MTL - After 20 Years of Trickery, I Entered the Thriller Game-Chapter 481 : The game of dominance begins the real curtain call.

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Latest URL: Chen De's voice became serious.

And Lin Chen also became silent.

"We have gone the opposite way. If possible, I hope you will not disappoint my expectations and walk forward in light and glory, while I will enter the abyss and walk on a path full of weirdness and horror. If one day, I become The other me will no longer contribute to Blue Star, remember not to show mercy.”

Chen De rose into the air, his thin figure under the huge pupils made people feel extraordinarily small.

The incarnation of giant eyes is like the master who plays with everything, while Chen De is like a marionette that is slowly being pulled up in its hands.

Some six-star players had already seen the facts clearly, and those who doubted Chen De showed shame on their faces, while some who were like Chen De and who also fought for Blue Star just clenched their fists, their hands were blue and bloodless.

Zhou Geng, on the other hand, had turned his head away, with tears in his tiger's eyes, revealing his true feelings.

Chen De didn't say anything provocative, but his life was so sad that it made people feel agitated.

Some people even want to contact members of their own country to stop the news that Chen De is a traitor, but to expose the truth.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Zhou Geng held on to the grief and indignation in his heart, gritted his teeth and said:

"No! His hard work cannot be wasted!"

Hearing this, everyone dropped their hands helplessly.

Chen De smiled at Zhou Geng, shouted, and said, "Old Zhou, you still understand me, tell the fat man to eat less, and Lao Chen will leave first!"

Afterwards, he lowered his head again, looked at Lin Chen and said, "The letter is not a joke, my daughter, you should find a way to hook up and go away. I like you boy, and being a son-in-law is suitable anyway. After I leave, it's just right You're here to take care of them."

This is the last farewell. Chen De's body is about to merge with the giant eye in the sky. At any time, Chen De will completely disappear from the blue star.

However, at this critical moment, Lin Chen suddenly raised his head, flew up suddenly, and suddenly stuck out a hand from the mask, grabbed Chen De's ankle, and said with a smile:

"Your daughter should take care of herself!"

Lin Chen suddenly stopped Chen De.

Contrary to everyone's expectations, even the Great Elder who had been silent all this time looked at Lin Chen in astonishment.

I'll take care of the matter of returning to Zhongshen.

Forget about the ghosts and gods, Lin Chen's behavior at this time is robbing Yuan Yuan!

It's literally dancing on the tip of a knife.

While shocking, he couldn't help but gasp.

Did Chen grow up eating the guts of ghosts and gods? !


Even ghosts and gods dare not challenge Yuan!

"Morning boy, you!"

Chen De was also a bit stunned. He didn't expect that he would be held back by Lin Chen just before he stepped into the abyss, and he was in front of the incarnation on the spot.

In this situation, even Chen De, who had endured too much, had a brief blank in his mind.

"What are you doing? Let go of me, you are crazy!"

Chen De shouted anxiously.

Worried in his heart, Yuan's temperament is uncertain. Although he is not in the game, Lin Chen's behavior may be regarded as a kind of provocation in his opinion, and he will be obliterated by Yuan at any time.

And even if Yuan didn't do anything, the power of rules is not just a display.

Lin Chen's hand was constantly corroding and melting. It was a hand full of flesh and blood that grabbed Chen De, but now it was only a moment before it had turned into white bones. On the bones, although Lin Chen's ghost power was increasing and recovering. , but obviously, this kind of ghost power cannot resist the power released by the incarnation of the original.

His palms are constantly switching between flesh and bones, this pain is very unbearable!

Even so, he still didn't let go!

As if it wasn't his own hands that were corroded at all, Lin Chen didn't show pain, instead he smiled and said sincerely: "Chen De, you are my best friend in Lin Chen's life, I don't want to see you Into the abyss, so, I hope you can return to the blue star and put on the blue clothes you should be wearing."

Is our relationship really that good?

Even if the form is in crisis, Chen De still can't help but have this idea.

He appreciates, values, and keeps giving to Lin Chen, but let alone whether Lin Chen is considered a close friend in his eyes, but his Lin Chen is called his best friend, which really makes him feel There was a kind of weirdness.

It's just that right now, he didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly said: "I can't go back. I was destined to be a ghost five years ago. The darkness has eroded everything about me, and I was destined to become a copy. It is already the limit to be able to drag it until now. Hurry up!" let go."

"Don't loose! Die together!"

Lin Chen said stubbornly.

Chen De was completely dumbfounded, his dark eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Chen in bewilderment.

"let go."

"Not loose!"

Under everyone's shocked and dull gazes, Lin Chen actually started to compete with Chen De, trying to be backlashed by the force of the rules, but still did not let go.

"The friendship of the Chinese players is admirable and enviable."

Some Western players said with emotion.

And Zhou Geng's body was also slightly drunk, as if he was going to rush out here at any time to pull his old comrade back from where he was.

