MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 720 before the end of the war

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"Master..." whispered softly, proving that Yelena wanted it again.

"Don't worry. Although you need to relax before the war, you still have to help me deal with the group of politicians." Mei Jiedao patted Yelena's butt: "Stand on the last post, and you'll be free after this war."


Mei Jiecao opened a portal and returned to the building next to the New York Temple. It was secretly bought by Mei Jiecao in 2016. The exterior is an old-fashioned six-storey building. The interior has been completely remodeled and has already become the most modern apartment.

The key is that this place is integrated with the space protection array of the New York Temple. The room is built according to the standards of Star Fortress, not to mention the walls, even the windows are warship-level things.

When Thanos was approaching, he didn't dare to wave. After all, ambush Thanos can't be counterproductive, and it's not worth it.

Except for Yelena, who also has foreign affairs, all her girls are stuffed here.

Returning here, Mei Jiedao was a little surprised, and he found that everyone was gone.

In the past, the defense of the innermost circle was all in charge of the Valkyries. As soon as Mei Jiecao let go of her perception, she was stunned to find that the Valkyries were drinking tea in the hall downstairs.

"what the hell?"

Mei Jiezao turned the corner and went back to his new bedroom, and immediately saw a surprise.

Still double!

The room was dark, and only the heart-shaped thing in the middle was lit by spotlights, which clearly illuminated the two women who were leaning against each other.

Scarlet Witch has brown-red hair, a fiery red tight bunny suit and mesh stockings, and her seductive body curves under the spotlight are alluring and seductive. That graceful S-shape, that unfathomable Witch Canyon, saw someone raise a staff on the spot.

Wanda alone is enough for Mei to swallow.

But there is another disciple, Kerry, next to Dormammu's niece, wearing a thin black lace Victoria's Secret battle suit, with the black wing props like a fallen angel, not only showing her beauty, but also a kind of look. At a glance, you will be deeply immersed in the vortex of depraved pleasure.

One black and one red.

The two women were still kneeling there. The continuous peaks could almost form a mountain range. They clasped their fingers together and looked at Mei Mei with longing eyes.

Someone Mei slapped his forehead and secretly said: Alas! I have been busy calculating Thanos and collecting Infinity Gems these days, and I have no time to guide them.

Wanda seemed a little apologetic, lowered his head slightly and said first: "I heard that Thanos is coming. I...I...I don't want to leave any regrets."

Kerry followed: "I... I may not be able to help Master in the next battle. I just want to use this method to cheer Master up."

Wanda said softly: "I also know that this is a bit bad, but I can't help it."

Kerry also apologized: "I admire Master very much, I just hope...that, just once."

What else could Mei Jiecao say? Of course, she leaned over, hugged them, and said emotionally, "It's okay, you are all my wings."

Twelve-winged angel?

Do not!

If Mei's integrity is concerned, it is estimated that seventy-two wings are enough.

Ahem, don't pay attention to this little detail.

Now that the decision has been made, the meat in the pot still needs to be eaten. Mei Jiedao said indifferently: "Have you learned how to maintain the staff?"

"Yeah." The two women said in unison.

"Show me!" Mei Jiezao said.

The two women immediately blushed and bowed down.


Know thyself, ever-victorious!

As a traveler, Mei Jiexao knew the horror of Thanos well. He traveled for so many years and always aimed at the purple sweet potato essence, which was obviously right. It's like the big killer weapon, the power gem, to get the tyrant's hand, and the tyrant's combat power goes straight to the heavenly father.

But Mei Jiexao doesn't know the strongest helper around!

In the comics, the Scarlet Witch has a multiverse level. In the movie, Scarlet Witch also destroyed one of the Infinity Stones, the Mind Stone.

After all, Wanda the Scarlet Witch is just a poor woman. All she longs for is the warmth of the family and the love of those promises.

Kerry is similar, she longs for a hero who can defeat Dormammu, and it happens that Mei is the only one. If Cha Cha Keli can conquer the dark world, she may also become a heavenly father.

In the face of such a powerful helper, how can you do it if you don't understand it well?

That night, Mei Jiecao learned about the depth of the two girls, and they learned about his length.

The next day, the two girls came downstairs with their arms around them, and the widow sister took the lead to welcome them.

Mei Jiedao devoted himself to monitoring Thanos.

"Titan! Are you really that tough?"

How much someone Mei hopes that Thanos will be a real old man. This time, he endured the humiliation and handed over two Infinity Stones to let his strength return to Father Ya.

In this case, even if Thanos wants to do something in the future, it is none of his business.

Unfortunately, his good wishes are doomed to fail. The latest message from the Kree is that Thanos is still on his way to Earth.

This morning, Captain America and Peggy found May Day.

"Mei! I want to become stronger!" Captain America's serious expression reminded someone of the heroines in countless Japanese manga.

"Steve, you..."

"Don't lie to me. I can feel that even Ms. Kristen Palmer is stronger than me. I've seen the battle data Nova Corps gave to Earth. If that's the case, I can't help me against the Black Star Four. Busy." Steve gritted his teeth: "Half the lives of the people on the planet are at stake, and I can't accept that I do nothing."

Peggy also persuaded: "May, you helped Steve back then, which proves that you have at least been optimistic about him. Can you give him a chance?"

Mei Jiezao sighed, even if he got the most precious treasure in the universe - the Infinity Stone, there are always things in this world that he will never get. Such a noble mind as Team America.

He's selfish, like Steve was willing to sacrifice for his country, and frankly, he couldn't.

It is precisely because I will never have that I cherish it.

"Wait." Mei Jiexiao turned around and entered the room, and a minute later, he came out dragging a giant sword that exuded an aura of death and depravity.

"This is..." Capt. Cap was stunned, feeling the evil and ominous aura above.

"If you can purify this sword with your own mind and holy light in one day, I will give you a naaru."

What else did Peggy want to say, Captain America gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

Captain America left, but the second group of people came was a combination of Tony and Pepper.

"Tony, are you alright?" Mei Jiexao was also embarrassed.

"It sucks. It feels like I've been partying for three months and haven't slept for an hour. But Pepper still has to draw my seeds for backup." Tony complained without hesitation.

Pepper was not afraid at all: "Thank God. At least one woman is willing to give birth to a posthumous child for you."

Read The Duke's Passion