MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 127 Swordsman and Exorcist (13)

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"It turned out to be a distinguished guest from the National Teacher's House."

"Since you have doubts, just try to investigate, and we will not make any obstacles - but, in my opinion, you are probably wasting your efforts, since the Qingxi Taoist Temple has been established, there is still no demon that can be there. This is the trouble."

The old man did not refuse, and his words were full of proud confidence.

However, now that there are even demons in the palace, is there really a place that is absolutely safe?

"Thank you."

Chu Cheng was still acting as a negotiator. He straightened his kneeling posture and bowed to the old man.

When they opened the door of the tea room and went out, there was a little Taoist boy at the door looking at them, his eyes full of thoughts.

"Is something wrong?"

Gu Zhong, who has never talked to strangers, stopped unexpectedly, restrained the chill on his face, changed into the role of a gentle and kind big sister, and asked the Taoist boy.


"A child? What's there to ask?"

Squinting at the dao boy who ran away, Ling Ying clasped her arms and said nonchalantly.

"This kid, have you been eavesdropping for a long time?"

"He seems to have something to say to us—"

Ling Yan expressed her inner thoughts, this child's behavior is really unusual.

"He ran away, what can he say?"

Ling Ying's fingers rested on the arm of the other hand, and the fingertips kept tapping.

Gu Zhong glanced at him, then turned to look at the old man who was sitting firmly in the tea room.

"Let's split up and find out."

After she finished speaking, she pulled up Ling Yan and disappeared in front of Chu Cheng and Ling Ying after a few vertical jumps.

"Hey! What kind of spying is this? Leave me again."

Ling Ying was quite annoyed at the inconsistency between Gu Zhong's words and deeds.

"Mr. Chu, then I'll go first."

He turned around and said something to Chu Chengyan, and then ran away.

"Gu Zhong, do you think that child is—"

Ling Yan was still very angry at Ling Ying's reply to her words just now.


Gu Zhong answered firmly.

"I'm not finished yet!"

Because of Gu Zhong's quick answer, it seemed very perfunctory, Ling Yan's dissatisfied tone brought out a bit of coquettishness.

"Because, I always thought that the Taoist boy might know something."

Gu Zhong was stunned for a while, then turned his head and looked at Ling Yan and explained seriously, but no matter how serious his tone was, he couldn't hide the smile.

"So, we have to find him."

"That's right. It's just—don't know why, I always have a bad feeling."

Gu Zhong has always trusted his own intuition, but this time it came a little too inexplicably.


Gu Zhong and Ling Yan asked everyone they met at the Taoist temple about the little Taoist boy and the unusual events that happened that night when the queen stayed at the Taoist temple.

Whether it was sweeping in the courtyard, chopping wood and cooking in the kitchen, or lighting incense and fortune telling in the front hall, they all inquired.

"Why is there another one? Are you annoying? I already said it, that day was no different from usual, so what could be strange?"

"A little Taoist boy of about ten years old, oh - you are talking about Ami, he - he is very naughty and lies, and he can't be trusted anyway. I didn't see him today. what-"

But the result was really unsatisfactory, no one knew what happened that night, and no one knew where the little Taoist Ami ran.

The investigation hit a dead end at the outset.

"The sun is going down."

Ling Yan raised her eyes and glanced at the sky, the light was gradually disappearing, and the night was about to come.

A gust of wind blew, blowing the bamboo forest behind the Taoist temple, making a rustling sound, which looked very desolate.

"Have you investigated anything?"

Chu Cheng and Ling Ying also searched around and found Gu Zhong and Ling Yan who were frowning and thinking. They were also frowning and looked like they found nothing.


"Maybe it really has nothing to do with Qingxi Taoist Temple, why continue to waste time."

Chu Cheng was extremely tired, and he didn't trust Gu Zhong's judgment very much.

"It's getting dark, if you don't go back, you won't be able to catch the city gate."

Ling Ying also began to urge, both men were unwilling to stay for a long time.

"I want to stay in the Taoist temple tonight."

Gu Zhong is still stubborn.


Chu Cheng's question was already suppressing his anger.

"Is there anything special here?"

Ling Ying turned to look around again, as if looking for a reason for Gu Zhong to stay here.

