MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3184 Tactical nuclear strike

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Dreamland didn’t know where to fly this time. It’s not directly open. The reason may be because of the other side of Biyaji, this guy is also covered with black mist, which is estimated to pollute the dream world, so the dream I haven't opened the door here either.

As for the emergence of dreams, Li Huailin seems to have had a hunch. Yes, this guy seems to have been staring at himself all the time. Every time he opens a door, he will definitely appear. This time, although it is not open, but the discussion has just been completed, the other party Directly appeared, it should also be to prevent yourself from opening the door.

"Okay." Li Huailin said directly to the dream to speak. "I know what you are going to say, but the problem now is that you can't solve this guy."

Li Huailin pointed to Beyaki next to him and then continued: "Do you have a solution to this guy?"

"The other party will pollute the dream world. I can't use the power of the dream world." The dream immediately said, yes, Li Huailin now finds the weakness of the dream. The skills of the other party are based on the dream world, so if the door to the dream world cannot be opened, There seems to be very few things that can be done on the dream side.

"Then what do you say, we can't leave this guy alone, you said that the dream world is the reflection of the real world, so if the real world is in trouble, will the dream world not follow it? That thing is recovering energy now. And then it is estimated that it will pollute the real world in a crazy way, and it will also have an impact on your side.

"Yes." The dream here is also nodding.

"So, long-term pain is better than short-term pain. I directly opened a door to the dead world and threw the goods into it. Although it will cause a little pollution, it is better than this guy, and then it can't be handled better." Li Huailin Said.

Dreamland is also a slight nod. Yes, Li Huailin said that it is really a bit reasonable, or from her point of view, which makes her unable to refute, of course, she also knows that Li Huailin certainly does not really want to protect the world of dreams. Classes are just trying to solve Beyaki, but from this perspective, their purpose is the same.

"But the problem now is that this guy is so big. If you want to throw this thing into the dead world, the door to open is too big. If you have such a huge door to death, the impact on the real world is too Big." The dream here said, "Do you really have the chance to open such a big door to death and then close the door?"

"Oh... how do I know." Li Huailin spread his hand.

"Ha?" The dream here is a direct glance.

"No, is this still sure?" Li Huailin said, "I thought it was too big to open, how can I not do it?"

"..." Dreamland looked at Li Huailin, a bit speechless.

"Hey, isn't that all blaming you? Before I just opened it a little, then you came out and shouted, and I didn't practice it. I know how big it can be." Li Huai-lin said, "Then the light on this side is also stupid. I don't know. I haven't told me anything like this. How do you know how to do this?"

"..." The dream shows that this is really nothing to say.

"Hey? Why am I being smashed?" The light next to it was also a slap in the face, and it was inexplicably said to be on his own body, and I still didn't understand what was going on.

"This...the risk is really too big." The dream here is slightly considered. "If you are enlightened, you can control it if you have an accident. Now the enlightenment has been destroyed by you. The current situation. If there is no success, there will be a big problem."

"What do you say?" Li Huailin said.

"First introduce it to the previous plane, and then open the door to the dead world over there." Dream said.

"You said that it is inside the elemental plane? This is not a problem at all. Let's not say that the last time the dragon mother helped me to pull in hard. This family has already been used once, and you are still coming, the other party will not be fooled." Ah," Li Huailin said.

"Then try to reduce the size of the gates of the dead world." Dream said, "This is easier to control."

"There is no problem opening the small door, but the problem is that the plug does not go in. You see that the size of this guy is a bit exaggerated. What can I do if the door is not open?" Li Huailin spreads his hand.

"Your skill has been successfully made to make the other party's size smaller by half." The dream here said, "Just now it has recovered. If you use that skill a few times, you should be able to reduce the volume of the other party smoothly." ”

“Hey?” Li Huailin’s slightly stunned, is his skill reduced by half the volume of the other party? Is it the spiral pistol sword that he invented before? In other words, this skill directly blows up half of the body of Bayaki? This Li Hualin really did not expect that, although the previous attack was very quiet, but Li Huailin did not see his skills at all, and Biyaji did not fully show up until now. Of course, the dreamland is definitely not a joke, and the power of this magical energy is bigger than what I think.

