MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 128 Swordsman and Exorcist (14)

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"Me too!"

Hearing this, Ling Yan also got up in a hurry and stood firm on the ground.

"No! You haven't healed yet."

Gu Zhong pressed his forehead and scolded severely.

"With my feet growing on me, can you still care where I run?"

Ling Yan immediately raised her head and sang the opposite tone, and the words made Gu Zhong choked.

"Anyway, I said no!"

However, this time Gu Zhong did not easily compromise with her, and his attitude was still tough.

She opened the door, strode out, and then closed the door heavily, never turning around to look at Ling Yan.

"Hey! Take care!"

Ling Yan ran to the door and wanted to chase it out, but the strange thing was that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open the ordinary wooden door.

Only then did she realize that in addition to using the sword, Gu Zhong had other abilities that she did not know.

Brute force is not enough, so what about spells?

I did it when she thought of it, Ling Yan tried it immediately, and she became more and more anxious, she just wanted to break through the door quickly, as if something unacceptable would happen if she didn't do it.

Walking out of the narrow and closed house, Gu Zhong lightly jumped onto the roof, and at a slightly empty height, she really saw what was going on in the Taoist temple now, and what was the source of those strange sounds .

Countless dense and hazy black mist spreads throughout the Taoist temple, or the Taoist temple is being swallowed by this unusually broad mist.

Crawl to the extreme.

—is a demonizer.

Although it is different from the demonizer they have seen, this is indeed a demonizer, a manipulated demonizer.

The entire Taoist temple was transformed into a demon domain overnight, and everyone was demonized.

Looking at the direction, those magicians are coming towards the direction of the four of them, and many have already crawled to the courtyard.

Gu Zhong firmly held the Xuanjing on her wrist, closed her eyes, her hands trembled uncontrollably, and fine beads of sweat emerged from her forehead.

However, extreme self-control is useless, and the fragrance becomes more intense.

—That incense is in this courtyard.

Gu Zhong suddenly opened his eyes, the black pupils were full of whites, leaving no gaps, the pure black pupils were no longer human-like.

The thicker black mist than the mist in the Taoist Temple overflowed from her body, blending with her black clothes and the dark night.

The demonizer climbed into the courtyard, stopped hesitantly, looked around, and seemed to have no idea where to go for a while.

They roared furiously because they couldn't find the target. The roar was a strange and shrill scream, which made the eardrums tingle, the head was dizzy, and the spirit seemed to be polluted. .

Gu Zhong stood on the high roof and stared blankly at the monsters in the courtyard.

The only two houses under her feet that were not attacked by demonic energy were battered, and the people inside were trying their best to break the confinement on the door.

Gu Zhong glanced at the other house, as if looking at the prey that had no chance of escaping.

She held the sword in her hand, held her breath, and suddenly drew the sword out.

The sword net made of sword qi was so dazzling in the dark, it went straight towards the airtight cover of the house with dazzling silver light.

The fine grid will break every inch of bricks into pieces, and the people inside should not escape such a fate.

However, this net still encountered obstacles, and a golden light like a lampshade appeared in the middle, dissolving the sharp sword energy into the invisible.

"Elder Gu, what are you doing?"

Waiting for the sword qi to dissipate, Chu Cheng put away the golden bell in his hand, raised his hand and fanned it, trying to dispel the dust in front of him caused by the collapse of the house.


Gu Zhong didn't answer, she just raised her sword and continued to attack them, with fierce and deadly moves, without any hesitation.

"Can't see it yet? Look around!"

Ling Ying grabbed Chu Cheng and fled in a hurry, turning around and dropping two spells from time to time to stop Gu Zhong's pursuit.

"Demon? No, demonizer!? What's going on?"

Chu Cheng raised his eyes when he heard the words, and his face turned pale with fright.

Although the demon converts are not strong, but such a large number of demon converts are definitely not something they can deal with, not to mention there is a man behind them who is chasing them like crazy.

"Elder Gu also..."

"Perhaps...she was originally a demon?"

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Ying said something.

"Impossible, when have you ever seen a demon be able to move freely and consciously like an ordinary person? Besides, both the National Teacher's Mansion and the Royal Palace are forbidden, and the demon will be discovered no matter what—"

Chu Cheng immediately denied Ling Ying's words, but stopped abruptly at the end.

"—Mr. Chu has reacted? When have you seen such a powerful demon transformer? Maybe there is really a demon that can possess a body, like a possessed queen, enough to evade all probes. "

Ling Ying continued to guide her way.

