MTL - Across the Sky From the Stop of Time-Chapter 4 Enter Ip Man

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  Chapter 4 Entering Ip Man

  Inside a rental house in the real world

  Hao Shuai's figure suddenly appeared on the floor, but judging from Hao Shuai's current physical condition, it seems that he is not very good. The whole person had nosebleeds, a pair of eyes were severely congested, and his head was swollen and red.

  Finally, Hao Shuai passed out gloriously.

Hao Shuai didn't know that after he passed out, the chaotic beads in his sea of ​​consciousness emitted a cool energy, and this energy kept wandering in Hao Shuai's mind, Hao Shuai gradually returned to normal, and finally the energy returned Into the Chaos Orb.

   It turned out that the Chaos Orb saw that Hao Shuai was in danger and automatically protected the master. Unfortunately, Hao Shuai didn't know that the Chaos Orb had the function of protecting the master.

   I don't know how long it took, Hao Shuai woke up slowly. Although his head was still a little swollen, it didn't feel like it was about to crack.

  I feel that my mouth is dry now, my throat seems to be smoking, and I am so thirsty, I directly pick up a large bottle of Coke next to the bed and unscrew it.

   "Gulu, Gulu, Gulu... hiccup~~ hiccup"

  Hao Shuai gulped down a large bottle of Coke in one gulp before belching and throwing the empty drink bottle into the trash can.


   half an hour later

After taking a shower, Hao Shuai lay on the bed wearing only a pair of shorts, feeling the changes in himself: firstly, he became clearer and clearer, and his mental power was also greatly improved. Now he can directly collect 5 cubic meters of things around him, and the time flow rate can also be adjusted to 1 : 2 up. I believe that after later training, I can continue to improve.

  In the following days, Hao Shuai did not continue to travel through the world, but developed and strengthened his mind power by referring to the situation in the movie and combining his knowledge of novel websites for many years.

  His ability has grown rapidly, and on the tenth day, Hao Shuai was able to lift a car with his mind, that is, he was able to lift a ton of weight.

   It was on this day that Hao Shuai was able to control his thoughts to make him fly, although the flying speed was not very fast, just like the flying speed shown by the three of Andrew in the movie was at most as fast as an airplane.

   But no matter how slow the speed is, it is still flying! Man's yearning for flying has never been broken, otherwise there would be no invention of airplanes.

  Hao Shuai always thought that the reason he improved so fast was because he had used all the super crystals, but he didn't know it was because of the energy of the chaotic orb.

After being able to fly, Hao Shuai stopped exercising in the real world, and he did not dare to practice flying in the real world. After all, the streets are full of cameras and selfies. The world is gone.

Dividing line--

  Super Power Out of Control World

Hao Shuai came to Andrew's house again, and put an envelope containing 100,000 yuan in Andrew's newspaper box, with the words: "I wish you a speedy recovery." That's all he can do. Thinking that he owed Andrew something was just an outburst of pure kindness.

   In the next few days, Hao Shuai entered the super world to practice mind power and flying during the day, and returned to the real world to sleep at night.

   Such days continued until Hao Shuai felt that his body could not keep up with the development of his mental power.

  Back to the real world, Hao Shuai began to think about his body.

Thinking of the development and application of strengthening the body, Hao Shuai's first reaction was the **** and buttocks of the American team in Marvel. The super serum used by the American team in the Marvel world is probably the fastest and most convenient strengthening method. It only takes a few days. In minutes, a small chick can be turned into a big-breasted chicken.

   Countless time-traveling predecessors also regard super serum as their first choice.


  That is fiction after all, reality is impossible.

  After being educated by super crystals, Hao Shuai no longer dared to believe in the plot casually.

Let’s not talk about whether you will be wiped out by a big bald head or one-eyed king who makes troubles in the Marvel world, let’s talk about how Hao Shuai, a yellow man, got into the research institute and made the Americans agree to treat him Use serum.

   Want to fart!

  Some people say that there are two serums in the movie, and you can grab the broken one. The problem is that even without professional guidance, Hao Shuai would not dare to inject himself.

  Besides, Hao Shuai's current mental power can at most resist the shooting of a small pistol, but he can't resist the shooting of a machine gun. If he is accidentally swept into a hornet's nest, it will be over.

   After much deliberation, Hao Shuai could only reluctantly rule out Captain America.

   "I'm still waiting, I'm waiting, I'll wait until I get stronger." Hao Shuai comforted himself.

   There are many body-strengthening ones in other worlds, but none of them are suitable for going now.

  After thinking about it for a while, Hao Shuai finally gave up strengthening his body for the time being, and planned to strengthen his body through learning and exercising.

Dividing line--

  Hao Shuai walked out of a narrow alley. It was three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and the owner of the small shop on the side of the road was drowsy and listless. The street is deserted, there are few pedestrians, and occasionally a few people in white vests pass by. The architectural styles on both sides remind Hao Shuai that he is now in the 1940s and 1950s.

  Through the roadside advertisements and door signs, Hao Shuai knew that he was now in Kowloon City in Xiangjiang, but he didn't know where in Kowloon City.

  Hao Shuai traveled to the world of "Ip Man 2" this time, with the purpose of learning martial arts from Ip Man.

  The old rule is to find a way to get money first when you go to a place. If you have money in hand, don’t panic.

  Some people say that the more depressed a local economy is, the more pawnshops and pawnshops there will be.

   Sure enough, Hao Shuai saw at least four or five **** shops on this street. I went straight to the nearest **** shop and walked in.

  Behind the tall counter, a clerk dozed off with his head propped on one hand. Hao Shuai walked to the counter and knocked on the counter.


  The knocking sound woke up the shop assistant. He opened his eyes and saw Hao Shuai dressed in a suit, and said enthusiastically, "Master, what can I do for you?"

  Hao Shuai was a little dazed by his calling him a master. As an ordinary person who was born in the new century and was educated in the 24 core values ​​since childhood, when was he ever called a master? Seeing the waiter serving tea and pouring water so attentively, Hao Shuai was almost ready to light cigarettes at the end. Hao Shuai, who was not used to being served like this, stopped the waiter and said to him: "Please call your shopkeeper." Come, I have something to pawn."

  The buddy was not angry because Hao Shuai went to the shopkeeper directly, but trotted in to call the shopkeeper.

  After the shopkeeper came out, he saw that Hao Shuai was well dressed, so he didn't dare to be negligent and asked, "What do you want to do, brother?"

  Hao Shuai took out a few strings of pearl necklaces from his pocket and put them on the counter. The boss's eyes lit up, and he weighed them one by one in his hands. His eyes became brighter and brighter.

   "Brother, are you going to die or live?"

   "Die it", the price of a buddy is higher, and Hao Shuai probably isn't in the mood to redeem it.

  The boss thought about it, and at first offered 2,000 yuan. Seeing that Hao Shuai calmed down, the shopkeeper thought that Hao Shuai was unhappy with the lack, so he gritted his teeth and added another 1,000 yuan. Seeing the heartbroken face of the shopkeeper, Hao Shuai also knew that if he continued to talk or shop around, he should be worth more, but Hao Shuai was too lazy to waste time delaying the apprenticeship, so he agreed. After all, I will never worry about not having money in the future.

   After accepting the banknotes and leaving the **** shop, Hao Shuai called a rickshaw driver and ordered the driver to take him to No. 159 Yonglong Street.

  Hao Shuai remembered that in the plot, Ye Wen rented a house and opened a martial arts gym there to teach Wing Chun. I just don't know where the plot is going now.

  The rickshaw stopped after running for ten minutes. The driver pointed to a staircase and said, "Master, we are here at No. 159 Yonglong Street. The fare is 50 cents."

Looking at the small advertisements pasted on the stairs, there are two villains fighting each other on the advertisements, and the words on the side of the villains are: promote Chinese martial arts, strengthen the body, taught by Master Ip Man, authentic Wing Chun boxing, welcome Aspiring martial arts practitioners.

  By the way, Ye Wen is really good at drawing, and his handwriting is also good. He is worthy of being a son of a rich family, and his education is good.

  Knowing that he had come to the right place, Hao Shuai gave the coachman a dollar directly so that he would not have to change it, and walked up the stairs to the roof amid the thanks of the coachman.

Pushing open the two wooden doors, Hao Shuai came to the spacious rooftop. At this moment, there was no one on the rooftop. Hao Shuai knew that this was when Ip Man had not received an apprentice. , that is the elder brother.

  Through a large open iron door, I came to the door of the warehouse. An old-fashioned stereo was playing music inside. A middle-aged man with short hair in a black Republic of China coat sat on a chair and wrote something with a brush.

  Hao Shuai knocked on the glass door and asked softly, "Is this Ip Man, Master Ye?"

The middle-aged man inside heard someone calling him, so he stood up quickly, walked out of the warehouse and came to Hao Shuai, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he said, "I am Ye Wen, you are here to learn boxing. ?”

  Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him who looked almost like Comrade Bullet, but with a pale face and an embarrassed expression, Hao Shuai knew that he had found the right person.

  "Master Ye." Hao Shuai cupped his fists respectfully, "I have admired your name for a long time, and I am Hao Shuai."

   "So handsome??" Knowing that you are handsome, you don't have to be so direct.

  Hao Shuai: "..."

   "I came here because of my reputation, and I beg Master Ye to accept me as an apprentice." Hao Shuai formally proposed to apprentice.

   "Okay, no problem." Ye Wen smiled when he heard that he was here to apprentice, and rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Pay the tuition first, and then learn boxing."


  (end of this chapter)

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