MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 466 Meeting with Sinclair

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  Chapter 466 Meeting with Sinclair

  There was a long queue outside the medical tent, ten operating tables were put into use at the same time, and the replacement of mechanical prosthetic limbs was completed for hundreds of soldiers of the Northern Legion in one day. It's just that some of the mechanical prosthetics brought in have been used up, and some soldiers don't have matching mechanical prosthetics in size and model.

  When these soldiers were worried that they would not be able to enjoy this benefit, the governor of Raging Waves City, Marquis Meteorite, sent someone to announce a message.

  Soldiers without suitable mechanical prosthetics can complete the registration and measurement in the medical tent, and Raging Waves City will manufacture mechanical prosthetics as soon as possible.

  The Marquis of Meteorite said: This free mechanical prosthetic replacement will never miss any soldier who was wounded and bled for the empire!

  The entire Triumph Fortress is full of cheers praising the great empire.

  Some officers also joined the ranks of replacing mechanical prosthetics. The mechanical prosthetics brought by Raging Waves City this time are too good.

  In the headquarters of the Triumph Fortress Legion, Sinclair, General Joshua, and many senior commanders of the Legion sat behind a curved conference table, and one soldier after another showed them the new mechanical prosthetic limbs of Raging City in front of them.

  Arms, legs, feet, eyes, ears...

  Every soldier is very satisfied with the mechanical prosthetic limb he replaced, which is almost the same as the real limb in use. Moreover, these prosthetic limbs try to make the appearance as close as possible to the real limbs. Even if they are still metallic, they can already give soldiers spiritual comfort.

A young soldier said with great anticipation: "His Royal Highness Sinclair, generals...Miss Sandpaper said that the Raging City Alchemist Association is researching the artificial skin. When the artificial skin is manufactured, and then put on the mechanical prosthesis, it will not be obvious that it is a fake skin. Fake."

  Another soldier said: "Miss Sandpaper told me about this, and she also said that if an alchemical sensor is embedded under the simulated skin, the mechanical prosthesis can still have a sense of touch.

   Then it is no different from real limbs. "

  Then several soldiers talked about what they had seen and heard in the medical tent, and they all worshiped under the magic technology of Raging Waves City.

  General Joshuar asked all these soldiers to withdraw.

  The medics and mages of the Legion submitted their analysis of these mechanical prosthetics to Sinclair and the generals.

  The Chief Magic Advisor of the Northern Legion and the head of the mage group was a middle-aged man with a beard. He attended and walked to the podium directly opposite the curved conference table.

"Your Highness, generals!" The magic advisor saluted first, and then said: "The mechanical prosthesis brought by Raging City this time is very advanced. It uses a lot of magic technology and bioelectric alchemy neuron technology, allowing us to intuitively see the Possessed technology and new technology development capabilities.

  Metallurgical technology, mechanical design capabilities, medical treatment... These technologies are also very leading in the whole world.

   To put it bluntly, the knowledge reserve of our legion mages is already far behind Rage City. "

  The magic consultant's words made the meeting fall into silence. Sinclair and the generals looked at the analysis opinions in their hands, and could feel that the military doctors and mages were trying their best to explain the new technology they saw with all their knowledge.

  The whole article is full of speculative words such as probably, maybe, and should.

  Sinclair rubbed his head, and then said to General Joshul beside him: "It seems that we all think things too simply, and the right to choose seems to have never been in our hands."

  General Joshuar gritted his teeth, the few pages in his hands were heavier than the pressure of thousands of troops.

The Northern Legion is the first legion in the empire to receive new technologies, new weapons, and new modes of warfare. General Joshuaer has witnessed the transition of the Northern Legion from an old-style army to a new-style army, and he is well aware of the changes in the combat effectiveness of the Northern Legion before and after .

  In the past, even if the army of the Northern Territory doubled, they would not dare to fight the barbarian army like they are now.

  Now I have always been proud of it, and the army that is definitely in the ranks of the world's first-class army is so behind!

"Your Highness, maybe things are not as bad as we think." General Joshua comforted Sinclair, and then said to the mage advisor: "If this technology is used to form an army, the Northern Legion has the ability to fight against this army." ability?"

  Mage consultant replied: "Your Excellency, what kind of confrontation are you talking about? If it is a confrontation between the barbarian army and the northern army, our northern army can fight against this army."

  The generals understand.

  Facing the enemy in the future, the Northern Legion will be passively beaten, and can only use the depth of defense and terrain to deploy defenses while defeating them. A limited counterattack is possible, but a large-scale counterattack is an act of death.

