MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 509 :FLOWER

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

"I laugh at the Malay sultan for being ignorant, and the Malay military commander for being ignorant!"

"What era is this? All wars are fought by the three armed forces. What about the Malay Navy? What about the Malay Air Force?"

"I can't help it, you don't wait, I'm afraid they won't be able to catch up!" The ground troops began to press slowly, and everyone gathered together to chat when they had nothing to do. After repeated inquiries from everyone, Sean finally said The reason why I ordered this!

Everyone rolled their eyes in unison, it is not enough for you to destroy so many ground troops of the opponent, and you are planning to attack their air force and navy!

"The Malay Air Force and Navy won't come." Craigie frowned and said after thinking for a while, "They have no chance of winning at all, so why come here?"

"Who knows, maybe it's for the sake of dignity?" Sean shrugged. The brain circuits of these people in Southeast Asia were beyond his imagination.

Expect the enemy to be lenient! …

Labuan, Malay nails at the gate of Du Ni, the Eastern Naval Command and the Eastern Air Force Command!

"Report, our military's reconnaissance plane did not find the umbrella warships appearing nearby!" A man's deep voice came from the intercom.

During the Limbang war last time, the umbrella firmly blocked Labuan Island, and the plane could not take off at all. It is not really stupid for the Malays to gain wisdom.

After hanging up the communication, the air force commander turned his head and looked at the people around him, "Will the US military stop us?"

Because of the suspension of the Subic base, many US warships came to the mud and stopped near Labuan Island, which frightened them.

"We contacted the commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, and they gave me a guarantee that they would not participate in the war in any form." A subordinate whispered.

"Very well, the Americans are not like the British, they still value credibility!" The air force commander nodded with satisfaction.

Recently, they have been tricked by the British. In a short period of time, the reputation of the British has plummeted!

But the British don't care. As long as the United States is still the world's number one, countries will have to get closer to the United Kingdom and use various tough methods to confront the United States to a certain extent.

Lian Liu resisted Cao.

The British have played these methods for hundreds of years, and have fought against the Russians and the French. Everyone knows that the British are good at backstabbing their allies.

In the eyes of the British, don't worry about the fact that the Brook Kingdom is in the honeymoon period with the Americans. Sooner or later, there will be conflicts, and the relationship will naturally become delicate.

This is the fate of a small country, and it has long been doomed! Closer to home, after confirming that the surrounding area is safe and that the U.S. military will not participate in the war, the Minna base immediately issued an order without saying a word: "Let the group of American devils who protect the umbrella take care of our interests, what kind of **** devil birds, and those broken propeller planes It’s disgusting to take it out on the battlefield!”

"In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a private military group, and it cannot be compared with the background of a country at all!"

"Let our air force guys teach them a lesson, arrogance only leads to failure!" "

Three Mirage IIIs and two Mirage 5s rushed onto the runway and plunged into the sky.

Phantom is the best-selling supersonic aircraft in the world, bar none!

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

Phantom 3 is a fighter jet, and Phantom 5 is a bomber. This time, the Malay Army has a lot of ambitions!

The radars on the US warships parked nearby are always on, and the fighter jets here took off, and they received the news immediately.

"Notify the umbrella side that their fighter jets have taken off, and the coordinates and route are clearly stated."

"Okay, sir."

"I just made a phone call. This is not considered participating in the war." Watching his subordinates walk out, the officer smiled and said a few words to himself.

In the command room, a person quickly ran over and murmured a few words beside Craigie. Craigie's eyes lit up, and he went to Xiao En's side and whispered, "Sure enough, there's an attack over there!"

"Haha, let me just say, the Malays never let me down!" Sean laughed and stood up, waving his hand and saying, "Let's go, come with me to watch the excitement, the Brook Kingdom was established, I haven't

Send a gift, don't say I'm stingy, I don't give you a king a gift, I'm waiting for the gift to arrive. "

"Craigie, I'll leave this to you, don't worry, take your time."

"Okay boss, leave this to me, there will be no problems." Craigie said with a smile.

According to the plan, only the navy has not completed its goal.

Charles looked at Sean in a daze, not knowing what he was talking about.

As for the gift, by presenting an unbroken king on the throne, the entire Brooke family has raised Sean's status to that of a grandpa.

This is not to say that Charles called Grandpa Sean in private, but that the Brook family called him Grandpa Sean since Charles began. His son, Golov Charles Brook, who was just in his early 20s, called Sean two days ago. Grandpa and grandpa.

There's nothing wrong with it, after all, you're not your own grandfather, who will give you a throne.

There are so many grandpas in the whole world, and grandpas may not even give them away!

It is already a big advantage to let them call their ancestors! So, Charles really didn't think about presents or anything. But now...

Charles, Taib Maham and others looked at each other in blank dismay, and followed Sean out expectantly.

On the other side, in the secret airport where two F-16s were parked, the news from the US military was received immediately.

They're all senior...

For the last three Phantom 3s, the F-16 is not false at all. After all, it is the technology of the 1960s. The second-generation fighter, the size of the F-16 is three and a half generations, and its performance is far superior to the opponent in all aspects!

After judging the opponent's flight path, two F-16s soared into the sky to intercept.

If it is said that in ground warfare, due to terrain and other reasons, the technological level between the army and the army will be forcibly leveled to a large extent. For example, in the rainforest, no matter how advanced the equipment is, it will not be able to exert combat effectiveness, so as to level the combat effectiveness of the opponents. , or more inclined to the side that occupies the geographical advantage.

Then, in air combat, it really is the world of technology!

You phantom or something dare to shout! ? Does it have enough climb rate? It doesn't have the ability to know!

In air combat, whoever has a faster climb rate, faster speed and more advanced radar will have an absolute advantage!

You are lower than others, and the missiles under the belly of the aircraft can't complete the lock-on at all.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

It is impossible for you to catch up and bump into others! In modern air combat, the speed of the aircraft is too fast, and the range of activities is relatively large. Only two aircraft can be accommodated in an airspace, and other aircraft cannot intervene at all, and mid-air collisions are prone to occur.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by willpower. Therefore, even if we have a certain numerical advantage, we are still entangled by the **** fighter jets and cannot force the target off the route. Let them land according to the original plan.


By the time the Phantom 3 spotted the F-16s, they had already been locked on by the Sidewinder missiles.

The red light in the cabin flashed, and the pilot screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and hurriedly began to speed up and flee.

In the Labuan Air Force Base, hearing the screams from the intercom, the command room fell silent instantly. The commander grabbed the intercom and asked loudly, "What's going on? Report Over immediately!"

"This is Air Force 281. We encountered enemy forces and were targeted by missiles!" The pilot gasped.

"Where did the enemy come from? What's going on?" "Suddenly appeared in the air, it was F-16, their stealth ability is too strong, I found it..."

"Hey, hello..." I tried to ask again, but the other side was silent.

The **** missiles are chasing after the buttocks, how careful you are, and you still have the time to chat with the headquarters.

The pilot's nervous heartbeat accelerated and sweat poured out, the plane soared to 1.5 times the speed of sound, and the sound coming from the intercom was simply noise, it was so annoying!

Well, if you bother me any more, you will die!

Now they can't even take care of the Phantom 5 they want to protect, it's really important to save their lives.

Inside the Labuan headquarters, the air is suddenly calm

Calm down...Phantom 5 doesn't have time to talk to the command right now. After the two F-16s drove away the protector of the Mirage 5, they rode on the Mirage 5 and flew for a long distance before leaving gracefully.

The driver of Phantom 5 was scared enough at first,

But now that the F-16 is gone, he is trembling with anger.

Different military branches have different provocative methods. To describe it, it is to drive away the original partner, and then pounce on to take over the position, hehehe, and let you watch.

Airplane husband is currently guilty!

All the voices coming out of the intercom were yelling and cursing, and the headquarters didn't dare to intervene, obviously knowing that the situation was critical.

It's just that there is too much difference in the performance of the fighter jets and the quality of the pilots of the two sides. There is no suspense in this aerial combat.

After the first wave of air-to-air missiles escaped in a thrilling manner, the Phantom's counterattack did not have any effect. The speed of the F-16 was too fast, and their missiles were easily dodged.

In the follow-up, the Phantom 3 was completely defeated when competing for the high-altitude advantage.

With a "boom", a huge fireball exploded in the air, and a Mirage 3 plummeted down with black smoke.

The cabin door bounced, and a figure was ejected into the air.

At this time, I can't help myself whether I live or die. If I was caught up by a fighter jet and a shuttle of bullets smashed the parachute...then the end would be a meatloaf.

The sound of the explosion apparently also reached the Labuan command room. No one spoke out alone. If they shot down each other, what they heard now should be cheers, not a sudden stop after the explosion!

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

After more than 20 minutes of dogfighting in the air, one was shot down, the pilot parachuted, and the other two surrendered after emptying the missiles hanging on them.

"This is No. 281. Sorry, we have been captured." The Malay Air Force was also built by the government and the military. It is a purely Malay force, and its loyalty is quite high.

But no matter how you think about the slogan, you still can't expect them to be like the pilots in the north. At this time, they would rather crash the plane and die than try their best to never parachute or surrender.

Here's the bad news...

At the beginning, there was a chance to run away, but their mission was to protect the Mirage 5 bomber. If they ran away, Mirage 5 became a lamb to be slaughtered.

The end result is to put yourself in it... Air combat is easy to capture.

They have come from a long distance, and the fuel consumption is nearly half, and it will consume even more when they are fighting in the air. Soon the fuel will be close to the limit. If you do not surrender, the opponent will not give you a chance to land.

In the end, it could only be threatened by the F-16 and landed at Kuching International Airport.

When a group of King Brook watched two Phantom 3 and two Phantom 5 painted with the Malay flag honestly landed on the runway, their expressions were extremely exciting.

What's the matter?

Even if the Malays send an air force to support them, they should land on the temporary runway of the Malay army, right?

What's the situation now, these pilots are out of their minds?

The two F-16s did not follow, but blocked the Mirage's route to the Malay Army, and the Mirage had run out of fuel and had to land.

"What's going on here!" Charles asked in a shocked tone, pointing to the plane on the runway.

The cabin of the plane on the other side opened, and several Malay pilots walked down with depressed faces.

"The umbrella man told them a lot of reasons for flying a plane, which gave them a clear position on their own value. After they understood how high the sky was and how thick the earth was, they finally saw the way ahead and followed the horse. There is no future in the army, so I decided to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and go to the new Brook Kingdom.” Xiao En said with a smile: “This is my gift to you, worth 200 million U.S. dollars. The Brook Kingdom has its own basic air force team. , how are you satisfied?

CHARLES BROKER: I'll believe it if you say so!

Taib Maham and others: This principle sounds familiar, but it really makes sense!

"Uncle, I am the best at reasoning with people!" Seeing several Malay pilots being controlled, Sean smiled and looked at Ahmad Zaidi

Said: "This is also your Malays, oh no, now the Sha people."

"It's up to you whether you can convince them to really join the Brook Kingdom."

"If you can't..." Saying that, Sean shook his head, "Of course, I'm not a devil either."

Ahmad Zaidi remained silent for a while, "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao En, I still have some confidence in this."

He was personally invited by the dignified Prime Minister, so he was confident. The fledgling Brook Kingdom lacks everything, the most lacking is talents, especially the scarce talents like pilots, which cannot be cultivated simply by spending some money, it is difficult, too difficult.

After seeing the excitement here, Sean left Ahmad Zaidi to entertain a few pilots, and he boarded the helicopter again with Charles and others who looked bright and returned to the headquarters.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

The air force has taken care of it, and the rest is on the navy side.

The 3,000-strong ace force was trapped in Sarawak, losing half of its heavy firepower and almost all of its anti-aircraft firepower. The enemy is pressing on every step and may use aircraft to carry out large-scale bombing at any time.

Faced with this situation, Malay must send people to rescue! Even if they knew that the chances of rescue were slim and they might lose the battleship that was sent up, things had to be done!

Don't talk about refueling tactics, don't talk about the overall situation, let alone sacrifice spirit and so on.

Now the whole world does not know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this place,

Even if the Malays themselves want to hide it, UU Reading www. will reduce the loss.

Once the Malays refuse to rescue, a well-meaning person who does not want to be named who has the right to speak in the media will help them report and the whole world will know.

At that time, the morale of the Malay army itself will be completely blown up!

This will also completely make the nationalist rise plan created by the Malay government a laughing stock, although the fundamental reason for their plan is to keep their current status unshakable through nationalism.

But this kind of thing can't be said.

Even the U.S. military did things like saving Private Ryan during World War II. Although it is not as tragic and tragic as shown in the movie, the thing is true.

It must be considered for the morale of the army!

Therefore, Sean ordered that the Devil Bird formation not be allowed to bomb at this time, in order to release the sky control for the high-level Malay army, so that they have the opportunity to use the plane to escape...

If they don't have a plane, Sean doesn't mind sending one now!

Sean was so kind, he couldn't see such a **** and cruel thing happen in front of him.

The only question is, does the Malay Navy think so?

This navy is also an old acquaintance with Xiao En. When it first clashed with the Malays, they were very brutal and took the initiative to attack the warship under the umbrella.

This matter has been qualified and has been recognized by the whole world, including the Malay Sultan, the government, and the civilian class...

Therefore, the Malay Navy is now in the same mood: Knock your mother!

(PS: I called China Telecom, and the maintenance staff quickly responded. It will take three or four days to connect. Don't worry, take your time... Fireworks is in the same mood now:...)