MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 843 【poison gas】

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   Hans has nothing to say about this. Yang Yong is a very nerdy person, and several brothers know it. If it weren't for the family business, Yang Yong wouldn't be wandering around the world. To be honest, Hans didn't care how much the colonel's hidden treasure had gained.

  Hans is concerned about the clues that record the hidden treasures of Hermann Goering. As the No. 2 leader of the Nazi party, can the number of hidden treasures be too small? That's the real big head, not the hidden treasure of this little colonel.

  Yang Yong is also concerned about this issue, but according to the authenticity of the notebook, there is little hope. It is a blessing to be able to find the hidden treasure of this colonel, and the hidden treasure of Hermann Goering can't even think of it.

  The two brothers soaked for more than an hour before they easily returned to the room and fell asleep. They had breakfast the next morning. Yang Yong and Hans brought people to a very old warehouse next to the main building of the hot spring manor. After opening the door, cobweb dust hits my face.

  Then the Hans family wore masks and protective clothing, held vacuum cleaners, and rushed in with various cleaning equipment. Various sounds rang out, and it seemed impossible to clean up in a short period of time. Hans asked someone to build a pavilion under a century-old tree. Then Yang Yong and Hans were half lying on the reclining chairs, smoking and drinking tea, waiting for the cleaning. Finish.

   Two hours later, the warehouse that had not been thoroughly cleaned for hundreds of years was finally cleaned up, and all the sundries in it were removed. At this time, it was time for Yang Yong to show his power. Yang Yong brought a few capable treasure hunters and came to the basement with various machines. The lighting in the basement is very dim, the entire basement area is no more than 50 square meters, and all around are made of stones.

   Without Yang Yong's orders, the new members of the Yang family took out various instruments, especially the portable metal detector is the best weapon. Then every two people were responsible for one wall, and they used metal detectors to detect them. Within five minutes, the east wall detected metal substances.

   On the metal detector screen, I saw two very heavy iron chains tied to a metal door, hidden behind this stone wall. Then I started to tear down the wall and took down the stones one by one, and a metal door appeared behind it. Because of disrepair and the release of the damp metal door, it was almost rotten and glued together. On the door is a six-digit combination lock, of course, the most primitive six-digit combination lock.

  The password of this combination lock is recorded on the treasure hunt map. It took a long time, knocking and beating, to get this original six-digit password lock to play. Then I put the password together little by little, and I only heard the sound of the spring turning with a click, and the metal door that should have popped out was still intact.

   At this time, Smith took a five-pound hammer, asked everyone to step aside, and then hit the iron gate. I only heard a dozen times of dang dang dang, and the iron door creaked open a gap. At this time, the alarm placed on everyone's body hummed. And the red alarm was still in mind, which proved that the moment the treasure opened the door, the anti-theft device played a role.

   A white smoke spewed out from the crack of the door, which was heated potassium hydride, no wonder the alarm sounded again for the highly toxic substance. Yang Yong and his people were all wearing protective clothing and gas masks. Instead of panicking, they lined up and walked out. Seeing Hans anxiously waiting outside the door, Yang Yong took off his mask and said with a smile.

"Don't be like ants in a hot pan, it's fine, this heated potassium hydride volatilizes very quickly. Then flush the basement with warm water and pump all the sewage into a jar for storage. It can be over tomorrow, don't worry about the good stuff If you can’t run in the treasure room, it will be yours sooner or later, haha.”

   With such an elite treasure hunter as the Yang family, the workers who command the Hans family only need to adjust the ventilation and use the water. Hans accompanied Yang Yong back to the room to take a bath. The two brothers came to sit in the garden. Only then did Hans ask with a frown.

"David, have you encountered such anti-theft measures when you were hunting for treasure before? Only the Nazis could think of using drugs. But it's too dangerous. The treasure hidden by a small colonel is so tricky, so Hull The anti-theft measures for the hidden treasures hidden in Mangolin are so powerful. How many lives can be taken to release them. It is really hard enough for you to do this, and it is too dangerous. "

Yang Yong curled his lips in disdain and took a sip of tea and said, "This is just pediatrics. If you really see those organs that kill people, I'm sure you will be shocked. After all, this is the treasure of the Nazi Party. There is no comparison in modern times. At that time, Germany was the most developed country in the world, and it was too easy to get these institutions."

"As for the hidden treasure of Hermann Goering you mentioned, I can tell you responsibly how many life-threatening organs there are. If you break in hard, you will have 300 people who are not enough to fill this bottomless pit, and 300 people will be pensioned. Jin is enough to match the income of Hermann Goering's hidden treasure. So you can't be anxious to find the treasure, you should calm down and take your time."

  Hans nodded thoughtfully, admitting that Yang Yong was right, so he slowly calmed down. It's time to eat, drink, and play. That night, he lost 3.6 million euros to Yang Yong playing mahjong. Plus a box of Romani Conti, his face turned green when he lost, he went back to his room angrily and fell asleep.

   After breakfast the next day, the two brothers came to the warehouse. The person in charge of the warehouse had already checked the air composition through the air detection equipment. Safe, the **** toxins are basically cleaned up, but there is no other problem with the ground being damp.

  At this time, Yang Yong greeted Hans and came to the resting pavilion, put on his clothes, and protected his head with a classic set of pure cotton protection. There is a transparent protective goggles, a mask, a pair of plastic rubber gloves, a plastic boots, and a head miner's lamp. Then go down the stairs little by little and enter the treasure room where the treasure is hidden.

   Make sure that there is no problem inside, then start to pull the wire, set up the high-power lighting, the moment the switch is turned on. The entire treasure room was lit up, and inside the treasure room were all large and small boxes neatly stacked on the shelves, and many closed lead barrels were placed on the shelves.

The most    are rock statues of various shapes and sizes, covered with plastic sheets. The moment Hans saw the treasure, Hans couldn’t help cheering with his men. On the other hand, the members of the Yang family are much calmer. What have the well-informed Yang family treasure hunters ever seen? What a fuss about such a treasure room that is less than 100 square meters.

   Seeing the various stone statues occupying almost half of the treasure room, Yang Yong felt the income of this treasure hunt. It is not bad to be able to reach 500 million euros, which means that the treasure hidden by this Nazi colonel is very thin, very poor, not a piece of fat.