In this case, you can try the dream. Simply put, you can use the compressed magic to fry a few more waves. In this case, the other party will be blown up almost, and then you can throw it in directly by opening a small door. This is the best way for the moment. After all, Li Huailin wants to let the dreams join his own side. Now I can't top this issue with her.

"okok, although it is a little troublesome, but still do it." Li Huailin thought about it.

"Just throw another nuclear bomb?" Summon Jade Emperor pointed to the side and said, of course, she meant the next bunch of players, and now these players are still playing with Becky, "have come back." If Li Huailin wants to attack Baiyaki, it must be avoided by these players, and it is really a bit of a hassle to kill so many players at once. The main problem is of course the wind review.

Li Huailin also knows the meaning of calling the Jade Emperor. This is indeed not so chaotic. After thinking about it, Li Huailin took off directly, and then used the power of the power to expand the sound, so that the people on the battlefield could certainly hear the words of Li Huailin.

"You guys, I am very sorry to inform you that after about 2 minutes, your area will be attacked by tactical nuclear strikes. Please don't panic, follow the order and take refuge in a safe place...sorry, thisarea..."

"Ha?" All the players who are fighting with Biyaji have heard the words of Li Huailin. Of course, they are all arrogant. What kind of ghost is the tactical nuclear strike? There is such a thing in the game, as well as cattle. Forced you, this is what is going on, why are you sending notices?

Although I don't know what happened, everyone looked at Li Huailin in the sky at this time. After all, the subconscious reaction to the sound was to look up. As a result, they saw that Li Huailin’s hand directly condensed a nuclear bomb.

Yes, what Li Huailin’s hand looks like is a nuclear bomb, but in fact, this thing is simply a magic shell that can be used to make a shell with a nuclear bomb. The actual internal situation is still Li Huailin. Compress magic power over there, just like the exact same skill.

"The trough, this will not be a real nuclear bomb."

“How is it possible, where is this skill?”

"But look at this venue. Didn't we just blow it up when we came here? Is it true that there is such a skill?"

"Yeah, I saw the game yesterday. I really have this skill. It is estimated that it is just cooling down. Now it is cool to go directly to the boss."

"I wipe, it is not finished, this boss may not be able to kill, we are dead."

"Don't stop, don't mess around, this is your own."

The following players immediately became a mess, summoning the Jade Emperor to directly support the amount, then flew up to Li Huailin's side and said: "Hey, you can say it in advance, it doesn't matter? Is this different from direct throwing?" ?"

"At least I have said hello." Li Huailin said, "It’s their problem if they don’t have time to run. I am only attacking bosses here."

"What is the use of this and my sophistry, and suddenly kill so many players, and then on the Internet to comment on the violent away." Summon the Jade Emperor said.

"Oh... that's my side..." Li Huailin spread his hand and said that he had no way to do it. Suddenly there was a movement next to him.

This movement is not from others, but from Beyaki. Yes, when Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor are still wandering, here, Biyaji also discovered the movement of Li Huailin. Of course, Biyayaki also found that something was wrong. It had already eaten Li Huailin’s trick before. This is not to blow up half of his body. It has not recovered completely now. How can I eat this trick now? He did not know that Li Huailin was still studying the question of whether or not to throw it. In his opinion, Li Huailin had any reason not to throw it. Nabayaki will definitely not sit still, and definitely want to stop Li Huailin’s skills.

Of course, it has already been tried before, trying to seduce Li Huailin, but the other party does not enter the water, since there is no way to convince, of course, directly. Beyaki seems that the other party's skills need to be stored for a long time. Of course, if the other party does not have the ability to complete it, attack immediately. Now, Bahia’s energy is not enough, so if you want to attack, you must attack with all your strength.

The sound of "Booming" sounded, and suddenly the surrounding ground began to shake wildly. All the people on the ground were swayed to the ground, and the ground began to bulge at this time, as if there was something huge to come out.

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