MTL - After The Actor Made a Match For Me, He Died Out of Jealousy-Chapter 63

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Qin Lu's throat rolled a bit, and the cigarette between his fingertips almost fell down the railing.

Although I had already anticipated that aspect in my heart, I really didn't expect the young man to ask it out so bluntly.

Compared with those who always talk about three points and leave seven points in social interactions, the young man's frankness makes him like a little more in his heart.

He doesn't like men, but he likes Jiang Liucheng.

Qin Lu looked at the young man opposite, the young man was still waiting for his answer, and the expression on his face couldn't be more serious.

Before this question, he was not sure yet, but now he can be absolutely certain that the young man will also list him as a candidate for a blind date.

"I didn't like it two months ago, but now..." Qin Lu didn't hide his eyes, looked straight at Jiang Liucheng, and the other party was also looking at him, blinking occasionally, his thick eyelashes were like a small The fan was fanning in his heart, and the words that were about to blurt suddenly stopped in his throat. He suddenly thought that if he directly said that he liked young people, the other party would be burdened.

Although he and Jiang Liucheng have only known each other for a few months, they still understand the young man's search for a partner.

His requirements for his partner seem to focus more on suitability and unsuitability, rather than likes and dislikes. It seems that in his mind, the former is the most important.

Qin Lu thought that he had asked his agent to help him investigate the relationship between Jiang Liucheng and Mrs. Mo.

When he didn't come into contact with a deeper level, he always thought that a person as good as a young man should have a warm and beautiful family.

It was not until he saw that document that he knew that the young man had been abandoned by his parents since he was a child, and had been relying on his grandfather until high school. After his grandfather died, the young man was left alone.

And one of his biological parents is Mrs. Mo of Mo's Group and the current boss of Mo's Entertainment.

It is hard for Qin Lu to imagine how desperate the young man would feel when he learned that his parents who had abandoned him when he was a child recognized him, not only did they not recognize him, but gave him the maternal love he had lost for many years, and even used his power in the entertainment industry to suppress him. .

Because of their parents, Jiang Liucheng blamed their inappropriateness for this failed marriage, and love could not make them last long.

Based on this concept of marriage, Jiang Liucheng will choose to go on a blind date after graduation, because a blind date does not require love.

Thinking of this, Qin Lu's eyes refocused on Jiang Liucheng, and said seriously: "But now, there is someone who makes me think it's good to try."

The other party stared at her tenderly. For a moment, Jiang Liucheng felt as if the other party was confessing to her, and her heart beat a few more times at that moment. This feeling was too unfamiliar. He endured and reached out to touch the position of his heart. .

He felt that Qin Lu was really similar to him. He didn't know that he could be with a man before, but later he felt that he could give it a try, as well as their personalities and three views, as well as their ideas about family.

Such a person was by his side, but he never thought of it.

If he had thought earlier, he would not waste two or three months on a blind date with Qin Lu. Maybe the more they got along, the happier they would be. Now they have developed to the point where they can get married.

Qin Lu didn't know that Jiang Liucheng had even thought of the picture of their marriage in his mind, and he was still waiting for Jiang Laocheng's answer.

"Then do you want to try it with me?" Jiang Liucheng finally said what Qin Lu wanted to hear most, "I think we should be a good fit, maybe, it just so happens that I don't have a new blind date right now, and you are starting to like it too. Man, is it just right? If after getting along for a while, you feel that it is not good, then we will break up peacefully, and I will not complain at all. "

Before he could answer, Jiang Liucheng continued: "I've already thought about it, if it doesn't work this time, I don't need to introduce it to me in the future. If I introduced it before, it's just you who repaid my life-saving kindness to you. Do you think this is okay?"

When Qin Lu heard the first sentence, his heartbeat had already started to speed up, and when he heard the latter, his heartbeat slowly slowed down and returned to the usual frequency. After that.

"I think..." Qin Lu paused for a moment, "Of course, that's the decision. Starting tonight, no, from this moment on, I'll be your blind date."

With him, the two have only one outcome of success, and there will be no other outcome. He will make Jiang Liucheng feel that he is the most suitable person for marriage.

"That's great." Jiang Liucheng showed a happy expression, "When I come back in a few days, we will make another appointment. I will come to visit more classes in the future."

Qin Lu's throat moved slightly, and he said, "I will often visit your class too."

Jiang Liucheng looked at the time and found that it was twelve o'clock, "It's very late, rest early."

"Okay, you also rest early, don't talk to your friends too late." Qin Lu reminded of his three roommates who were particularly close, and urged.

Jiang Liucheng said, "No, I just finished talking to them."

Qin Lu suddenly thought that when he asked himself those questions tonight, he occasionally interrupted and ran for something. Now he seemed to know the answer, and stopped him again: "Your friend already knows about us?"

Now that she has decided to date Qin Lu, Jiang Liucheng will not deliberately hide it, and it is not something that cannot be said anyway.

"I know, I would think of dating you or because of the inspiration given to me by Lao Guo and Qiao Bing."

Qin Lu asked curiously, "What inspiration?"

Jiang Liucheng replied: "Before, it wasn't that blind dates always failed. Lao Guo said why he didn't have a blind date with you. Qiao Bing also said similar things. I thought about it later and thought it was not impossible. I told them about it at night. At that time, Zheng Kailin also reminded me."

Qin Lu: "remind you of what?"

Jiang Liucheng: "I think you are quite suitable, but Zheng Kailin said that what I thought might just be my wishful thinking, maybe you think differently from me, I think he is right, so I asked you those questions.

