MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3183 dispersion

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System prompt: You have received a hidden s-level task, the heart of order. !

Mission requirements: Get 16 enlightened pieces, current progress (1/16).

Task Tip: Enlightened pieces are held by 16 people. Clicking on the pieces will get the location information of other holders and cool for 1 hour. After the fragmented person is killed by other holders, the debris will be dropped. If it is not the holder, the normal probability will fall.

Mission rewards: experience 6000, gold 4, and special rewards.

"Hey? Is it like this?" Seeing this task, Li Huailin probably understood what was going on. This thing really has something to do with enlightenment, and it should not be something that someone thinks artificially made. Otherwise, this task is explained by a method. This may be the new way of existence before the dream.

After seeing that the enlightenment has been destroyed by itself, it does not exist in the situation of the Excalibur. Instead, it splits itself into several parts and then spreads out everywhere. The estimated to find new holders. But this time it changed the way, instead of waiting for someone to come and choose, but let them play the strongest person.

Yes, the purpose of this task is very simple. The rule is naturally to let the sixteen people here kill each other, and then the person who comes out is of course the strongest person. This is the same as raising a donkey. Not only these sixteen people, this task is very clear, it is considered to be a person who has not been selected, anyway, as long as the holder is killed, there is a probability of obtaining fragments, so it is even more exciting.

Li Huailin doesn't know why Enlightenment wants to find the next holder in this way. Was it a shadow that was previously made by himself? Looking for the strongest person to come directly to find yourself not finished? Anyway, this is good news for Li Huailin.

Yes, before enlightenment, it is very uncomfortable to see yourself. It is obvious that it is impossible to recognize yourself as the main one, not to mention the ghost who likes to mess up. However, the other party’s task is obviously not limited. Anyone can participate, including himself. If this is the case, it may be called the master of enlightenment. Isn’t this a good thing? In this way, it may be enlightened that there is a willingness to let myself be called her master. It may just be impossible to get down to the stage, so I can do a random job.

"Wait... the king of the king..." Li Huailin thought of another question. If he can participate, the king of God seems to have the opportunity to participate. Will the king of the king also get pieces and the like? If the other party has the opportunity to be enlightened, if he participates...

"Forget it, let's do it." Li Huailin looked at the debris in his hand. If the other party wants to participate, he must also get the debris in his hand. Anyway, he already has one, and it is still very stable anyway.

After digesting this information, Li Huailin looked up and looked up. The imagination over there is looking at Lagarde's body next to him, watching his expression as if he found something that is not bad, and I don't know what it is. Li Huailin is not interested. On the other hand, the battlefield is still very hot. It is obvious that the player is not able to beat it here. The loss is also great, but it can't stand many people. Not only are there more people present, but it seems to be coming soon. A group of the Great Guild, it is obvious that the situation here has been stabilized a lot. The chaotic people have died and the guild group has come, so it is a little more stable.

"Is it ready?" At this time, the summoned Jade Emperor also flew to Li Huailin's side and asked. Yes, the situation just summoned the Jade Emperor, of course, also saw it. He knew that Li Huailin went to find the Excalibur. Of course, she did not bother.

Of course, Li Huailin also said a little about the current situation and summoning the Jade Emperor, including the pieces he had just got. This is of course nothing to summon the Jade Emperor.

"This way." The summoning of the Jade Emperor's analysis is similar to that of Li Huailin. "Then you are ready to gather Qidi? This time is not enough."

"Time may not be enough." Li Huailin said, "Although I can determine the position of other holders once an hour, but mainly the people who get the debris, there is no obvious sign. What are the marks on my head? ?"

"No." Summon the Jade Emperor to spread his hands. "So, as long as the other person hides in the crowd, it is very troublesome."

"Well... but it doesn't matter, anyway, I have a hand in my hand." Li Huailin nodded and said, "If you do this, you can at least ensure that no one else can complete this task, let the people help me collect it first, etc. They have collected more, and I will go grab it again."

"It's really a simple and rude way." Summon the Jade Emperor said, "Now, are you not going to manage it over there?"

