MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 173 bad boy (fifteen)

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Of course the third child of the Shi family heard it, he just couldn't believe it.

Shi Jingge came straight towards him, did he just want to ask him the way?

Shi Jingge shouldn't...shouldn't...

Shouldn't what?

The third child of the Shi family couldn't understand either.

He thought about the scene of meeting Shi Jingge again many times, thought that Shi Jingge might be hysterical, thought that Shi Jingge might cry bitterly, and thought that Shi Jingge would become "good", but never thought that Shi Jingge would be like This is what it looks like now.

Shi Jingge was thinner and looked a little thin, but his brows and eyes were calm and clear, without any hostility or impetuosity. When he smiled, he was even a little obedient, like a little boy who grew up in the sun.

Is this really... Time Scene Song?

The third child of the Shi family pinched his palm. What did Shi Jingge look like in his memory?

Arrogant, selfish, eyes full of hostility and impetuosity, repulsive as soon as he speaks, as if the whole world owes him, ungrateful and disgusting.

This is the later scene song.

So earlier, what was Shijingge like?

At that time, his relationship with Shi Jingge was still very good.

The third child of the Shi family tried hard to remember, but couldn't remember anything.

It's been too long.

Finally, the third child of the Shi family withdrew from his memories, looked at the tall man in front of him, his eyes showed a bit of coldness.

The strange man standing next to Shi Jingge, with the attitude of a protector, is really... a bit of an eyesore.

"It's none of your business if I talk to him?" The third child of the Shi family said arrogantly.

Wen Xusheng narrowed his eyes and was about to speak when Shi Jingge grabbed his wrist.

He was slightly taken aback, turned his head to look at Shi Jingge, and saw Shi Jingge coming forward, and said in the same haughty tone, "Did I talk to you?"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Does it have something to do with you, where do you say it?"

The third child of the Shi family looked at Shi Jingge in astonishment. He didn't expect that Shi Jingge, who had been polite and quiet just now, would suddenly show such aggression, just because of this man?

"Shi Jingge!" The third son of the Shi family felt a surge of anger in his heart, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I have nothing to do with you?" The youngest son of the Shi family became more and more angry, "Do you dare to say it again?"

"Why don't you dare?" Shi Jingge wrote lightly, "I just have nothing to do with you."

"Shijingge!" The youngest of the Shi family shouted sharply.

"I've lost my memory, and the past is over. If you know me, I'm sorry, I don't know you." Shi Jingge was not polite, "But judging by your attitude, we must not have been friendly and harmonious before. relation."

"Then if you want to settle accounts or seek revenge, then make an appointment after today's ceremony, and don't make trouble on other people's land."

After Shi Jingge finished speaking, he pulled Wen Xusheng to leave. Wen Xusheng was still immersed in the touch of being protected by the queen, but he didn't react. He just felt as if he was walking on clouds, and his body was incredibly light.

Commonly known as, fluttering.

The third child of the Shi family was dizzy with anger, and he didn't know why he was so angry. Didn't they cut ties with Shi Jingge a long time ago? At that time, Jing Ge had nothing to do with him! Shi Jingge has nothing to do with him, but why is he so angry?

Seeing Shi Jingge pass him by, the third son of the Shi family's brain was stuck for a moment, and before he could react, he grabbed Shi Jingge!

The moment he touched Scene Singer's back, the staff next to him subconsciously called out, "Third Young Master!"

The third child of the Shi family's mind went blank, and he looked at himself holding Shi Jingge's hand in astonishment.

What did he

In the next second, Shi Jingge broke free from the youngest son of the Shi family, and said sharply, "What do you want to do?"

Before the third son of the Shi family had time to respond, Wen Xusheng spoke up, and said in a straight voice: "This is your service and security? It's okay to say something bad, but do you still want to do it?"

"We accepted your invitation to come here, is this how you harass us?"

"I thought, should I exercise the legal right of complaint of the citizens of the empire?"

