MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 721 strong by protection

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Tony: "..."

Meijie sighed.

Excellent men are welcome!

It was also difficult for him to imagine before, why Tony, the big wave, always had Pepper following him for hundreds of years, cleaning up the crazy battlefield for him, and accepting him as the groom every night.

Ever since Mei became the hero of the savior herself, she finally understood a little bit.

Just as men always desire the most beautiful women, women also desire the strongest men. Even if you can't completely monopolize a hero, at least "I would rather be a hero's concubine than a mediocre wife".

There are too many women, no matter how Mei Chuncao arranges it, she feels that there is not enough time. You can only appease them after defeating Thanos.

Mei Jiexiao blinked: "Tony, what are you doing here?"

Tony sighed: "I always thought that my brain was a gift and gift from my father. Now it seems that it is a bit off. Without that thing, my IQ has dropped to 250 points. So I said at least 500 IQ points."

Uncle, your speech is very dangerous when translated into Chinese!

Mei said angrily, "at least he's taller than me."

Master, if I were a scholar, I wouldn't have to work so hard.

What more spellcasting auxiliary correction system?

"Don't tease me, your magic runes and high-speed singing skills, I can't learn them for a lifetime." Tony, this proud guy, rarely had a business exchange with Mei Jiexao.

Who knew that May would not pick him up, Tony could only tell the truth: " Thanos is coming, and I will never forget what his men did to me. He killed me once and made Pepper sad. But I am very sad now. weak……"

"You save it. That's the weakness of the soul that comes with resurrection. I can't help it. By the way, using the soul gem to forcibly resurrect you will consume your less than 10 years of life."

May's integrity, just let the Tonys shrug.

Tony is in his forties, and the wave is over. If there is no such miraculous resurrection technique of Mei Jiexiao, then Tony is just a stinky death at the moment, um, even his head was pried open.

Compared to dying without any arrangements, after Tony was resurrected, the first thing he had to do was to arrange the funeral.

Pepper was 100% pregnant by artificial insemination, even if he was scolded.

Nothing Tony said didn't work, Pepper just said "You're old, you're the one who died once.", choked Tony to death.

"Pepper, you go out first. Next is the man's conversation."

Little Pepper hesitated, but finally nodded.

Only Tony and May were left in the room.

"May! I've always been jealous of you." Tony suddenly confessed.


"You are richer than me, you can pick up girls than I, and you can manipulate the supreme mysterious magic. You can even travel through time and space. Do miracles that I can't do."


I will be embarrassed if you are so straightforward.

Mei Jiexiao also blushed for a moment.

Tony took off the glasses he was accustomed to wearing: "But human beings, you always know how to cherish the most precious thing after you have lost it once. I used to think that the beautiful girls in the world couldn't run away without me. Yes, there is nothing in the world that I cannot do. Obviously I was wrong."

Tony dared to admit this so lowly, it really felt like the sun was coming out of the west: "I know I have done a lot of wrong things, and I have made you uncomfortable. Then I will first ask you, Mei, do you hate me? "

Mei Jiecao pouted and shook his head: "At most, I hate your irresponsible behavior."

Tony sighed, and looked directly into Mei Jiezao's eyes, with a strange light that Mei had never seen in Tony's eyes. This kind of look, Mei has only seen it in the eyes of Captain America before.

"I also know that I am annoying sometimes, and this habit can't be changed if I want to. I don't expect to get your forgiveness or approval, but I just want to say - as a man, I can't stand me women or children have a 50% chance of dying. It's that simple. I would give anything to protect them."

It was Meimumu's turn to sigh.

"Tony, you should have found something wrong with yourself, right? I'm not referring to physical weakness."

"Well. I've been hiding it from Pepper, I've 'forgot' quite a few things. Pepper thought I was just too tired from the resurrection."

"Do you know the nature of the soul of this world?"

Tony sat down, held his chin, and made an appearance of listening intently.

Mei Jiecao leaned on the sofa: "The essence of the soul is a spiritual energy body. Every new soul is like a blank sheet of paper, but the genes of its parents give it room to grow. Then the unique experience makes this soul become the world's unique existence."

"The human body loses its vitality, and the soul also loses its support. Under normal circumstances, the soul will dissipate, just like the formatting of the hard disk, the data in the hard disk will be quickly lost."

"Even if I came back as soon as possible, the three of you have already lost quite a lot of memories, leaving only the core part. The lost part can't be made up no matter what. Even if I go back in time, I can't solve it. If I go back in time to the tragedy that prevented you from being killed, it might trigger a new branch of time and turbulence in time and space."

"At the moment when Thanos is about to kill, I will not risk arbitrarily using the power of the Time Stone to interfere with the timeline of this world."

Tony nodded in understanding.

Mei Jiexiao continued: "The feeling of weakness after your resurrection is actually the process of the soul attaching to the body again and re-spreading the soul into the whole body. This process is similar to the expansion of volume and the reduction of density in physics. There is no sufficient density. The soul is the body that cannot be perfectly controlled and regenerated."

Tony spoke up: "Then how to solve it?"

"The easiest way is to fuse some of the extremely pure spiritual substances for you. But injecting this thing into your soul is equal to a process of dilution. If your will is not strong enough, you will lose yourself. Or amnesia is more serious."

After listening to Tony said only four words: "That's it!"

There was only admiration left for Tony in Mei Jiexao's heart.

Maybe this is the man!

In the first half of Tony's life, he was like a small child. With his extraordinary talent and the gift of inspiration gems, he acted recklessly. He is in his thirties, and he needs people around him to wipe his buttocks all day long.

But when Tony made this very cruel decision to himself.

May Day had to give Tony Stark a thumbs up - man!

No surprise, Pepper burst into tears again when he heard Tony's decision.

However, in the end, including Tony, the three who were resurrected after the battle all made the same decision.

Man, you are strong because you have something to protect!

Someone May gave Tony a little gift to show respect.