MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 508 : Malays are also called ace?

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

(Challenger 1 was discontinued for 86 years in 1990, and Challenger 2 is already being developed. The Challenger 1 that participated in the Gulf War in 1991 was a Malay with reactive armor, and all the models in hand were eliminated.)

The Malay helicopter gunship had just run away, and the six devil birds hovering at the Kuching Airport pulled the joystick to accelerate towards the battlefield.

Even if it is a propeller plane, the speed is far faster than that of a helicopter by about 10 minutes. Cross the city and appear on the battlefield. As soon as the Devil Bird appeared, Craig Wright immediately ordered: Air Intelligence Radar. ballistic missile. Early warning radar and anti-artillery radar enable level 1 security.

Electronic jamming radar, open the blockade of the battlefield.

Craigie, this is to prevent the Malays from firing anti-aircraft weapons. Although the Devil Bird is far superior to Malay armed helicopters in terms of maneuverability, acceleration, climb rate, etc., it still needs to be careful when facing anti-aircraft missiles.

(When the electronic jamming radar is turned on, it will not block your own communication.)

The devil bird team does not need the ground command team leader to quickly assign the strike target on the communication channel, and immediately begins to dive and mount the Hellfire missile to quickly lock the target.

The launch preparation period is the most dangerous moment, and it is also the biggest shortcoming of the Hellfire anti-tank missile. The reflection height cannot exceed 610 meters. Once the height limit is exceeded, the lock cannot be completed.

Locked, done locked. It was only about 10 seconds before and after. Whoosh whoosh.

Six Hellfires broke away from the fuselage, and the tail fins on the missiles opened to accelerate in mid-air, sparks and lightning shot towards the target tank all the way.

After the launch, 6 Devil Birds showed their belly and pulled up quickly.

Just when it reached an altitude of 1,000 meters, the infrared lock-on alarm on the plane exploded quickly. The Malays also have anti-aircraft missiles, especially their ace troops.

Six missiles were launched from the rear of the Malay army, and they were detected by the missile early warning radar and air intelligence radar on the side of the umbrella as soon as they took off.

Calculate the speed and elevation angle of the opponent's missile through radar waves. After the ballistic is brought into the formula, the computer can quickly calculate the coordinates of the opponent's anti-aircraft weapon.

At this time, Craigie has no time to pay attention to whether the devil bird in the air can survive after being locked by the missile. It depends on the pilot's own ability, and of course he can pray to God.

In the ground command headquarters, after Craigie got the target calculated by the radar team, he immediately ordered that the rockets be accurate. Coordinates, full fire coverage strike.

A normal U.S. rocket launcher company should be equipped with nine M270 launch vehicles, but because it is mixed in the armored wing, part of it has to give way to the small oak tree air defense missile vehicle, so the combat brigade of the umbrella is only equipped with six vehicles.

However, six 12-tube M270s can fire 72 rockets within 1 minute, which is enough for a small-scale firepower coverage.

It will take 5 minutes after the coordinate adjustment is received and the base currency is set.

At this moment, the anti-aircraft missiles in the sky have chased after the rear of the devil bird team.

Everyone in the combat command room focused their attention on the red dot moving at high speed on the large screen where the radar switched, almost sticking to the back of the green dot.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

Now the sky.

On the six Devilbirds fleeing scattered, the pilots had different expressions, some were dignified, some were relaxed, and some were yelling.

The excited shouts of chattering were clearly transmitted to the command room through the communication channel.

The pilots of the six Devilbirds didn't need to command at all, and each had their own judgment, so they pressed the launch button of the jammer just before the missile approached, and made evasive actions at the same time.

if. Take out the camera to shoot and you will see the missiles approaching. A moment ago, a devil bird suddenly made a vertical climb and quickly escaped the explosion range of the anti-aircraft missile.

This is a relatively simple routine evasion action.