The fur ball tucked into Wen Xusheng's pocket, his eyes widened.

Your Majesty, he even knew about the right to complain?

These two days of lessons are not in vain!

Not to mention, Wen Xusheng has an excellent appearance and a dignified temperament. When he is cold-faced, his aura is even 8.8 meters, which no one can ignore.

The staff next to him only felt his temples tighten, and before he could speak, the man with a terrifying aura sneered, stared at the third young master and said, "Third young master? The third young master here? Should I give you an explanation?"

The staff opened their mouths and slowly closed them again.

The three of them confronted each other, and no one cared about him. Those words were not directed at him, nor were they directed at him to find a way to complain. So, wouldn't it be better for him to keep silent and be invisible?

The third child of the Shi family ignored Wen Xusheng and said, "Shi Jingge!"

Shi Jingge looked at him fixedly, a flash of realization flashed in his eyes, followed by a bit of sadness.

These emotions fell into the eyes of the third son of the Shi family, and he just felt inexplicable. What is Shi Jingge sad about?

"Indeed." Shi Jingge chuckled, there was some coolness in his eyes, not cold, but that kind of coldness, and the third child of the Shi family couldn't tell the difference, but Shi Jingge with this expression made him a little uneasy.

"I am a legal citizen of the empire. I was invited here. Everything is in compliance with the procedures. This gentleman's words are disrespectful and he even touches his hands. Who knows if it will affect my life?"

"I should have called the police."

"I just don't know, there are so many people here, after the police come, do you want to see Mr.'s face?"

The third child of the Shi family stared wide-eyed, looking at Shi Jingge in astonishment.

Shi Jingge smiled with his head down, and dragged Wen Xusheng away.

This time, the third child of the Shi family didn't stop him, but just stared blankly at Shi Jingge's back.

After a while, he lowered his head and looked at his hands.

...He just touched Shijingge.

...will he fall ill?

The staff waited patiently for quite a while, but the third son of the Shi family didn't change much, but it's not a problem to stand here all the time, he looked at the third son of the Shi family, and said bravely, "Third young master, the youngest has urged you. "

Only then did the third child of the Shi family come back to his senses, and replied, "Let's go."

The staff just breathed a sigh of relief, before taking two steps, they felt worried again.

...How should I report this to the young master?

...Also, who invited Shi Jingge here? Something is wrong, isn't it! Don't know how to check in advance? Is Shi Jingge someone who can be invited?

Sad, too sad.

Shi Jingge pulled Wen Xusheng forward for several steps, and suddenly said, "Is that gentleman just now"

Wen Xusheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

He was not surprised that Shi Jingge could guess it, after all his queen was so smart.

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, and asked, "Third brother?"

That person called "Third Young Masters", presumably they were ranked third.

"En." Wen Xusheng nodded again, and Shi Jingge stopped talking.

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge's face, knowing that Shi Jingge was not feeling well, he hesitated, and said to Shi Jingge, "Extend your hand."

Although Shi Jingge was a little puzzled, he still stretched it out. Wen Xusheng quickly stuffed the little fur ball in his pocket into Shi Jingge's hand, and then stuffed Shi Jingge's hand back into Shi Jingge's pocket.

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of his lips turned up slightly.

When Wen Xusheng saw his smile, his mood instantly improved a lot.

Although he was very dissatisfied that the fur ball could be held in the palm of his queen, but if the queen was happy, he would not be unbearable.

But not reconciled or not reconciled.

So the king's sullen voice suddenly sounded in Maoqiu's mind, 【Make the queen happy, pay attention to your paws, don't touch what you shouldn't. 】

Shi Jingge didn't know why he heard this sentence, but it didn't prevent him from laughing out loud.

"Wen Xusheng." Shi Jingge looked at Wen Xusheng with a smile. Although Wen Xusheng was a little puzzled, he still looked at Shi Jingge obediently.

