MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 513 Share transfer, the plan begins

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Wang Fu once again contacted Shen Junze three days later, when Shen Junze was talking about his plan in Shen Jia and Shen Qingyi. "Sister, Wang Fu contacted me." Shen Junze said.

"Listen to what he said."

Shen Junze picks up the phone. Wang Fu at the end of the phone is about to eat by Shen Junze. He said that there are several other shareholders. Shen Junze said with gratitude, "Uncle Wang, thank you for everything I have painstakingly arranged for. I don't know about this. How can I thank you?"

Wang Fu smiled, "It’s too early to say that, after we have finished eating with these shareholders, we’ll talk about it again. I’ve thought about the last thing you told me, and wait until you have time. At the time, we both met and talked alone." To make the financial affairs of Lloyd's Real Estate vulnerable, this matter must be considered from a long-term perspective. He naturally has to negotiate with Shen Junze.

"This time to see Uncle Wang, I am free at any time here." Shen Junze said humble.

"Well, wait for me to arrange it here, I will call you." Wang Fu said.

Shen Junze hung up the phone and looked at Shen Qingyi. He told Shen Qingyi that all of the things that Wang Fu told him on the phone.

Wen Yan, Shen Qingyi raised his eyebrows. "It seems that Wang Fu’s dissatisfaction with Lu Jincai is not a little, and since those people have promised to come, it means that they know Wang Fu’s purpose of doing this. It should also be intended to help you. You have to take this opportunity and try to win them in one fell swoop. With their support, you will be more confident when you get back to the company."

The stocks held by these shareholders add up a lot, and Shen Junze’s hand is enough to drive Wu Jincai out of the company. But the premise is that these shareholders are willing to support Shen Junze.

"Sister, I am worried that they will open the lion." Shen Junze said with concern.

Wang Fu doesn't have to worry about it, but other shareholders can't say it. Shen Junze doesn't have so much capital to fight with Lu Jincai. He can't get more conditions to talk to these greedy shareholders. If they put forward too much conditions. He really has no way.

Shen Qingyu looked faint and looked calm. "They won't open the lion." At least not now. This group of people is willing to come out to eat at this time. It must be dissatisfied with Lu Jincai’s heart. He also wants to know what kind of conditions Shen Junze can offer them. Is it worthwhile for them to jointly pull Lu Jincai down?

It is said that the businessman is ruthless, but this is not necessarily accurate, but it is the most true portrayal of the Lushi real estate. As long as Shen Junze gives them a better treatment than Lu Jin, these people will immediately turn their backs.

Shen Junze heard the words in the heart, "Sister, you can rest assured that you said so. What should I pay attention to when I go?"

"Appropriate conditions can be promised, but the attitude should be adhered to, the bottom line of the defender should be kept, and the one should not retreat. If it is possible, it is best to buy the shares in their hands and hold them in their hands. It is the most secure."

Shen Junze heard the words, silently thought about it for a while, wanted to understand, nodded, "Sister, I know." In fact, as long as these shares are in his hands, then they are not afraid that these people will turn their backs.

Wang Fuyue's dinner was tomorrow night, so the next day, Shen Junze left the company early, and the agreed restaurant was still the same as the last one, even the box was the same.

The first one is Wang Fu.

"Uncle Wang." Shen Junze greeted him.

"Jun Ze, I have kept you waiting."

"Uncle Wang, today is my early arrival." Shen Junze smiled slightly.

"The last thing you said about Uncle Wang has already considered it clearly. I should have told you earlier, but Uncle Wang is getting older. If you do things, you should look forward to it. Don't think that Uncle Wang is not willing to help you."

"Uncle Wang, what are you saying here? This is what you are helping me. You should consider it clearly, and I believe that Uncle Wang will make the most correct choice."

"Haha, your kid will talk." Wang Fu said with a smile, he glanced at the door and lowered his voice. "I have already hinted with several other shareholders that they all want to pull Lu to enter. I am very interested in your plan, so today you can convince them that they have a great grasp, but only if your conditions are to satisfy them. How to grasp the middle degree depends on your own. Although Uncle Wang can Help you, but you can't be too biased."

Shen Junze nodded, this is the same as Shen Qingyi said to him, "Uncle Wang, I understand, but there is Wang Shushu standing on my side, I believe they will sell you this face."

Wang Fu haha ​​smiled, but hesitated at the bottom of his eyes. "Jun Ze, if you can, today, you'd better buy the shares in their hands and increase your own chips."

