MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3 Return money

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Li Huai, who is happy, walked to the front of the novice village head again. Now Li Huailin’s mood is good. The old man with gray beard also feels a little cute.

"Old man, I have completed your mission." Li Huailin said happily.

"The future warrior, you really live up to my expectations, the scars have witnessed your heroism, this is your reward." Gray Beard village chief replied in a thousand.

System prompt: Complete the E-level task, eliminate the black slime, deduct the experience 200, deduct the copper coin 10.

"I wipe!" Li Huailin instantly collapsed, why did he pay the task to deduct 200 experience 10 copper coins. After seeing my experience, it turned out to be -250/500. In the backpack, Slime had already smashed 13 copper coins, and now it has become three.

The experience is over, anyway, I am also negative, and I will come back several times after death. This money is not good. I have a few dollars for myself. It is easy, I will take 10 at a time.

"Wang Ba Lazi, actually grab the Laozi money!" Li Huailin does not care whether the other party is NPC or a beggar, directly holding the collar of the village chief with one hand, "repay money, confuse!"

"What's the matter?" A circle of novice players around is also a bit strange, they are still ready to pick up the task, I did not expect a player here seems to be playing the village chief, a bit strangely surrounded.

The village chief here is not busy, and continues to repeat his words: "The Warriors, I have no tasks for you now, but I heard that the blacksmiths and tailors in the village seem to need help, you can talk to them. talk."

"Talk to your sister, return my money." Li Huailin continued to pull the collar of the village chief and said, "I will not call you again."

"He seems to be fighting the village chief, what's the matter?" The players on the side of the crowd are also a bit strange.

"Oh, you don't understand this." A player on the side seems to understand what he started, and he started to analyze himself. "The Heart of Glory has hidden tasks. You look at this player, he is sure. I want to pick up the hidden task of the village head, so I will try again."

"Oh, that's it." The players around nodded and accepted the explanation.

"Cut..." With a disdainful voice, a dozen players came out from behind them. These ten thousand families watched it together, and although they were only in the novice village, they were fully equipped. The leader is a middle-aged man in his 30s. The armor on his body is faintly blue. It is actually a bronze equipment. The player who can get the bronze equipment in the novice village must be a guild player. The guild will play together. BOSS can get bronze equipment, and most people want to play mobs out of bronze, the chance is too embarrassing.

"As far as he wants to trigger hidden missions, kidding, we have so many people in the Spiritual Association, have tried everything, and have not triggered any hidden tasks." The leading man said, "Let's wait and see the show, this The village head of the novice village seems to be an NPC of level 30 or above. If the newcomer is one second, you will wait for him to be seconds."

The people around the "Spiritual Guild..." had a commotion, but they immediately believed what the man said, because the credibility of the Spiritual Association was true.

"You endorse with Laozi, I really hit you." Li Huailin here did not pay attention to the people behind him and continued to threaten the village head.

"Warrior, I have no tasks for you now..." The Grey Beard village chief still only said two sentences, nothing unexpected.

"Give face a shameless face." Li Huailin said nothing, raised his right hand, and punched the face of the village chief.


System Tip: As you attack the village head of the new village, the village head of the new village has a good impression on you. Currently good and friendly.

"I wipe!" Li Huailin was shocked again by the system prompt.

"He really attacked!" The people around him immediately became busy, and all of them were waiting for the look of the show.

A second passed, two seconds passed, and soon ten seconds passed. The scene was very quiet, nothing happened, and soon someone found it wrong.

"What happened? How did the village chief not fight back?" asked one player.

"Yeah, I saw someone attacking the village chief and being killed. Why the village chief does not fight back."

The people of the Spiritual Guild here are also stunned. This is the situation of God horse.

The next situation is even more crippling. Originally, the village chief treated the player with a shoe-shoe face. He had no expression at all, but after taking a punch, he actually brought a smile.

"Warrior, it's you, it's great to see you. I heard that the blacksmith and the tailor have the task to hand over to you. Can you trouble you to see it?" The village chief said to Li Huailin while smiling.

"I rub, is this village chief guilty? Is someone else who beats him and smiles, is it sick?" The players around are really not calm.

Li Huailin here was a little shocked, but immediately figured out what happened. Originally, his own good feelings were deducted, but now it has increased. After adding 20 points, it becomes friendly. No wonder the village chief. Suddenly, I smiled and smiled.