Shi Jingge smiled and said, "Has anyone ever told you that you are really cute?"

Wen Xusheng thought for a while, then nodded honestly, "Yes."

"Who?" Shi Jingge was a little curious. "You." Wen Xusheng smiled, "You just said that."

"Except for me?"

"No more." Wen Xusheng said honestly, "Most of my people live alone. Only a few lucky ones are lucky enough to find a partner and live with them. Most of the others choose to sleep, and then sleep for a long time until they die. Maybe I haven't seen it, let alone said a few words."

"I just talked to you."

Shi Jingge was silent for a few seconds, then sharply said, "Partner?"

Wen Xusheng: "!"

Oops! He actually uttered the word!

In the blink of an eye, Wen Xusheng suddenly became clever, and he pointed forward, "Is that where the registration is?"

"I see people!"

"Let's go quickly!"

Shi Jingge glanced at him with a half-smile, and finally didn't say anything, just followed him.

The fingers that were only hidden in the pocket poked the furball's stomach with some sadness.

- You said this Wen Xusheng, why is he so stupid and cute?

It's a pity that this sentence was spinning in Shi Jingge's mind, and the little furball couldn't hear it, otherwise it would have jumped up to protest.

- Your Majesty is quite stupid, but not cute at all, okay?

Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng went to the registration office to line up together. There were quite a lot of people here. As soon as Shi Jingge appeared, the expressions of the few people in front were not quite right, and they gathered together and whispered something.

Gradually, the people in front also turned their heads to look over one by one. When they saw Shi Jingge, their expressions were very similar.

It's shock, it's doubts, and some people have rejection or disgust.

Shi Jingge has encountered these expressions all the way here, but now he is immune and very calm.

But Wen Xusheng was different.

He took a step forward to block Shi Jingge, then looked over with fierce and cold eyes, forcing those eyes back one by one.

Gradually, everyone stopped looking this way, but the atmosphere was a little weird.

Shi Jingge poked the fur ball in his pocket and sighed again, why is this Wen Xusheng so cute?

Cuter than a fur ball.

Fuqiu, who didn't know anything about the theater in Shijingge's head, hugged his fingers intimately, very happy.

The speed of registration was quite fast, and soon it was Shi Jingge's turn.

Shi Jingge opened the optical brain bracelet, and scanned the invitation letter for the staff.

"Hello, game player Shishi Shishi, your information has been..." The staff member raised his head to look at Shi Jingge, his voice suddenly froze, and he said in astonishment, "...Shi Jingge?!"

Shi Jingge put away the optical brain bracelet, and asked politely: "Excuse me, are you ready to register?"

The staff nodded with complicated expressions.

"Then can I go?" Shi Jingge asked again.

Shi Jingge's attitude was so good, the staff didn't know what to say, so they just nodded indiscriminately.

"Okay, thank you." Shi Jingge nodded, and pulled Wen Xusheng away.

The staff looked at his back with some confusion, then looked at his own optical brain, hesitated for a moment, and sent a message to the manager above.

[Just now, Shi Jingge came to register. 】

[It is the fifth member of the warrior group. 】

The news quickly reached the boss of the Shi family. Although he found it annoying, he didn't take it seriously.

What can be done? Can you drive people back? Although I don't know what tactics Shi Jingge used to get here, it must not be easy to rush, and it is better to wait and see what happens than to make a fuss.

But soon, the boss of the Shi family didn't think so.

The third child of the Shi family came back, and the staff who followed him told the eldest brother of the Shi family's quarrel on the promenade.

The boss of the Shi family immediately became sullen, and the youngest was kind-hearted and soft-tempered. These days, he still wanted to see Shi Jingge, and see how Shi Jingge repaid him? Shi Jingge is really nothing!

Drive away—people must be driven out, so as not to stain the eyes of the third child!

"I heard that Shi Jingge is not the fifth, but he was postponed because someone in the fighter group didn't come?" The boss of the Shi family asked coldly.

