MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 18

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Zhao Yelan inspected the corpses in situ. There was a gold thread on the collar, so there was no doubt that they were gold collar guards.

There were twelve people in total, exactly one team, all of them were beheaded by Yan Mingting. As for the group of people that Gao Tan went after, there should be someone else to obstruct them.

He covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, walked to the sedan chair, looked at a group of shivering bearers, and asked, "Are you sure there are still people in black who have escaped?"

"Yes, yes." A more courageous one replied, "Then your lord and your servants chased them out. They are all very powerful..."

Zhao Yelan said: "Go home."

Some of the bearers were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground. When they heard the order, they got up unsteadily, and hurried back with their palanquins pale.

The mansion was preparing dinner, butler Tan saw him coming back, and asked cautiously, "Does your lord have anything to eat tonight?"

"Don't eat."

"A man is like iron, rice is steel, how can he not eat?" Butler Tan followed behind him, explaining the importance of eating earnestly.

"Yan Mingting went to rescue Gao Tan." Zhao Yelan said suddenly.


"Are you still eating?" Zhao Yelan turned around and asked.

Butler Tan took a deep breath, immediately went to summon the people in the mansion, rushed out of the gate in a mighty manner, and turned back after a while: "My lord, may I ask where our general is now?"

"How would I know?" Zhao Yelan went to the study room, picked up a book and began to read it. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of trembling servants at the door. "What are you all doing here? Don't you need to do anything?"

Butler Tan waved his hand, drove the others back, and asked, "My lord, are you not worried about the general at all?"

"There's nothing to worry about. Isn't he a master of martial arts?" Zhao Yelan said confidently.

Butler Tan had no choice but to go back to the front yard and stand at the gate looking around from time to time.

It wasn't until late at night, when the moon and stars were scarce, that Butler Tan sat on the threshold and dozed off. When he heard the sound of horseshoes, he stood up in a panic and saw Yan Mingting returning with Gao Tan.

"Oh, you're back, General. Nothing happened, right?"

"It's okay." Yan Mingting handed the horse over to his servants, "Where's Zhao Yelan?"

"Ma'am, he has been worried about you. He didn't even eat dinner." Butler Tan thought for a while and added, "But Ma'am has great confidence in you and firmly believes that you are strong in martial arts and will bring Xiao Gao back. Reading in the study, I don’t know if I fell asleep or not.”

"I see, you can find a doctor." Yan Mingting took Gao Tan to the bedroom to meet someone, but Zhao Yelan was already asleep.

"My lord always goes to bed early." Gao Tan whispered.

"Okay, you go back to your room to rest first, and let the doctor check it out later." Yan Mingting said.

"Thank you General for saving your life." Gao Tan stepped back obediently.

Yan Mingting stood in the room, staring at the back figure on the bed for a long time, and then lightly prepared to go to bed.

After everything returned to silence and darkness, Yan Mingting called softly: "Zhao Yelan, I have something to tell you."

No response.

"Really asleep?"

The person on the bed remained motionless.

Yan Mingting sighed slightly, thinking of everything today, fell asleep with complicated emotions.

After hearing the sound of even breathing, Zhao Yelan opened his eyes, stared at the direction of nothingness in the dark for a while, and then fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and when Zhao Yelan woke up, Yan Mingting had already gone to court.

Hearing a brief knock on the door, he responded, "Come in."

"My lord, I'm back." Gao Tan pushed the door open and entered, seeing him sitting up, went forward to pick up his clothes to change for him.

"Hmm." Zhao Yelan looked sideways at him, "Are you injured?"

"A little skin injury." Gao Tan patted his chest, "The group of people whipped me, and then offered money to tempt me, so I did it."

"What are you recruiting for?"

"According to your instructions, if you are kidnapped and questioned, you should pretend to confess, false and true, true and false." Gao Tan said, "It's just that this group of people is a little strange."

Yesterday Gao Tan was standing by the sedan chair, and saw Yan Mingting suddenly rushing into the bamboo forest and started fighting with the men in black. Just as he was debating whether to show his skills to help, another group of men in black appeared. He is coming, and I can't avoid it even if I want to.

After chasing him out of the bamboo forest, these men tied him up, blindfolded him, and took him to a woodshed.

This group of people covered their faces and threatened him to tell the truth. He refused, so they gave him a whip, but he still refused. These people looked at each other, but they didn't give him a second whip.

It made him a little depressed. It was written in the scriptures that he would be tortured in many ways, and he was forced to be beaten. He was ready to beg for mercy, but the group of people stopped beating him.

"A man came from behind, stood outside the door, and threw me a big bag of silver ingots inside, telling me to be obedient and get more treasures in the future, so I immediately took advantage of the trend." Gao Tan finished, He smiled and asked, "My lord, am I smart?"

Zhao Yelan shook his head helplessly and smiled, it was just because he met these kidnappers that he didn't suffer. He put on his clothes, sat down at the table, and asked, "Tell me carefully, what did they ask you?"

"Ask me how long I've been with you."

"How did you answer?"

"I told the truth, I followed you when I was twelve years old. They asked me again, who are your enemies. I told all the officials with names and surnames that I knew, some were true and some were false, so they couldn't figure it out " Gao Tan said proudly.

Zhao Yelan nodded.

"They also asked me if you knew a boy called Paulen."

"Bao Lun?" Zhao Yelan frowned slightly.

"Well, I don't know who it is, so I said I don't know it. Then I asked me twelve years ago, have you ever seen a military camp or someone who is good at using poison." Gao Tan said, "I told them, then I haven't been your servant yet, so I don't know."

"Twelve years ago..." Zhao Yelan lowered his eyes, recalling the big events that happened twelve years ago, took out a pen and paper and began to record all the memorable things.

In the end, there were only two pieces that could be connected with the General's Mansion.

One is that General Yan died for the country with his body, and his body was sent back to the capital for a state funeral.

The second was the death of Yan Mingting's first fiancée, and rumors began to spread in the capital.

It seems that what Yan Mingting wanted to investigate was related to these two matters. Zhao Yelan poured a cup of tea, moistened his throat, and continued to ask, "Are there any other questions for you?"

"Oh yes, I asked another question." Gao Tan said, "The mastermind asked me through the door, Sir, what is your attitude towards General Yan?"

"Childish." The corner of Zhao Yelan's mouth twitched, he picked up the teacup as if nothing had happened, sneered, and drank the tea leisurely, "Then what did you say?"

"Of course I mean, my lord, you like General Yan the most!"


"My lord, what's wrong with you!" Gao Tan took his teacup in a panic, "It's not hot either."

Zhao Yelan took out a handkerchief from his arms stiffly, wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth, and looked at him coldly: "Who told you to say that?"

"Isn't it my lord that you want me to answer with a mixture of truth and falsehood?" Gao Tan looked innocent, "I'm worried that if someone seeks revenge, he should be a little bit afraid of telling you that you have a good relationship with the general, right? And the general is pretty good, and I like him very much."

Zhao Yelan raised his forehead: "Do you know that the person who kidnapped you is... Forget it, if you say that, does he believe it?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but the man asked me what evidence I have to prove that you like General Yan."

Zhao Yelan looked at him without moving.

Gao Tan said honestly: "I lied to him, sir, although you have a sharp mouth, you have a tofu heart. Every time the general goes to the morning court, you can't sleep. The general loves to wield knives and guns, and you are worried and nervous. The general loves Raising chickens and fish, you happen to like to eat the fish he slaughtered with his own hands. A man as good as the general, who is handsome, isn't it normal for you to like such a man?"

"..." Zhao Yelan slowly clenched his fists, "Does he believe it now?"

"I believe it, he said I was right." Gao Tan glanced at him and asked curiously, "My lord, isn't the mastermind really looking for revenge?"

Zhao Yelan slapped the table and looked at him with a complicated expression. When he was thinking about how to educate this kid, he heard a servant say that the general had returned to his residence.

Yan Mingting headed straight to the bedroom in good spirits, walking at a relaxed pace, humming a little tune. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Zhao Yelan sitting at the table, only changed his clothes, and didn't even have time to tie up his hair. He smiled. She smiled, and blurted out: "You can't sleep, so you got up and waited for me?"


Zhao Yelan had nothing to say, so he ordered the servant girl to come over and tie her hair with a straight face.

"Gao Tan is back, did you know?" Yan Mingting asked.

Zhao Yelan nodded: "I just came here, I went back to my room to apply medicine."

"His back is injured, it's inconvenient to apply medicine by himself, why don't you help?"

I'm afraid I can't help but sprinkle salt on his wound, Zhao Yelan cursed.

"I'll ask Uncle Tan to help." Yan Mingting went out for a while, and when he came back, Zhao Yelan had finished tying his hair and was bending over to pick out a sachet in front of the bronze mirror. As if it could kill him.

Yan Mingting stepped forward curiously, raised his hands, and compared him to his waist from the air.

As soon as Zhao Yelan turned around, he saw that he seemed to be pinching himself, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Yan Mingting smiled coquettishly, put his hands behind his back, walked to the table pretending to be coquettish, opened the hem of his clothes gracefully, sat down generously and confidently, and straightened his back: "Well, I have something to tell you... I know that I am Handsome, humble, and thoughtful, it will inevitably make people admire you. You don't have to be shy, let alone pretend to be strong..."

"You haven't woken up yet." Zhao Yelan grabbed a sachet and threw it on his forehead.

After Yan Mingting took the sachet, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he asked meaningfully: "Do you know what it means to give a sachet?"

"..." Zhao Yelan's expression froze, he walked over and snatched the sachet back.

Yan Mingting was all smiles, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the mirror not far away.

Zhao Yelan sat down opposite him, and slowly said: "What did you mean just now? Did you say that I have a crush on you? Why do you have this illusion?"

Yan Mingting paused, then said with a guilty conscience, "I guessed it."

"Then don't guess, I won't like you." Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting raised his eyebrows, with an expression of "you continue to pretend".

Zhao Yelan: "..."

Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to clean it up. At this time, he couldn't directly say that Gao Tan was the person he sent to be kidnapped on purpose so that he could find out the news.

After thinking for a moment, he asked lightly, "By the way, how did your first fiancée die? Are you familiar with her? How is your relationship?"

"I'm jealous, isn't this just jealous!" Yan Mingting suddenly realized, and couldn't help laughing, "You even said you don't like me, and you've started to eat old vinegar."

Zhao Yelan: "..."


The author has something to say:

Yan Mingting: Oh, look at how jealous someone is!

Zhao Yelan: Silence is Cambridge tonight, and my mother tongue is speechless.

Read The Duke's Passion