"Impossible, if it's really a demon, why would it lead our thinking to possession? Isn't this exposing its shortcomings?"

Although he became more and more disliked by Gu Zhong, he would never believe that Gu Zhong was really transformed by a demon, and he should not doubt her just for the kindness of saving his life a few times.

Moreover, what good would it be to get close to them? Without a compelling motive, such speculation is unbelievable.

"Maybe the monsters may not always be monsters? But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it, and now the focus is obviously the monsters. Let's think about how to survive tonight..."

Sighing, Ling Ying immediately turned the topic to the current situation.

"Wait, Miss Ling—"

Just now, in a hurry, he only wanted to flee, but now Chu Cheng realized that there was another person who hadn't appeared from the beginning to the end.

"—I'm afraid it's more fortunate than luck, and living in the same room with such a powerful monster, where is there any way to survive?"

Seeing that Chu Cheng was dazed and had a tendency to turn back, Ling Ying hurriedly dissuaded him.


Even though she knew that what Ling Ying said was probably correct, Chu Cheng was still unwilling to admit that Ling Yan would really have an accident.

"Stop it! We have to go back alive to get this message out!"

Ling Ying interrupted him, her eyes full of indifference and determination.

They ran and jumped along the ridge of the roof, chasing the hordes of demonizers under their feet, and from time to time they went up the roof, trying to pull them down.

The bright moon hung in the sky, silently watching this chasing mime.

Seeing that the two of them are gradually losing their strength, they are about to be surrounded. At this critical moment, a white train gallops from the rear.

Gu Zhong, who was chasing after Bai Lian, turned into a human figure and fell behind her.

Gu Zhong stopped, she lowered her head to look at her chest, and a hand passed through it.

The black liquid accompanied by the black mist slowly overflowed from the hole - this body has no blood to flow.

Gu Zhong took a step forward with difficulty and turned around slowly.

Ling Yan's eyes widened in disbelief.

"You care?!"

"This is not a matter of concern, it is a demon!"

Not far away, Ling Ying let out a hoarse roar.

Gu Zhong looked straight at Ling Yan, there was still no expression on that face, her eyes were pure black—she was really not human.

"You are... a demon."

Still unable to believe this fact, Ling Yan murmured stupidly.

She looked down at her hands, which were as white as jade stained with black.

A similar scene passed by in a trance, as if the hand had once pierced through the same chest.

The black in Gu Zhong's eyes disappeared for a moment, and then covered her eyes again.

The hand holding the sword was placed by her side, she just looked at Ling Yan like this, without the slightest move, she didn't seem to want to hurt her.

"Give me back Gu Zhong!"

Ling Yan raised the magic weapon in her hand, staring at Gu Zhong, making a bluffing threat.

"Gu Zhong! Can you hear me?"

Then she seemed to remember something and called out loudly.

It seemed that he hoped that Gu Zhong would wake up suddenly, as in the battle at the palace, and cut through the black mist with a sword, slaying the surrounding demons.

However, nothing happened this time, the black mist still surrounded Gu Zhong, constantly burrowing into the broken chest, repairing the already rotten flesh.

A flame hit her from behind Gu Zhong.

The flame was extremely fierce, Ling Yan had never seen Ling Ying use this technique.

If he threw this flame on the ground, he might be able to kill nearly half of the demons in an instant.

"Be careful!"

Ling Yan couldn't help but reminded aloud, completely forgetting that the care in front of her was different.

Gu Zhong looked back slightly, just waved his hand to extinguish the raging fire, and then looked at Ling Ying.

Looking at this lifeless look, Ling Ying felt a burst of fear and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

His left hand was on his right elbow, a look of pain appeared on his face, and he seemed to be severely injured.

"Ling Ying?! What's wrong?"

Chu Cheng called him suspiciously.

"I'm fine."

Ling Ying's answer was very weak.

"How do you know, I'm not caring?"

Dodged to Ling Yan's side, left the last whisper, Gu Zhong turned into a black mist, and completely disappeared into the night.

"Gu... heavy?"

After chewing these two words on her lips for a while, Ling Yan suddenly turned her head to look at the night that had become quiet, her eyes brightened amazingly.


The author has something to say:

GGAD divorced, so they divorced (not).

Gu Zhong: It's another day when my wife's heart is taken away!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-0922:52:12~2022-04-1023:19:45

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of spring breeze once;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion