MTL - After Becoming a Taoist-Chapter 943 Wuxuan's Travels to the East

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   Chapter 943 Wuxuan East Travel Notes

   As the saying goes, if you want people to know nothing, you must do it yourself.

  Chen Xuanzang came back and told the monk Bajie about the two boys taking two babies to entertain him.

   "The two boys were holding babies who had not yet completed three dynasties. They said they were fruits from the tree. There was congenital energy on them. They breathed and breathed, and they all looked like boys."

The dragon horse that changed from the Jinghe Dragon King opened his mouth and said, "I told you long ago that this is a means of good fortune. This spiritual root of his has seized a thousand miles of good fortune, and the Lord of Gaochang said that no babies have been born in the past three years. , that is, the root of this spiritual root fruit tree spreads around, and every woman is created, and if she wants to conceive a twin, she can secretly harvest it."

   "The Taoist school does not have the method of yin and elixir, men and women are in harmony, and there is a full power of yin and yang. If you harvest elixir beads, you can prolong your life by twelve years."

The monk Bajie also said: "My teacher Qinglong once also said that there was a devil called the old man in the South Pole. Nourishing yang, harvesting yang and nourishing yin, is a kind of "stealing law", the opportunity to steal heaven and earth, and the opportunity to steal people. After splicing the innate Tao body, he was finally expelled by the Qinglong Venerable."

   "I want to come here when the boy said that he has the same longevity with the sky. It turns out that this is the reason why he lives with the sky and lives forever in the world."

   "Then King Gaochang made a deal with this Zhenyuanzi in order to achieve longevity, otherwise he would not live in the world for longevity, and now he recruits Yi Shiqi people and wants to eradicate this Zhenyuanzi..."

   "This has always been the case with emperors since ancient times." King Jinghe sneered: "Isn't it because of this that Emperor Wude was punished by heaven?"

   "This country of Gaochang is a Buddhist country, how can a Taoist be a national teacher here?"

   "Can a monk make the emperor live forever? Where can the blessings in the next life come faster than in the present life." King Jinghe said: "People think better than you."

   In another place, Li Wuxuan has already arrived in the East China Sea. He has been very naive since he began to study art.

I only went to the East China Sea and saw the prosperity of this place, but everything is novel. After all, Zhangjiajie Cave, although the scenery is beautiful, there are unicorns and mysterious birds as company, but there are not many people, either the elves in the mountains, or the woodcutter and hermit. .

That Donghai Fangshi lost to Li Dandao and the others because of the defeat of the Dragon Palace last time, and was given away the shares of Fangshi, Datang, Laoshan, and Li Dandao, including Longgong's own retention. Not a single family.

   But it is not a single family, but a hundred schools of thought contend. Three islands and ten continents, three mountains and five mountains, all have their own altars here, so trade is particularly prosperous.

  Even the Eastern Yingwa Kingdom sent messengers to trade silk and porcelain here.

   When Li Wuxuan arrived here, he felt that everything was very new.

   "Fairy Wind Immortal Clothes made of the skin of Fengsheng Beast, you can wear the immortal realm of others and you will be able to control the wind."

   "Seamless Tianyi woven by Qingqiu fox armpits, can avoid water and fire!"

  Li Wuxuan was just walking here when he saw a mermaid shop selling clothes.

  Looking at myself, the burlap was short, and I suddenly felt dull, and a vanity that I had never had for a while was born.

"Back then, when Master Li was doing the feast of the Eight Immortals, I was fortunate enough to eat fairy food, which was almost like the Book of Changes to wash the marrow, nourish the yin and nourish the yang, nourish the primordial spirit, and even give blessings. It's even opened to the Millennium Pearl!"

   This is the merman who sold merman at the Wanbao Conference that year. At this time, he has already sold his shop in Donghaifang City.

   "Shen Shenxuan also has a cooking immortal practice now, but unfortunately the taste is not as good as that of Li Zushi, but they inspired the East Chef Si Ming Tianjun to go down, and directly opened up a food immortal."

"In the past, they were all taking bait, and all they ate were pills, ores, which were bland and tasteless. Now they take bait, but they are delicious from the fairy family. They use cooking to enter the Tao, supplemented by the medical Tao. Another disciple of Sun Zhenren, the head of today's medical family, is Meng Ziya. Meng Xuan, the descendant of the saint, has done a lot of research on this, so he wrote the herbal medicine for diet and therapy, and has been appraised by the chief physician in Datang Tian Hospital."

Li Wuxuan listened and couldn't help his stomach grumble: "This practice is not all about eating dew and picking wild fruits, how come here, so moisturizing, the ancestor told me that five flavors are five thieves, don't be greedy for tongue, otherwise the three corpses will grow stronger , Angels are hard to find."

   I smelled the fragrance, so I went to the entrance of Shishenxuan, and watched the five-spice buns fighting at the door, as well as the Dragon King Crystal Shrimp Dumpling, Crab Yellow Bowl Cake, Hai Mi Xian Ya Jelly...

  The aroma was overwhelming, and the greedy worms hooked up on the spot.

   The shop assistant looked at Li Wuxuan like this, and asked with a smile, "Guest officer, what would you like? We can use Donghai shell coins or Datang Tongbao here."

Li Wuxuan touched his pocket. This is the Qiankun bag given to him by the white ape fairy. It uses the potting technique. It contains various fruits and herbs that he usually collects in Zhangjiajie, but there are no shell coins and no ordinary coin.

   only took two red fruits: "Can I change it?"

  The shop assistant's eyesight is not bad, and when he saw this fruit, he was shocked: Isn't this the red fruit that has been ripe once every 30 years? It only grows in the heavens of Xianjia Fudi, not ordinary things. It happens that the chef of his own family is looking for rare materials to make fairy meals. It seems that this is an unborn disciple of Yinxian.

  I immediately invited him into the Food God Pavilion.

   Zhuguo is actually not uncommon, but the East China Sea is not the place of origin, and this thing is a holy product of cultivating Yuan, and the disciples build the foundation in a hundred days, and this thing can be reborn, so it is rarely circulated.

  The chef of the God of Cooking is Meng Shu's apprentice, and he has also been admitted to practicing medicine at the Datang Tian Hospital. It can be said that a doctor who can't be a cook is not a typical example of a good monk.

   Seeing Li Wuxuan at this time, he secretly sighed that the fairy boy's appearance was not a mortal thing, so he asked the teacher's inheritance.

   "I am the apprentice of Patriarch Bodhi in Fangcun Mountain, Xieyue Sanxingdong, Lingtai. The master said that I have not yet passed three disasters, eight kalpas, insufficient external power, and insufficient morality, so I came down the mountain to practice."

  This child is really, unguarded, and when someone asks, he will say everything in one go.

   "Patriarch Bodhi, I've never heard of it." The cook thought it was an unborn fairy.

   I just heard the silly boy say again: "The White Ape Immortal Weng asked me to come to the East China Sea first, and asked the Dragon King for a drapery and a handy weapon, and I came all the way."

   "White Ape Fairy!" The diners next to him were excited.

   "But the white ape fairy who stabilized the Sidu water veins and resisted the backflow of the tide from the four seas?"

   "I don't know that." Before Li Wuxuan finished speaking, the cook brought up four boxes of eight kinds of dim sum: "You wait first, I will invite you for today's meal."

   "This is so embarrassing." Although Li Wuxuan said so, but his mind had already entered the world, and he was no longer a child.

   Grabbed two cakes and stuffed them in his mouth, feeling the feeling of Yaya back then.

   "What is this! This is too delicious!"

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion