MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3196 rule

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"Now I will begin to explain the rules of the final trial." The light ball began to explain, "The rules of this trial are for the pursuit."

"There are four participants in this competition. After the start of the competition, all participants will be divided into two camps, one is the pursuer and the other is the escaper. The distribution method is random, and each camp will be assigned two people. After the start of the game, the pursuer side began to hunt down the escaper and killed both escapers. This round ended. Or after 2 hours, the pursuer has not killed the escape, then the game will be over. ”

"After the end of the game, ten minutes of finishing, the next round of the game, the rules are the same, but the personnel will be re-allocated. That is, randomly generate new pursuers and escapers, but also randomly assigned. This round of trials will continue this game until the winner."

"Now I will begin to explain the winning method of the game. This round of games uses the points system. First, as a pursuer, killing an escaper will earn 1 point. If you kill all two escapers in the same round, You will receive 1 point for reward (that is, kill 2 people is 3 points). Those who escape, do not need to kill, as long as they can survive in 2 hours, they will get 3 points."

"Now the rules for deducting points, killing their teammates, will be deducted 2 points. There is no other way to deduct points."

"Finally, the conditions for winning, you will continue to play this kind of game cycle, no matter how many rounds, until a person's points are higher than 3 other people (including 3 points), this person will win the final victory. ""

"Now the rules add that the first, the pursuer will gain some limited ability to explore the position of other players. Second, the participants of the escaped party, if killed, will be resurrected after the end of the round. The player on the side of the pursuer, if killed by the player on the participant side, will be resurrected at a random location after 1 minute, but if it is killed by his teammate, the current round of the game cannot be revived, after the end of the round Resurrection."

"The trial rules are finished, and there are any problems that can be raised now," said the light ball.

The rules here, Li Huailin, of course, still listened carefully. Although the previous situation made him a little confused, but this is still a serious analysis. After hearing the light ball and finishing the rules, Li Huailin thought about it and asked: "Yes, the first thing I want to ask is that the identity you are talking about is the identity of the pursuer and the escaper, except for yourself, others. Can the player know?"

"No, the person who knows the identity is only the participant himself." The light ball here immediately replied.

"Sure enough?" Li Huailin nodded. Yes, it just felt strange, because this rule particularly emphasized the situation of killing teammates. In addition to this, there is no other deductible item, and one deduction of 2 points. More serious, but said that this responsibility is to avoid fratricidalism, this Li Huailin thinks impossible, how can the urinary nature of this trial prevent you from killing each other, of course, it is provoking you to kill each other, so he immediately asked this problem. Sure enough, people who know their identity have only oneself. In this way, there is a way to hide their identity. Others see that you don’t know whether you are his accomplices or enemies. There are tactics to play.

"The second question." Li Huailin added, "The rule of this point, what you said here is more than 3 points to get the final victory, is it more than 3 points for all people? Not alone or Two people are right."

"Yes, you must exceed all remaining players by 3 points or more." The light ball replied.

“Is the score statistics displayed after the end of each round? Or does it show +1 immediately after killing a person?” Li Huailin asked.

“The scores will be counted after the end of each round. Of course, everyone can check the scores of other people. And in addition to the first round, other rounds can always check the scores of the previous round.” The ball replied.

"Well... I understand," Li Huailin nodded. "So, after entering the trial, how did it appear? Shouldn’t it be with his teammates, is it randomly transmitted?"

“Yes, all participants will be randomly assigned to a location, and the second participant will not appear within 1000 yards of this initial location.”

"Well, then the ability of the special investigation of the pursuer side that you said before can explain in detail?" Li Huailin said.

"If your identity is a pursuer, you will receive a special skill. The effect of this skill is to point to the position of a participant closest to you. The cooldown of this skill is 20 minutes." Said.

"Well... it’s the most recent participant, not the latest escaper, so if you stand with your teammates, you can only point to your teammates." Li Huailin nodded. "This pointing skill is a moment."

"Yes." The light ball nodded.

"Probably understand." Li Huailin nodded.

"You have confirmed the rules, and now start the special situation description." The light ball said.

"Special circumstances?" Li Huailin took a look.

"Yes, because you are the winner of the last round and the player with the highest points, this time you will get a special right." The light ball said, "In the first round of the game, you will get The opportunity to choose your own identity at a time, of course, this is only one chance, you will also get a random identity at the beginning of the second round."

"Oh?" Li Huailin took a brief look and then reacted. Yes, there is really this saying. The last time I played the game, I didn’t say that there is a special option for the first trial of the points. This is the reward. This reward is of course very good. This game doesn't have to be thought of. The first round is also very important, so the first round can control your identity is of course a big advantage.

However, this choice is still very important. Li Huailin needs to think about it. Yes, the two identities are obviously a little disadvantaged, because they are useless to kill the pursuers, and they can't get points. The other party will be born again, so it is very passive, but if you escape successfully, you can get 3 points at a time. If you chase the followers, it will be more troublesome. Only when you kill the two enemies on the opposite side, you can get 3 points, but this situation is not very likely. After all, when your hunt, your teammates are also hunting, both of them get The probability of 1 point is relatively large. Besides, the escaper does not need to actively attack people. The possibility of killing teammates is not very high, but the pursuer is to take the initiative. Therefore, killing the wrong person kills the teammate, that is, directly deducting 2 Points are very risky.

"Wait..." Li Huailin is carefully considering this. The result is that he suddenly feels inside and then panic. Yes, he suddenly thought of a problem. This rule seems to be very problematic for himself.

Yes, he thinks of his own character bug. Because of his own bug, all the situations should be reversed. This one has been tried in the previous round. This bug is also applicable in trials. So, the situation on your own should be deducted when you get the points, and added when you deduct the points.

That rule is a pit for yourself. Yes, the first problem is that you only have one way to earn points. This way is to kill teammates and kill a teammate to add 2 points. This light ball also said that the only way to deduct points in this game is to kill teammates. There is no other way.

Then Li Huailin looked at his camp and he did not have any choice of camp at all, because Li Huailin had positive gains only when he was a pursuer. You can imagine what it would be like if Li Huailin became an escaper. I didn't do anything, and then I didn't die for 2 hours. In this case, Li Huailin directly deducted 3 points. Send someone else's head? If you are a teammate, teammates deduct 2 points, do not deduct points, pit teammates; send opponents? Do not deduct points, add one point to the opponent, and enemies. So from all angles, the words of the escaper are simply s13.

What about the pursuer? It seems that there is no good place to go. The best news is that even if you don’t do it yourself, at least you won’t be deducted. If you find your teammate to kill, you will get 2 points, but the problem is coming again, killing your teammates, and then what about the remaining two? If they kill them, they will deduct 3 points. If they don’t kill them, the other two will get 3 points directly, and they will take more than Li Huailin. This...

Think of Li Huailin here is a big face, yes, this rule is normal to play, it is a very unfavorable rule for myself, it seems that everything is in the pit itself. You can only get 2 points in a round of competition, because there is only one teammate, and other people may get more points than themselves. How do you play this?

"Fortunately..." But Li Huailin’s only gratification is that he has more people. Yes, after all, in addition to the God King to deal with, the other two are their own people. If this is the case, it is still operational. Unfortunately, it is not concentrated. This gives Li Huailin a certain control. Trouble.

"Please ask participants to choose their own first round camp." When Li Huailin is thinking about this, the ball of light is also urging. "You still have 5 minutes to decide your identity. If you time out, you will be considered as giving up this time." opportunity."

Li Huailin nodded. After all, other people are waiting. It is impossible for three people to wait for themselves. After thinking about it, they said, "So..."

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