After Jiang Liucheng finished speaking, he sighed again, "Fortunately, there is his reminder, and I have to thank him. Originally, I hadn't made up my mind, but I just thought that you seemed to be quite suitable. After he said it, I felt that it was indeed necessary to ask. a bit."

Qin Lu turned the cigarette at his fingertips and stopped suddenly. He and Zheng Kailin had only met once, but the other party gave him a different feeling than the other two roommates.

The other party's concern for Jiang Liucheng was not like a simple friendship, but an intuition. At that time, he felt that the other party seemed to have some different thoughts on Jiang Liucheng.

But at that time, he didn't fully understand his own mind, and he didn't study it carefully at that time. Now, it seems that his feeling is not wrong.

"Does your friend know about this?" Qin Lu lowered his eyes slightly, making it impossible to see his thoughts, but the corner of his mouth revealed his mood at the moment.

Jiang Liucheng shook his head, "Of course I don't know, I told you."

Qin Lu won't stop him from continuing to communicate with his long-time friends, and he won't interfere too much, but from the perspective of his future partner, he doesn't want a person who always covets him around his sweetheart.

"I think you can thank him yourself next time."

At this time, Emperor Qin's stomach was full of bad water, and the water was pouring out.

"If it weren't for him, our progress would not be so fast. We will get married in the future, and we will thank him again for his support for us."

Jiang Liucheng thought about it and thought it was okay, "Then I'll tell him tomorrow, and he happens to ask me out tomorrow."

Qin Lu raised his eyebrows: "Did he ask you out?"

Jiang Liucheng nodded: "He said he had something very important to tell me, but he could only tell me in person. It just so happened that I didn't have a job tomorrow, so I agreed."

The color of Qin Lu's eyes gradually darkened, and he could almost guess that the other party must be in a hurry, so he suddenly asked him out.

Fortunately, he and Jiang Liucheng talked about it tonight, otherwise when they finished talking tomorrow, maybe Jiang Liucheng would change his mind.

Although reason told him that this possibility should not be high, Qin Lu still felt a little unhappy that his sweetheart was being missed.

"What do you think of Zheng Kailin?" Qin Lu asked tentatively. He has a few important scenes to shoot tomorrow, and he has already decided, so he can't ask for leave tomorrow. He wants to be sure of Jiang Liucheng's thoughts. , the only way to feel more at ease.

Jiang Liucheng thought about it for a while and said, "Lao Zheng is a very good person. He is very fraternal and loyal. He is a very good friend."

Qin Lu waited for a while, seeing that he didn't say any more, "Is there no more?"

Jiang Liucheng asked back, "Is there anything else?"

Qin Lu said in a low voice, "When I met your friends that day, he seems to have the best family background among you."

Jiang Liucheng: "Yes, Lao Zheng's family is in business. He started his own company when he was in college. He has been busy since graduation. I heard that he made a lot of money. He is very business-minded, but he is too busy. Now, sometimes he still works overtime after we get off work."

Hearing this, Qin Lu was relieved immediately. One of Jiang Liucheng's most important requirements for a blind date is that he should not be too ambitious. Based on this alone, Zheng Kailin has no chance of winning.

"Then you and this roommate will get together tomorrow, have a chat, go to sleep, good night."

Jiang Liucheng also said good night before leaving the balcony.

Early the next morning, Jiang Liucheng's mobile phone received a message from Qin Lu, saying good morning to him, and asking him if he was up.

Jiang Liucheng hadn't woken up until he woke up at 8 o'clock to see this message. However, two hours have passed since he replied to Qin Lu, and he received a reply shortly after, but it was not sent by Qin Lu himself.

Zhang Ning explained that Qin Lu was filming, and before filming, he told him to explain the situation to him immediately if he received a reply.

Qin: A few scenes were changed yesterday. Brother Qin has more scenes to film today. When he woke up at six in the morning, he wanted to invite you to breakfast, but he didn’t expect you to get up, so he went directly to the crew to do makeup. Seven The shooting started at the point, and the time was tight.

Zhang Ning didn't dare to peek at the chat records in front of him. Although he didn't understand why he said it in such detail, he just followed Qin Lu's instructions and forwarded his words.

Jiang Liucheng was a little moved when she saw this reply. He didn't know that Qin Lu was so busy today and woke up so early in the morning, just to make time for breakfast with him. This is his ideal partner.

Jiang Liucheng told him to let Qin Lu film with peace of mind.

After ten thirty, the assistant called him and told him that everything was packed and ready to go.

After getting in the car, Jiang Liucheng checked the time and felt that it was still early, so he asked the driver to drive to Cheng Qinghua's crew.

However, they came at an untimely time, and the crew was very busy. Jiang Liucheng saw Qin Lu who was surrounded by more than a dozen machines through the crowd, and decided not to go up to disturb him. After taking a look, he asked the driver to go to the airport.

While waiting for the flight, Jiang Liucheng finally received a call from Qin Lu himself.

"Zhang Ning said that he saw you on the set. Did you arrive at the airport?"

"It's already here, have you finished filming?"

"I just finished filming a scene. I wanted to hurry up and try to squeeze in two hours to take you to the airport, but unfortunately I didn't succeed."

Hearing the helplessness in the man's tone, Jiang Liucheng laughed out loud, "It doesn't matter, we will have more opportunities to get along when I join the group."

Qin Lu liked him to be so direct.

Hearing someone calling him, Jiang Liucheng took the initiative to end the call and said, "Go and do your work first, and I'll send you a message when I arrive in Yunshi."

"Okay, be careful along the way."

A plane cut through the white clouds in the sky and flew towards the cloud city in the distance.

Qin Lu, who was filming, glanced at the sky, and it was still a bit hard to wait.

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