But the others are more expensive to play. Do a rollover in the air with a twin turboprop. Drawing an arc, he turned 90 degrees and went out.

On the other side, Air Death Tumble Cobra Sports.

Is this the **** action a propeller plane is supposed to play?

How about fewer white people? There is a reason for this.

While doing crazy evasive movements, he yelled in the air, as excited as an orgasm.

Four red dots on the radar screen in the combat command room exploded and disappeared on the spot, and two red dots suddenly surpassed the green dots, shooting out in unknown directions.

it is good. Sean was the first to yell and clap. The hand with the cigar in the air is messing with what is called an ace pilot?

As far as the Malay army is concerned, they are also called ace pilots.

Are they pilots?

It doesn't count.

He doesn't have the ability, you know?

Sean pointed to Jiangshan excitedly, and King Charles, Ahmad Zaidi and others also reacted, and a wave of missile attacks was perfectly avoided without any injuries.

No wonder Sean was so arrogant. What the **** is hard power, there is no way to compare a few people at this time, naturally they will loudly follow and set off a frenzy of flattery. It's not a compliment, it's a statement of fact,

Sean is delighted.

At this moment, the correspondent next to him reported loudly that five hellfires successfully hit the target and three completed the top attack, and the enemy tank was scrapped. The other two tanks suffered minor damage.

Hearing the report, Sean pursed his lips, crossed his legs, picked up the cigar and took a deep breath. Charles next to him immediately said loudly, unscathed, and completed 3 kills, what is this? This is the gap.

Sean gave Charles an approving look.

After such a delay, the M270 rocket vehicle has completed preparations for launch. Craigie gave an order, and 72 rockets traveled a distance of more than ten kilometers towards the target. Near the coordinates, cover the past.

Boom, boom, small rockets near the target coordinates covered the baptism. In the sky full of flames, a small mushroom cloud soared into the sky, tens of meters high.

The distance was too far, and the sound of the explosion could not be transmitted to the command room with good sound insulation, but the real-time pictures taken by the reconnaissance system were clearly visible.

There was another burst of cheers in the command room.

Of course, I don't know the specific attack effect, even the so-called Malay ace troops. It's relatively watery, but the basic battlefield strategy should still be there.

It is common sense to run away immediately after launching an anti-aircraft missile to prevent being destroyed by local coverage firepower.

No way, some people really don't flee the scene after shooting in the wild.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

No way? No way.

At least six M270 missiles were launched from the umbrella side. Afterwards, he kicked the accelerator and immediately ran away, heading for the pre-booked second location.

Order: Devil Bird Team A continues to attack ground tanks.

Order: Devil Bird Team B takes off, mounts rockets and prepares to enter the battlefield. Craigie ordered quickly.

If the Malay Army did not know how to run away after launching the anti-aircraft missiles, then under this round of covering strikes, the anti-aircraft firepower must have been wiped out.

If the Malay army has basic combat literacy, it must be changing stations at this moment. But it will take a lot of time to complete the pre-launch preparations again.

Taking the current state-of-the-art M270 rocket launcher system as an example, the switching time of combat action is 2 minutes, which literally means that it takes 2 minutes to switch from the combat state to the marching state.

March combat transition time is 5 minutes, reloading takes 5 minutes. Combat initial calibration time is. 17 minutes, need to adjust after getting the coordinates. Shoot Zhu Yuan for 5 minutes.

If the location is not changed and the shooting is not changed, the interval between the two launches will be 5 plus 17 minutes. In the case of running, the time required is as high as 40 minutes.

Of course, this is under the premise of pursuing accuracy. If it is a large-area coverage shooting, the minimum is a 5-minute round.

If it is replaced by the 107 rocket launcher in the north, it will be faster.

For anti-aircraft missiles, there is no need to adjust the shooting. What Chu Yuan needs is that the time required to complete the lock can be a little faster, but the difference will not be too big.

