MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 944 play tricks

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   Chapter 944

   After Li Wuxuan had eaten and drank from the sea, the five flavors were refreshing, which made him secretly happy.

   At this time, there were diners booing at the side: "This immortal family, since he was born in a famous mountain, can let me know what he can do."

   "Where do I have any ability?" Li Wuxuan smirked and touched the back of his head.

Who knew that the cook inside came out and said, "Isn't this immortal going to borrow a weapon from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to match it? Since he can enter the sea, and he is familiar with the white ape immortal, it must be Those of us who have a certain amount of ability, we, Shishenxuan, admire those who have the ability the most."

   "Yes, yes." The crowd roared: "Since ancient times, heroes have been young, so why should the immortal family hide it? Today Donghai becomes famous, and tomorrow he will be on the immortal list."

  Li Wuxuan was curious: "What is the immortal list?"

"It is the Kyushu Fengyun Immortals and Gods Ranking. There are imperial examinations in the secular world, and it is for the golden list. In recent years, hundreds of schools have prospered, and there are descendants of novelists who have appeared to compile lists, and have the Heavenly Immortals Ranking, which collects famous people in the world. The twenty-four most promising to become heavenly immortals are the upper eight immortals, the middle eight immortals, and the lower eight immortals."

   "Many of them are Sun Zhenren of Datang Tian Hospital, Luofu Ye Fashan Renren, Maoshan Wang Zhenren, Xishan Wanren Zhenren, Lou Guan... and Taixuan Fairy Li Dandao Li Tianshi and others."

   "There is also the Earth Immortal Ranking. These are the Earth Immortals in the world who are most likely to cultivate into the Sun God or become famous. There are 108 people on this list, divided into the Cave Heaven Ranking and the Blessed Land Ranking."

   "There are many demons who have become immortals, overseas island owners, etc., and people in the middle of the list. I have seen many in the East China Sea."

Li Wuxuan heard something new, and heard about the list of Junxian, the top ten gentlemen, the list of male faces, the list of Qionghua, the selection of the top ten fairies, the list of weapons, the list of rare treasures. The people who compiled the list also It is very different, so there is a lot of discrepancies, causing many people to disagree and creating a lot of excitement.

   These people coaxed Li Wuxuan to perform the divine passage method. Isn't it a kind of coaxing and entertaining, thinking that if a "cultivator star" appeared, he could also bring fire to eat Shenxuan.

Li Wuxuan just came down the mountain, he was ignorant and simple, how did he realize this, he just thought it was difficult to be kind, and now he became dissolute and seemed a little excited. When he was born, he got a monkey qi from the golden monkey. He is playful and has a heavy heart, and now he hides his tail like a person. After learning the three teachings for a few years, he is harmonious and harmonious. When it was time to cross the calamity, Li Dandao let him experience.

   At this time, Xin Yuan got away, and he forgot the old rules, and opened his mouth: "Then what magical abilities do you want to see?"

   "This is the East China Sea. I wonder if this immortal family has the ability to pray for rain and sunshine?"

   Li Wuxuan laughed: "How difficult is this, let's see what I can do." Then he pulled out a hair and turned it into a command flag in his hand.

I saw that there was a dragon on the flag, and it was divided into five parts. As soon as Li Wuxuan waved the flag, a gust of wind came, which made many stall owners in Donghaifang City feel bad: "Why is the wind so good, is it the dragon **** traveling? ?"

   But then there were dark clouds, rain in the east, snow in the west, hail in the south, thunder and lightning in the north, and only one spot was clear.

   So disturbing the celestial phenomena, everyone applauded: "Good ability, good ability, Xianjia quickly accept the supernatural power, quickly accept the supernatural power."

  Li Wuxuan waved the flag again, and the clouds in the sky disappeared again.

However, this matter has already disturbed many aquatic species in the East China Sea. Fish and shrimps are the most sensitive to hot and cold matters, and some of the aquatic monsters found something wrong: "To use the spell to call the wind and summon the rain in the East China Sea is not the same as putting on Grandpa Taisui's head. Ground breaking?"

I saw a sea patrol yaksha come up to see, since Yaya and Li Zhenying killed the sea patrol yaksha, the East China Sea Dragon Palace has selected another one. The previous yaksha was the sea toad, and this is his cousin, the sea lizard. , but he has learned to be good. Recently, everyone who is a cow or a horse wants to step on the East China Sea Dragon Palace, which makes him very angry.

   At this time, when he saw many diners in the God of Cookery, he turned into a short man and squeezed into the crowd.

   "What other magical abilities does the Xianjia have?"

   "My patriarch taught me seventy-two minor arts. I don't have the ability of the true source of the Dao, and I have nothing to show."

   "The Patriarch must be of the Heavenly Immortal series. I didn't even hear about it. It's a small technique. The Immortal Master, please give us a long experience."

The hand that takes people is short, the mouth that eats people is short, and the food from Shi Shenxuan is eaten into the stomach, and the two Zhu Guo are far from enough to offset. At this time, Li Wuxuan began to show off his spells again, this time, he was showing off stone into gold. spells.

  This spell has a high threshold, and its essence involves the secret of golden elixir, immortality, and the method of creation, but Li Dandao is an expert in this field and has a lot of insight into the means of creation, so it has been passed down and combined with the blindfold method.

   However, when Li Wuxuan pointed at the chopsticks, it turned into gold. Everyone was amazed, and the chopsticks changed back to their original colors.

   "How did you change back?"

  Li Wuxuan touched his head: "Not yet skilled."

   That Yaksha looked at him: "It turned out to be a hairy boy, just a fledgling. He wants to become famous in the East China Sea, but his skills are weak, but I can't touch this brow."

  I was also watching the excitement around. After all, the salary given by Donghai Dragon Palace is still rich, but it is not enough to work hard.

   However, after watching the lively for a long time, I listened to Li Wuxuan saying goodbye and went to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to borrow treasure.

   All of a sudden, Yaksha died of worry.

Yaksha is the captain of the security guard in the East China Sea. He is in charge of patrolling. Not everyone can go to the Dragon Palace. Most people are stopped by them. If they can't stop them, they will be punished. Life.

   So this Yaksha sighed: "It's bitter."

   Immediately returned to the East China Sea, first asked people to be on duty, and if something went wrong, someone would be blamed, and then went into the Dragon Palace to find superiors for help.

After the original Hualong Prince was boiled by Li Dandao and resurrected by the method of good fortune, he no longer cared about Donghaifang City. He himself is the boss of this Yaksha.

At this time, he reported it again, and when Prince Hualong heard it, he said angrily: "Now all the cats and dogs have come to the Dragon Palace to borrow treasures, so forget the first few, the second generation with background, I don't want to mess with them, I haven't heard of one now. come, do you also consider yourself a second generation?"

   He himself is the second generation of the dragon, but he calls others the second generation. It can be seen that the second generation is also considered a strict hierarchy. They are not in the same circle and cannot play together.

   "After I report to my father and mother, you go to guard the gate first and ask someone to try his skills."

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion