MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 4 Make money

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"Do you want to buy this mission?" Li Huailin listened to the meaning of the night flight and asked, "What price?"

"You first ask the village chief whether the task is a single task or a team task." Night flight is very professional, no answer first asked.

"Oh." Li Huailin nodded and turned to look at the gray beard head. "Old man, the task you said is done by a single person or a team."

"Great warriors, although you are very powerful, but this task is full of danger, so I suggest you still call some powerful teammates to help you." Gray Beard said.

"It seems to be a team task." Li Huailin said back.

"In this case, I have two programs. One is to team up to pick up this task. We will help you with it. If you don't pay for it, we will accept the rewards for us. It is a reward. The second is to take over the task. Then you give up this task, and we will complete it in the Spiritual Association. In this case, we will give you a sum of money to compensate.” Night Flight is not the vice president of the Grand Council, and immediately came up with two feasible solutions.

"Oh, how much compensation?" Li Huailin did not consider the first plan at all. He didn't want to be deducted for tens of thousands of experiences, and immediately aimed at compensation.

"Our guild has just stayed in "The Heart of Glory", there is not much game currency, can you use real money?" Night Airlines thought about it.

"No problem." Li Huailin nodded.

"That way, that 30,000." The night flight immediately opened a price.

"Three thousand..." Li Huailin was very satisfied, but his face was still a little dissatisfied. After all, it was a business. He could not agree at once, and maybe there was room for price increases.

"35,000, immediately transfer money." Night flight to see Li Huailin hesitated, immediately raise the price.

"35,000 plus game coins 10 silver coins, it will be sold." Li Huailin thought about whether or not to use some game currency for spare, ten silver coins are not many, also 1000 copper coins, the Great Guild will be sure.

"Okay, the deal." Night Air said simply.

"Well, you will pick up the task for me. After I finish the task, you will transfer the money to the money." Li Huailin said that he is not afraid of the spiritual congregation. Now there are so many players around, the Spiritual Association is a relatively reputable Grand Council. It should not pit him.

"it is good."

Immediately, a team information was sent, Li Huailin accepted. Into the group to see, 4 players in the spirit world, the spirit of the night, the fire of the soul, the soul of the soul, the spirit of the gray machine, four are men.

"Old man, hurry to give me the task." The team was good, Li Huailin once again said to the gray beard head.

"Of course, the Warriors." Gray Beard, the village chief said with a smile.

System Tip: The village head of Novice Village releases AA-level hidden missions, the source of evil. Whether to accept.


AA-level hidden missions sinful source-1: Find out the source of the dark creatures in the novice village, suggesting that some people are found to have traces of the Mozu in the south of the village, please go to the investigation. Mission reward experience 2000, reputation 10, 1 silver coin.

“Reward so little?” Li Huailin is a bit strange.

"No, there is a -1 behind the mission. It seems to be a series of missions. It's just a reward for the ring. It's a hidden mission. It won't be rewarded like this." The game's experienced night flight immediately saw it. the reason.

"It turns out." Li Huailin nodded. "But it has nothing to do with me."

After finishing Li Huailin, he left the team and then opened the taskbar to give up the task.

System Tip: Do you really want to give up the AA-level hidden task, the source of evil?


System Tip: You gave up the AA-level hidden mission, the source of evil, you added 1000 reputation points.

"Hey?" Li Huailin stunned, and then immediately reacted. The idea of ​​giving up the task should be to deduct the prestige, but his character BUG has now become a reputation.

"I rub, I can't pick it up again." Li Huailin quickly asked the gray-bearded old man in front.

"I'm sorry for the Warriors, this is a hidden mission. If you have given up, you can't pick it up." Gray Beard said unfortunately.

"Damn, can't brush the reputation..." Li Huailin whispered a little regret.

The people of the Spiritual Guild here did not pay attention to Li Huailin. The night flight and several people were discussing the task. The task of transferring the funds has been notified to the financial staff in the guild to go offline.

"Well, the money has been transferred to the account you gave. Here are ten silver coins." Night flight came over and traded ten silver coins to Li Huailin. "We are going to complete the task. Right, Huai Lin, you. Is a single player, have you ever thought of joining the guild, I can recommend you to join the Spiritual Association, into the second group I brought."

"Hmmm?" Li Huailin had a slight heartbeat. The second group of the Spiritual Association was not just a network group. It was basically a department of a big company. Every month, there was a salary. It was said that it was not worth 10,000 yuan. The bonus is so cool. However, I have carefully considered my current situation. I am illegally landing. If the Spiritual Society needs to go to work, or if other circumstances have found out its current situation, is it not worth the loss?

"Sorry, I am a single player, I will not join any guild." Li Huailin seriously rejected his thoughts.

"Oh, that's it." The night flight nodded. There are indeed a group of players who only like single-player entertainment. He is not surprised. "That's it, we add a friend, and maybe we can meet later."

"it is good."

The two added friends, and the spirit guilds left. The players around are still there, because they are really stupid, just want to come up and ask Li Huailin what is going on, but the people who saw the Spiritual Guild did not catch up with Li Huailin. After all, people are The Grand Council, can not afford. But now that the people who saw the Spiritual Guild have left, they will immediately come round.

"唰", I haven’t waited for the players around me to react. Li Huailin’s white light flashed and went offline.

"I rub, this is going to go so fast." The players around him rushed, depressed.

"It's too strong, it's too strong." A player next to him hasn't woken up from the shock of the NPC slap in the face, yelling wildly.

"I have served, I begged the name of Niu Ge, I want to be his younger brother!" A big man shouted.

"It’s like he’s slap in the face of the fan of the fan. You can get hidden missions. Why can't we try?” a player suddenly said.

"Yes!" "Yes!"

A group of players suddenly realized that a pair of green eyes turned to the gray beard village chief.

"I am coming!" A strong man came out and raised his hand to pick up the collar of the village chief, and a slap in the right hand smashed.

"Oh.", the player suddenly added as if he had been hit by a truck. He flew straight out and slammed into the wall of the room a dozen meters away, and then instantly turned into a white light and hung up.

"I rub, it's really a spike!" The players around me were amazed again.

"How do you play this? Why is it that the bulls are all right, we will kill?" one player asked.

"Isn't it wrong to play, I remember that the bulls seem to be in this position." Then another player flew out and turned into a white light.

"No, I think it's this position." Soon, a player flew out.

"I don't think it's right, I remember this expression when Niu Ke hit him." Another player with an expression like constipation flew out.

"Is it necessary to be a virgin to be effective." A young boy flew out of the universe.


Regardless of the situation there, Li Huailin visited the online bank on the first line and found that it had more than 35,000 deposits.

"Oh, this game is really good to earn, earned 35,000 on the first day of play, I really screamed and screamed." Li Huailin said with satisfaction.

Read The Duke's Passion