MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 842 【Fast food income】

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  The battle was over in less than ten minutes, and the opponent was beaten into a sieve except for headshots. No complete entity existed. After this was over, Hans picked up the satellite phone and notified the family bodyguard who was monitoring another villa on the other side of the lake to do it.

   Don't let the other party know that he ran away. It will be a troublesome time. At this time, Yang Yong was more curious and asked Hans who was sitting across the table to eat. "Hans, I don't understand one thing. Don't the other party know what kind of strength you have in Germany. If you dare to act so blatantly, isn't the other party afraid that the two of us were not killed by him, and he will look back to him for revenge."

  Hans smiled and ate the innermost steak, wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, and said. "David, you don't know that the other party is also an old-fashioned wealthy family, surnamed the Sis Junker family. The family history has reached 150 years, but the Second World War in the last century has caused the Sith family to be severely damaged, or the Hans family is also the same. Evenly matched."

   No wonder it is so unscrupulous, the family was lonely during World War II, and it is no wonder that future generations can bear it. This is not a big deal, knowing that it is not an opponent's stupid behavior to hit the egg with the stone. At the same time, Yang Yong was also very curious about what Hans planned to do with this Sith family. When this sentence was asked, Hans just smiled mysteriously.

"David, I said that the other party is a little grasshopper, but no matter how small it is, it has meat. The assets of more than 1 billion euros are quite a lot. Our brothers' 800 million euros are considered a small income, even if we can't find them. What about this hidden treasure."

   "I'm very happy with such a harvest. Hahaha. As for how to solve this Sith family, of course we have to cut the grass and root, you don't need to worry about the rest, you just need to pay."

   It's better not to worry about me, to save the blood, Yang Yong has become much less courageous since the war in Bangladesh. He was also very cautious. He tried his best not to do anything. The Hans family had full authority to handle this matter, and just waited to count the money. Are you still afraid that the money will bite your hand? So laughing and raising a glass to Hans.

  The two brothers had a beautiful lunch, and then Yang Yong and Hans came to the open space under the mountain and took a helicopter to return to the Hans Manor that Yang Yong had bought. The rest of the people transported the supplies, and Yang Yong sat with Hans in the manor, commanding the war against the Sith family remotely. Although the place is lonely, the dead camel is bigger than the horse, and if they want to uproot the other party, they must use more than three times the strength.

  Fortunately, Hans was well prepared. When he caught the other's family, all parties were ready to completely suppress the other's business. Whether it's stock futures or company assets, fight as much as you can, buy if you can't, and secretly interrogate the patriarch of the Sith family. After signing the transfer agreement of family assets, it took only three days to completely eradicate a wealthy family that existed for more than 150 years.

   He threw all the males of the Sith family, including the little boys of a few years old, into the sea to feed the fish, with a particularly vicious method. Not much worse than the Yang family, it only took three days to beat the other party to the ground and completely accepted the other party's assets, but the scale of the assets was not as large as the welding wire expressed.

   real estate, plus various investments in antique collections, etc., add up to no more than 1.5 billion euros, more than the income of 800 million euros per person. Of course, although the Hans family completely removed the other party, the price they paid exceeded the loss of 500 million euros, so the 500 million euros were compensated to the Hans family, and the remaining 1.5 billion euros, two brothers, equally divided 500 million.

   After finishing these, the two brothers began to operate in Germany, spreading their personnel to every country in Europe little by little. After that, they gathered to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, and bought a very old-looking property on the outskirts of the capital to renovate. The decoration is just a pretense to the outside world.

   Then Hans came out and let out the wind, and planned to buy a spa and recuperation center as a family recuperation resort. After all, there are many elderly people in the Hans family. It is very difficult to live in the north when it is cloudy and rainy or in winter. It is better to buy a hot spring recuperation center to recuperate the elders who have made great contributions to their family.

  Germany is also a country that pays attention to filial piety. After the wind was released, some of these people who were planning to sell the hot spring villa came to the door automatically. The hot spring manor in the salesman, but these people are not his goals. Finally, Yang Yong followed Hans to Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Through the middleman, he found the spa resort where the hidden treasure was hidden, and found the German boss.

   The two sides were very happy to meet. After all, Hans offered a very favorable condition. The premium for a hot spring villa with an area of ​​no more than ten acres exceeded 300%. Give a high price three times the market price, not afraid that the other party will not sell, after careful negotiation. In the end, the land was sold for 320 million euros in a spa and wellness center on the outskirts of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, covering an area of ​​more than 10 acres.

   This is also because the Hans family is an old German family, so it is so convenient to buy a spa. It was over on the same day, and even the mayor of Sophia was alerted to personally meet Hans and give the green light for the renovation of the sanatorium. With this excellent condition, Yang Yong and Hans are of course ready to fight.

  Hans found a decoration company with a very good relationship in Germany, and then dismissed all the service staff of the spa. It claims to renovate the convalescent center and will not open it to the outside world, as the Hans family does not sell assets. Since then, the well-known sanatorium more than 100 years ago has become the private property of the Hans family.

  Everything was ready, only Dongfeng was owed. After dismissing all the people, the Yang family and the Hans family left the hiding place and came to live in the sanatorium. After a good meal that night, the two brothers went to the best hot spring pool in the sanatorium to soak in it under the service of the servants. In fact, hot springs are the best in winter, but hot springs in summer have a different taste.

   Soaked in the pool, sweating profusely and his face flushed, it was equivalent to taking a sauna. While drinking the iced wine, Yang Yong took out the map and let Hans take a look at it himself. When Hans took the map, he couldn't help but smile and said to Yang Yong. "Finally I saw the real map. You are strict enough to show me the real treasure hunt map for so long."

Yang Yong was no longer drinking a glass of iced wine, feeling very cool and said with a smile, "Don't say so much useless, tomorrow we will start searching in the room where the tools are stored. First clean up all the junk inside and look for the basement. That hidden secret door. Try to find the treasure as soon as possible, I want to go home early, who has time to accompany you, old man, to wander around."

Read The Duke's Passion