MTL - After Being Forced to Marry the Evil Star General-Chapter 17

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Gao Tan hid it very well, fearing that few people would realize that this loyal but somewhat silly servant was actually a master.

Perhaps out of intuition, Yan Mingting just felt that this kid was a little unusual.

First of all, Zhao Yelan was too relaxed, knowing that someone might come to seek revenge at any time, so he usually only brought a servant with him when he went out. However, when he went out twice yesterday, Gao Tan didn't go out with him because he had something to do.

Secondly, Zhao Yelan has a picky taste, and every day he would ask Gao Tan to go out to buy things himself. These things can be handed over to other servants, but only Gao Tan can go, and he himself will stay in the mansion at this time and never go out. . As for the abnormality of going out to buy, Yan Mingting has not found out yet, and only blatantly took cherries from the basket twice, which is not unusual.

Furthermore, the sound of Gao Tan's footsteps is sometimes light and sometimes heavy, making it difficult to distinguish. If one does not observe carefully, it is difficult to detect his kung fu. And he didn't have thick calluses like the soldiers, so Yan Mingting concluded that he was a master of lightness kung fu, and the man in black escaped twice yesterday by virtue of his lightness kung fu.

If these are all coincidences, then there is another piece of evidence that is enough to prove that Yan Mingting's guess is correct.

That's the smell.

Because he took care of Zhao Yelan personally, he usually had to burn incense, and there was more or less fragrance on his body.

When fighting yesterday, he could faintly smell a smell, and after returning home, he casually approached and smelled the same smell on Gao Tan.

Since it was a trap designed by Zhao Yelan, why not go and see what he wants to do. It wasn't until Zhao Yelan reminded him to inform the emperor about this last night that he figured out the key points.

"Since he is using us, why should we protect him?" He Cuizhang asked.

"Because it's not harmful to us to get rid of the eyeliner." Yan Mingting said.

If he wants to investigate the cause of his father's death in depth, the fewer people he knows, the better. Besides, these eyeliners are not necessarily just to protect Zhao Yelang, otherwise Zhao Yelang would not want to get rid of them. It is of no benefit to him to monitor the movements of the General's Mansion. He simply used his plan to get rid of this group of people pretending to be confused, killing as many as he came, and returning the general's mansion to a clean place.

"It's too troublesome." He Cuizhang rubbed his head, "This is much more complicated than our war!"

"That's right, these calculations and conspiracies are not as straightforward as the plots on the battlefield." Zhong Yuehong echoed.

Yan Mingting sighed, if it wasn't helpless, he didn't want to get involved, but as long as the border is peaceful and his army is in command, he will have to be targeted in Beijing.

First demote Zhao Yelan, maybe it will be his turn soon.

But he still needs to investigate the cause of his father's death, so he can't hand over the power easily. And the case has been going on for many years, and... He glanced at the lieutenants whose heads were getting bigger than each other, and felt a headache.

This group of people followed him bravely and invincibly on the battlefield, but they were only suitable for obeying orders, not for using their brains.

And he himself can't be regarded as Zhuge in terms of conspiracy and tricks, at most, he discovered some clues because he was close to Zhao Yelan for many reasons.

It seems that if you want to find the truth as soon as possible, you have to find a "military adviser".

After Yan Mingting explained to them, he rode back to the house. It was already past the time for breakfast, but when the servants saw him go back, they rushed to prepare the dishes.

"Where's Zhao Yelan? Has he eaten yet?" Yan Mingting asked.

Butler Tan replied: "I haven't woken up yet. I knocked on the door half an hour ago. Xiao Gao stood by the door and said that you are very tired, so you won't have breakfast."

"It's no good if you don't have breakfast." Yan Mingting finished eating first, and then went to the bedroom with the porridge and buns.

At this time, Gao Tan has disappeared, most likely he went to buy it.

He pushed open the door and yelled, "Get up."

The person on the bed didn't move.

He put the food on the table, then walked to the bed, looked at the sleeping person, curled up under the quilt, only half of his face was exposed, and a few strands of hair covered his cheeks, he stretched out his hand, touched The delicate skin was as smooth as a freshly peeled egg. I couldn't help pinching it, and pinching it again with some love: "My Lord Zhao, it's time for you to get up."

Zhao Yelan slapped his hand away half asleep and turned over.

"Slacker, you big slacker." Yan Mingting patted him across the quilt.

"You're pressing my hair!" Zhao Yelan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Yan Mingting quickly withdrew his hand, watched him sit up angrily, and asked humbly and flatteringly, "What do you want to eat today?"

Zhao Yelan glanced at him, brushed all his hair to the other side, got out of bed without saying a word, went to the door and ordered the people to fetch hot water to wash.

"I heard from Uncle Qin that you got up after I went to court?" Yan Mingting walked to the washbasin and watched him wipe his face with a hot towel. There was a hint of blush, and now the egg turned red, and he laughed secretly when he looked at it.

"Can't you?" Zhao Yelan threw the towel into the basin and went to change clothes and tie his hair, but it took some time to pick out the sachet.

"Of course it's fine, but I are reluctant to part with me and want to send me to the morning court." Yan Mingting walked to his side with a smile, looked at the various sachets, they were quite fresh, and picked them up casually One smelled it, and felt a little relieved, "So you still have so many good-smelling sachets."

"Don't touch it." Zhao Yelan snatched the sachet back from his hand in displeasure, picked it up, picked up a cloth bag with blue patterns, and put it in front of him, Yan Mingting sneezed immediately.

Zhao Yelan immediately selected it, and pinned it on his waist swaggeringly.


Yan Mingting backed away, stood at the door, and then raised his voice and asked, "What's in it?"

"Jiang Li." Zhao Yelan sat down at the table calmly and began to eat.

"Tsk, tell me about you, which wife is like you?" Yan Mingting leaned against the door and pointed, "Let's say that Kan Chuan, who is upright and bold, has been officially appointed by the emperor as an official today." Not only is he proud of the officialdom, but he is also envious of others in love. I heard that he and his wife are loving and sweet, and every day when he goes to court, his wife will **** him to the door and give a few words of advice."

Zhao Yelan put down the bowl, smiled slightly, and walked towards him: "What do you want?"

Yan Mingting looked at the sachet dangling around his waist, stepped back again and again, retreated into the courtyard, and said: "Don't, don't come, can I go?"

When Gao Tan came back, he happened to see Yan Mingting who had run away, and walked up to Zhao Yelan curiously, and was taken aback: "My lord, were you laughing just now?"

Zhao Yelan paused: "No."


"Come in and talk." Zhao Yelan returned to the room, took his basket, and Gao Tan obediently guarded the door.

Today's basket contained some petals, which are blooming in spring. These petals are suitable for making sachets and bathing. He dug inside and took out a piece of paper that was placed in the basket. There was no writing on it.

After observing for a while, he put the paper into the water, and the writing gradually appeared.

——Everything in the court is planned, don't worry, take care of your baby with peace of mind (crossed out) and take care of your body.

Zhao Yelan squeezed the ball of paper tightly, threw it into the charcoal basin, and rubbed the space between his brows: "It's really becoming more and more lawless."

Gao Tan looked at him suspiciously, thinking he was talking about himself, and asked aggrievedly: "My lord, what did I do wrong?"

"It's none of your business." Zhao Yelan waved his hand, thought of something, and called him to him again, whispering a few words.

Gao Tan looked at him in astonishment, and didn't ask the reason, anyway, even if he asked, he couldn't figure it out, so he just did it.

In the morning, people from the tailor shop came to deliver the clothes, and they made three new sets, all of which were sewn with the silk received on the wedding day.

When Zhao Yelan came to the hall, it happened that the doctor came to change Yan Mingting's medicine, and the two sat on one side, doing their own things.

The shopkeeper unfolded the clothes, and explained in detail the details of the stitching and the uniqueness of the pattern, eloquently, I'm afraid he won't nod.

Zhao Yelan remained silent all the time, and when she finally finished talking dryly, Gao Tan accepted it and gave some rewards, and the shopkeeper led the people away with a smile.

"Are you so generous?" Yan Mingting was shocked by his generosity, and if he gave it casually, it would be a year's monthly money for the servants.

"A lot of money is spent, and the service is thoughtful. Otherwise, what would I do with so much money? Is it for future generations or for you?" Zhao Yelan looked at him sideways.

Yan Mingting was dumbfounded, and after a while he suggested: "Then let's adopt a descendant?"

Zhao Yelan almost spit out the tea in his mouth, put the teacup on the table, grabbed the snack on the table and threw it at his face: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'll just talk about it." Yan Mingting laughed and was held down by the doctor's arm.

"General, don't move."

Zhao Yelan turned his head and saw that Gao Tan was carrying a plate, and there was still some money left in the reward he gave just now, so he called all the servants over, whether it was from the General's Mansion or the Zhao Mansion, they all stood neatly in the courtyard.

Zhao Yelan rewarded everyone with a silver ingot.

The people in Zhao's mansion are used to it, but those in the General's mansion seem to have received a windfall from the sky, holding it in their hands, I'm afraid it's just a dream, and looking at Zhao Yelan's eyes, he instantly changed from a hot-tempered master to a reborn man. parents!

Yan Mingting looked at this group of servants who turned their backs quickly, and sighed helplessly, suddenly his hand hurt slightly, and he looked at the doctor.

Seeing this scene, the doctor who was bandaging him was so greedy, he accidentally used his strength, and quickly let go to apologize.

Zhao Yelan smiled at Yan Mingting, his eyes filled with complacency, and threw a silver ingot in front of the doctor: "Bandage him well, this is yours."

The doctor's eyes lit up.

"..." Yan Mingting obviously felt that he was more meticulous and patient.

Zhao Yelan was about to go back to his room, and when he passed by him, he said quietly: "Compared with power and power, money is the loyalty of these people."

Yan Mingting could not refute.

At noon, Yan Mingting looked at a table full of delicious food, and the servants were scrambling to add more food to Zhao Yelan. He was almost squeezed under the table, and couldn't help feeling that the power of money was indeed infinite.

According to Zhao Yelan's habit, he would take a nap in the afternoon, and after dinner, he would lie on the bed and read a book slowly.

"You are very leisurely." Yan Mingting walked in with a plate of cherries, "Aren't you afraid that Kan Chuan will trouble you?"

"I've been dismissed, why do you still want to trouble me?" Zhao Yelan stretched out his hand, but the other party put the plate on the table, his eyelids drooped, and he was about to get angry.

"You really need to get rid of your laziness. If you come here to eat, you won't be afraid to lie down and choke." Yan Mingting sat at the table, picked up two cherries to tempt him, and said, "He was in court again today. Impeach Chen Haoyi for colluding with you."

"and then?"

"Chen Haoyi was also demoted."


"You're not surprised at all."

"Now that I am down, Kan Chuan and his ilk will definitely take the opportunity to pull out all the people related to me." Zhao Yelan stared at the plate for a while, then got up angrily and went to the table, sat opposite him, and put the plate Take it in front of him and don't allow him to eat it.

"Stingy." Yan Mingting quickly grabbed a handful from the plate, put it into his mouth in one go, and gave him a smug smile.

Zhao Yelan: "..." I've never seen such a naive person! Reckless!

There was too much stuffing in his mouth, after chewing a few mouthfuls, it started to turn sour, Yan Mingting wrinkled his face, and finished eating with a bitter expression.

The corner of Zhao Yelan's mouth twitched: "Yes."

Yan Mingting smiled awkwardly, ate another one in embarrassment, changed the subject forcibly, and said vaguely: "Did you take a nap?"

"You're only five years old." Zhao Yelan gave him a sideways look.

"I don't take a nap, since you don't, why don't you go out for a walk."

"What's better? Who knows if anyone is following me?" Zhao Yelan ate the cherries calmly.

"Just right, how about we lure the snake out of the hole and wipe out this group of people at once?"

"Are you sure you can kill them all?" Zhao Yelan was thinking about it, but he looked at his arm and said coolly, "I don't want to go to heaven again."

"No problem, this time you just stay steadfast, and it won't hurt you at all." Yan Mingting solemnly promised.

Zhao Yelan was dubious, looked at the hot sun outside, wanted to go to sleep, but was about to refuse when he was grabbed by the wrist suddenly, and was dragged away effortlessly.

"Xiao Gao, get ready the sedan chair, your adults are going out." Yan Mingting said loudly.


Zhao Yelan was taken into the sedan chair without any preparation, and after a while, he lifted the curtain, and it was Gao Tan. He turned around to open the curtain on the other side, looked at Yan Mingting who was walking outside, and said gloomyly: "If you dare to hurt me a little, I will slaughter all your chicken pens and fill up your fish pond , After killing the General's Mansion..."

"Don't worry, we won't get hurt. We didn't get attacked this time, but we took the initiative." Yan Mingting said in a low voice. Seeing that his face was very ugly, he reached into his bosom and took out a bag of things. Throw it in, "If you hear anything later, don't poke it out to look, you understand?"

Zhao Yelan sat back and opened the bag, which contained some candied fruit. With a cold snort, he picked up a piece of preserved fruit and ate it quietly.

After about a stick of incense, there was a sudden sound of fighting outside, and the sedan chair fell to the ground suddenly. He bumped into the sedan chair twice before he stabilized the table. He unconsciously grasped the bag of candied fruit in his hand, and listened carefully to the sound of swords and swords outside. .

After the sound gradually stopped, he opened a corner to look out, then stepped out of the sedan chair and looked around.

Surrounded by a bamboo forest, more than a dozen men in black were lying messily on the ground. Yan Mingting was squatting beside one of the corpses to check his breath.

"Where's Gao Tan?" Zhao Yelan asked suddenly.

Yan Mingting raised his head, looked left and right, and was slightly surprised: "Why didn't you tell me that he actually knows martial arts. He just went to chase the fleeing people, and there were quite a few of them, so nothing will happen, right? "

Zhao Yelan's complexion tightened: "Didn't you say you wouldn't hurt me at all?"

"It's didn't hurt you. Aren't you standing there safely? It's not a violation of the man's promise." Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan was furious, and threw the bag in his hand: "Hurry up and save him!"

"Success." Yan Mingting just ran away, then ran back suddenly, and stuffed a fire pocket into his hand, "Pull this out if something happens, someone will come to rescue you."

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