MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 486 : Huge amount of crystals!

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"Yes, yes, but the strength of this ghost is not ordinary. It is a Yinyue ghost. Although it is injured, but if you get out of the restraint, the injury will recover quickly. I just don't know if you can restrain him?"

"Yinmoon Ghost!"

"It turned out to be such a rare ghost!"

The ghosts were not surprised but delighted, and asked about the realm again.

"Ghost high level."

This was confirmed by Lin Chen with the Great Elder before he entered the mining area. He could not judge the strength of the ghost level by himself, but the words of the Great Elder were completely credible.

"That's no problem. Although it's tricky, I can hold him down." Hong Mo promised, patted his chest.

This made Lin Chen frowned, and he once again recognized the power of the world of the heavens.

The Yinyue ghost is definitely a powerful ghost, and it is also a high-level ghost and god, belonging to the top power in the horror world.

However, on Hong Mo's side, he didn't take it seriously, even though Hong Mo was already considered the top group of ghosts among the many mines.

But he is still under the check and balance of others, mining here.

The water behind the mining area is not too deep!

Lin Chen stretched out the pink sack, a surge of superb ghost power gushed out, and ghosts and gods reappeared.

His face was full of anger and surprise, the anger was that he had been defeated by humans and the elders, and Chen De had betrayed him.

The surprise was that he really couldn't figure it out. He was about to die, but unexpectedly survived, and was released by Lin Chen not long after.

But no matter what, if he can survive again, he still has a chance, because his strength is still on him, and he is still the invincible ghost.

With a vast ghost country, it can be called a ghost standing on top of a pyramid in the horror world!

Therefore, his ghost power has not been restrained in any way, and he will explode as soon as he comes up, wanting to sweep away everything around him, especially to kill the **** Chen in front of him!

But soon, his expression was stunned, because he felt three ghost powers that did not belong to him at all, and one of the ghost powers was far superior to him.

"Where is this? Who are they?"

Ghosts and ghosts were stunned, and glanced around, only to realize that the place where they appeared was a bit special, not the Blue Star, nor did it look like a horror world.

There are many real kings and good fortune ghosts around, and three ghosts and gods who have never seen it before, watching him covetously.

For a moment, he froze on the spot.

"Ghosts and gods, this is the land of the tomb of the gods, which is also a mining area. You were not Kai Chonglan's secret before. Do you think where he went after he disappeared for a hundred years, and what kind of good fortune did he get? I'm bringing you here now, satisfied Your wish."

Lin Chen explained with a smile.

"This is really not the Blue Star and the horror world? I understand. There is a huge force behind you, which seems to be related to another world. So this is your background."

Under the shock of ghosts and gods, he suddenly realized that there were three ghosts and gods staring at him. He didn't take action immediately, but tried to calm down as much as possible.

However, Lin Chen's next sentence completely broke his defense.

"This is not my background. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. Of course, you won't see anything in the future. This is your future palace. Just dig here."

Mining! ?

Ming Guishen glanced around and also saw some low-level ghosts who were mining, and their eyes widened immediately.

He is a majestic ghost who was sent in to mine?

"Brother, what Brother Chen said is right. You are your own person when you come here. As long as you complete the quota allocated to you every month, everyone's life will not be bad..."

Hong Mo coughed lightly, took the initiative to explain something, and looked at Lin Chen with a trace of fear in his eyes.

He could see that this ghost was completely captured by Lin Chen and sold here. This kind of method and cruelty made him face it squarely.

"Are you joking?"

Ming Guishen's face turned extremely ugly, and the ghost power surged on his body, causing real fire.

can't accept this fact at all


He was born as a ghost standing on a high mountain overlooking the stream, his strength has reached the peak, and he wants to turn Lan Xing into a ghost country and become the original ghost!

Ambitious! Absolutely extraordinary!

In any case, even if you die here, you can't be a miner.

"It seems that ghosts and gods haven't understood the form yet, Hong Mo, I've brought out the goods, and you guys have to show your strength, at least let him calm down first."

Lin Chen said from the side.


Three ghosts and gods, two men and one woman responded at the same time.

For them, after finally having a small mining expert, how could it be possible for him not to work? At least have an attitude!

"I come!"

Hong Mo didn't take the strength of the ghosts and gods seriously at the beginning, but now he clenched his fists, and his figure disappeared instantly. When he reappeared, he had already grabbed the ghosts and gods' necks and flew out.

The ghosts below spread out in all directions, the battle between ghosts and gods, they didn't want to be affected by anything.

Even Lin Chen is always ready to activate the ecstasy to avoid accidental injury.

After all, the strength of ghosts and gods is indeed too strong!

If you fight, you can destroy the world!

It's just that Lin Chen soon realized that he had overestimated this battle a bit.

The moonlight ghost power of the underworld ghosts and gods was completely ignored by Hong Mo, and with overwhelming force, he broke all laws and rubbed the underworld ghosts and gods on the ground.

The scene was like a fight between mortals, with punches to the face, looking very fierce.

Even Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head, lamenting the misery of ghosts and gods.