Summon Jade Emperor pointed to the battlefield over there. The current Bahia and the players are really happy to play, and it seems that there is still a comeback, but Li Huailin and Summon Jade, who actually know the situation, both said That's just the way to look at it. Actually, the more you eat on the side of Yaki, the more you eat, the more you recover. It is estimated that the players have to fight more. If you can see the blood of this guy, it is estimated that the players It crashed early, but it can't be seen now, so it can support it. On the side of Biyaji, Li Huailin obviously felt that the other party was closing his hands. It is estimated that this thing can kill these players casually. The purpose of his hand is also very simple, because he is not trying to kill the players. It is necessary to eat them to replenish energy, so only a few tentacles are used to sneak there, and no other skills are used. This makes the scene seem to be able to play.

"Although I want to pick up my ass, but this is really a matter of mine." Li Huailin said, "But before Biyaji said that he is not dead, I think it may not be a joke. Call this guy now. The blood is not there. Maybe this guy really has no concept of death. The task of this temporary battlefield is also written. Repelling the ancient gods can also be a task. Maybe we can find a way to seal this thing."

"Although it makes a little truth, the problem is that we can't seal this thing." Summon the Jade Emperor's spreader. "We don't have any similar skills. It seems that the side of the sky seems to be here, but the Excalibur has just been destroyed by you. What should I do?"

"I want to find a way to throw it directly into other worlds." Li Huailin thought about it. "I don't know how to open the door now?"

"..." summoned the Jade Emperor to help, "No, do you still want to be dreamed? People just said to be mixed with you..."

"Not a dream world, I also know that the guy is particularly annoying, but I am not going to open the door to another world now?" Li Huailin said directly, "The light, the root."

Li Huailin quickly flashed a black light and a blue light. Of course, both swords appeared.

"No." The roots of this side came out to Li Huailin. It is obvious that I heard the words of Li Huailin. "The magical world is all composed of magic energy. Magic energy is pure energy. If you put this thing If you enter the world of magic, the other party is estimated to be able to absorb the magic energy infinitely. What will happen when it is time to imagine."

"This way." Li Huailin nodded. Before Li Huailin asked, what would happen to the world when the average person threw it into the magical energy. Isn't this a research skill? If you say that you can directly open a magical world door and throw people into it, and the answer is that it will explode. Yes, the average person can't help the world of the magical world. The moment of entering will explode directly, but Baiyaki is an ancient god. It is still an ancient **** who may not have the concept of death. It is equal to throwing the other party into the magical world. Giving the other party unlimited energy, this other party may be really invincible.

"Oh..." After the roots were finished, the light next to it suddenly akimbo and a look of ecstasy.

"You are here..." Li Huailin also asked.

"It is really useless." The light here said to the roots, "So I am the strongest, the master please rest assured that anything will be thrown to the dead, of course, it will die directly, absolutely no problem, Hey."

"Are you sure?" Li Huailin asked suspiciously. "This guy is an ancient god. According to himself, he is not dead. You are sure that throwing this thing into the dead will not absorb the energy of the dead, such as the power of death. And so on, and then inexplicably become a big sister?"

"Oh... I... I certainly decided to pull!" The light here said immediately, although Li Huailin looked at her expression as if it was not certain. I really couldn’t figure out who I was. Guy, Li Huailin really does not want to believe her.

"Really!" Seeing Li Huailin’s skeptical expression, the faint light here quickly said, "No one but me can use the power of the dead world, although I don’t know if Bay Yaki will die, but the other side. Absolutely unable to gain the power of death."

"Oh?" It seems that the words of the glory are still a bit emboldened. Li Huailin thinks this can be believed. It is also said that if you throw it into the dead world, Biyaji is not dead, and he can't continue to replenish energy. It is almost a situation that has been sleeping. Think about it too, the dead world should have nothing but the dead, where to find energy, so if you think about it, you can try it.

"That line, try it like this." Li Huailin nodded.

As he spoke, Li Huailin was ready to begin releasing his skills. The result was just about to be shot. A voice came from the side: "You give me and so on!"

Li Huailin turned around and saw that the dream was here again. Li Huailin was not surprised at all.