MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-Chapter 5 I'm Ip Man, I can play ten

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  Chapter 5 I am Ip Man, I can fight ten

  Although I know from the plot that Ip Man is poor now, his wife is pregnant, unable to work, he teaches Wing Chun and has no students, and he can’t even pay the rent, but Hao Shuai always thought that he acted like this only because of the needs of the plot. No matter how you say it, Ye Wen is a rich second generation, so he can save some money.

   Now seeing Ye Wen's face and expression, Hao Shuai knew that Ye Wen should really be in poverty.

  However, it is a good thing for Hao Shuai that Ip Man is poor. After all, the most important thing Hao Shuai lacks is money.

  If money can be used to learn Ye Man's unique knowledge, Hao Shuai really wants to throw the money in front of Ye Man on the spot.

"Master, your Wing Chun is so powerful, you only charge five yuan a month for tuition?" After asking that the tuition is only five yuan, Hao Shuai felt sorry for Ye Wen's worth, and offered to raise the price for Ye Wen: "It's too much." It’s cheap! Why don’t you charge more?.”

   "No, no, five yuan is enough. If it is too expensive, no one will spend money to learn martial arts." Ye Wen refused.

  Hao Shuai made sense after thinking about it. Although five yuan a month is nothing to him, but now that the economy is in recession, the monthly salary of senior clerks is only 300 yuan, and five yuan is enough for a family's food expenses for a day.

  If the fee is too high, there will indeed be no one to learn boxing, and it is impossible for Ye Man to only accept himself as an apprentice.

  Hao Shuai handed two hundred yuan to Ye Wen directly from his trouser pocket.

   "This is?" Looking at the money in his hand, Ye Wen was a little stunned, not understanding what Hao Shuai meant.

   "Master, this is my tuition fee for three years." Hao Shuai explained.

  Ye Wen heard that Hao Shuai paid the tuition fees for three years at once, and quickly refused: "You don't need to pay so much at once, you can pay it monthly."

"Master, I have **** for three years at a time to show that I will not give up halfway, to show my determination to learn boxing." Hao Shuai said this, bent on one knee, cupped his hands and said: "At the same time, I also implore the master to learn the essence of Wing Chun. Pass it on to your disciples."

  Hao Shuai's 'determination' (money ability) deeply moved Ye Wen, he hurriedly stepped forward to help Hao Shuai up, and said happily: "Okay, if you want to learn, I will definitely teach you with my heart. Let's start learning boxing now."

   Seeing Ye Wen accept the money, Hao Shuai heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Master, I'll deal with my personal affairs first, and come over to learn boxing tomorrow morning."

   "That's fine, you can come up directly tomorrow!" Ye Wen saw that Hao Shuai had something to do, so he didn't force it, and it happened that it was not too late, so he could go back and tell his wife about his apprenticeship to make money, so that she would be happy too.

   "Thank you, Master."

   Bid farewell to Ip Man, got off the rooftop, Hao Shuai called a rickshaw, went to the nearby police station to apply for Xiangjiang's household registration. At that time, Xiangjiang had very loose household registration management. No matter where you came from, you could immediately obtain a local household registration as long as you went to the local police station to file a record. This policy lasted until the 1970s before being abolished.

  The reason why Hao Shuai went through household registration is to buy real estate in Xiangjiang. After all, I have to stay for several months, it is impossible to stay in a hotel all the time, and Hao Shuai is not very relieved about the current level of hotels in Kowloon City, and feels that it is more convenient to buy a house directly.

  After leaving the police station, Hao Shuai sold a batch of jewelry in several places. After getting the money, Hao Shuai bought a 90-square-meter furnished house on Yonglong Street through an intermediary without stopping.

   After giving the intermediary 20 yuan as a bonus, the intermediary enthusiastically helped Hao Shuai hire a cleaner, and at the same time helped Hao Shuai buy daily necessities and bedding.

  Hao Shuai didn't plan to buy kitchen supplies, he planned to eat and drink with the chef, it seems that his wife Zhang Yongcheng's cooking skills seem to be good.

   In addition, Hao Shuai also bought several sets of clothes from this era in the tailor shop for daily wear and martial arts training.

   After finishing all this work, Hao Shuai ate a big bowl of noodles downstairs and went home to exercise his mind power before going to bed.


  Although Hao Shuai is usually lazy, as long as he decides to do something, he will do his best to do his best.

  So it was just dawn early in the morning, Hao Shuai did not stay in bed as usual, but got up from the bed, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and settled down.

  After packing up, Hao Shuai went out of the house, ate a breakfast at the breakfast stall downstairs, and packed a copy for Ye Wen by the way.

   Waiting on the rooftop, Hao Shuai saw that Ye Wen had already made a wooden dummy there.

   "Xiao Shuai, you are here!" Seeing Hao Shuai, Ye Wen smiled.

I can't stand him not laughing, just happened to meet the landlord last night to collect the rent, at that time my wife Zhang Yongcheng didn't have enough money to pay the rent, fortunately Hao Shuai had the two hundred yuan to solve the urgent need, otherwise I don't know how to deal with it that situation.

   It can be said that Hao Shuai saved Ye Wen's dignity, so facing Hao Shuai, Ye Wen was naturally grateful and delighted.

  Hao Shuai sympathized with this man very much. It is a misfortune of the times that a martial arts master was forced to such a poor situation.

   "Master, good morning." Hao Shuai smiled: "I packed breakfast for you."

   "I've already eaten, thank you, handsome!" Ye Wen said sincerely.

  Hao Shuai thought that Ye Wen was thanking him for his breakfast, but only Ye Wen knew that he was thanking Hao Shuai for his tuition.


   "Xiao Shuai, before formally learning Wing Chun, let me introduce to you what Wing Chun is," Ye Wen said.

  Wing Chun is a very scientific and artificial boxing. Its strength lies in fighting in the body.

  It has fast fists and tight defense, flexible horse gait and fast ups and downs, both offense and defense and both defense and attack at the same time, focusing on the combination of rigidity and softness, and consumes less energy. Wing Chun boxing uses a force method called "inch strength" to attack and defend.

  In terms of theory and mentality, focus on the center line, burying, chasing the shape facing the face, taking both left and right, coming and going to send, throwing hands and going straight, etc., to attack and defend with the shortest distance and time.

  The main hand types of this boxing are Phoenix Eye Boxing and Willow Leaf Palm. The boxing routines mainly include three sets of boxing, Xiao Nian Tao, Xun Qiao and Biao Zhi, and wooden dummy.

  Basic techniques are mainly the three side hands, and there are also setbacks, lifting hands, broken row hands, sinking bridges, and sticking hands. The main gait types include Siping horse, three-character horse, chasing horse, kneeling horse, independent gait, etc.

  It is a kind of boxing that combines internal boxing and close combat. Based on actual combat, it has changeable moves, flexible use, flexible punching, short bridge and narrow horse, and is good at sending an inch of strength as its main characteristics. Firm, the technique of bending the hand to stay in the middle, is marked by the body shape and footwork of "Two-word Clamping Yangma" by taking, cutting, sinking, marking, shouldering, wrist-fingering, sticking, touching, ironing, stealing, and leaking. Relying on the sensitive feeling of the hand bridge's skin, it is an internal boxing method that exerts the strength of the inch.

   "What about our Wing Chun! It is a combination of offense and defense. One attack and one attack is to knock down the opponent in the shortest time."

   "Look, this is Tanta."

   "Continuous elimination and hit, the Japanese word punches."

"do you understand?"


  Ye Man is a very competent teacher, very patient, he can be patient with what Hao Shuai doesn't understand, and preach over and over again.

  Hao Shuai himself studied very seriously. Because he is not a stupid person, he can learn quickly. So the master was satisfied, and the apprentice was satisfied. In just half a day, the two developed some master-student friendship towards each other.

   Before he knew it, it was noon. Hao Shuai knew that Zhang Yongcheng would bring Ye Wen a meal, so he said goodbye to Ye Wen first, went down to the rooftop to find a restaurant, and packed several meat dishes.

  When Hao Shuai returned to the warehouse, he saw Ye Wen sitting on a chair eating, with a beautiful pregnant woman with a gentle temperament sitting next to him, and a plate of vegetables and a plate of fried eggs were placed on the table.

   Ye Wen saw Hao Shuai coming back, and introduced: "Xiao Shuai, this is your teacher's wife Zhang Yongcheng, Yongcheng, this is my apprentice Hao Shuai."

  After the introduction, Ye Wen asked again: "And didn't you go back?"

   "I went down to buy food. I didn't know that my wife would bring you food." Hao Shuai replied pretending not to know. "It happens that my wife is here, so let's eat together!"

   After finishing speaking, Hao Shuai took out the packaged roast goose, braised pork trotters and barbecued pork and put them on the table.

   "Why is this so embarrassing? You should eat it yourself!" Ye Wen declined.

There is such a master with strong self-esteem and a thin skin. If you want to treat him well, you have to take his self-esteem into consideration. Thinking that Ye Wen is too embarrassed to collect tuition fees in the play, and students have no money to postpone. Hao Shuai is really kind-hearted. Tired!

"Master, I'm afraid I don't have enough to eat. I bought too much. How can I eat it all by myself? Wouldn't it be a pity to throw it away if I can't finish it! And you are my master. As the saying goes, 'A teacher for a day is a father for life. ', I respect you, isn't it justified!" Hao Shuai persuaded solemnly.

   "Okay then! I'll let you pay once." Seeing that Hao Shuai had said so, Ye Wen could only agree.

   "Come on, mistress, let's eat together, please serve me a bowl of rice! Thank you!" Hao Shuai said to Zhang Yongcheng.

   "Xiao Shuai, here is your meal." Fortunately, although Zhang Yongcheng is a woman, she is not a mother-in-law like Ip Man. After filling Hao Shuai's meal, she ate it directly.

  Hao Shuai took the meal and ate it with his head down. After all, he was already hungry after practicing all morning.

  After the meal, Hao Shuai wanted to help Zhang Yongcheng clean up the dishes, but Zhang Yongcheng refused, and was called by Ye Wen to continue explaining what Hao Shuai didn't understand just now.

When Zhang Yongcheng packed up the bowls and chopsticks and went off the rooftop, Hao Shuai talked to Ye Wen, followed closely on the rooftop and caught up with Zhang Yongcheng in front, took out 300 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Yongcheng, saying: "Ms. I came to Xiangjiang alone, I have no relatives, I live alone, I don’t bother to cook, I want to trouble my wife to add an extra pair of chopsticks for lunch and dinner in the future, this is the food expenses for this month.”

   "It's right to cook for you. You don't need to pay, and it's too much." Zhang Yongcheng declined

   "It is necessary to pay for food, otherwise I will be embarrassed to eat it in the future, and my wife also knows that I have a big appetite and like to eat meat, so I hope my wife can buy more meat."

   "Alright then! I've accepted the money, you can go back quickly!" Zhang Yongcheng said after taking the money.

   "Goodbye, Master!"

  In the following week, Hao Shuai learned Wing Chun from his master every day, and bought some fruits, tobacco and wine from time to time to honor his master and his wife.

  (end of this chapter)