  General Joshuaer was afraid that Sinclair's will would be shaken, so he hurriedly said: "There are many factors that determine the outcome of a war, and weapons are only one of them. The soldiers' fighting will and the commander's war art can make up for the disadvantages of weapons.

  We are all willing to give our lives for His Royal Highness to take back the Empire from the Empress.

  Justice is on our side! "

  The generals stand together: "We are all willing to give our lives for Your Highness to take the Empire back from the Empress. Justice is on our side!"

  Sinclair suddenly felt trapped in a fairy tale. With the support of loyal nobles, the exiled prince bravely attacked the thief queen and her jester.

  Finally, the prince successfully killed the queen, not only became the new king, but also married a beautiful princess, and lived a happy life ever since.

   But reality is not a fairy tale.

   "My generals, please sit down! I believe in your loyalty, and I don't want to hurt your fighting spirit, but we can't cover our eyes and ignore Raging City's overwhelming technological advantage.

   Today we only saw a small mechanical prosthesis, but there are still many things in Raging City that we cannot see.

  We can't pin our hopes on the Duke of Celtic. After the envoy he sent disappeared, he hasn't been found yet. We can't pin our hopes on the cabinet either. When those officials need to abandon us, they will definitely not look back.

  The fate of the Army of the North must be in our own hands.

  I decided to meet with Princess Agatha and Meteor, and listen to their conditions before making a decision. "

  If Sinclair had said these words the day before, some generals would have jumped out to object.

   Now even the most hawkish general has not expressed his opinion. Everyone is waiting for General Joshua, he is the soul of this army.

   "I agree with Your Highness to meet the Eldest Princess Agatha and the Marquis of Meteor." General Joshua finally let go: "But before meeting them, Your Highness should first meet with the special envoy of the cabinet to hear how much support the cabinet can give us."


   As soon as Meteor came, he played Wang Zang, and it would not be good for the Northern Army to drag it down. Wait a few more days, maybe the meteorite will blow up the entire Triumph Fortress to the sky.

  The emperor's grandson Sinclair received the cabinet envoy.

  The news that they decided to meet tomorrow also reached Agatha.

   Condolences to Che Lie Tea Room.

   "It's only been two days, and Sinclair can't help it anymore." Although she sneered, Agatha was still very happy in her heart. Sinclair's willingness to talk means that there is hope for a peaceful solution to the Army of the North.

Luke, who was drinking tea with Agatha, said: "Sinclair definitely wanted to talk about it at first, but his generals stopped him. Now that we have demonstrated our technical strength at the generational level, Sinclair has an excuse to talk about it." The next meeting is finalized."

"It seems that whether the issue of the Northern Legion can be resolved peacefully will ultimately depend on the attitude of General Joshua. He was loyal to Fania, and now that Fania is dead, he will only focus on pushing Sinclair to the throne. superior.

  But if Sinclair ascends the throne, the officials and nobles who follow him will definitely compete for the court.

  Do you have any good ideas? "

  Luke did not promote Sinclair as the emperor of the empire because of this concern. Sinclair has no foundation in the court, and his superior position will definitely be emptied by the people below. These people have no bottom line in doing things, and they will rush to Rage City wave after wave.

  The empress can only rely on Rage City.

  Luke replied: "The privileges of the military nobles in the army will be fully lifted, and the Northern Legion will be reorganized. His Royal Highness Sinclair will serve as the head of the new legion."

   Agatha smiled and said, "It's very difficult for you to break the roots of those military nobles!"

   "That's why I came to Triumph Fortress."

   While Agatha and Luke were discussing what to say in the meeting with Sinclair, Sinclair's meeting with the cabinet special envoy Herman ended quickly.

  The results of the talks did not satisfy Sinclair. Apart from big and empty promises, the cabinet could not provide much useful support at all.


  The command of the Royal Knights and the palace guards is in the hands of the Queen; the Imperial Secret Service has always been managed by the eldest princess Agatha; Meteor is the head of the City Guard Corps of St. Lun City, and the Imperial Police Department has also fallen into his hands.

  The former court ministers were transferred away, and the cabinet ministers were unable to protect themselves, so how could they help the Northern Army too much.

  Herman can only promise money, and then talk about the possible death of Emperor Augustine.

   Meteorite and Raging City officials are described as the Queen's party who support the evil queen. The ministers with justice in their hearts are waiting for His Royal Highness, the grandson of the emperor Sinclair, to return to the imperial capital and bring the lost empire back to order.

  If Sinclair was more simple, he might really be persuaded by him.