"I'll accompany you."

Only Ling Yan has no questions or complaints.

"Miss Ling—"

Chu Cheng turned to Ling Yan and seemed to want to say something, but she was interrupted in a blink of an eye.

"No need to say more, Gu Zhong naturally has her judgment, and it will not be good to stay here for an extra night. If you want to go back, go back by yourself."

"Ling Ying, why don't you go back?"

Ling Yan turned to Ling Ying and asked angrily.

"Hey—don't get me wrong, I'm not on the same front as him. Wherever Elder Gu is, I'll be there. Tonight, I will accompany him to the end."

In the small room, there is only a wooden bed, and a set of tables and chairs made of mahogany. The dim oil lamp is placed on the table, and the flame in the lampshade is beating high and low.

Gu Zhong leaned against the old window frame with his sword in his arms, the wind poured in from the open window, and the air-conditioning suddenly filled the entire space.

Sitting on the wooden bed with brand new bedding and leaning against the wall, under the erosion of sleepiness, Ling Yan couldn't help dozing off, nodding her head, looking very naive.

Gu Zhong retracted his gaze from the window, saw Ling Yan's appearance, and immediately closed the window to completely isolate the cold wind at night.

Ling Yan got out of bed and looked around vigilantly. This is a conditioned reflex that was practiced in an extremely unsafe environment.

"Nothing is happening, you can sleep well."

Seeing her smooth movements, Gu Zhong laughed and felt a little distressed.

"What time is it?"

Ling Yan yawned, walked to the bed and sat down, asking in a hazy hoarse voice.


Stopping the suddenly accelerated heartbeat, Gu Zhong replied with some difficulty.

"It's so late...I don't feel anything, do you want to sleep?"

Ling Yan reached out and grabbed the corner of Gu Zhong's clothes, looking up at her.

The half-dream and half-awake eyes were still glittering with tears, and this confused look was very attractive.

“Will Ah Yan sleep with me?”

Gu Chong's hand holding the sword loosened, she leaned down and asked Ling Yan's ear, her voice hoarse.

The warm breath was breathing in Ling Yan's ear, as if someone was drawing her auricle with lips and tongue.

The heat traveled along the auricle and climbed up her cheeks. Under the dim light of the oil lamp, Ling Yan was now like a steamed prawn, covered with It's red.

It seemed that she was completely awakened at this moment, and she stared at Gu Zhong in panic.


Once his eyes rolled, Gu Zhong wickedly climbed onto the bed and stretched out his hand to pull the quilt covering Lingyan's head.

"Ayan, you took away the quilt, how can I sleep?"

The **** failed, so she had to change the way, she complained in a very pitiful and aggrieved tone.

At least Ling Yan had never heard her talk like this before, so she couldn't help being shocked by her shamelessness. With her mind relaxed, Gu Zhong seized the opportunity and successfully snatched the quilt.

"Go to the table!"

Ling Yan who reacted, instantly forgot his shyness, and immediately started to fight back, the two of them were fighting on the bed.

"Ayan, did you hear anything?"

When Gu Zhong was about to lose, she suddenly turned her gaze to the door and her face became solemn.

"Come on! I won't be fooled again this time!"

Ling Yan did not believe it, after all, Gu Zhong had used such tricks more than once.


Gu Zhong pressed his index finger against Ling Yan's lips, his eyes still fixed on the door of the house.

The room fell silent, except for the messy breathing of the two of them.

Concentrating carefully, Lingyan heard some voices vaguely, rustling, as if there were many insects crawling on the ground.

In addition, she has some other discoveries.

"Gu Zhong, have you smelled a strange fragrance? It's very similar to the incense stick we use to attract magic, but it's not the same, with a strong floral fragrance."

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Zhong's complexion changed, her pupils suddenly enlarged, as if the real black seemed to fill her eyes, she stretched out her hand to hold the Xuanjing wristband in her right hand.

She turned sideways out of bed, stood for a while, and then walked towards the door.

"I'll go out and see."


The author has something to say:

Round up, they slept! (does not accept rebuttal)

Wow, thank you Gourd Angel for the rocket launcher and grenade! Raise high!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-04-0822:55:22~2022-04-0922:52:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 gourd;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 gourd;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion