MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 485 : Sell ghosts and gods!

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Not just Blue Star.

The horror world has also set off an uproar.

A generation of ghosts and gods, the top powerhouses in the world, died on Blue Star.

This made every ghost who heard the news feel unbelievable.

All the ghosts were shaking, but the Yinyue Dynasty became extremely quiet, without any movement.

But this was just the calm before the storm. The entire imperial city was full of turmoil, and the atmosphere was extremely oppressive. It was not at all like the ghosts of the past.

After the news was continuously confirmed, it was heard that the death of ghosts and gods had something to do with Chonglan.

The Yinyue Dynasty finally broke out completely.

"Chonglan turned out to be a traitor!"

"Damn traitor, you actually killed our ghosts together with humans!"

"Chonglan is the ghost of Jidaohai, Jidaohai has to pay the price!"

"Is he still guarding the gate? Stopping us from entering Blue Star?"

"He still covets the princess..."

This is the news announced by Blue Star and delivered to the horror world.

Shocked, anger filled the hearts of every Yinyue Dynasty ghost, and in the end they directly drove the soldiers of the ghost clan to the Jidao Sea...

Many Ghost Dao families wait and see, Ji Daohai is the strongest supreme family, and the Yinyue Dynasty is also a colossus.

No one wants to get involved in the battle between them.

"What is that kid Chonglan thinking! He's blatantly saying that he wants a concubine? Is he crazy?"

"Old Ancestor, what should we do! How should the Yinyue Dynasty deal with it?"

"Explain first, and then say something else if the explanation doesn't make sense. We Jidaohai cannot be stained for nothing, but we are not afraid of his Yinyue Dynasty! We have two invincible ghosts and gods!"

For a time, the horror world became extremely chaotic.

blue star.

After handing over a large stack of talismans to the members in blue, and harvesting a lot of ghosts, Lin Chen, who completed the transaction, returned to his villa.

"After those little guys left, it was a bit deserted."

Lin Chen looked inside the room, couldn't help but shook his head slightly, then looked at another figure in flowery pants, and said, "Chonglan, I'm going to the mining area, do you want to go and have a look? Look Look at your little nephew."


Chonglan roared angrily, he had already heard the movement in the horror world, which made him very sad and indignant, thinking that he and Chen De were connected by fate.

They have all become "traitors" in their own world.

Lin Chen didn't care about Chong Lan's scolding, after all, this time, he really made Chong Lan hurt.

He smiled and said: "Actually, you have to think about it differently. This time you have become the true king of Blue Star's Dharma Protector. Maybe it is a better path. One day in the future, if Blue Star wins, you can have absolute safety and high security." position, young man, you have taken a long way, haven't you noticed?"

Chonglan couldn't help showing a hint of sneer: "What do humans use to fight ghosts? With the power of Blue Star, a good fortune can be destroyed in an instant, and good fortune ghosts can find hundreds of ghosts in Yinhuangzhou. There are also Tongtian ghosts, ghosts and gods on it! And the invincible ghosts and gods who have reached the top of the ghosts and gods road."

"But the problem is that fortune cannot enter the blue star. Chen De and Ming Guishen are two reincarnation platform fragments that connect and attract each other. It can almost be said that they cannot be copied."

"That's only for a short period of time. The cracks in the space will become bigger and bigger, and the law of Blue Star will become lower and lower. Maybe in the near future, ten good fortune ghosts will enter in an instant. Can these players of Blue Star hold on? "

No matter what, it is impossible for Chonglan to be optimistic about Blue Star.

The difference in strength is too great, and Blue Star really can't compare with the background that has shocked the world for tens of thousands of years.

"As long as I am good luck, I can hold on." Lin Chen said to himself.

Chong Lan was stunned, then shook his head: "Impossible, Blue Star's restriction law is related to the strength of the strongest player in Blue Star, but this is not absolute, and Blue Star's restriction law itself is also fading day by day, so the following The speed at which the gate is widened due to various factors will be extra fast. If you want to stay at the top all the time, you also need your strength.

Only if it can catch up with the fading of the Blue Star Law. "

He is not alarmist.

The ghosts that Blue Star restricted to enter were only hall-level ones at the beginning, because the highest players of Blue Star were only halls, but this cannot be for a lifetime.

The power of the blue star fades, and one day, there will be a real king who will suppress the cross-border entry into the blue star and destroy it at any time.

Now although the top strength has become the real king.

The real kings have entered the blue star innumerably, but good fortune cannot enter.

But the future, no one can tell.

"Your thinking may be right, but speaking of it, I have been a player for less than half a year now. What you should consider is whether the weakening of the Blue Star Law can keep up with my improvement speed."

Lin Chen was very confident that this transaction allowed him to obtain hundreds of ghosts. Although the quality was uneven, they could eventually be exchanged for a fortune.

In addition, the three red treasure chests and two reincarnation platform fragments that Lin Chen obtained are still useless. "

What you think is still simple, Chen, it is undeniable that you are very powerful, so powerful that I find it unbelievable based on my knowledge, but when you become a ghost, the law of the blue star will completely fade away, and all the ghosts and gods in the entire Yinhuang Continent will reach the sky. If ghosts enter together, even if you can survive, you won't be able to keep Blue Star, and this is only Yinhuang Continent. There are three other continents in the Horror World, but they cannot intervene because of the rules. "Chong Lan said.

In his eyes, Blue Star's end is doomed, no matter how strong a unit is, it cannot be changed.

Compared with Blue Star, the power of Horror World is not a measure at all, the difference is too big.

This is an ironclad fact.

Chen is very strong, he can even leave Blue Star and survive the disaster, but it should be said that Blue Star defeated the Horror World.

Arabian Nights!

However, Chong Lan's words still did not impress Lin Chen. Lin Chen smiled and said, "Chong Lan, I have considered what you said, but I have my own thoughts. It is true that the horror world invaded Blue Star..."

Speaking of this, Lin Chen's face revealed a look of madness and fiery enthusiasm, his eyes became bright, and he said as if seeing a big treasure: "But why am I not invading the horror world?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chong Lan was stunned. He looked at Lin Chen. For some reason, it was obviously not just aimed at him, but it made him secretly tremble, and his hairs stood on end.

There is a feeling of seeing a natural enemy, which makes him feel inexplicably uneasy.

"Before they enter Blue Star, I will send them to where they should go in advance, such as the mining area. There are so many mines, I think they should be able to accommodate your ghosts from Yinhuangzhou."

Chong Lan froze in place, unable to calm down for a long time, and sent all the ghosts in the horror world to the mining area. Just thinking about it made him feel terrified.

But after a long time, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"How can this be…"

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Chen directly changed the topic: "As for the future, as long as you live long enough, you will naturally know whether what I said is possible or not. The most important thing now is that the ghosts in my hands, Want to sell to the mining area, can you understand this concept?"

Chonglan's pupils shrank, and it was like a thunderbolt falling in his mind, which shocked him to the extreme.

Then he trembled with excitement, his face turned pale, and he said with trembling lips, "Are you serious?"

"Of course it's true, the ghost is still in the bag, not dead! And a ghost is sent to the mining area, how many crystals do you think I can exchange? I need to know now, a transaction of a ghost requires me to contact the inspector directly So, or the manager, which reliable mine can afford it!"

Chong Lan is not stupid, he has lived in a mine, and he knows how valuable a ghost is, his eyes turned green with excitement, and said, "What good do I have?"

"I will give you a part of the **** crystal that I got in exchange."

"Okay! I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything! Chen, you are indeed my nobleman!"

"Didn't you say that I was your nightmare before? Now you don't hate me for turning you into a traitor to the horror world?"

"What are you talking about

From now on, everyone will be their own people. If anyone wants to invade Blue Star, I, Chonglan, will be the first to refuse! "

After learning about it, Lin Chen went back upstairs and directly activated the dream function.

It is true that ghosts and gods are fine, Lin Chen directly in the pink sack, using the power of reincarnation platform to restore ghosts and gods to some extent.

Afterwards, a lot of ghost blood was released and used for other purposes. Even the ghost domain was forcibly stripped out, which can be regarded as draining the ghost.

Even if they are ghosts and gods, if they enter the pink sack, they will still be at the mercy of Lin Chen.

After everything was done, Lin Chen went to the mining area again.

Chong Lan's suggestion is that he is completely confused about the minds of the managers of the mining areas, and he does not recommend that Lin Chen contact them now, but Chong Lan knows that there are ghost-level miners in some mining areas.

Moreover, Chonglan made it clear about the specific mining areas and mines.

Sure enough, he knew more about him than Lord Gu and Di Yu.

As for the reason, Chong Lan didn't want to talk about it. Seeing this, Lin Chen didn't ask any more questions, and waited to deal with ghosts and gods first.

The number of crystals that a ghost can exchange for is absolutely astronomical, and Lin Chen is also very excited, unwilling to delay for a moment.

According to the mine given by Chonglan, he located the mine in his dream, and he saw the mine with ghosts and gods, and through various observations and trials, he found a new one after spending hundreds of millions of gods' coins. Also the strongest partner.

His name is Hong Mo, and in a mine where three ghosts and gods are present, he possesses absolute power, so his strength must be extremely strong.

Lin Chen also observed for a long before showing up.

As before, these ghosts were shocked at first, and held a lot of hostility towards Lin Chen, but after some conversations and discussions, the hostility of these ghosts gradually subsided. After all, Lin Chen's appearance was too special. The power of the rules is terrifying even for them, and the background is absolutely extraordinary.

Let them fear, reached a communication.

And when they learned that Lin Chen was going to use a ghost to make a deal with them, all their vigilance, repulsion, and hostility turned into excitement and enthusiasm.

"Brother Chen, can you inspect the goods first?"

Hong Mo said expectantly.

Although he believed that Lin Chen would not, and there was no need to take the risk of negotiating with their ghosts and gods, and enter the mining area in a strange way to deceive him, but seeing is believing.

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