MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 25

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The business of Huichun Building is as good as ever, and the lobby is full of people and guests.

The private room on the second floor was very quiet.

When they were on the road just now, Zhao Yelan didn't say another word, came to the restaurant silently, sat down to eat in silence, but this silent posture made people suspect that they had guessed right!

Everyone looked at Yan Mingting cautiously, and then looked up at the top of his head. They always felt that there was a colorful hat missing from the general's forehead.

Yan Mingting was even more frustrated, he kept picking up the dishes on the plate, but he didn't pick them up for a long time.

"Can you still have a good meal?" Zhao Yelan asked coldly.

Yan Mingting took a deep breath, just lifted the chopsticks, and then sighed listlessly.

Zhao Yelan kicked him on the calf, and said impatiently: "Okay, there's no end to it, he's just the one I fancy..."



"Oh..." Yan Mingting ate his food wearily, "What do you like about him?"

Zhao Yelan glanced at him a few times: "It seems that he has a big appetite and eats quickly."

"Joke, who can have a bigger appetite and eat faster than me?" Yan Mingting picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started to eat.

All the subordinates were dumbfounded, they didn't expect the general to be so easy to coax. Several people buried their heads in eating, as long as they pretended not to see, the general was still the most upstanding man in their hearts!

At the end of the meal, only Zhao Yelan was still eating slowly, so Yan Mingting asked them to go back first, and stayed and waited quietly.

Zhao Yelan put down his chopsticks, wiped the corners of his mouth, got up and left, and walked in a certain direction.

After Yan Mingting paid the bill, he seemed to know where he was going, and he caught up with him within a few steps.

After a while, the two returned to Bao Lun's house again. I brought my subordinates just now, just to facilitate the search for clues, and it is inconvenient for them to participate in details. Even if Yan Mingting trusted them, the fewer people who knew about it, the better.

It's very strange that he has been unwilling to reveal more about his subordinates for many years, yet he chooses to trust Zhao Yelan unconditionally, which is simply incredible.

He looked at Zhao Yelan who was standing by the window with his head lowered in thought, and asked in a low voice, "Did you see something?"

Zhao Yelan bowed his head, sniffed at the window sill for a while, and said, "This a bit stinky."

"Can it not stink? The wood is almost rotten." Yan Mingting said.

"It's not a rotten smell, but... a smell of herbs." Zhao Yelan said.

"Herbal medicine? Maybe he drank medicine all year round, and then poured out the dregs from the window?"

Zhao Yelan nodded: "That's right. If you drink medicine all the year round, you're either in poor health, sick, or poisoned. Go check the nearby doctors to see if there is any doctor who has treated him."

"Okay, I'll send someone to do it."

The two turned around again, but couldn't find anything else for the time being, so they left the place.

As soon as Zhao Yelan got into the sedan chair, he heard Yan Mingting ask, "What about your body?"

Zhao Yelan was taken aback: "What?"

"Is it really just because of your poor foundation that you have been taking medicine for a long time? Or..." Yan Mingting looked at him hesitantly, and even began to check who would poison him one by one in his mind.

I don't know if I don't row, but I am startled by the first row, as if everyone is going to poison him.

Zhao Yelan twitched the corner of his mouth: "Who knows."

"No, don't eat outside food in the future, and don't give others an opportunity." Yan Mingting said seriously, "There is no need to recruit servants in the mansion, who knows if there are people with evil intentions."

Zhao Yelan looked at him inexplicably.

Yan Mingting paused slightly, raised his chin, and turned his head to look elsewhere: "It's better to be careful, I...waiting for you to help me find out the truth."

Zhao Yelan chuckled: "Okay, then Zhao's life will be handed over to General Yan."

General Yan didn't answer, but just tightened his hand holding the scabbard, as if silently promising.

"You have to continue exercising." Yan Mingting suggested again, "Let's do it step by step, and start with less-loaded exercise."

"Stop the car."

"Hey, let me just tell you, what are you doing stopping the sedan chair?" Yan Mingting thought he was tired of hearing it, and only after chasing him out did he realize that he was going to a tailor shop.

As soon as the shopkeeper saw them coming, he took out the custom-made clothes and showed them: "Master Zhao, please see if this amulet meets your requirements. The inside is specially made of silk trousers, and the outside is the ladies' favorite clothes." The pleated skirt style."

After all, it was the clothes of the girl's house, Zhao Yelan didn't have the time to check them carefully, so he nodded after taking a look: "Yeah."

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief: "My lord, it's like this, because the small shop has never made the request you made, so I didn't dare to finish all the materials, and only made this one for you to review. You If you are satisfied, can you give me a few more days of grace, and I will hurry up and do the remaining two pieces."

Zhao Yelan nodded in agreement.

"That's the price... You know, the silk of these trousers is not cheap..." the shopkeeper said cautiously.

Zhao Yelan took out a purse and threw it to her: "Look at it yourself."

But the shopkeeper was very happy, but he didn't dare to take too much, so he wrapped the skirt with a smile, and sent it outside the door together with people and things.

Zhao Yelan stared at the clothes in his hand, frowned, and handed them to Yan Mingting like a hot potato: "You take it to her."

Yan Mingting laughed: "Aren't you going? We happened to go together, and let her know how much money you spent for her."

"I'm not here for her."

"Then you are..." Yan Mingting recalled, "Because of her mother?"

Zhao Yelan frowned slightly, stopped answering, and went straight into the sedan chair.

After Yan Mingting sent him back to the mansion, he went to Zhong's house with his things. Before leaving, Zhao Yelan called to him: "Don't say what you shouldn't say."

"Do not worry."

When he came back, Yan Mingting brought back a big piece of pork, and when he entered the mansion, he shouted, "Zhao Yelan, come and see the big gift Yuehong's mother gave you."

Zhao Yelan could hear his angry voice in the study room, took a scroll and went to the front yard to have a look, and saw him handing the pork to the cook, and then walking towards him with a smile.

Zhao Yelan hurriedly took a few steps back: "Have you washed your hands yet?"

"Oh, yes." Yan Mingting turned to fetch water, and said while washing the oil stains on his hands, "Yuehong's mother never told Yuehong that she planned to surprise her secretly, when she handed the skirt to her mother just now. , Tears were about to fall, I really couldn't cope with this kind of scene, so I ran away quickly."

Zhao Yelan laughed silently, glanced at him inadvertently, and saw that he took out a handkerchief from his arms to wipe his hands, it was embroidered with spring peach blossoms, it was the same piece he had wiped his sweat before, and asked Yan Mingting to throw it away. It's still on me.

"I don't know if Yue Hong will like it. What if she doesn't like it and hurts her mother's heart? Do you think I should talk to Yue Hong in advance?" Yan Mingting poured the water away and turned around. asked back.

"As you wish." Zhao Yelan picked up the book, turned around and walked to the study.

Yan Mingting chased after him, and put down his rolled up sleeves: "It shouldn't be necessary, I guess she will like it."

"Why?" Zhao Yelan looked sideways at him.

Yan Mingting stopped, looked him up and down, and said appreciatively: "Although the price of this shop is outrageously expensive, the clothes they make are all beautiful. After all, I have seen a lot of them, and no one would dislike them."

Zhao Yelan stared at him for a while, then turned his head away.

"You're snickering again."

"I don't."

"The corners of your mouth are slightly bent!"

"You bullshit."

Zhao Yelan strode forward, Yan Mingting insisted on following him, the two were chattering in the corridor, butler Tan saw it, turned around and said to the servants next to him: "See? They are now comparable to the old general and The old lady was still loving back then."

"I haven't seen the scene where the old general and his wife are in love, can you tell me about it?" the servant said.

"Just... Anyway, they are not as loving as they are now. No, I have to go and burn incense to the old generals and tell them that everything is fine in the mansion now." Butler Tan happily went to the ancestral hall, completely forgetting the moment when Zhao Yelan just entered the door How many times has he come here to cry.

Now more than a month has passed, and the people in the mansion have gotten used to this picky and hard-to-serve master, not to mention his generous hand, and the relationship with the general is getting better and better!

"Have you sent someone to check on the doctor?" Zhao Yelan asked as he walked into the study.

"Well, I just found a few reliable ones to investigate. Hey, I knew I would bring those two guys back together, but it's a pity that they don't want to come to the capital." Yan Mingting said with emotion.

"Which two guys?"

"You don't know the little think tank and troublemaker in the military camp." Yan Mingting sighed, "The old military adviser also passed away at the end of last year, hey."

"Little think tank? I would like to meet you if I have the chance." Zhao Yelan sat down leisurely and continued to read books.

"There will be a chance, if you are willing to go to the barracks." Yan Mingting said with a smile.

"Why, it's so difficult to see them?" Zhao Yelan snorted, "It's fine if we don't see them."

Yan Mingting laughed loudly.

After a while, one of them was lying on the couch flipping a book, and the other was sitting on the threshold wiping his sword. No one spoke, and it was so quiet that only the sound of pages turning and the sharp sound of weapons being swiped could be heard.

Zhao Yelan didn't think it was noisy, and occasionally heard the sound of walking over there, so he knew that he was going to change a sword to clean it.

He turned his head to look out the window, the wind and sea were calm, and the flowers in the yard were all in bloom, but there were too few varieties, which lacked some elegance for viewing.

He called Xiao Gao out of the window, and Gao Tan appeared soon: "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Go and prepare, and go to enjoy the flowers tomorrow."

"Okay, should we still prepare as before?"

"Yeah." I don't know what came to mind, he turned back to look at the person at the door, who knew that Yan Mingting turned his head to look at him at some point, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes, like a big dog hoping to be taken away by its owner, He asked, "Are you going to..."

"I'll go." Yan Mingting quickly interrupted him, raised his sword and walked in, "What do you need to prepare? Do you need my help?"

"Keep your sword away from me." Zhao Yelan pointed at the dangling sharp sword.

Yan Mingting immediately inserted/put it into the scabbard.

Zhao Yelan turned his head and told Gao Tan: "Just prepare more food, this pig has a big appetite."

Yan Mingting: "?"

"Okay." Gao Tan covered his mouth and ran away with a smile.

The late sun is beautiful, and the spring breeze is fragrant with flowers and plants.

Every time when spring comes to enjoy the flowers, Zhao Yelan will take time to go out specially, drink spring tea on the mountain outside the city, look at the clouds in the sky and the flowers in the mountains, stealing half a day's leisure.

When setting off, Yan Mingting thought it was just a simple viewing of flowers, but unexpectedly the sedan chair was almost full, and wondered, "What did you bring?"

"Nature is something that comes in handy."

The sedan chair stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the servants climbed up with their loads on their shoulders. Zhao Yelan climbed up the stairs, and within a few steps, he began to wipe his sweat.

Gao Tan habitually went to help him continue walking, but he was slightly pushed aside, and then his seat was taken away by others.

"Xiao Gao, go ahead and lead the way, they don't know where they crawled to." Yan Mingting said.

"Oh..." Seeing him holding Zhao Yelan steady, Gao Tan smiled honestly, "Okay, I'll go find them."

Zhao Yelan looked sideways at Yan Mingting: "Can you help people?"

"Of course it will."

"Then why are you grabbing me? My arm hurts!" Zhao Yelan sternly said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yan Mingting quickly rubbed him, and carefully helped him climb up, taking this opportunity to exercise. But after climbing for a while, they saw a gazebo, and Gao Tan had already ordered people to put down all the things.

"That's it?" Yan Mingting asked.

"Otherwise, do you still want to go to heaven?" Zhao Yelan gave him a sideways glance, walked slowly to the pavilion, and sat down on the padded stone bench.

After a while, the table was covered with pastries and preserves, and tea was brewed.

Yan Mingting: "..." What an extreme enjoyment.

"Okay, you all go and play by yourself." Zhao Yelan didn't like being disturbed, and after dismissing the servants, only Gao Tan and Yan Mingting were left by his side.

He could see the joy in Gao Tan's eyes, this kid has been protecting his safety every step of the way for so many years, now Yan Mingting is by his side, so he can play with peace of mind.

Gao Tan was as happy as a monkey, scurrying back and forth among the trees.

Yan Mingting sat down beside him, picked up a piece of pastry and stuffed it into his mouth, he said out of boredom: "I thought you literati would do something special when viewing flowers, really just looking at flowers? What's so beautiful about these flowers?" of?"

"A reckless man." Zhao Yelan gave him a blank look, "No matter how good the scene is, it would be ruined if it caught your eye, so why should you follow here?"

"I don't want to see how you enjoy the flowers." Yan Mingting raised his jaw with a smile, staring at his side face with curved eyebrows.

After watching for a long time, the center of vision gradually only accommodates one person, and the colorful spring flowers outside the pavilion become decorations, red, yellow, blue, purple, are not as beautiful as the white skin, red lips and black hair of the person in front of him.

Sensing the other party's gradually serious gaze, Zhao Yelan slightly paused the hand holding the tea, and instead of looking back, not wanting to delve into it, he lowered his eyes and lowered his head to drink the tea.

I can't tell if I'm too lazy to answer, or to escape.

After sitting for a while, Zhao Yelan was finally willing to stand up. He looked around and took in the beautiful scenery around him.

There was a peach forest not far away, Yan Mingting noticed that Gao Tan was playing with the fallen petals, thought it was interesting, raised his sword and jumped over, and fought with Gao Tan in the forest.

Gao Tan inexplicably returned a few moves, felt that he could not win, and was afraid of hurting his master, so he simply slipped away with light work.

Yan Mingting had just warmed up, looking at the flowers and bushes around him, he finally felt the joy of understanding the people who appreciate flowers, as if he was the only one left in the world, united with nature, he would naturally want to relieve mood.

He raised his sword and danced in the forest, treating every fallen petal as an enemy. There was a rustling sound in the forest. His figure was agile and vigorous, like a phantom in the wind, forming an excellent picture with the spring scenery.

The sharp sword slashed across and just caught a flower. He stopped, took the petal casually, walked out of the forest, and found that Zhao Yelan was painting in the pavilion, his movements were flowing smoothly.

At this moment, Zhao Yelan raised his head and stared at him.

For some reason, Yan Mingting looked at the person not far away as if he was in a painting, his heart moved randomly, and he subconsciously threw the petals across the air, directly inserted/inserted into Zhao Yelan's hair, and landed on the seat of Yuguan , complement each other.

"..." Zhao Yelan raised his hand to take it off, but the pen splashed two drops of ink on his sleeve, and he hurried to wipe his sleeve again.

"What are you drawing?" Yan Mingting walked into the pavilion with a smile, looked at the rice paper on the table, and saw that the other party had already drawn most of the mountain scenery.

Suddenly, he frowned, pointed at the peach forest in the painting with a smile and said, "You drew me in, why didn't you tell me in advance."

There is only one figure in the whole painting, and a few strokes outline the chicness and lightness of the person in the painting when he dances the sword.

Zhao Yelan picked up the brush and re-dipped the paint, turned his head and looked at him: "Who let you break into my painting?"

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