MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 482 : Chen De fell into the abyss, with giant eyes in a sack.

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Latest URL: As soon as this remark came out, it was like a thunderbolt, resounding in everyone's ears, making one's hair stand on end.

Everyone understood.

Chen De's life is Yuan's game from beginning to end!

Using the rules of the game, even if you don't enter the game, killing a two-star player is not difficult at all!

Kill Chen De's son, for Chen De!


Zhou Geng clenched his fists and almost squeezed out the word from his teeth. His voice was full of hatred. He felt sad for Chen De.

Chen De had already endured too much, Yuan's words were undoubtedly another fatal blow to Chen De's heart.

Even if they are not the parties involved, there is a sense of oppression that is wrapped in darkness and terrified when thinking carefully, and they feel grief and indignation for Chen De.

Not to mention Chen De himself.

At this time, his expression was dull, as if he had been completely and completely stupid.

This kind of grief and indignation is unimaginable to ordinary people, and for Chen De, no matter how much pain he himself endures, he can accept it.

But to say that his son died because of himself.

Then it is undoubtedly breaking through the psychological defense line that wraps his heart, making people collapse.

Chen De's body trembled uncontrollably, even if he just looked at it, he could feel the sadness in his heart.

The surrounding air seemed to become bitter.

After a long time, Chen De raised his head, with blood and tears streaming down his face, with pain on his face, but he was so at a loss that he didn't know what to say.

The avatar of the giant eye is commenting.

"How pure is a person who is full of righteousness and hope, and who has been loyal to Blue Star and contributed to it all his life."

"But this color, I don't like it, I want him to turn into a black crystal, completely flipped." "This is the funniest drama in the world."

It's heart-chilling.

Maybe some people are afraid of life and death.

But in comparison, people would rather die by themselves than let themselves be played like a joke to such an extent!

That was too painful!

Horror games are too scary!

It may not like ghosts, and it maintains a certain balance between the battle between humans and ghosts, but it likes to see people become ghosts! This is definitely a tendency towards ghosts.

And the enemies of human beings are not only the evil spirits in the horror world, but also this superior horror game.

So what if he resisted the power of the ghost of the horror world?

Blue Star's human beings will still be selected one by one to become actors, sink into the abyss of endless pain, and become native ghosts.

native ghost...

This name does not mean the ghost of the dungeon, but the ghost born of Karahara!

"Chen De, come with me and complete our deal."

After the avatar of giant eyes finished speaking, he used the power of rules to pull Chen up. This time, even Lin Chen couldn't stop him, but Chen De was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't make any resistance.

It's scary.

Perhaps, some people are willing to see Chen De hysterically yelling, questioning, and being angry, even if he is fighting the thriller game desperately, even if he blew himself up to death.

Because that's ultimately cathartic.

Even death is a catharsis for the soul.

But Chen De didn't say a word, hiding all the pain under that body.

Is it because his heart is broken and he is completely fooled by playing badly, or he thinks that he has reached this point and the road still has to go on, and he doesn't want to waste all his previous efforts.

These people have no way of knowing.

It's just that everyone could clearly feel that Chen De was faintly exuding a kind of eerie ghost power, which was extremely extreme.

This kind of ghost power is like the darkness at the bottom of the abyss, with an aura of despair and pain.

He turned into a ghost...

At this moment, Chen De was no longer a human being, but a ghost.

And his ghost power made Lin Chen and the elder Chonglan and other strong people even change their expressions.

single border

It is said that Chen De is a real king-level ghost power, and it is still rising.

In terms of the quality of ghost power, its terrifying ghost power is incomparable even to the special ghost power of the abyss ghost, or in Geng Shengzhou, the real king who specializes in ghost power and has devoured countless human blood.

Chong Lan can be sure that if Chen De is at the level of a fierce god, his ghost species will definitely be able to climb to the highest ranks in the rankings and will surpass him.

Chen De in blue has become a terrifying evil ghost that surpasses the extreme ghost!

"Will you come back? Can I help you?"

At this moment, Lin Chen spoke, but his face did not have the smile before, but asked seriously.

"Chen, dear friend, thank you, but I still have to go on my way."

This was the first time Chen De spoke after he knew the truth. He was dressed in black and had strong ghost power. His voice was hoarse and harsh, but there was a hint of sincerity in his tone.

"Yes, your dark road has been opened, Chen De, after many years, you may thank me, because I can let you reach a level that no one can reach." The giant-eyed avatar smiled, but in his tone, there was still A kind of sarcasm.

Chen De failed too thoroughly here, squeezed everything out, and satisfied its expectations and desires.

Now it is just a puppet of it, no matter how powerful it becomes, it will never be able to get rid of its slave.

A shard of reincarnation stone flew out of Chen De's body and sank into the giant eye in the air.

"Rules are rules. Since I have a deal with you, I will naturally not break the contract. I will promise you the authority you should have to enter the horror game. As for the ghosts and ghosts before, because it was an additional condition, I didn't make it in time. But if he does win, maybe I'll stop him."

Yuan played with sentient beings. It sounded like an explanation to Chen De, but it was very harsh, because it added a word to the sentence of ghosts and gods: "Perhaps."

The shards of the reincarnation platform were put away by the giant eyes, and a trace of satisfaction flashed deep in the pupils of the giant eyes, while Chen De disappeared on the spot in a flash.

Leaving Blue Star, entered another world.