In the end, because of the excessive consumption of trance, Lin Chen left the mining area first, and only returned after estimating that the time would be about the same.

At this time, Ming Guishen had calmed down and stared blankly at the mine. Even when Lin Chen came in, his eyes didn't turn, as if he was completely stupid.

All ambitions, his own power, and invincible strength were ruthlessly broken here, filling his heart with despair and unreality.

"10,000 square divine crystals!"

This is Lin Chen's asking price!

The hall level can be sold for more than 1 party.

The value of each higher level can be multiplied by more than ten times.

Palaces, true kings, good luck, Tongtian, ghosts and gods!

This level gap is too big.

The ghost power of the ghost and **** class itself, in terms of numerical value, starts at two billion.

10,000 Fang Shenjing is definitely not expensive!

Lin Chen was able to catch it, it was entirely ghosts and gods who wanted to die by themselves, lowered their realm and entered Blue Star, and gave Lin Chen this opportunity.

Otherwise, he has no possibility at all to attack ghosts and gods.

So Lin Chen asked for 10,000 square crystals as soon as he came up.

And as soon as the price was announced, the audience became silent.

Hong Mo and the other three ghosts looked straight at Lin Chen, wondering what they were thinking.

Lin Chen's face remained unchanged, as if he was talking about an insignificant number, but in fact, his heart was tense.

He is betting that these ghosts can see his value, and he can send more ghosts in the future, so he won't be blackmailed because of this!

In fact, Lin Chen also understands that this is very risky!

It is very likely that the bamboo basket fetches water in vain.

But after seeing the **** crystal, exchanging a ghost and **** for the god's coin is really a bit too bad!

So Lin Chen felt that it was very bold to fight once, but it just so happened that Lin Chen was never timid!

The two sides didn't speak for a while, and Hong Mo and the three ghosts didn't know what they were thinking, which made this place enter a strange atmosphere of silence.

Somewhat depressing.

It wasn't until Lin Chen's palms started to sweat that Hong Mo spoke up, saying:

"The price of 10,000 square meters is fine!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while the expressions of the other two ghosts and gods remained unchanged, and they wanted to speak, but were stopped by Hong Mo.

"It's only 10,000 square meters, we are not good at the moment

Take it out, I need to install it for you, how about it? After thinking for a while, Lin Chen nodded, "No problem, but the deadline can't be too long."

"Okay, then we will decide on ten periods, and we will give you 1,000 Fangs of Divine Crystals today, and we will use ten days as a standard for the rest, and we will give you Thousands of Fangs of Divine Crystals every ten days."

As expected, there are three ghosts and gods in the mining area, and the handwriting is really big, taking out 1,000 Fang Shenjing at one time! Not even blinking.


Transaction complete!

Although the two parties had their own thoughts, there was no danger. Lin Chen finally succeeded in selling such a ghost.

When the 1,000 Fang Shenjing were brought in and Lin Chen took them away in a pink sack, the pupils of the Hong Mo three ghosts shrank.

Shen Jing is heavy, especially in the mining area, otherwise it would not be so difficult to mine.

Lin Chen's methods surprised them again.

"Ghosts and Gods, work hard for the rest of your life, make some contributions to society, and lighten the burden on the brothers, so stop thinking about invading Blue Star."

Lin Chen said to ghosts and gods.

Hearing this, the already numb ghosts and ghosts trembled all over and clenched their fists.

"By the way, my brother Chonglan has taken a fancy to your beautiful woman and concubine. If I have a chance in the future, I will grab it and give it to him. If he doesn't accept it, I can go to other worlds and connect to the superheroes of the heavens." In the assembly hall, I like ghost girls the most."

Lin Chen's remarks were not only to ridicule the ghosts and gods, but also for Hong Mo and the others. Showing his strength and some of his trump cards would also make it easier to frighten them.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Chen said this, ghosts and gods were completely furious, and Hong Mo and others were really interested.

Hong Mo continued to kick the ghosts and gods madly, and another ghost named Shentan came up and said:

"Brother Chen, the club you mentioned is called Zhutian Club, I've heard of it before!"

Lin Chen was stunned. The ghost-level miners in the underground channel really had unusual knowledge, so he nodded and said, "It's the Tiantian Club. I have friends there, so it's my way."

"Sure enough!" Shentan's eyes he valued Lin Chen even more, and he no longer felt so distressed about the previous Shenjing.

This is class.

It doesn't matter where you are, whether you can do business together, in addition to the benefits, you also need to be able to keep up with the magnitude in order to be fully recognized.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched, that's what he wanted.

Although he was also curious about the Zhutian Clubhouse, Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, but chose to leave to avoid revealing his flaws.

In the end, he pretended to be generous and gave the little ghosts exchanged with other countries to Hong Mo and the others, and then left the mining area amidst the gratitude of all the ghosts and the unwilling resentment of ghosts and gods.

Although there are quite a few of these ghosts, their strength is average. Many of them are fierce gods in red clothes. Even if there are several palaces to support them, the total amount is only ten square crystals, so Lin Chen gave them a sweet treat.

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