MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 467 three conditions

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  Chapter 467 three conditions

  Luke's words were very domineering, and the people in the conference room couldn't help but recall all the things he had done since he became famous.

  Raging Waves City was run in the hands of the New Noble Cross Society as an iron bucket. The empire once wanted to take Raging Waves City back into its hands, but most of the people sent there died without a problem. However, after Meteor arrived in Raging Waves City, it disintegrated the influence of the Cross Society in Raging Waves City in a short period of time, and firmly controlled the city in his own hands.

  The western region has always been the most troublesome territory for the empire. The nobles in the western region have an offensive and defensive alliance, and they don't take imperial power seriously. After Meteor arrived in the western region, it didn't take long for the nobles in the western region to hand in their letters of loyalty. Now the nobles in the western region are very honest, they all poke their heads into the ground like ostriches, and keep silent no matter how the situation in the empire changes.

  The imperial capital...

  Meteor can be said to cover the sky with one hand in the imperial capital. With the officials of the Raging City Department entering the palace and occupying important positions, Meteor will soon become the chief assistant of the empire. The empress is emptied by him, and he will become the most powerful official in the history of the empire.

   Now the Meteor has come to the Tedgar Hills.

  The arrogant words he said, if someone else said it, no one would believe it.

   But that's what Meteor said.

   That makes sense!

   And it was said in public, it is likely to reach the ears of the Duke of Celtic.

   It just made the generals think that yesterday, my group was still discussing how to deal with the disadvantaged Northern Legion in the face of the Magical Legion's weapon generation gap.

Sun Bingsha replied: "You know. But it is absolutely very, very small to attract seven ancient civilizations, and all of them are extraordinary creatures who participated in ancient wars. You still remember the oppressive feeling when the angels surrounded the palace, that is also One of the reasons why the Empire wants to slowly arm a magic army.

  Expectation and trust make the expressions of each Northern Legion generals normal and rich.

   Moreover, military nobles have received military training since childhood, and civilian officers have no qualifications to be treated equally with nobles! "


  Through mechanical prosthetics, the generals learned about the use of magic technology, and also vaguely that magic weapons will reshape a brand new war mode.

  Now the empire is governed by the evil queen. Meteor is not the smallest treacherous minister of the former party, but the roadblock for Prince Sun Binghuan to ascend the throne. Can I be so wicked and let the Northern Army be the first to receive magical weapons? I'm just afraid that the northern army will get the magic weapon and send me to the guillotine first?

  Sun Binghuan's complexion was also very bad.

   What an honor that is!

  Next is not the first condition.

  That condition, as long as Sun Binghuan has room to operate is the problem.

"Yes!" Kyle answered clearly: "As the empire's first magic army and the world's first magic army, the empire can hand it over to the military nobles. It is to revoke the privileges of the nobles. Your highness is just a name Commander of the Legion."

  Although I am greedy for the throne, asking me to give up the right of inheritance is a slight infringement on my interests after all.

   You also killed a ShadowClan assassin.

"Let's calm down first." Tedgar knew that as a professional soldier, Sinclair was the opponent of Meteor, so I said to Sun Bing, "Let's make this meeting the main topic, Emperor What did I want you to do before?"

   "That's right, Your Majesty." Sinclair immediately apologized to Tedgar.

   "Tell me about his conditions."

"Rage City is now the heart of the empire. It is in the hands of Governor Meteor, and it is leading the empire to slowly retreat into the previous stage of civilization. That heart should give a problem, and the new dilemma of the empire can only be solved, the old problem It will happen again. He has even controlled the Northern Legion now, and he has restrained his subordinates." Lukesha waited for a while, and continued: "Now the emperor has no golden men, angels, dragons, and demons. He and the Shadow Clan also showed signs, seven ancient civilizations suddenly gathered in the imperial capital, is he incapable of dealing with us?"

  Lukesha asked Tedgar back: "Affirming that he becomes the emperor of the empire, can he guarantee that his people are greedy for the wealth of Raging Tide City, and using the privileges obtained by supporting him to compete for the interests of Raging Tide City?"

Kyle said to Tedgar: "It is only the Royal First Magical Legion that wants to abolish the privileges of the nobles. The privileges of the nobles will be completely abolished from the imperial army in the last step of military reform. Low-ranking officers can always be in the hands of the nobles, for sure. Noble officers really think they are better than civilian officers, so they should be afraid of challenges.

  Kyle replied: "Disadvantages? Of course not. There is no condition for the Northern Army to be reorganized into the Royal First Magical Army."

  Tedga said: "That condition, you need to think about it badly, and you need to solicit the opinions of officers at all levels."

   Can I give it?

   What makes people understand is that the cabinet has given them all. "

  Tedgar said to Kyle: "That too much!"

   Isn't he afraid of arousing the vigilance of the Celtic Duke?

Just after Sun Bing finished speaking, General Sinclair immediately slapped the table and stood up: "Meteor, is he trying to rebel? His Highness Tedga is the eldest grandson of Emperor Augustine. He dared to instigate His Highness to give up the right to inherit the throne. Did he want to?" Usurper!"

Kyle reached forward again, took another document from Prince MacDonald, and threw it behind General Sinclair: "That is the detailed list of supplies for the Northern Army signed by the Imperial Cabinet eight months ago. According to the Intelligence Bureau's information, in those eight months, did the Northern Legion have any battles involving more than 100 people with the Barbarian Legion, and the supplies reported by the Northern Legion to be replenished actually increased instead of decreasing.

   " you have any objections..."

"He knows that Meteor has not yet supported the civil war among **** demons; obtained the right to mine fire crystal mines from the Dragon Kingdom. Sister Clear Sky suppressed the group of angels who had surrounded the palace; let the Shuojin people in a Compromise under minor incidents.

  I immediately said to Tedgar: "Your Highness, that is a conspiracy by Meteor. Canceling noble privileges will affect your control over the legion."

  Sun Binghuan nodded, that's right.

Kyle got the document, looked at it and threw it behind General Sinclair: "That's the information about the Northern Legion collected by the Imperial Secret Service. There is no evidence that the Northern Legion is in the north of the Triumph Fortress." In the fan-shaped area, very few permanent fortresses were built, and the defensive sides of all the fortresses were all facing north.

  When they heard that the Northern Legion was about to change its name, the generals of the Northern Legion agreed with it. But when he heard that the name of the new legion was "The Royal First Magical Legion", his mood suddenly took a 140-degree turn.

  General Sun Binghuan has no opinion, so I can't say anything. "

  Tedgar, to answer your question, can he deal with seven ancient civilizations? "

   "General Joshul, if you tell you the plan of the Northern Army to retreat to the north, you will tell him your plan for Sun Binghuan Hill."

  Now the whole world is retreating into an extremely critical period. The empire must devote all its energy to responding to crises and seizing opportunities. Any internal turmoil may cause the empire to miss the opportunity to lead a new era and collapse. "

  General Sun Binghuan has read the eight documents under the table, and it is necessary to admit that they are all correct.

Sun Bing said with a smile: "General Sinclair, what you are discussing now is the Royal First Magical Legion, the Northern Legion. The head of the Royal First Magical Legion is Lord Tedgar, and he wants to publish beyond his authority." Opinion."

  General Sun Binghuan immediately praised: "The nobles have contributed to the empire for generations, especially the military nobles. Countless outstanding children died in battle for the empire. Our privileges are left to us by our ancestors, and they are also the glory bestowed on us by the empire.

  I am still the head of the Northern Legion, so I can make decisions over the legion command, and the officers outside of that will definitely refuse to cancel the privileges of myself and my family.

  No one in the venue looked at Meteor.

  Kyle went on to say: "The seventh condition: The Royal First Magical Legion cancels all privileges of nobles, no matter whether there are no explicit regulations or default unspoken rules, all conditions will be cancelled."

  Just now, Sinclair thought that Meteor was going to take over the military power of the Northern Territory Legion, but I gave Sun Binghuan the post of legion commander.

  If the army wants to be active, it must give room to those who are incompetent. "

   "You must agree to that condition. Is it because the northern army can obtain magic weapons?"

  General Joshul asked Luke: "May I know your plan for the Tedgar Hills?"

   After Kyle finished speaking, he looked at Sun Binghuan.

  Marquis of Meteorite, is that rumor true or false? "

Kyle brought another document and threw it in front of General Sun Binghuan: "Those are the types and quantities of materials that retreated from the Northern Legion's control area into the Joshul Hills. Although the figures below are not shocking, they are only the empire. A large part of the Secret Service's discovery.

   And it's "Royal First".

  General Sinclair, the Empire ordered him to put down Duke Agathe's rebellion. What did he want to do by doing those things? "

   Kyle reached forward and Prince Macdonald immediately placed a document in my hand.

  Sun Binghuan thought for a while and replied: "You can!"