The staff nodded, "Yes."

"Who came up with such a bad idea?" The boss of the Shi family said coldly, "What everyone wants to see is the demeanor of those game masters, not just coming up casually to make up the numbers."

"If the people in front don't come, can we extend it to a hundred people?"

The staff secretly complained, the game is so big, there are so many players, let alone the top five, even the top ten, aren't they all the masters of the game?

But facing the boss, what can he say? I can only pretend to be dead.

"Cancel the postponement," the boss of the Shi family said coldly, "Then bring Shi Jingge over."

"But..." the staff licked the corners of their lips, and whispered, "Besides the fighter group, there are several other groups where individual masters are busy and unable to participate. If all the positions are cancelled, it may affect our reputation."

The boss of the Shi family looked even worse.

Seeing that he could hear him, the staff boldly said: "If we only cancel Shi Jingge alone, if he makes trouble, we won't be able to stand."

The boss of the Shi family took a deep breath and said coldly, "Please bring him here."

The word "please" is heavy if you bite it.

The staff breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay."

The staff hurried to find Shi Jingge, the boss of the Shi family took a sip of water, and then put the water glass heavily on the table.


Shi Jingge is really a disaster.

After knowing that Shi Jingge was here, the boss of the Shi family only felt that the air was not so fresh.

Fortunately, those things before Shi Jingge were enough to attract attention, so after he appeared, many people were discussing him, so it was easy to find.

When the staff found Shi Jingge, they thought they might waste their words, but as soon as they expressed their intentions, Shi Jingge readily agreed.

While this made the staff heave a sigh of relief, they also felt that the notorious Young Master Shi was not that scary.

At least, it's quite refreshing.

Wen Xusheng followed, the staff felt a little embarrassed, and politely said that only Shi Jingge was invited.

"Forget it," Shi Jingge patted Wen Xusheng's shoulder, "There are some things that need to be faced."

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

After Shi Jingge said that, Wen Xusheng could only respect him and nodded reluctantly.

At this moment, he was suddenly a little thankful that he had put the fur ball in Shi Jingge's pocket.

【The safety of the queen is in your hands. 】

Wen Xusheng instructed.

Mao Qiu rolled his eyes, he will take good care of the queen even without the king's instructions, okay?

It's now the queen's fur ball!

Shi Jingge was taken to a lounge. There was a tall and serious man in the lounge. The moment he saw him enter, the man's brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were a bit unfriendly.

It can be seen that men don't like him.

You can also add a qualifier in front of dislike, such as very, such as very.

"Shi Jingge," the man frowned even more tightly, "What are you planning?"

Shi Jingge was stunned, "What?"

The man sneered and said, "Okay, to put it more bluntly, why did you come to participate in this competition?"

Shi Jingge frowned, "Is it related to you?"

"Is it okay?" The man stood up and looked at him condescendingly, "Didn't you come because you knew the Shi family would come?"

Shi Jingge said coldly, "So what?"

"You came here for the Shi family, so why have nothing to do with me?" The man was a little disdainful, "Shi Jingge, do you still remember that we have already severed ties with you."

"No matter what you toss about, we won't talk to you."

"I hope you have self-respect and don't do anything wrong here. This will only make us hate you more."

"Although I know you don't value face, but at this time, save some face for yourself, okay?"

The boss of the Shi family really didn't have any feelings for this younger brother, so he didn't show mercy at all. Those words were as sharp as a knife, and he stabbed at Shi Jingge without any scruples.

There was a ten-year age difference between them. When Shi Jingge was two years old, he was an exchange student and went to another planet. When he came back, Shi Jingge had already been defined as a disaster.

Looking at the third child's frail body, the weird things happening at home, and all kinds of accidents that passed by, he only had disgust and disgust for Shi Jingge.

He didn't want this catastrophe to appear in front of them at all. The family had just lived in peace for a few months, so was Shi Jingge going to destroy that rare peace again?

