MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 514 Chiang Kai-shek

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Jiang Chenxi did not think so fast, but this is also a good thing.

“Congratulations,” he said with a smile.

Chen Yujiao heard the words, and the depth of the eyes quickly flashed a bitter bitterness and smiled a little. "Thank you, I haven’t said a congratulation to you yet. Your wedding is at the end of next month. I heard Auntie when I met Auntie last time. Said that."

"Yes, on the 30th of next month, if you don't mind, then please come and have a drink of wine." Jiang Chenxi said that he did not intend to invite Chen Yujiao, but since it met today, the other party seems to have already Putting him down and starting a new life, then they are friends. Since they are friends, it is not very good to be married and not to invite each other.

In fact, I have seen the sadness of Chen Xiaojiao’s eyes just now. Now I heard Jiang Chenxi’s words, and my heart sighed, this fool is really not understanding or stupid.

Just waiting for her to open the round, Chen Yujiao agreed. "Well, I must come. Next time we have a chance to have a meal together, today I have to leave with my fiancé."

Jiang Chenxi nodded and watched the two leave. When he turned back, he saw Yan Yining looking at him silently. "How do you look at me with such a look?" He touched his face. Is there something dirty on his face?

Yan Yining shook his head, this wood, forget it, the people are leaving, and they are here to say that these are not doing.

"Nothing, don't you want to buy a cupboard, let's go." Yan Yining took Jiang Chenxi and said.

When Chen Yujiao went halfway, the ghost looked back and looked at it. As a result, she saw the two hands holding hands and talking intimately. Her eyes were drooping and covered her eyes.

"Gengjiao, what are you looking at?" Zhong Lei saw her go, and pulled her back. Chen Yujiao looked at the man who looked at her gently, and returned with a gentle smile. "Nothing, let's go."

She took the initiative to take Zhong Lei's hand. Although she didn't like Zhong Lei, but since the time of the exchange, Zhong Lei has been very good to her. Even if she has the heart to pick the wrong one, she can't pick a mistake.

Zhong Lei is a good person and works very well. Not only is it good for her, but also for her parents. Zhong Lei’s parents also like her very much. The family situation is also quite the same. How to see is a happy marriage, in the eyes of outsiders. In the two of them, they are a pair of heavenly creations. What reason does she have against special marriage?

Even if she doesn't like Zhong Lei now, then she will get along with her for a long time. Even if she finally didn't like Zhong Lei at the end, at least she had a family relationship with him. After the love between husband and wife has passed through the years, will there be no family left?

Chen Yujiao thinks this way. She did not hysterically because she could not get Jiang Chenxi's love. Instead, she chose to calmly accept another feeling and accepted the arrangement of her fate. Perhaps she was destined to have nothing to do with Jiang Chenxi.

"Gengjiao, my mom said today that you will go to my house to eat at night, are you willing to go?" Zhong Lei asked softly.

"Of course, go, let's wait for us to buy some fruit, I will always feel embarrassed when I go empty."

"I am a family right away. I don't have to be so polite. I have to have a fruit at home. I don't have to buy it. If you go, my mom will see you, and I will be very happy."

Chen Haojiao’s mouth is hung with a gentle smile. He listened carefully to Zhong Lei’s words. You see, this life is very good. Jiang Chenxi doesn’t like her. There will always be people who like her. Later, she will try to like Zhong Lei. They are well-being, so it’s good.

"Wait." Chen Yujiao stood at the door of a gift shop and stopped Zhong Lei. Zhong Lei looked at her. "What happened?"

"I went to see one thing." Chen Yujiao walked in, and Zhong Lei followed behind, Chen Yujiao went straight to the pair of black swan ornaments in the window.

The black swan is a symbol of love loyalty. They strictly abide by monogamy, one of them is dead, and the other prefers to be alone and will not find a spouse again.

"Jiaojiao, do you like this?" Zhong Lei looked at Chen Haojiao's eyes and naturally saw the pair of ornaments.

Chen Yujiao’s eyes fell on the black swan ornaments and whispered. “Do you think it looks good?”

Zhong Lei nodded. "It's pretty good, but isn't there a set of ornaments in our new home?" The set of ornaments was chosen by Chen Yujiao personally.

Chen Yujiao’s eyes stayed on the ornaments, and it seems that he did not hear Zhong Lei’s words.

"If you like it, we can buy it back." He glanced at the price, four nine, not cheap, but if Chen Haojiao really like it, he would buy it if he bite his teeth.

"I can't talk about it, but I feel very delicate, so I will take a look at it. Now I am over addicted. Let's go." Chen Yu Jiao said softly, his eyes glanced at the black swan.

"Gengjiao, if you really like it, we can buy it back. Anyway, the place at home is big enough, and there is not much more than one decoration."

Chen Yujiao shook her head. "I really don't like it, let's go." She took Zhong Lei out of the mall.

Just arrived at the parking lot, Chen Haojiao’s mobile phone rang. She answered the phone and looked at Zhong Lei with a look of regret. “Zhong Lei, if you go home first, my friend just called and said that it was the unit. I have something, I need a glimpse of the past."

"Then I will send you." Zhong Lei opened the door of the co-pilot.

"No, my company is in two directions with your family. You don't make a trip. I just take a car. I will go back as soon as possible and go to your house to eat at night."

"Really don't need me to send?"

"Really don't, it's very convenient to take a taxi here, you don't have to toss it."

"Well, I see you get on the bus and I will go." Zhong Lei personally stopped a car for Chen Yujiao, and watched her car go far before driving back.

After ten minutes, Chen Yujiao once again appeared at the door of the gift shop. She pointed to the pair of black swan ornaments and said to the clerk, "Help me pack this up."

The clerk still knows her, although she wonders why she didn't buy it, but she didn't ask smartly. "Okay, miss, are you paying or swiping?"

"Swipe it."

"Well, please come with me."

Chen Yujiao went to pay the money, and the clerk was packing it for her. "This is the new wedding gift I gave to others, and it is a bit more delicate for your bag."

"Okay, you can rest assured."

When Chen Yujiao came out of the mall from the mall, she held a delicate gift bag in her hand. She took a look at the time and took a taxi back home.

Shen Qingyi was called a parent by the teacher. When she received a phone call from the kindergarten teacher, she thought that the teacher had made a mistake.

"You said that An An is fighting with other children at school?" Shen Qingyi hesitated and asked, should she not be mistaken?

"Mrs. Fu, the parents of the children who have been beaten have come to the school. I want to discuss it. Can you come over now?" said An An’s class teacher, Xiao Xie, who was helpless and could hear the vagueness. There was a loud noise.

This time, Shen Qingyi determined that he had not heard the mistake. An An did fight with others, and the parents of the other party had already come to the door. Shen Qing’s eyes changed slightly. “Good Xiao Xie teacher, I will come right now.”

"Qing Shantou, why are you going here?" Father Fu went downstairs and saw Shen Qingyi planning to go out.

"Grandpa, the class teacher of Anan is looking for me. I will go out and get back soon."

"What happened to An'an?" One listened to Anan's class teacher, and Fu's father thought it was Anan's accident, and immediately became nervous.

"Grandpa, Anan is fine, probably a nap at noon, and crying in the kindergarten, I want to let me go." Shen Qingyi casually pulled a reason, did not say that Anan fights.

Father Fu heard that Anan was fine, and he was relieved.

Anan class teacher Xiao Xie teacher's office.

Anan sat down in his chair and did not speak. Xiao Xie’s teacher was in front of An’an, and Xiao Xie’s teacher stood in front of a fat woman.

"Xiao Xie teacher, you are the head teacher of my son. I gave my son to you. It is trust in you. As a result, what do you look like my son is now being labeled?"

She pushed a little fat man to her face. "Can you look at this face?" She was angry.

The little guy's face is blue and purple, and the tears on his face are not so embarrassing. The little fat man is still pumping, and he wipes a tear from time to time.

Xiao Xie’s teacher looked awkward, and this little fat man was a bit miserable. And Anan’s face had a little bruise, the clothes were torn, and other places could not see the injury, compared with the chubby, but it was much better.

"It’s a common problem for children to make small contradictions between them. Mrs. Liu, you..." Xiao Xie’s teacher tried to explain.

The fat woman called Mrs. Liu interrupted Xiao Xie’s words. “Xiao Xie teacher, children fight is OK, but you can’t beat people to death. It’s not your son who is not hurting. Isn’t it painful? ”

This is exaggerated. Although the little fat man was beaten a bit miserable, Anan was only three years old, and his strength was limited. He could hurt and hurt where he went.

"Mrs. Liu, An An is a good child, they have hands, there must be a reason." Xiao Xie teacher tried to explain.

"You told me this, you mean that he is good and will not miss the wrong person, so my son should be beaten to live, then I want to ask you, how much benefit their family gave you, so that you He is helping him." The fat woman's face is arrogant.

Xiao Xie teacher, she doesn't mean that. "Mrs. Liu, calm down first. Let's figure out the reason first."

After the nap time this afternoon, Xiao Xie teacher went to the children to prepare the afternoon snacks. Not long after leaving, someone came running to tell her that there were children fighting in the class. Xiao Xie did not even take the snacks and rushed back to the class. Then he saw An An riding on Xiaopang, facing Xiaopeng throws his fist. The chubby figure is much stronger than An An, but he is pressed.

Waiting for the two children to open, chubby began to squat with a scorpion. How can you not hold it, there is no way to ask the reason, and Anan is silent.

Teacher Xiao Xie originally wanted to bring the two children to the office to ask what was going on. The result was not waiting for her to ask. The chubby mother came here and did not know where it came from. The news, as soon as I entered the door, was a slap in the face. Also threatened to find An An's parents, Xiao Xie teacher has no way, had to call Shen Qingyi first.

"What is the reason, if there is a reason, I can't make my son like this. At a young age, my heart is so embarrassed. His parents, call his parents." .

"An An's parents are already on the way, Mrs. Liu, you are not safe, I think we should first ask the reasons for their two fights."

"That doesn't matter, no matter what the reason, my son was beaten, Xiao Xie teacher, I hope that you can handle this matter impartially. This child is too uncultivated. I told you that this time they not only have to I am also looking for their parents to go to the theory. What kind of tutor is this, teach the child like this, start to beat people at a young age, start to be so embarrassed, what good things can you grow up later?" The fat woman’s mouth is awkward, and the more she talks, the more she can’t listen to it. But it’s a little friction between the children. I use such a vicious word to describe a child who just turned three years old. It’s also ......

An An wrinkled his brow and decided to look at the fat woman. Although he is young, he still understands some words. He does not like this woman in front of him.

The fat woman saw An An even dare to stare at her, her eyes glanced. "What do you think, who let you hit my son, what is not educated."

An An also stared at her. "He should fight!"

"Hey, you beat people quite flat. Since your parents don't teach you, then I will teach you well, lest you go out and be told that you have no tutor." The fat woman picked up her sleeves and wanted to go forward and catch Anan. However, it was stopped by Teacher Xiao Xie. It is one thing for children to fight. If the parents start to play with children, then the problem is serious.

"Xiao Xie teacher, you give me away, otherwise I will even play with you. Today I must teach this uncultivated dead child." The child just dared to stare at her, and there was no fear at all. This makes the fat woman very annoyed.

"My son's tutor, how can it not be an outsider's mouth?" The cold voice sounded, and the slender figure appeared at the door of the office.

Anan looked at the door, his eyes lit up, and he slid down from the chair. He ran to the coming man, hugged her leg and looked up at her, "Mom."

Shen Qingyi glanced at his son, did not see the obvious scars, slightly relieved, and then looked at the arrogant fat woman.

The fat woman saw the arrival person, looked at Shen Qingyi, and the eyes flashed a slap in the face, then squinted, "You are his mother?"

Shen Qing nodded.

"You are just right, I am looking for you, you see your son gave me my son." She pushed Xiaopeng forward. "Look, look at this face."

Shen Qingyi looked at Xiaopeng and blinked. It was really terrible. She glanced at Anan faintly, and Anan bowed her head and did not dare to look at her mother's eyes.

"I want to know why the two children are fighting." Shen Qingyi looked at Xiao Xie.

"No matter why, your son is not right, apologize, and immediately apologize to me. At a young age, my heart is so vicious, I don't teach it now! If you don't teach parents, then I will teach." The woman’s attitude is very arrogant, and she wants to do it when she says it.

She looked at Shen Qingyi's weak look. She clearly had no strength. She naturally didn't put her in her eyes. She used to be quite used to it. She tried to push Shen Qingyi when she reached out, but she did not expect Shen Qingyi to stand still and not move.

"My son still can't come to you for a lesson." Shen Qingyan's eyes were cold and she looked at the woman's eyes with cold light.

"I said that he was so young, how could he not be educated? The roots are here, and it really is that the upper beam is not right."

The fat woman saw that she did not push Shen Qing. Looks angry.

Shen Qingyi did not look at her, but looked at Xiao Xie, "Mr. Xiao Xie, why are the two children fighting?"

Xiao Xie’s teacher looked awkward. She didn’t understand from the beginning to the end that “Mr. Fu, I don’t know this!”

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyi looked at An An, "Tell Mom, why are you fighting?" The tone is not as gentle as usual, revealing seriousness.

Anan lowered his head and twisted his clothes with his small hand. "Mom Sorry!" He seemed to be in trouble for his mother.

"An An, you first tell my mother why you have to fight with children?"

Anan lowered his head and silenced.

A small head swayed at the door of the office. Shen Qingyi looked at the door and saw a girl with a small scorpion. She saw her and looked back and hid. Shen Qingyi has recognized her. This is the little girl she saw when she came. The little girl stood at the door of the office and wanted to enter the way she didn't dare to enter. When she saw her, she ran away.

"Quiet, come in." Xiao Xie has recognized the little girl and called her name. The little girl walked in and sneaked in and walked down to the teacher Xiao Xie. "Xiao Xie teacher."

"Quiet, how come you?" Xiao Xie asked softly. Quietly and quickly glanced at An An and lowered his head.

Shen Qingyi noticed this scene, his eyes flashed slightly, his body squatted down, and he looked at her gently, slowing down the voice. "Are you quiet?"

Quietly nodded.

"Are you a classmate with An An?"

Quietly nodded again.

"Then you know why the two of them are fighting?"

Quietly nodded for the third time.

"Then, would you like to tell the aunt, why did Anan fight with this kid?" Shen Qing's voice is gentle, and people are beautiful, and they are very friendly to children.

Quietly glanced at the fat woman, quickly retracted the line of sight, whispered, "because chubby bully me."

"How does chubby bully you?"

"Little fat said that I am wearing a strawberry trousers today. I said no, he didn't believe, let me show him, I don't want to, he came to pull my skirt. Mom said that you can't let the boy pull the skirt, I I cried in fear, and then An An would fight with Xiaopeng."

The little girl spoke clearly and the logic was clear. The people present were able to understand what was going on.

The fat woman blushes her face and slaps it on the back of her son's head. "You don't learn well at a young age, you want to die, you are a girl."

Xiaopang didn’t expect his mother to suddenly hit him. Wow, he cried, and the fat woman’s eyes glanced. “You dare to cry, you cry again and ask your dad to pack you up.” Xiaopeng’s voice is fierce. I only dare to smoke.

The fat woman looked at Shen Qingyi. "My son is bullying the female classmate. It is his fault. I will let him apologize, but it is also true that your son has made my son like this. You must apologize and compensate my medical expenses. Mental damages."

Shen Qingyi looked at An An, "An An apologize."

Anan pouted, his face was unwilling. "Mom, I don't apologize, it's his fault, he bullies quietly."

"Anan, what did your mother tell you?"

Anan lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry." Mom said, can't fight with children.

"What did you say? Didn't hear a big voice." The woman's face was proud.

Shen Qing’s eyes were cold, and Xiao Xie’s teacher saw the situation and quickly opened the round. “Mrs. Liu, An An has already apologized. Let’s make one step, that little fat, you have to apologize quietly, quietly is a girl, you How can I go to marry her skirt?"

"Who asked her not to show me her culottes, I want to know if she is wearing strawberry trousers." Xiaopeng twitched and didn't think he was doing something wrong.

"Hey," the fat woman raised her hand is a slap on the back of the little fat man, "You are a small color ghost, look at what, look at the face of the old lady, the old lady goes back and cleans you up."

Although the little fat man was beaten, he did not dare to cry out and could only stand there pitifully.

"Let you apologize for your courage to do it, the old lady spends money to let you learn, not to fight. People have no tutors, are you not?"

The woman’s mouth is stunned, and the words are extremely ridiculous. Shen Qing’s look is unchanged, and the chill of the eyes is getting thicker and thicker. “Enough.” She faintly said, “I want to teach my son to go home and teach.”

"Hey, I am willing to teach my son where it is my thing, shut your ass, my son can't understand it, even have the mind to control me, see if you wear a dog-like dog, also I don’t know where the whole day’s minds are spent. It’s better to spend more time teaching your son.

Shen Qing’s face gradually sank and looked coldly at the fat woman. “When you get up in the morning, don’t brush your teeth, don’t make a fuss, how can my son not have a mad dog to evaluate, my son’s beating is his fault, He has already apologized, but it is you..." She looked at the fat woman's eyes with sarcasm, what it means, as long as she is not stupid, the fat woman is very angry, but the chill of Shen Qing's eyes is too strong, she Originally wanted to export, it was stuck in the throat.

The fat woman snorted and looked at Teacher Xiao Xie. "I said that you are not a military kindergarten here. Isn't it the best kindergarten in the neighborhood? I spent so much money to let my son come here to learn knowledge. It’s not for him to be beaten. You can’t even take care of a child in a kindergarten. Besides, you can’t be a well-known kindergarten. If you accept someone, you can’t have some quality. If you accept it, you don’t know. I thought this is an undocumented garbage nursery."

Xiao Xie’s face is black, and their family is more qualified than you are to study here. The fat woman’s husband is just a real estate developer. The family’s relatives are the leaders of the kindergarten. The trustee takes the relationship and sends the son to study here. The fat woman is not very eye-catching when she sees Shen Qingyi today. If she doesn't see the brand, she thinks it is her family. If she comes in, she will not put Shen Qingyu in her eyes.

Shen Qingyi also looked at Xiao Xie, "Xiao Xie teacher, I also want to know, they are not why the military family can study here." Her look is calm, but this calm is more deterrent than the fat woman's questioning. Xiao Xie’s face is embarrassed. “Mrs. Fu, I am also involved in this matter...” She wants to say that she can’t do anything about it. After all, she is just an ordinary kindergarten teacher. To put it bluntly, she is a part-time worker. Can't be the master.

Shen Qingyi said that to the fat woman, not to thank Xiao teacher, so after she finished, she looked at the fat woman, the fat woman's face was black, just want to talk, the door came in again, is Director.

The fat woman’s eyes lit up and she just wanted to complain to the dean. She saw the president apologetically opening. “Mrs. Fu, it’s such a trivial matter, and I’m tired of running it for myself. I’m sorry.”

As soon as the head of the garden came in, he nodded to Shen Qingyi, and his tone was very polite. The fat woman looked stunned. In order to allow her son to come here to study, she whispered a lot of good words with the head of the garden, and also sent a gift, which made the president reluctantly agreed.

The fat woman is not really stupid. Seeing the attitude of the headmaster, the reaction of the post-knowledge is over. Shen Qing’s identity should not be such a relationship as he thought. When she thought of it, her heart was cool.

If you can study here, if it is not a relationship, it is the family of the soldiers who live in the military compound. It is not something that you can easily get rid of, and you can see the attitude of the director. Not a simple military family member, etc., the dean just called her "Fu Fu"? Is that Fu family?

The woman thought of this, and there was a cold sweat on her back.

When Shen Qingyi heard the head of the garden, he smiled a little. "It is the contradiction between the children. It is not a big deal. The head of the garden does not have to be so polite."

The head of the garden had just understood the matter at the door. At this time, Shen Qingyi did not pursue the meaning of their kindergarten, and he was relieved a little.

He turned to look at the fat woman. "I am not talking about you. It is normal for a little contradiction between the two children. But if you are a parent, should you also be broad-minded? If you look at something small, you will be like what you are trying to do." !"

Unlike the 嚣张跋扈, the fat woman was counted down by the head of the garden and did not dare to speak. She just whispered, "That her son made my son like this, I looked distressed." Otherwise she would not go with a child. ?

"How much strength can a child fight? This is a good time to raise it for two days. Besides, Anan has already apologized. Are you an adult who is not as good as a child?" The head of the garden is facing the fat woman. It’s just a matter of falling, and the fat woman doesn’t dare to scream, just listen silently.

The number of directors fell to the fat woman, turned to look at Shen Qingyi, and raised a smile on his face. "" Mrs. Fu, this is a distant relative of mine. My husband is doing business in the field, dragging me to take care of their mother and child, children. When I was at school, I thought about reading here. I took care of it when I took care of it. I didn't expect this to happen. I didn't care, I asked her to apologize. "

Said, the head of the garden looked at the fat woman, "Hurry and apologize."

The fat woman’s face is awkward, Shen Qing’s look is faint, and she can’t see the emotion. “No need. The apology is from the heart’s sincerity, not the perfunctory. The child’s medical expenses will come out, my son. The beating has also apologized. The ins and outs of this matter, I think you are also clear about the director, you are not wrong, you should have a few in your heart, I will not say anything extra. Today things are like this, I will first Take my son back."

"Mr. Fu, this fact is sorry today. I didn't do my job well. I will educate them when I look back. You have to bear with me."

Shen Qingyi waved his hand and took his son out of the kindergarten.

On the way back, Anan kept his head down and didn't dare to speak. Shen Qingyi did not make a sound. When he walked to the gate of the military compound, Anan stopped his footsteps. Shen Qingzhen lived and looked down at him. "What? "

Anan looked up. "Mom, are you angry?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Mom, you don't talk, you are angry with me. Isn't it? I didn't mean to fight today, it was chubby, he bullied people."

Shen Qing’s sire is flush with his son’s line of sight.” Anan, my mother knows that you are a kind child. When you see a child being bullied, you can’t do it, is it?”

Anan nodded.

"But Anan, seeing the child being bullied, you can solve it in another way, such as blocking the child, telling him that he can't bully, or telling the teacher directly, and then the teacher to deal with it, instead of going to the person to go. Don't say anything else, you see the attitude of the little friend mother today. If you don't beat people, there is no reason for his mother to say you, right?"

Anan seems to understand, "but Mom, quietly she is a girl, Dad said to protect girls."

"My father said that it is right to protect the girl, but to protect the girl does not have to be beaten, just like the mother said, you can tell the teacher, or tell the truth to chubby, it is wrong to beat people." "

Shen Qingyi does not want to develop the overbearing temperament of his son's easy-handed beating. He can only bear with his heart to reason with him. Some words do not understand Anan, but the general meaning is to understand.

"Mom, I know it is wrong. I won’t fight with the children in the future. Don’t you be angry with me?”

"Mom is not angry, my mother is just telling you the truth." Shen Qingyi eased the tone, Wen Sheng said.

"Mom, are you really not angry?"

Shen Qingyi shook his head. "No, this is the first time you have been fighting with someone. Mom forgives you, but definitely not the next time. If there is another time, my mother will be really angry, understand?"

Anan has a small head, and my mother knows it is wrong, and will never be there again. ”

"You hit chubby today, and you have to say sorry to others tomorrow."

"Mom, I have said sorry today."

"Mom knows, but you didn't say sorry to chubby, right?"

Anan thought about it and finally nodded. "Well, then I will give chubby to eat my favorite toffee tomorrow?"

"Good." Shen Qingxiao nodded with a smile.

"That mother, today's chubby mother yells at me, should I apologize to me?" Anan's little face is full of seriousness.

"Yes, today's chubby mother is not right, but we are a generous child, forgive her, okay?"

Anan’s little brow tangled, “Okay.”

Shen Qingyi touched the small bruise on his son's face, and his eyes flashed a bit of distress. "Is it painful?"

Anan nodded. "Hey, he pushed me. I fell on the ground."

Shen Qingyi remembered that Xiaopeng was beaten with a bruised face and looked up. He took his son's small hand and looked at it. The white and tender little hand was like a small dragonfly. How to beat people is so tiger.

"Mom, my hand doesn't hurt." Anan said, Shen Qingxi can't smile. "You can't fight in the future, or your mother should punish you."

"Mom knows."

An An’s clothes were torn and there were small bruises on his face. This matter can’t be overwhelmed anyway. There must always be an explanation.

Back home, Father Fu saw Xiao Zeng's appearance, and suddenly he was anxious. "What happened to Anan? How could it be like this? Is it bullied by the children in the kindergarten, tell Zeng Grandpa."

Shen Qing’s words, the black line of his face, is not that your great-grandson was bullied, but that he bullied people.

"Grandpa is fine, it is falling in the kindergarten, the children are naughty, squatting and touching normal." Just Shen Qingyi has already said to An An, can not let Fu master know about An's beating, the father, baby, small great-grandson, weekdays I feel distressed when I touch it. If I know that I am being beaten, what might happen?

"How did this fall? Why did you fall so badly? Look at this little face and fall." Father Fu was even more distressed. "Is there any injury elsewhere? Clear, you will show him, this is the end." Isn’t it serious? It’s really not called a doctor.”

Shen Qingyi quickly appease the father, "Grandpa, don't be excited, it's really a small bruise, nothing, the child is skinny, I have checked it, it's a little bruise, the other has no wounds."

Father Fu did not believe, looked at An An, "An An, you told Grandpa Zeng, is there any other pain in your body?"

An An shook his head. "Grandpa didn't hurt, I fell."

"Is it really you fell, not being bullied?"

"I fell." Anan said with a small head. The mother said, Grandpa had to worry if he knew he was beating.

"How is your child so careless, and throw yourself into this? Once Grandpa looked at the heartache and death." The old man glared at Anan, and he screamed.

Shen Qingyi spoke in due course. "Grandpa, I took Anan to change clothes."

Father Fu nodded. "Go and go. It is best to ask the doctor to look at the wound on his face."

This white and tender face has such a wound, it is really distressing.

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