"It’s really a guilty NPC. If you grab my 10 yuan of copper coins, I will hit you a few more times." Li Huailin said that he would pull the collar of the village chief again and open his right hand to the village. The long face of the big ear scraper is a "squeaky" look, the players around playing feel a little pain.

System Tip: As you attack the village head of the new village, the village head of the new village has a good impression on you. Currently good and friendly.

"The trough, he hit again!" There was another exclamation around.

"Simply make a cool one." Li Huailin became more and more energetic, and he was addicted. He picked up the village chief and slammed it.

System Tip: As you attack the village head of the new village, the village head of the new village has a good impression on you. At present, good feelings, respect.

System Tip: As you attack the village head of the new village, the village head of the new village has a good impression on you. At present, good feelings, respect.


System Tip: As you attack the village head of the new village, the village head of the new village has a good impression on you. At present, good feelings, worship.

Continuously shooting a dozen slaps, Li Huailin finally cool, a total of 40 points of blood, the degree of good feelings have risen to no longer rise, and worship.

The players around the circle also looked silly, and did not know how to react. Even a few people from the Spiritual Association were looking silly at Li Huailin.

"Well, I am cool, 10 dollars is for you to see a doctor, do not have to find." Li Huailin clap his hands, satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Li Huailin here just released his hand. The village chief who has not reflected this time suddenly took Li Huailin’s hand and scared Li Huailin.

"Great warrior, I finally saw you again. Your heroism should be praised by the whole world. Your record should be carved on the temple." The village chief said with excitement, what was revealed in his eyes was Full of worship.

"Yeah." Li Huailin nodded with satisfaction. "The old man said it was good. I don't want to beat you so hard."

"I wipe." The players around are watching. What kind of heroes this guy has, what is the record, is it that led you to play a dozen slaps.

"For the Warriors, I still have a hidden task to say that you want to complete it." The gray beard head of the village is still self-sufficient.

System Tip: The village head of Novice Village releases AA-level hidden missions, the source of evil. Whether to accept.

"Accept your sister, roll, no." Li Huailin was shocked. Although the task did not know what the reward was, it was not fun to watch this AA level. If the experience of tens of thousands was rewarded, then it would be miserable. According to my own experience, it is enough to die a few hundred times to pay off the experience.

"I wiped, the village chief really released the hidden mission!" The players around were immediately excited.

"You heard that, this guy actually refused!" another player said immediately.

"Too cow, I have already seen it."

"Warrior, do you really think about it? The reward of the mission will definitely satisfy you." The gray beard village chief saw Li Huailin refused, and asked again.

"I..." Li Huailin certainly wanted to refuse, but just wanted to refuse again, and suddenly a hand took his shoulder from behind him.

"Wait a friend."

A voice came from behind, and Li Huailin turned his head and found that just a few people from the Spiritual Guild stood behind him, and the thirty-year-old uncle who led the leader stopped him.

"Is there something? I know you?" Li Huailin was a bit strange. He had just patronized the village head and did not notice the conversations of the people around him, so he did not know that these people were the spirit guilds.

"I am the vice president of the Spiritual Association, night flight, these are my men." The night flight here introduces itself.

"Lingjie Guild..." Li Huailin’s eyes narrowed slightly. The Spiritual Guild is really a big guild. The online games that I played before also have the Spiritual Guild, and each online game’s guild ranks. At least in the top three, after the "Glory of Hearts" opened, he naturally thought of other online games of the Grand Council will stay, but did not expect it will be so fast, is it that other online games such resources and markets have given up?

The idea turned around in my mind, but Li Huailin did not show it. He smiled and replied, "I am a single player, and I can call me Huai Lin."

"Hello, Huai Lin." Night Airlines said very politely, "I just want to see you refused to hide the task, can you tell me why?" Night flight is also very strange, ordinary people everywhere to find hidden tasks, why this The guy didn't want to throw this big cake away.

"Oh, I saw that this task is an AA-level task. I feel that nothing is done for me. It is better to waste so much time to level up." Li Huailin certainly wouldn’t be stupid enough to say that he would deduct experience. After all, he still illegally landed. If it is discovered, it may be subject to a title.

"Oh, that's it." The night flight nodded. Just now, Li Huailin also said that he is a single player, and that his equipment is also a newcomer. It is estimated that he can't complete the task. It also makes sense. "But we are a spiritual congregation. I am very interested in this task. I wonder if I can give it to us?"

“Oh?” Li Huailin smiled. “Does the business come to the door?”