Shen Junze had some accidents. I didn’t expect Wang Fu to say such a thing. It seems that this Wang Fu really wants to help him. I think that here, Shen Junze’s attitude toward Wang Fu is sincere and a few points. People really help him, he will remember This kindness.

It was not long before the shareholders came one after another. This time, there were a total of five shareholders, including Wang Fu.

There are more than 20 large and small shareholders in the company, but the number of shares is relatively large, but only ten fingers. In addition to Lu Jincai holding the company's 35 shares, there are 25 in the hands of Shen Junze, the remaining 45, these hands are holding 25.

"Every uncle, you are good." Shen Junze took the initiative to say hello.

Seeing Shen Junze here, the other people are not surprised. After all, what is the purpose of this dinner today, everyone knows it, but it is just a confession.

A thin, middle-aged man took the lead to open his mouth and his face was serious. "Jun Ze, my temper is straight, the ugly words are first mentioned. Today we are looking at Wang Dong’s face, but the next thing we will If you have something to say about it, then if there is anything wrong with it, you should not let the uncles give you face."

Shen Junze did not feel angry at all, but smiled and nodded. "This is nature. Let's talk about things, uncles and uncles, please sit down."

The director who spoke just now is Liang Tian, ​​who is also the one with the most shares among all shareholders.

Liang Tian saw Shen Junze with a good attitude and satisfied with his heart. He sat down in the position, and other directors saw him and they were seated.

Shen Junze stood up and held a glass of wine in his hand and said with a smile. "Uncles and uncles, I am here to honor you with a glass of wine. Thank you for coming here to eat this meal with me today. I will do it first."

Everyone is coming to discuss things today, not to pick things up, naturally, they will not put on a shelf, they have picked up their glasses and dried up the first glass of wine.

At the beginning, Shen Junze was very determined and took a look at Wang Fu. The latter took the initiative to say, "Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of our coming here today, I will not say more, we will enter the topic."

"Hey, Lao Wang, what are you worried about? Since we are here to eat today, have we eaten the rice first?" The man who spoke on the head with the Mediterranean, this man is another major shareholder after Liang Tian. The name is Zhou Jianye.

When the words came out, the other two or three shareholders agreed. "Yes, since we are coming to eat, we will eat well and not talk about business." Liang Tian frowned, and his expression seemed unpleasant.

Shen Junze noticed this tiny detail, and his heart suddenly became clear.

Before the arrival of these shareholders, Wang Fu once told him that Lu Jincai’s most unsatisfactory person is Liang Tian. After all, Liang Tian’s holding 15 shares is the highest among all shareholders. Lu Jincai always wanted this share in his hand, but Liang Tian refused to sell it.

Wang Fu also got a news recently. Liang Tian has a baby son. He recently went to the city to gamble and owe a debt. Liang Tian used all the funds he could move. He still didn't block this hole. Every day, he was chased by a loan shark to collect debts.

If this news is true, then Liang Tian is the most anxious of all people. Wang Fu guessed that if Shen Junze did not find the door, I am afraid that Liang Tian could not hold it for a long time, and he would sell the shares in his hand to Lu Jincai.

This time, this dinner was promoted because Liang Tian’s attitude was very positive. Other directors should have agreed to see his attitude. Now, at the dinner table, a group of people don’t talk about business affairs first, but eat, and it’s no wonder that they will be unhappy. .

However, Liang Tian is also a person who has experienced great winds and waves. This is not enough to do.

In the process of eating, Shen Junze did not mention anything about Lloyd's real estate.

However, Wang Fu said a lot of things that had been started with Shen Ling, and all the shareholders said that they had a look of nostalgia.

"Shen Yingying died young, if he is still, our company will definitely be able to take it to the next level." Zhou Jianye said with emotion, he really admired Shen.

This statement was endorsed by several other shareholders. "Yes, Shen Zong... Unfortunately."

Referring to his father, Shen Junze’s eyes also flashed a sorrow. If he was a director, would his father be able to walk with peace of mind?

"Uncles and uncles are all the elders who started the company with my dad. I didn't listen to my dad when you were in the past. My father's favorite words when he was alive, he was lucky enough to meet you in this life. Brothers who have gone through the storm." Shen Junze said with a sigh of relief, but this is a half-truth, and the latter part is compiled by him.

"Your dad is a good one," Zhou Jianye said. "If it wasn't for him, there would be no us, and it would be our luck to meet your dad."

