MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 64

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The plane landed at four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was five o'clock when they pulled their luggage out of the airport.

Li Qiu drove over to pick them up, gave up the driver's seat to Li Lei after getting in the car, and told Jiang Liucheng about the next work.

Jiang Liucheng saw that his expression was a little tired, and it seemed that he had not rested well recently.

"What happened recently, you look tired, or take a two-day break."

"No." Li Qiu refused without thinking, "It's not too tired, it's just..."

He hesitated.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Jiang Liucheng said.

Li Qiu sighed lightly, "I didn't say that there is a luxury brand that wants to work with you, but there seemed to be something wrong last night, and the time is uncertain."

Jiang Liucheng said: "Is it related to the previous Weibo hot search?"

Before someone fished in troubled waters, trying to provoke a fight between him and Qin Lu's fans.

Li Qiu: "Once you win this luxury brand, your value will rise. The company also attaches great importance to it, but some people don't want you to get it so easily."

After Xinghuo won a luxury brand endorsement for Jiang Liucheng, competitors thought that Xinghuo planned to abandon the previous business model and cultivate a traffic star.

The market is so big and there are so many resources. If another traffic star competes with them for resources, it will undoubtedly harm their interests.

Xinghuo Company itself is already a leader in the film and television industry. If they are allowed to occupy the market of traffic, they can only drink soup.

Several capital companies specializing in cultivating traffic stars are naturally reluctant to see Jiang Liucheng rise.

Jiang Liucheng's momentum is very strong now. His nationality and popularity are very high. In addition, he takes the film and television route, not just traffic, but he can gain the goodwill of passers-by.

In order to prevent Jiang Liucheng from growing up, several capital companies are secretly preparing to make some small moves.

But if that's the case alone, Xinghuo Company is not afraid. As the most powerful entertainment company in the entertainment industry, if those companies can stop them, they will not wait until now.

Li Qiu was not worried at first. He accidentally heard Mr. Shi's conversation with others yesterday, and only then did he know that Mo's Entertainment was also involved in this sniping, and even the Mo's group behind him might make a move.

If the Mohs Group also makes a move, it may be unfavorable for Spark.

One of the leaders in the domestic cinema chain industry is Tongbao Film and Television, and Tongbao Film and Television is a subsidiary of Mo's Group.

If Tongbao Films boycotts, it will also be very unfavorable to Xinghuo Company, because Xinghuo Company is the main producer of movies, and if Mohs Group takes action, it will also have an impact on the company.

However, Li Qiu didn't plan to tell Jiang Liucheng about it, and it was useless to say it, and President Shi would also think of a way so that he didn't have to worry.

"Do you still need to go to the endorsement tomorrow?" Jiang Liucheng asked.

"Wait for the news." Li Qiu felt a little overwhelmed. After all, the appointment time was tomorrow. "Let's not talk about this, I will notify you when there is news. I will send you back to the community first?"

"No need, I've made an appointment with a friend, just send me to this address." Jiang Liucheng told Li Lei, who was driving, the address he had agreed to meet with Zheng Kailin.

Just when Jiang Liucheng went to the agreed address, Qin Lu, who was resting, received a call from President Shi.

Mr. Shi first called Zhang Ning and learned that Qin Lu had just finished filming a scene and was resting, so he called him.

"I heard from your assistant that you haven't had a good rest since shooting this morning, so why are you working so hard all of a sudden?"

Qin Lu sat on a small bench, leaning on the back of the bamboo chair, a pair of long legs that had nowhere to rest, and held a mobile phone in one hand, his expression and posture were very lazy.

Even if they have seen each other for a few months on the set, the little girls around can't help but look away every time. The actor Qin is really handsome and cool.

"I should be asking you this. You rarely call me when I'm filming, so let's talk about it."

"We've known each other for almost ten years, can't I talk to you about fifty cents first?"

Qin Lu crossed his legs and changed to a more leisurely posture: "Okay, let's talk, your family is urging you to get married again?"

Mr. Shi didn't want to talk anymore, "When did you become like this, you are embarrassed to tell me, you are already thirty years old, you... Forget it, let's get down to business."

Qin Lu's relationship with his father was not very good, and it was impossible for his family to urge him to marry. In order to avoid bringing it up and making him unhappy, he kindly stopped the topic.

Qin Lu didn't care about his unfinished words, "What's the business?"

Mr. Shi said: "Since you opened your personal studio, I have finally relaxed for a few years. After signing Jiang Liucheng, I have a feeling of returning to when I first signed with you."

"Someone is targeting Jiang Liucheng?" Qin Lu was not surprised at all.

"It's not just some people. Now the company has become a thorn in the eyes of those few capitals. If it's only them, it's fine. Anyway, it's not the first time for those companies to encircle and suppress Xinghuo. The key is that there is an additional Mo's group."

"Mo's Group has taken action?"