"This is taking a son from the sky, both in terms of courage and strength, they are all extraordinary, worthy of the title of God of Li.

"The Great Elder was also stunned. Although Lin Chen's strength was relatively low and his age was even younger, he felt as if he had never understood this person.

Just like now, no matter how he thinks about it, he can't figure out why Lin Chen is so desperate.

Is he and really, really best friends?

"You let me go."

"Don't let go, brother, let me just say it straight, either you come down, or I will accompany you up to transform ghosts together!" Lin Chen gritted his teeth, and the strength he had just recovered was rapidly depleting.

He is using the rule reversal ability against the rule mask of Antigen.

This kind of consumption is so great that it won't last long at all, and it will definitely have a huge backlash against him afterwards.

"Boy Chen, you..." Chen De was stunned. There was no hypocrisy in Lin Chen's eyes, and he was very persistent, which caused waves in his heart.

He really didn't expect that Lin Chen would treat him like this and regard him as a close friend.

For a moment, his heart fluctuated again, and he was filled with endless emotions.

"That's too late!"

The energy in Lin Chen's body has dropped to the extreme, and the rule reversal cannot be used at any time. The connection between his arm and the mask will be cut off at any time due to the closing of the mask!

At the last moment, Lin Chen gritted his teeth and fully mobilized his last strength, advancing instead of retreating, and actually went straight through the golden mask and squeezed his whole body in.

Chen De was sluggish at first, then completely confused, and shouted: "What are you doing? Are you looking for death?"

"Stop it, Old Chen, I absolutely cannot let you die alone."

Lin Chen responded that after he came in, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The mask is an isolation, and has no offensive effect on the inside, but it just pulls their bodies closer to the giant eyes of the original incarnation.

Chen De was going crazy.

What is this all about?

I didn't die, I became a ghost! Become a dungeon boss, a dungeon manager, life still exists!

And if you don't let me go, what am I going to do here, spend the rest of my life explaining to others whether I'm a traitor or not?

He had come to his senses, knowing that things were not that simple, and always felt that Lin Chen was hiding something from him, plotting something.

After all, with his friendship with Lin Chen, it was impossible to reach this point.

Nengla would indeed give him a hand, but he simply couldn't believe that they would "die for love" together.

"Human, you're funny, and you seem to want to get into the thriller game."

At this moment, the voice of the horror game sounded.

The incarnation of the giant eyes shone with wisdom, and with just a thought, it knew everything that happened to Lin Chen in the horror game.

Therefore, he could see through Lin Chen's thoughts at this time.

It was a little surprised by Lin Chen's strength, and then looked at the elder, feeling that he had underestimated this ghost who had seen its real body and fled in a panic.

Almost the same as Mr. Li, his thinking is exactly the same as Mr. Li.

However, this kind of surprise was only for a moment. No matter how Lin Chen could jump, he would not be able to cause any trouble when he was in front of him.

In its eyes, all of Lin Chen's actions and plans could have been seen by it, but he was just someone who wanted to follow Chen De into a game of surprise and sabotage.

Lin Chen's expression became hesitant, and he no longer had the smile and "affectionate" towards Chen De. Instead, he let go of Chen De, looked at Juyan and said, " do you know."

"Hey... I responded quickly. It seems that my guess is not completely accurate. You have other ideas, but I can't figure out your thoughts. Is it because of the piece of reincarnation platform on Ming Guishen's body?" Yuan asked. The voice came. This time with a hint of surprise.

But Lin Chen was really shocked, his heart was awe-inspiring, he didn't expect that his words could make Yuan see so many things.

This incarnation of giant eyes is obviously much higher level than the previous Mr. Li!

"However, no matter what you do, it's just to let me watch an extra play, but now it's the curtain call, so let's finish the last play." The vertical pupils of the giant eyes looked at Chen De, and he didn't He didn't pay much attention to Lin Chen. In the face of the absolute law of power, all conspiracy ideas are futile. His current interest is still in Chen De.

Lin Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Yuan was also very conceited and didn't pay much attention to him.

Didn't finish? What's the meaning? Aren't ghosts and ghosts dead? The hearts of the people in the distance jumped. UU reading

"Don't worry, it's not dangerous, it's about Chen De's ending." Yuan's wisdom is indeed supreme, but he can see through everyone's thoughts in an instant.

There was a hint of mystery in his voice, like a storyteller.

"about me?"

Chen De was at a loss, even he didn't understand what Yuan meant.

But Lin Chen immediately stopped talking, reducing his sense of existence.

"You are one of my most satisfying works in these years, but it is not so perfect now, and I still need a helping hand." Yuan said slowly.

"What's the meaning?"

Chen De seemed to realize something, and his face became gloomy.

"Your son's death was intentionally done by me, so that you lost your mind and gave birth to resentment. Under my power, you became a ghost in the world."

Read The Duke's Passion