MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3195 enter

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Li Huailin quickly rushed toward the direction of the observatory. Of course, the king of the gods discovered Li Huailin’s intention at this moment. It was estimated to be subconscious, and a direct light hit Li Hualin.

Li Huailin is also a little embarrassed. Although it is in the movement told, Li Huailin has seen the movement of the **** king because he has concentrated his spirit. After all, there is no buff of the law of life. Li Huailin can only choose to avoid the action, so he is slightly in the air. A dodge flashed off the attack of the king, and changed direction to continue to rush toward the observation.

Of course, this dodge action was observed by the **** king. The previous attack was also a bit of an unexpected attack, but Li Huailin actually made a dodge, which is obviously a problem. The king of the king who discovered the situation immediately attacked Li Huailin again, and Li Huailin once again evaded.

"Sure enough." The king of God immediately understood, and he certainly knew the situation of the life sword. After all, there was originally a former holder of the life sword, which is obviously the life of Li Huailin. The law is fine. Therefore, the current attack is capable of killing Li Huailin. The king of the gods directly protruded. After all, the first two light attacks also made him discover. Li Huailin’s speed is now very fast. The attacker of this distance can perfectly dodge. Therefore, the way to hit Li Huailin is obviously to reduce the distance. Of course, close-range shooting is even more difficult for the other party to avoid.

At this time, Li Huailin was really troublesome. After all, the summoned Jade Emperor has now entered the Observatory. Before he went in, he did not contact Li Huailin, but Li Huailin still let her go in and waited for it to come out, in case of accident, now summoning Jade Emperor Certainly it will not come out, and the observation center is a special map, unable to contact, so Li Huailin could not call the jade to come out. And if Li Huailin himself dies, things will become very troublesome. First of all, he has no time. Again, if the **** king is here, it is difficult for him to get close. Yes, it has not been tested before. The reaction speed of the **** king. It's faster than the speed of the portal. If you go back and open a door to this side, you may be back again by God King. This is very passive.

Therefore, Li Huailin must find a solution. At this time, he saw the opportunity. The king of the king suddenly suddenly made a sudden appearance. His intention, Li Huailin, of course immediately understood, and at the moment when the king of God started, Li Huailin was also accelerating. And his direction is actually going directly to the king of the king.

Seeing that Li Huailin rushed to his side for a moment, the **** king was of course surprised. He just saw the smile on Li Huailin's face. The whole king of the gods shocked and quickly decelerated. Yes, because Li Huailin’s expression seems to be saying to him, “You’re fooled.” In general, when you think of Li Huailin’s situation, is it acting? Think carefully about Li Huailin’s body that doesn’t call the jade emperor’s buff. It’s still very strange. In this case, it seems unlikely that there is no such thing. So it may be that Li Huailin’s trap, the purpose, of course, is to make him misjudge. At this moment, shorten the distance between the two.

The purpose of shortening the distance is very simple, of course, to trigger Li Huailin's skills. Before the **** king has already experienced the skill, the skill is not simply an insulting skill, but also a control skill. If it is released successfully, Li Huailin can control himself for a while, and this time the other party plans Is it because you want to keep yourself from trying?

Shen Wang had to consider this situation. Li Huailin was worried about the problem. He was also worried. So when he saw Li Huailin quickly approaching his side, the king of the king directly braked, and then quickly went to Back.

However, what he did not expect was that Li Huailin’s rushing action on his side really only had one action. The other party seemed to be ready to rush in front of himself, but at the moment of his own judgment, Li Huailin directly turned his body and turned again. The direction of the observatory rushed over.

"Damn!" Of course, at this time, the king of God also understood that he was really being played. Li Huailin did not want to draw the distance between the two, just to make himself judged wrong. Knowing that the real king of God is subconscious, he wants to continue to chase, but in the next second, he still gave up. Because he thought about it, he calmed down a bit. He has been running with Li Huailin’s thoughts all the time. This trick is also a trick, waiting for him to lose his calmness, and then he will turn back again. How to do? You can't figure out how many traps Li Huailin has set up, so it's very passive.