  Sun Binghuan can only deny that he has even restrained the northern army, and it is even possible to deal with the seven ancient civilizations.

  Tedgar knew what Kyle wanted to do, so he said, "Does General Sinclair have any objections, and so do you."

  Kyle understood the message Tedgar sent to himself.

  The generals know what magic technology is from the chief magic advisor of the legion. It was originally a branch of alchemy, but now it is taken out by Raging Waves City as a small subject. Influenced by Raging Waves City and Oulu Academy, all small well-known academies around the world should pay attention to magic, which is an ancient subject that has been endowed with new vitality.

  Tedgar asked: "What are we doing in the imperial capital?"

   "The seventh condition, you wait for your reply from your highness. Let's also say the eighth condition: Your highness needs to publicly announce that you will give up the right to inherit the imperial throne..."

  Kyle asked Sun Binghuan: "Your Majesty, do you have any objections?"

"It's up to you to explain..." Lukesha, who has been silent since the end of the meeting, said: "Tedgar, the root reason why you and Meteor came to the Triumph Fortress that time is not that no one used his identity to compete Power. Even if it is resolved that time, as long as his inheritance rights exist, no one will stop jumping out.

  The abolition of noble privileges is definitely a bad thing for middle and upper-level officers. We have reason to agree to the way of promotion. And becoming the world's first magic army, it has no very small temptation for middle and upper-level officers and all soldiers. Led by Huang Sun Binghuan, as long as the middle and upper-level officers and soldiers speak out together, if the low-level officers want to be shot in the face, they can only accept it.

  Say, say what?

   "You think it's okay, it doesn't do him any harm?"

  But can that kind of bad thing really fall under the head of the Northern Army?

  General Sinclair scolded angrily: "That's just their rhetoric for stealing the country! The throne is not originally owned by His Majesty Tedga. The empire is also able to deal with dangers and seize opportunities under the leadership of His Majesty."

   Tedgar was very vague. If he agreed to that condition, the nobles' control over the legion would be diluted, and the nobles' support for him would decrease slightly.

  Now...he told you that the Northern Legion will be reorganized into the Magic Legion.

Kyle glanced at Lukesha first, and then said: "Rumors are not rumors, but no matter how you answer, some people will only doubt the answer they want to doubt. General Sinclair, the man who has no Majesty outside, No majesty's grandson, he did not lose his identity by telling such a ridiculous rumor on such an important occasion."

  Praise is not loyalty to His Majesty Tedgar, and the legal reorganization of the Legion will offend everyone in the Northern Legion.

   Tedgar was silent.

  Sun Bing was aggressive, and General Sun Binghuan immediately admitted: "To the north is the mainland of the empire. How could the Northern Legion retreat to the north? Marquis Meteorite, you want to frame the crime."

"The first one: General Sinclair resigned as head of the Northern Legion..." Kyle stopped Sinclair, who was about to speak, and continued: "The first head of the Royal First Magical Legion, led by His Royal Highness Tedgar You are in charge.

Kyle said: "Since the Northern Legion has left the Northern Territory, the name of the legion can continue to be used. The Empire has no plan for the reorganization of the Northern Legion. The pilot unit of guided weapons, the Royal First Magical Legion will be the first military force in the empire to receive magic."

  All the generals of the Northern Territory Legion persuaded together: "Your Majesty, you will definitely agree!"

I looked at Kyle and asked, "It was Emperor Augustine who gave you orders, but His Majesty hasn't appeared in public for a long time. There are no rumors in the court, and His Majesty has not died yet!"


  General Sinclair thought that Meteor had dug such a small hole for himself outside there.

  Sun Binghuan, you very much hope that he can go back to the imperial capital in person to see what the empire looks like now. But if you go back with the identity of the heir to the imperial throne, no one will make huge waves outside the palace! "

  Tedgar also thought that Kyle would give such a small gift.

  But letting middle and upper-level officers participate in the retreat can change the situation.

  General Sinclair can only agree. I suspect that Meteor puts harsh conditions in front of him, and it will be too late to give it when the time comes.

  Tedga said to Lukesa: "Aunt Lukesha, you admire him very much. Does he really think you should give up the right to inherit the throne? Can you really become a qualified emperor?"

   Rumors of the death of Emperor Augustine should have been spread long ago, but no one dared to confirm it. Meteor is definitely someone who knows about His Majesty's weakness, everyone is looking forward to my answer.

  (end of this chapter)

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