Craigie did not believe that the Malay Army's anti-aircraft missile unit could be more elite than its own American soldiers. He is sure to take advantage of the enemy's firepower gap to let the Malay Army's tank department

The team suffered heavy losses, and at the same time he did a good job of inducing the enemy. Anti-aircraft firepower or artillery units expose coordinates and prepare for key strikes.

After receiving the order, the devil bird B will go up to the sky with the rocket mounted and make sure of its cruising speed. Team A will dive down and assign the target to be hit by the hellfire.

This time, there will be no gap period of anti-aircraft fire threat, and there is no need to pull up and hover at an altitude of about 500 meters to lock, launch, lock, and launch.

Light up all the mounted Hellfire anti-tank missiles in one go.

Facing the devil bird that swooped down again, the Malay commander Sejitan almost cried and shouted to retreat.

But at this time, the challenger, who is still entangled by the umbrella M1, can run at full speed along a straight line with peace of mind. What's the difference between picking up soap when you shower in prison?

Your **** will blow up.

This is the case in modern warfare, once the air superiority is taken away by the enemy. That's all.

In just 5 minutes, even if the Malay tankers frantically evaded, the rear base also sent armored vehicles to cooperate with the soldiers carrying individual air defense missiles, but they were still beaten badly in a short time. When the war started, there were more than 20 tanks. How majestic are you when you go out? Wu, who is now on the run in a panic. How embarrassing is a tank.

The loss is too great, too tragic.

The money to buy tanks, the money to maintain them for such a long time, the money to train qualified tank drivers and gunners, and the money invested in tank troops inside and out exceeded 50 million pounds, which is close to 90 million US dollars according to the current exchange rate.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

What concept?

(In 1979, the British Army placed an order of 300 million pounds for 243 Challengers at a unit price of 1.3 million pounds.)

In about 6 minutes, all the hellfires hung by the Devil Bird team were emptied. After flying at a low altitude to measure Kyiv, they hovered in the sky but did not turn around and continued to hang bombs.

There are other tactical missions left unfinished. The response speed of the Malay army's anti-aircraft fire was too slow.

Originally, Craigie was afraid that the opponent would deploy more than two firepower points, so he told the Air Force to be careful. Now it seems that it is really a wave.

Seeing that the M1 on the ground had already pursued him, Craigie gave the order after thinking for a while. The 212 regiment was dispatched to cooperate with the advance of the tank troops.

He wants to force the opponent's heavy firepower to come out.

After 5 minutes, the Malay Army's anti-aircraft firepower was finally ready. The surface-to-air missiles took off again. The devil bird squad, which had been prepared for a long time, lined up in battle formation and began to accelerate towards Kuching.

In battle formation. Everyone is very close, the distance is not more than 50 meters, and each of them does not even use a headset, and communicates with gestures like in World War II.

take a gamble

Whoever gets shot down runs naked in the camp with his naked clothes.

A group of old ruffians made OK gestures one after another.

Tension? nonexistent.

In terms of how to evade air-to-air missiles, the U.S. military has rich experience. After all, it has fought the most after World War II, and it is the world's best in terms of experience.

The pilots of the umbrella are all veterans who participated in the Vietnam War.

dodge? Don't worry, it's a heartbeat to play.

Besides, even if it was hit. The big deal is skydiving and the mother is not afraid of falling. In the enemy-controlled area, there is no danger to life, so I'm afraid.

Besides, everyone was nervous about not knowing what kind of air defense missile the Malay army used, but 10 minutes ago, they already knew that it was the Long Sword air defense missile system with Yingying.

The British army that began to equip in 1971, @

The Devil Bird is, after all, a bigger fighter jet than a gunship. Is the radar equipment of the umbrella or the internal version more advanced? After pinching the missile, it approached 1 kilometer. The commander of the devil bird team A shouted excitedly in the channel: dog dog!

With an order, the devil bird A pair spread out like flowers blooming in the air. The missiles chasing behind the buttocks quickly adjusted their direction. This is also a way to evade anti-aircraft missiles.

Repeatedly changing direction quickly in succession, luring the missiles behind him to change direction accordingly. Every time the direction is turned, the missile is forced to decelerate and accelerate. A lot of fuel is consumed.

The original range is only 2.5 kilometers, and the fuel left is half of it after such a toss. In the case of subsonic propeller aircraft. But the soldiers of the umbrellas just dare to play.

Surface-to-air missiles are indeed a great threat to aircraft, but in specific circumstances, it still depends on the advanced level of missiles, the quality of fighter pilots, and the performance of fighter jets.

Specific to the current situation...

The parachute ground troops were all fine, they all looked up at the sky and cheered at the extreme operation of their own pilots.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

Line up and wait for you to fight, and you can't believe it if you say you're not playing.

Umbrella ground forces are concerned as are Malay ground forces. Seeing this situation is really furious. This is so humiliating.

But war is not about treating guests to dinner. Their people are no good, what can they do if they can't beat them?

You can't call and ask the umbrella to save face.

The problem is that the Malay government doesn't have that face either.

He gritted his teeth in Malay popularity. While incompetent and furious, the Devil Bird B team that had been prepared on the other side accelerated and rushed towards the detected coordinates of the Malay army's anti-aircraft firepower.

There is no centralized firepower for modern war aircraft without a one-time dispatch. They are all dispatched in batches.

Anti-aircraft firepower is a threat to the air force, and the large air force is also a big threat to air defense firepower. This is a mutual problem.

The Malays are already more vigilant. The first wave did not empty out all the pre-installed anti-aircraft missiles. Only by saving one hand can the second wave of anti-aircraft missiles be launched in less than 10 minutes, so that the anti-aircraft firepower will not be too large. Expect.

But in the final analysis, after the card they played first was played by the umbrella with ground firepower, there was a time difference, which made the original 2 waves of air strikes become 3 times.

At this point, the Malay army really has no choice but to rely on British starry air defense missiles to fill in the air defense firepower. (It is the star-to-air individual air-to-air missile that has been in the limelight recently.)

It's just that this thing is much worse against helicopters and devil birds at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters.

Six devil birds hung rockets and 300 kg aerial bombs passed over the anti-aircraft fire base. Now is not the era of manual throwing. Under the calculation of the computer, the accuracy of bombing is much higher. Besides, the 300kg aerial bomb actually does not have that high requirement for accuracy. UU reading

The ammunition load of the Devil Bird is not comparable to that of an armed helicopter. While easily dodging the sneak attack of individual air defense missiles in the past, he poured firepower towards the ground.

boom boom boom

Rocket bombs plus aerial bombs were thrown close to 5 tons in one round, and even the bunkers within a radius of 1 kilometer were blown to pieces. A tall mushroom cloud rose up, and the whole ground trembled.

The U.S. military likes to use intensive firepower to crush them in war.

Give full play to the tactics and strategies of the rich and fuck, and protect this fine tradition at the grassroots level.

After completely destroying the anti-aircraft firepower of the Malay army, the Malay army is like a little girl caught by a strong man with chest hair, and can be put into any shape at will. Hey hey.

It's not about using whatever posture you want, and entering from wherever you want.

Of course that being said, as you all know, I, Sean, am a good man in this newly re-established Brook Kingdom.

In time, I can't see people being slaughtered, even if I don't like them that much. When Craigi in the combat command headquarters asked Sean for instructions on the follow-up combat objectives. Sean said with a smile.

These words caused an eerie silence in the command room. Everyone stared blankly at Sean, waiting for his next words.

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【Beautiful Syndrome】【】

Goodness, what a crap!

Who would believe such nonsense?

Sean looked back with a misunderstood look in your team's eyes. The ground slowly pushes in, presses down, and creates tension for them.


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