"Forget it, I didn't want to solve you here anyway." The king of God thought about it and did not continue to chase.

Li Huailin is of course a bit strange. If there is no such thing as the king of the king, Li Huailin will soon come to the observatory and stand on the outer wall of the observatory. Li Huailin can go directly into one mind, so it is safe for the time being. I just didn't think that the king of God did not stop him. Standing on the outer wall, Li Huailin also looked up and looked at the king of God, did not go straight in.

The **** king also looked at Li Huailin, then went straight ahead and fell on the outer wall of the observatory. Yes, the king of God now knows Li Huailin’s skills. Of course, he also knows the general situation of this skill. Although this skill has an effect on him, he has to be in a specific position, and he is now an observatory. This place is Unable to destroy, of course, one mind can go in, so Li Huailin is not useful for releasing this skill at this time. Of course, he did not attack Li Huailin. After all, Li Huailin could enter in an instant, so the attack would not be effective.

"Do you think this is the final matchup?" Li Huailin thought for a moment and asked to ask the king of God.

"All said, you don't have to spend a lot of information on me." Shen Wang said, "Get a good win."

"Understood." Li Huailin nodded. "Let's get started."

After saying that Li Huailin was also a flash of white light, he directly entered the interior of the observatory. A black front, and really Li Huailin appeared in a black room, still so familiar with the situation, looked at the time, do the time to catch up with the trial, safely on the base. Just a few seconds after Li Huailin entered the room, a colorful ball of light appeared in the room. It was obvious that all four participants entered the observatory, so the game started automatically.

“Welcome participants to participate in the final trial.” The light ball here said, “Please answer a few questions before the final trial begins.”

Li Huailin nodded, but this is no problem. After all, it seems to be the same before.

"Do you really want to be a choice?" asked the ball of light here.

"Is this problem again? Yes, I am sure." Li Huailin has answered this question many times.

"So why do you want to be a choice?" asked the light ball.

"I want to know the truth of the matter." Yes, Li Huailin’s answer has changed. His answer was "The dream of choosing a person is my dream from small to big." This is of course a slap, but Li Huailin this time. Deliberately changed my answer, mainly to see if there is any change in the light ball here.

"What is the reason for you to change the original idea?" There is a real change in the ball of light here, and actually asked a question.

This makes Li Huailin a little surprised. It doesn't look like a mechanical problem. It seems to be a question-and-answer model. Although very strange, Li Huailin thought about it and replied: "Because I have seen Noah."

"..." I don't know why the light ball here seems to pause for a while, although it is only for a while, but Li Huailin always feels that the other party seems to be silent for a while.

"So... if the purpose you want will cause the whole world to collapse, would you still want to continue to participate in this final trial?" The ball of light here paused for a while and then asked again.

"Ha?" Li Huailin stunned again, because the problem of this light ball seems to be a bit detached. It seems that there is no connection with his previous answer, and I don't know if it is a system problem. I just felt a little weird. It seems to be back to normal now. This is a pity.

"Yes." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Understood, then now I will begin to explain the rules of the final trial." The light ball said.

"Wait, can I ask questions now?" Li Huailin suddenly said.

"The rules of the game, please listen to my narrative and ask questions, you have the right to ask questions." The light ball here replied.

The interpretation of the rules of the game, this before Li Huailin has tried, the light ball is really answered, but Li Huailin wants to ask is not this: "I want to ask is not the rules of the game, but about your identity The problem."

"I can't answer your question. Will you explain the rules of the trial now?" The light ball replied.

"Your answer is really similar to Noah." Li Huailin suddenly said, yes, when it was just when there was silence, it was when Noah was mentioned. Li Huailin specifically said Noah’s name, of course. I want to try this is not the reason.

"..." is very inexplicable, the ball of light here has stopped for a while, although it is only a few seconds, but Li Huailin still feels wrong, and surely this thing has nothing to do with Noah.

"Now I will begin to explain the rules of the final trial." After a while, the ball of light here said again, it seems that it was skipped directly after the problem that could not be handled, and continued.

"Understood, you start to explain." Li Huailin thought about it.

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