Mr. Shi snorted, "You don't sound surprised at all, you seem to know something I don't know, what's going on? How could he offend the Mo Group?"

At this time, Qin Lu's eyes filled with coldness, "You don't need to worry about it, I'll take care of it."

Mr. Shi: "It's definitely up to you to solve it. I can't handle the Mo Group. The company still has several movies ready to be released. If the theater chain under Tongbao Film and Television doesn't let my movie appear, I'll have to pay for it."

Xinghuo and Tongbao Film and Television have a cooperative relationship. If the other party breaches the contract, even if he can get a compensation, it will not be able to fill the hole that may be lost.

Qin Lu said, "I will solve this matter, and you can help me with another matter."

President Shi: "Okay, you say, as long as I can do it."

Qin Lu glanced around and said briefly.

President Shi looked surprised, "This person offended you?"

Qin Lu hummed, he didn't like that this person would become an obstacle between him and Jiang Liucheng in the future.

"It's strange, I remember that he seems to be your fan. Could it be that he did something to disturb you?"

"If he just came to disturb me, it wouldn't be like this."

"Speaking of which, I'm quite curious. What did he do to make you unbearable?"

"You will know later, don't ask now, get things done as soon as possible."

"Okay, it's easy."

If he didn't say it, Mr. Shi knew that he couldn't ask.

On the other hand, after Li Qiu sent Jiang Liucheng to his destination, he asked if he wanted to wait for him.

Jiang Liucheng said no, after the meal, his friends would send him back to the community.

Li Qiu never interfered in his private life, so he didn't say any more.

Jiang Liucheng walked into the restaurant, and the waiter took him to a box when he learned that he was a reserved guest.

After waiting for about five minutes, the box door was pushed open, and outside stood Zheng Kailin in a suit.

"Have you waited for a long time?" Zheng Kailin walked in and sat opposite Jiang Liucheng.

"No, it's only been a few minutes, and you're pretty fast." Jiang Liucheng was used to Zheng Kailin being late for parties with them. In college, he was the busiest of the four in the dormitory. Later, when he opened a company, he often needed Socializing outside, sometimes I always come back full of alcohol.

Jiang Liucheng poured him a cup of tea, "Are you dry mouth, drink a little first, I have already ordered the dishes, and they will be served later."

Zheng Kailin was in a very happy mood, picked up the teacup and drank it, "It's been a long time since I've had a meal alone with you, you still remember my taste."

Jiang Liucheng smiled and said: "It's hard to remember, every time you come late, don't you let us order it for you first, don't talk about me, that careless guy Lao Guo can remember it."

Zheng Kailin put down the teacup and sighed: "Now that I think about it, I actually regret it. If the money is gone, I can make more money. The good life in college is gone without it."

Jiang Liucheng: "You didn't listen when everyone said it before, but now it's not too late. You are already a winner in life in terms of money and status."

"You're right." Zheng Kailin stared at him, "So I regret it now, do you think I really have time?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded without hesitation, "Of course, you are still so young, and you are only one year older than me. Many people are still in their thirties."

Although he knew that what the other party said was different from what he thought, Zheng Kailin also felt a little reassured.

Just when he wanted to get into the theme, the waiter came to deliver the dishes.

Zheng Kailin had to hold back his mind for a while, waiting for the waiter to bring in the dishes one by one.

Until there were two people left in the box again.

Zheng Kailin filled him a bowl of soup and put it in front of him, "It's a little hot, drink it carefully."

"Thank you, you can drink it too, you must be tired after a day's work."

Zheng Kailin glanced at Jiang Liucheng, who was drinking the soup seriously, and asked casually, "Did that screenwriter Jian still send you a message?"

Jiang Liucheng blew the chicken soup in the spoon, "I still have hair, just chatting with me like an ordinary friend, he is quite sensitive, I just replied a sentence or two, and he asked him after not chatting for too long. Why do I ignore him, I can't say it directly."

Zheng Kailin: "It seems that if you don't talk about it, this person will not give up. Otherwise, you should find a chance to tell him not to disturb you again."

Jiang Liucheng: "No, I have already told Qin Lu, and he said it will be resolved."

Zheng Kailin made a move, "Did you tell him? He said it would be resolved? When did you tell him?"

Jiang Liucheng didn't pay attention to his repeated questions, nodded and said, "I said, just yesterday, yes, there is one more thing, I wanted to wait until I go back to the community and tell you when we have dinner together."

Zheng Kailin's hand holding the chopsticks tightened, and suddenly he had a bad premonition, and he always felt that the next words were not what he wanted to hear.

Jiang Liucheng said, "I have a new blind date. You all know this person, Qin Lu."

Zheng Kailin's brain was buzzing, and the last thing he wanted happened, "When did this happen?"

"Last night, didn't you say that Qin Lu might not think the same as me, so I went to ask him. I didn't expect him to like men too, so I asked him if he wanted to try a blind date with me, and he agreed."

Jiang Liucheng didn't notice his friend's face, and he was very happy when he said it, because he felt that this time he might succeed.

Different from other blind dates, before he and Qin Lu became blind dates, the two had known each other for several months and had a certain understanding of each other.

In the past, blind dates were like opening a blind box. Before meeting, they simply learned about family information. The real situation will only be known after meeting and contact.

Now that they have a foundation, he thinks the success rate should be pretty high.

"Fortunately, you reminded me this time. Otherwise, I would never have thought of going on a blind date with Qin Lu. Thanks to you, Qin Lu also asked me to thank you."

Zheng Kailin couldn't laugh anymore.

Jiang Liucheng was still talking behind him, but he didn't listen too much.

The other party's words disrupted all his plans. With what he knew about Jiang Liucheng, it was impossible for him to accept another person when he was dating someone else.

However, this time he didn't dare to wait any longer. He had a bad feeling that if he waited any longer, he might really have no chance to speak.

Not to say that there is no chance, but to say that it is very likely that even friends are not wrong.

Zheng Kailin had a very unpleasant meal this time. He carefully selected this restaurant based on the taste of Jiang Liucheng, thinking that he would wait until the atmosphere was the most relaxed.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Liucheng noticed that he was absent-minded.

Zheng Kailin thought about it again and again, but still wanted to test it, "I suddenly remembered that a partner asked me a few days ago, he said he liked his friend, he didn't know if his friend would agree if he confessed, and if he didn't, would they agree? You don't even have to be friends, don't you think? They're all boys."

Jiang Liucheng thought for a while and said, "It depends on the situation. I don't know what their situation is, so it's hard to say."

Zheng Kailin pretended to smile and said, "Speaking of which, we were all surprised when you suddenly decided to go on a blind date with a man. Lao Guo also teased me and told me that if I knew you would accept a man, maybe he would do too."

Jiang Liucheng laughed and said, "Lao Guo is heterosexual, he doesn't know it, he's just joking."

Zheng Kailin: "Assuming it's not a joke, will you accept him, or Qiao Bing, or me."

Jiang Liucheng gave him the answer without thinking much, "None."

Zheng Kailin blurted out: "Why?"

Jiang Liucheng: "I know Lao Guo too well. We have known each other since we were young. It is impossible for me to be with him. Qiao Bing is heterosexual, and he told me before that he plans to get married when he is 30 years old. As for you..."

After listening to him finish the first two, Zheng Kailin swallowed a little nervously.

"We are not suitable either." Jiang Liucheng said, "Mr. Zheng, you are excellent, but you are not the type I am looking for. I will not look for someone who is very professional."

Zheng Kailin always felt that as long as they were familiar enough with each other, there would be a chance, but he didn't expect that the most important question was, "What if I could change it?"

Jiang Liucheng still shook his head, "I don't think it's suitable, and I already have a blind date, so I won't think about other people anymore."

Until the two returned to Siming Community, Zheng Kailin failed to confess to Jiang Liucheng according to his plan. After listening to his words, he decided to temporarily bury his thoughts in his heart. Do.

When taking the elevator up, Jiang Liucheng's mobile phone rang a few times.

He glanced at it, and there was a message from Qin Lu, and it was also from Qiao Bing when he asked him if he had finished eating.

He replied to Qin Lu first, saying that he had returned to the community after eating and was going upstairs.

Because the distance was relatively close, Zheng Kailin just saw it, and his mood was very low. Qiao Bing and Qin Lu sent him a message at the same time. He chose to reply to Qin Lu first. It can be seen from the details that he attaches great importance to the latter.

Qin Lu didn't reply to him, and Jiang Liucheng didn't care either. It was very likely that he was still filming at this time.

Zheng Kailin put away his phone after seeing him replying to the two of them, and said a little surprised, "Is Emperor Qin busy?"

Jiang Liucheng hummed, "His role in today's scene is heavier."

"Emperor Qin also seems to be a career-oriented person." Zheng Kailin said casually.

Jiang Liucheng thought of what happened in the morning and replied, "He is different, I asked before."

Zheng Kailin was choked, he shouldn't have asked.

After sending people up, he left.

"Why did Mr. Zheng leave so soon?" Guo Qifan thought he would come in and sit for a while, but went out and found that the person had really left.

"Probably something." Jiang Liucheng put on indoor slippers.

Guo Qifan retracted his head and followed behind him, "Speaking of which, when I was looking at Weibo just now, I found that there was a marketing account that kept posting some material related to you. Judging by the tone, I felt that the visitor was a little unkind."

Jiang Liucheng glanced at the phone, Qin Lu's assistant replied for him, saying that because the opponent's drama was always out of status, he had NG a lot of times, and he wanted to get off work earlier.

Although it was not Qin Lu who replied, but when he saw the content sent by the assistant, he could imagine the feeling of a man Wei Wei was eager to contact him in person, and the corners of his mouth curved.

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