Most of these people went in when the company was just established. They were people who looked at Shen’s hands, and they were not convinced of Shen’s ability. When Shen let, it was also the most stable time for the company’s development. People are in the same direction and work hard in one direction. The company is bound to flourish.

When he said that Shen Jian, Zhou Jianye looked at Shen Junze’s eyes very complicated. “When your father died, we don’t want to help you, just...” When he said this, he paused and waved his hand. “But it’s gone, the past I won't mention it."

Shen Junze knew what he wanted to say, but he did not avoid it at all. He looked awkward. "I was able to help myself with my uncle and uncle, and you can come here today. It is already the biggest affirmation to me. ”

Zhou Jianye heard the words and couldn't help but sigh. "Jun Ze, since you mentioned this, the uncle said to you today, you really don't want uncles and uncles in this year. This company is us. Just hit it with your dad, he is like our child. We naturally hope that it can be handed over to a reliable person and carry it forward, but how you did that, how can we rest assured Is the company handed over to you? So, don't remember to hate us."

"Uncle Zhou, what is your saying? If I hate you, I won't ask you to come here today." Shen Junze's face has been hung with a humble smile, and they have repeatedly mentioned what he was like that year. Things don't mind at all.

"Old Zhou, you said that you have nothing to say about these things? Junze was not sensible at the time, but now Junze’s ability is something we all know, true young talent. You said that when we were as big as him, There is such an achievement for him now? Bokai Real Estate is a dark horse in the real estate industry in Beijing.” Wang Fu did not want everyone to mention Shen Junze’s past and shifted the topic.

"Haha, what is said is that we are not as good as the achievements of Junze." Zhou Jianye is a wise man. He understands the meaning of Wang Fu at the first sight and shifts the topic.

"Uncles and uncles, you don't praise me. I am much worse than you. Bokai Real Estate is not a company I founded, but was founded by my cousin Shen Junyi, and later handed it to me, Bokai. I can go to today, and my cousin is helping me behind me. It’s up to me to have such a big skill.”

Shen Junze did not feel that it was a shameful thing to admit that he was relying on Shen Jun. He wanted these shareholders to understand that behind him was the support of the Junyi Group. He was not alone.

The people who can sit here are all smart people, and naturally understand the meaning of Shen Junze's words. Junyi Group is in the capital city, which is a leading enterprise and its status cannot be shaken. If behind the Bokai real estate is the support of the Junyi Group, then the future of Bokai can be much better than they had expected. And they have to re-evaluate Shen Junze.

Wang Fu is a person who is more sophisticated. Seeing that the shareholders are thoughtful, looking at Shen Junze’s eyes with appreciation, is a smart person who knows how to use his own advantages.

Several shareholders have long known that Shen Junze is a Shen family, but the relationship between Shen Junze and Shen Jia was very rigid. Although Shen Junze was driven out of the company and went to work in the Junyi Group, they did not take it seriously. After all, Shen Junze’s The ability they know is only to think that he is going to the Junyi Group to mix his life, and he has a good time, who once thought that he has the ability to start a company.

Although Shen Junze himself said that Shen Junyi was behind him, but who did not know, Shen Junyi was an old fox. The person he was looking for must have two brushes. When thinking of it, all shareholders had to admit that they had It is indeed a look of the eye.

"Since the words have already been said here, then I will say it straight, uncles and uncles, I invite you to come today, in fact, one thing, I want to ask you to help me get my dad's company."

Everyone already understood the purpose of Shen Junze, so it is not unexpected to hear this.

Liang Tian took the lead. "You can understand your mood. Pharaoh also told us. According to our relationship with your dad, it is also helpful to help you, but you also know that we are all old and small. People, have their own family to take care of, can't help you without any scruples..."

Shen Junze heard the sound of the string and knew the elegance. "Uncles and uncles please rest assured, you help me, I will not treat you badly. Although Lu Jincai is my sister, Shen is my father. If you help me, then you are in me. What kind of treatment does Dad have? When I am here, what is the same treatment."

Wang Fu laughed and patted Shen Junze's shoulders and said with relief. "I don't want to be Shen's son. I am discouraged. Dear brothers, I am not helping Junze. Now, what are we in the company? We are clear about ourselves. Outsiders look at us as scenery, but is this really the case? Lu Jincai, what kind of person, this time we didn’t see clearly, this time we can always be clear, instead of sitting still waiting, it’s better to take the initiative.”

If everyone thought about it, Zhou Jianye’s eyes turned around in the shareholder’s body and whispered. “Jun Ze, you’ve said this, then the uncle also said a few words to you. When Lu Jin came to us, it was a beautiful talk, but in the end, he did what you did. You want us to help you, but you can't just talk about it."

The other three shareholders nodded, and Shen Junze had already expected such a result. "I don't know what I have to do to get a few uncles and uncles to promise me?"

His face has a faint smile, the temperature is gentle, and he is humbly asking for advice.

The conditions are open with them, but this degree is difficult to grasp. To what extent can we make Shen Junze feel that they really want to help him, not the lion, without damaging their own interests.

As a result, the shareholders are embarrassed.

Seeing that all shareholders have remained silent, Shen Junze continued to say, "Uncles and uncles, what are the conditions, though, as long as they are not too much, I will seriously consider it."

The opening is still Zhou Jianye, "Jun Ze. What you said is that some of our old guys are embarrassed."

"Uncles and uncles, don't feel embarrassed, let's talk about business."

"Since you have said this, then I will say it straight. When Lu Jin was only looking for us, Xu gave us important positions in the company, but as a result, you also saw that even if we sat in that position, the power was Overhead, but it is notorious, plus we are a few years old, there is no energy in the young, so we are not cheeky and you want the company's position, we want you Bokai Group shares.

In Zhou Jianye's view, Bokai Real Estate is a promising company. With the support of Junyi Group, the development of Bokai Real Estate must exceed Lu's real estate. In this case, why not get the shares of Bokai Real Estate early? In this way, even if Shen Junze and Lu Jincai cross the river to break the bridge, they still have at least shares as a guarantee.

Shen Junze did not think that they actually played the idea of ​​Bokai Real Estate, but this condition is not unacceptable. After a moment of contemplation, Shen Junze whispered. "Uncle Uncle, Bokai Real Estate is now just a small company in development. Thanks to the uncles and uncles, it is my pleasure. But if I get back the Lushi real estate, then Bokai and Lushi must be merged. Bokai is a small company, so it will eventually merge into the name of Lushi. Next, then I will not have any meaning in agreeing to the shares of my uncles and uncles. It is better to do so. The shares of the company you are holding are still holding. I can promise you unless you are willing to sell it to me, otherwise I will never Take back, and I will still be on the original basis. Add another percentage point of shares to you. How do you see it?"

A percentage point of the shares does not seem to be much, but how Lloyd Real Estate is also a listed company. 1 share, a year's dividends are also quite a lot. And if Lloyd's real estate merges with Bokai Real Estate, the future Lloyd's real estate will also be supported by Junyi Group, and the development prospects are limitless. The shares of this 1 are much more valuable than the present ones. I think the shareholders here have begun to waver. This condition makes them very heart-warming.

See you, Wang Fu said, "What old brothers are still hesitating, Junze's conditions are already very kind, I think it is feasible. Just like Zhou Laoge said, we are all old, in the company. Taking up the position is just too ridiculous. It is better to give the position to the young people, let them work hard, and make the company grow up. Our old guys have worked hard for most of their lives, and have not had a good rest. This opportunity to support the family at home, if they have encountered any problems, do not know what to do, then we give them some advice, so it is considered to be worthy of the sinking."

Liang Tian didn't open his mouth from beginning to end. Now, listening to Wang Fu's words, he said slowly, "I agree with Lao Wang's words. I promised this condition. The next month is the shareholders' meeting on the 15th. I will support you at the meeting."

Shen Junze’s hand originally held the shares of Lloyd’s Real Estate. He was also eligible to participate in the shareholders’ meeting. He had the support of several old guys at the meeting, and Shen Junze’s superiority is very high, but now it’s the biggest. The problem is that Shen Junze did not have enough shares in his hands to compete with Lu Jincai.

"But there is still a problem here. Junze has not enough shares in your hands. Lu Jincai holds the shares of the company 35. It is the company's largest shareholder. It is natural to be the chairman of the company, and if you want to get the support of all shareholders." Then you have to hold more shares than him. In order to express the sincerity of our cooperation, I can transfer the shares of 5 in my company to you first, just after you are in the position, the shares of this company... "

"Uncle Liang, please rest assured, these shares will be borrowed by me. If I get back the company, I will return these shares to you, including those who promised you."

"With your words, then I will be relieved." Liang Tian said with satisfaction. Wang Fu naturally supported Shen Junze, so he said that he agreed with the two-day proposal. "Since Liang Lao Ge’s statement, I will come to the table. I can give the 7 shares in my hand to the king. Ze."

With these 10 shares, the proportion of shares in the hands of Shen Junze has become 32, and the other three shareholders face each other.

Since Lao Wang and Lao Liang have said this, then we can't just look at them. They are both out of one, I am out of 2, and after the shareholders' meeting, we will unanimously support you. Zhou Jianye spoke first, and the other two shareholders nodded.

As a result, the shares in the hands of Shen Junze reached 36, just a little more than Lu Jincai.

Shen Junze heard the words and said with aggression, "Uncles and uncles, thank you for your support. If you are grateful, I will not say it. It is better to say more, and you will see my actions in the future."

Everyone, the rice was eaten, and things were also discussed. Naturally, they would not stay here more. So they all quit. Wang Fu and Shen Junze did not leave. They were waiting for a person. After a while, Liang Tian was folded back.

"Liang Lao Ge, I thank you just now." Wang Fu said, holding a fist, said with a smile.

Liang Tian waved his hand. "I also have my own purpose, not just for you."

This play was planned by Wang Fu and Liang Tian.

Liang Tian had a deep discussion with Shen Junze half an hour before the start of the meal. The conditions for negotiating with Shen Junze would be sold to Shen Junze at a price higher than the market price, and would cooperate with Shen Junze to persuade other shareholders. . And his condition is that he now sells the company's shares to Shen Junze, and after Shen Junze comes to power, he has to give him the shares of the company 3.

Although this condition is harsh, Shen Junze still promised. After all, the amount of shares held by Liang Tian is very impressive. If he has the shares in his hands, then he holds the same shares as Lu Jincai, plus other shareholders. Those borrowed are enough to defeat Lu Jincai.

"Uncle Liang, the share transfer agreement I have not brought today, I will go to your house to find you tomorrow, let's sign the contract, how do you see it?"

Liang Tian nodded. "Just do it, but this money..."

"You can rest assured that the contract is signed and the money is in place."

Wen Yan, Liang Tian is very satisfied.

15 shares, bought at a price higher than the market, this is not a small amount, Shen Junze naturally can not get so much money, but before that, he has talked with Shen Junyi, Shen Junyi is willing to borrow money first give him. This is one of the reasons why Shen Junze dared to agree.

Things have been settled, Liang Tian will not stay, and soon left here, waiting for him to go, Wang Fu and Shen Junze look at each other, Shen Junze smiled and said, "Uncle Wang, this time thanks to you."

Wang Fu waved his hand, "It is also your own intelligence."

Today, Shen Junze took Shen and the Junyi Group to talk about things, and placed their kindness and interests in front of the shareholders, so that they can see the value of Shen Junze. This is his most intelligent place.

If you talk about kindness, I am afraid that these people will not easily agree. After all, the grace is worth a few dollars, Shen is dead, and the great kind of grace is not as good as its own. Otherwise, they will not all agree to help Lu Jincai. If you rob the company, if you talk about the interests, then these people must be lions to open their mouths, and ten ** is to talk about collapse.

Therefore, Shen Junze’s approach today is extremely smart.

"It’s still good for Uncle Wang. If you don’t have your guidance, where can I think of such a good idea?” Shen Junze said humblely.

Everyone loves to listen to the words of flattery. After listening to this, Wang Fu is really a smile on his face. He waved his hand. "If you do it, don't bring me a high hat. I am a few pounds and I know that things are solved. Then let's talk about another thing."

Shen Junze has a serious expression, and this is the focus of his meeting with Wang Fu today.

If you want to pull the Lujin into the horse, it is not enough for the stock. There must be other things to push, and the best thing is that the company’s interests are damaged.

"In the past few days, I have looked for opportunities to see the company's accounts. In the past few months, the company's profits have been declining. Shareholders have already expressed a bit of dissatisfaction with Lu Jincai. This is your best chance. The next time, I Will be on the company's accounts to make some of the mistakes."

"So how do I need to cooperate with Uncle Wang?"

"Continue to grab business with Lloyd's real estate and make its profits fall again. Only in this way, at the next general meeting of shareholders, you can get absolute support."

Although Shen Junze's shares are enough, but to get everyone's approval, not only is the stock enough, but also capable. If Shen Junze can defeat the Lushi real estate, then it means that his ability is stronger than Lu Jincai, more suitable When the company's leaders, those shareholders whose interests are supreme will naturally support Shen Junze.

"I understand, this matter will be handed over to me, but other things will require you to worry too much about Uncle Wang."

"These are not problems." Wang Fu said with a smile. "But Liang Tian is a man who is very profitable. This time he promised him that he promised to help you because he had something to do with his family. He needed money and forced him. If you are in power later. And he still has to guard against him."

And Liang Tian’s promise to help Shen Junze this time is another reason. The reason why Liang Tian’s son lost so much money is designed by Lu Jincai. The purpose is naturally for the shares of Lushi in Liang Tian’s hands. Liang Tian knows the truth. It is only to be able to spare Lu Jincai to blame.

When Shen Junze proposed to buy his shares at a price higher than the market, he already knew what kind of person he was, and naturally he would not trust him wholeheartedly, but Wang Fu could remind him of this. Explain that Wang Fu is really trying to help him.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang's reminder, I will pay attention to this matter. But anyway, he can stand up and help me at this time. It is already rare. I will still remember the love of the record, even if it is impossible to take the heavy responsibility. But I will give him some decent."

Wen Yan, Wang Fu satisfactorily nodded. Just now was his reminder to Shen Junze. He also tested him. If Shen Junze said that he would drive Liang Tian out of the company, then his heart would be disappointed. Shen Junze did not do this, and he was also affectionate. Performance, this makes Wang Fu more confident after the cooperation.

Say goodbye to Wang Fu, Shen Junze went to find Shen Qingyi, and told her about what happened today, including her own shareholders and her own response.

Shen Qingyi nodded affirmatively. "You are doing very well today. You will do it in this way in the future. If there is anything you don't understand, you will discuss it directly with my brother. As for the original share agency agreement, I I have already made an appointment with Xiao, and he will come over recently. I will transfer all the shares to your name, including the one I have in my hand."

When Shen Shen let Shen Qingyi help Shen Junze once gave the shares of Shen Qingyi Company 5, as Shen Qingyi's wedding gift, only this share Shen Qingyi has not accepted it.

Shen Junze looked a move, "Sister, this share is my father gave you."

"The shares you have now are borrowed from the shareholders. You have to pay back afterwards, and I don’t have any of these shares in my hands. Since it was left to me by my uncle, how can I handle it, uncle? Certainly there will be no opinions, just do what I said." She has several shares in the company, and she does not lack that.

Xiao’s action was very fast. He arrived in Beijing the next day. This time, not only the 5 shares in Shen Qing’s hands were given to Shen Junze, but even Shen Junyi’s hand was given to him.

"Sister, big brother, thank you." Shen Junze said excitedly. These shares Shen Qingyi and Shen Junyi did not ask him for a penny. Although the two of them are not bad for their own money, the meaning of this is not the same.

"These are the things that belong to you. Now it is nothing but the original owner. I can help you here. The rest will look at you." Shen Qingyi faintly opened, giving the value of going. Tens of millions of shares were not left at all. It was originally the thing that was forced to give her.

"Sister, big brother, I won't let you down."

Shen Junyi and Shen Qingyi have helped him a lot. If he can't get back his father's company, then he can also plead guilty.

Shen Junyi looked faint. "It’s time to test the results. I learned what I have learned in the past few years. I will show it to me now."

Shen Junze Zheng focused on the head.

The marriage between Yan Yining and Jiang Chenxi is getting closer. There are still a lot of things to be prepared. This day, I went to the furniture market to buy furniture with Jiang Chenxi, but I didn’t expect to encounter Chen Yujiao here. She is with a man and looks at the two, it should be a boyfriend.

Chen Yujiao did not expect to meet Jiang Chenxi under such circumstances. The hand in the boyfriend's arms bent out of the hand. Looking at Jiang Chenxi's eyes is somewhat uncomfortable.

However, Jiang Chenxi saw Chen Yujiao warm and smile, "Gengjiao, good luck. Is this your boyfriend?"

Chen Yujiao smiled uncomfortably. "This is my fiancé Zhong Lei."

Jiang Chenxi smiled at Zhong Lei in good faith. "Is the marriage date fixed?"

Chen Yujiao nodded, "March next year."

Jiang Chenxi did not think so fast, but this is also a good thing.

Off topic

Keke, before the explosion is even more than six days of continuous sleepless, and it is very hurt, so the next time I will leave for a period of time, in addition to the normal update, will not add more, please also The little fairies are forgiving one or two, don’t remind me. The update time is still 8:00 am every day, one chapter a day, and the chapter will not be less than nine thousand words.

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