Everyone is silent.

This ending, which was set by the horror game five years ago, has not changed in any way.

Everyone grieves, grieves for Chen De, and grieves for their own weakness.

Chen De is a lesson from the past, the next one to be selected, Bao Buqi is one of them.

The incident between Thriller Game and Chen De broke through their psychological defenses, and a crack appeared in their hearts.

This kind of rift does not look terrible in the short term, but over time, anything can happen.

This is the premise of blackening.

It is the invasion of the heart demon.

Let their mentality change!

Anyone who knows that he is a fish in the pond, an actor on the stage, arranged at will by the master in the dark, a wanton player, cannot maintain a normal mind.

That being the case, what's the point of us desperately maintaining Blue Star...?

The eyes of the Great Elder flickered. As survivors of a failed world, they had experienced everyone's feelings and thoughts.

Knowing how overwhelming that pressure is can really destroy a person.

Feel the emotions of those around you.

A smile flashed in the eyes of the avatar of giant eyes, he was very satisfied, the change of people's heart is what it likes to observe most.

And a crimson heart starts to be covered with dust, and finally turns into icy blackness, which will make it go beyond.

Chen De has already entered the world of horror, it has completed its deal with Chen De, and got the fragments of the reincarnation platform.

When the curtain came down, it was also ready to leave.

But before that, it still set its sights on Lin Chen's body. From his feeling, Lin Chen's body had two fragments of the reincarnation platform.

It doesn't know where one of them came from, and the other one came from ghosts and gods, and they were put into the sack together with ghosts and gods.

"Human Chen, a piece of your body should belong to me." The giant eyes looked at Lin Chen

, said slowly.

Its voice carried great majesty, and it seemed to be talking about a very ordinary thing, making it difficult for people to see its true thoughts.

"You mean the piece on Ming Guishen's body?" Lin Chen asked.

"Yes, he made a deal with me."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Ming Guishen is dead, his deal with you is over, it's just my spoils of war."

The shards of the reincarnation platform are of great use to him, and they are related to his true path of reincarnation, and it is impossible to hand them over once they are in hand.

Moreover, Lin Chen was determined that with Yuan's character, he would not rob him, because he did not offend Yuan, and what he was talking about was the actual situation, and Yuan would not get involved because of this.

It prefers to play everything behind the scenes.

"You are very smart."

Sure enough, the giant eye did not make any coercive measures, but laughed:

"Since this is the case, I can also make a deal with you. You know, I can satisfy all your wishes."

It still has that lofty attitude, the blue star is like a crystal ball of it, not to mention a creature in the blue star.

In its eyes, storing things on Lin Chen is like a normal person keeping things at home, which can be taken away at any time.

It's just that its thinking seems to be different, how to get it, this process, it doesn't want to be too ordinary, that's very boring to it.

This is the self-confidence of the master.

Possesses a power stronger than all others, and can express himself to the fullest.

It's just that it doesn't know that Mr. Li once said this to Lin Chen.

"I won't make a deal with you!" Lin Chen shook his head, a flash of just right determination flashed in his eyes.

"However, I am a little curious and interested in the fact that you actively entered the rule mask."

The giant eyes stared at Lin Chen with endless wisdom.

"I just don't want Chen De to enter the darkness you set up." Lin Chen lowered his head, he seemed to be in a bad mood, with a sense of frustration and loss.

"Small human beings, maybe you are more interesting than that Chen De."

Juyan sighed softly, not knowing whether it was ridicule or emotion.

"Maybe you are right, but I will never fall into your darkness. I will stand at the forefront and fight for mankind to the end. You will not see the human struggle you like, but only a fighting spirit." Iron-blooded hero."

The giant eyes froze for a moment, it didn't expect that after experiencing so much darkness just now, Lin Chen still had the confidence to say such words.

"Your self-confidence has aroused my interest. If so, then I will take you away from Blue Star." There was a hint of teasing in the giant eyes.

And led Lin Chen to rise slowly with the light of rules.

"What are you going to do? Let me go!"

"You can't break the balance like this!"

"Damn horror game!"

Lin Chen was terrified at first, then roared and struggled hard.

But this kind of power is not something he can resist at all, no matter what means, it will be useless under the incarnation of Yuan.

Seeing this, the others turned pale and their hearts were filled with despair.

They have seen Lin Chen's strength and know Lin Chen's strength. If Lin Chen also leaves Blue Star, then this world will really be completely over.

Even the Great Elder looked tense and clenched his fists.

There is a smile in the giant eyes, UU reading he enjoys Lin Chen's performance and everyone's emotions.

Finally, during Lin Chen's struggle, he was brought to the giant eye, which was very close.

"What else do you want to say, I can give you the last ten seconds."

The sound of the giant eyes sounded, making people more desperate and extremely depressing.

However, at this moment, Lin Chen, who had been struggling all this time, suddenly calmed down. He didn't look at other people, but stared at the giant eyes with incomparable fiery eyes. A look of madness appeared on his face.

Seeing this expression, Zhou Geng was slightly taken aback, and immediately opened his mouth wide.

He won't be...!

The next moment, Lin Chen suddenly exploded, as if thunder was exploding out of thin air, swiftly and suddenly! The pink light bloomed, and a huge pink sack covered the giant eyes

"After playing for a long time, I finally managed to get close. I can hardly pretend anymore. I must kill you **** today!"