thigh hard, this idea is too hurtful, and too terrible!

The map of the entire Middle East is in Silly Damu's head. He knows very well how far the YLK border is from the Israeli capital, and it will be within the range of the Scud-B.

***Bless YLK!

Just do what you think of. The reason why YLK suddenly rose in the Arab world is that the prestige of Silly Damu and the execution ability of the team led by him are very important. With one order, all the missile troops that were originally deployed in the territory close to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia quietly moved. Moving towards the Iyo border at night.

Either don't fight, or hurt the Israelis all at once, forcing them to join the war!

At the coalition headquarters, Norman listened to the voice on the phone with a strange look on his face. Sean's idea was simply...

That's Israel!

That's the closest little brother of our American half-brother!

That is the oil-Taiwan country established with the support of us Americans!

"You..." Norman's voice was full of sadness, "You can definitely prepare a lot and sell him for a good price!"

Sean: "..."

"Don't worry, for the overall interests of the United States, I believe they are willing to sacrifice!"

"Yeah, the bigger picture comes first!" Norman repeated.


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