   But after going through this series of great changes, he understood many things.

   On the second day, and the third day after the condolence group arrived at the Triumph Fortress, Princess Agatha and Marquis Meteor, Governor of Raging Waves City, officially entered the fortress.

  Inside the conference table, personnel from both parties sit on both sides of the long conference table.

   Both Sinclair and Agatha were expressionless, and there was no sign that they were aunts and nephews, nor did they appear to speak actively.

  They all have the status of members of the royal family, and it is not suitable for them to quarrel in the public. The real protagonists of this meeting are General Joshua and the Marquis of Meteor.

  Kelina sat next to Luke. She adjusted the typewriter and prepared to take notes at the meeting.

  Prince Macdonald and other imperial officials sat in the back row. There was a row of briefcases under the prince's feet. He was responsible for quickly finding out the information and documents needed for negotiations.

  The meeting begins.

  General Joshuar didn't speak, but just looked at Agatha and Luke with hatred. The death of the great prince Fania was directly related to the two of them. If Luke hadn't brought back the queen, and if Agatha hadn't mobilized imperial spies to rob the palace, maybe the result of the coup would have been different.

Luke first said with a smile: "The interior of Triumph Fortress is really too huge. I got lost in it when I visited it for the first time. Fortunately, a man named Quinton pointed out the way for me. Get out of the passage of the maze.

   I don't know if Mr. Quinton is here, but I want to thank him personally. "

  The disappearance of the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic was indeed related to the meteorite.

  General Joshuaer replied coldly: "Quinton went to inspect other garrisons of the legion today. I wonder where the Marquis saw Quinton?"

   "In a very huge cave. When I entered, Quinton was chatting with a group of rock giants. I wondered who was going to kill them?"

  Who is Quinton going to kill?

   It must be these two in front of you!

  Sinclair couldn't calm down, he asked, "Where did you see the rock giant?"

  Luke replied: "It's inside the Triumph Fortress."

  Joshul said: "Impossible, even a rock giant can't be hidden in the Triumph Fortress, let alone a group of them. Meteor, don't spread rumors and disturb the morale of the Northern Army."

   "General Joshua." Luke said contemptuously, "If there are any rock giants, just ask Quinton."

   "Quinton, he..." Joshua almost told the story of Quinton's disappearance: "Where did you see the rock giant, take us there?"

   "Forgot! The passages inside the Triumph Fortress are too complicated, I don't know how to get in, and I don't know how to get out. Maybe when I'm visiting the fortress, I can enter the cave full of rock giants again."

  General Joshul didn't know whether to believe in meteors or not.

  If there are rock giants from the Barbarian faction hidden in the fortress, it will be very dangerous for the main force of the Northern Legion to be stationed here. However, there is really no better place in the occupied area of ​​the Northern Legion for the army to station, and if the army leaves, the defense of the entire Tedgar Hills occupied area will become extremely fragile.

  For the safety of the army, General Joshua slowed down his attitude and said to Luke: "If what you said is true, please take us to destroy these rock giants."

   "If you meet Quinton, he will tell you that the rock giants are safe now. I put them all into a deep sleep and closed the cave's gate, and now no one can open that door except me."


   Seeing that General Joshua was going to get angry, Sinclair stopped him, and then asked Luke, "Is there really a rock giant?"

   "There really are. But rock giants are very rare rock-type extraordinary creatures. Such a large group of rock giants is very rare. Since the rock giants are harmless now, it is better to let them sleep.

   Wait for the empire to bring the Tedgar Hills into direct rule, and it will not be too late to wake them up. "

General Joshua said in disbelief: "Bring the Tedgar Hills into the direct rule of the empire? Marquis of Meteor, do you know where the Tedgar Hills are? Long before the establishment of the empire, the Celtic family ruled the Tedgar Hills." hills.

   No one can separate the Celtic family from the Tedgar Hills. "

   Luke agreed: "Yes, no one can separate the Celtic family from the Tedgar Hills, unless the Celtic Duke wants to separate."

  General Joshuaer asked: "What do you mean?"

  Luke said with a smile: "What I mean is very obvious. The Tedgar Hills have officially started the process of being incorporated into the empire. All the Duke of Celtic can do is to speed up this process or slow it down."

"You are joking!"

  Luke stared at General Joshua: "I never joke about this kind of thing. Raging City, Imperial Capital, Western Territory, I promise I can do it.

   Now I have come to the Tedgar Hills, which will soon cease to be the Tedgar Hills of the Celtic Dukes.

I said! "

  (end of this chapter)

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