Can't you let him take a breather and live a few days without worrying about it?

As soon as he opened his eyes every day, he was really fed up with the days of worrying about whether his third child would be critically ill and whether he and his family would be in an accident.

Shi Jingge remained silent, only staring at the boss of the Shi family with indifference in his eyes.

The boss of the Shi family took out a check, "One million, you can cash it yourself."

"Go and retire by yourself."

The fur ball in Shi Jingge's pocket was going to die of anger, if it wasn't for Shi Jingge to stop it, it would have jumped out and bit this damned ghost!

It's hateful, it's too hateful-will the queen lose the million?

Shi Jingge smiled suddenly, he didn't take the check, he just took it out of his pocket and took out a few thumb-sized gemstones.

Those gemstones are pure in color and reflect beautiful light under the light, which is worth a lot of money at first glance.

It was the "flower" that Wen Xusheng once gave to Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge always carried two of them, but he didn't expect to use them today.

He picked the smallest one among them, "It should be worth two million at least."

"Two million for you, get out of my sight."

Shi Jingge, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly showed a fierce side, which made the boss of the Shi family slightly taken aback, and then became angry from embarrassment.

"Time Scene Song!"

Facing the angry eyes of the boss of Shang Shi's family, Shi Jingge suddenly smiled.

"You really deserve to be brothers," Shi Jingge said sarcastically, "the same arrogance, the same self-talk, the same excess of self-consciousness, and the same contempt for me."

"What did you say..."

Before the boss of the Shi family finished speaking, Shi Jingge interrupted him sharply, "Shut up!"

Shi Jingge's momentum changed suddenly, his eyes were extremely piercing, but still clear and bright, like pure white and flawless snow on a high mountain, cold and unattainable.

The boss of the Shi family had never seen such a Shi Jingge, and for a moment he really shut up.

"Since I was hospitalized until now, I have never taken the initiative to look for you. Whether it is offline or online, I will not have any interaction with you as you wish. I have already severed ties with you. Even if I lose my memory, I will find this Things, even if you are curious and doubtful, you never bother, how about you?"

"I have nothing to do with you! I have nothing to do with your Shi family! What right do you have to speak nonsense in front of me?"

"Why, don't want to see me? Drive me out of this planet if you have the ability! You can kill me once and for all, don't you dare?"

"You do not dare."

Before the boss of the Shi family opened his mouth, Shi Jingge gave the answer. The young man was obviously a head shorter than the boss of the Shi family, but his aura was very domineering.

In those beautiful eyes, there is a raging fire, which is very attractive.

"Since that's the case, then shut your mouth, withdraw your irritating gaze, and get the **** out of here, don't disgust me from here!"

"Do you think you are something good? I was still crying and begging for some face not to have to recognize you as a big brother? I lost my memory, I have no feelings for you at all, and I don't care if you are my big brother!"

"Listen clearly to me, I don't want to have anything to do with you, not at all!"

"Let me tell you, we have nothing to do with each other, not now, and not in the future."

"You don't appear in front of me seldom, I have a bad temper, and next time, you see if I smoke or not, and you're done."

"Please engrave the words "no relationship" and "do not disturb each other" in your mind, thank you.

"Don't take other people's politeness as weakness, I really—" Shi Jingge took a deep breath, with undisguised disgust in his eyes, "—enough is enough!"

Shi Jingge dropped this sentence, turned around and left, of course he didn't forget to take his own gemstone too.

"Time Scene Song!"

The boss of the Shi family yelled behind him, but he pretended he didn't hear it, and strode away, but when he closed the door, he used some strength, and the fall made a loud noise, which startled the staff outside.

Shi Jingge froze for a moment, suppressing the anger in his heart, "I'm sorry."

The staff stared round their eyes, "Huh?"

Shi Jingge forced a smile, apologized again, and left.

In Maoqiu's eyes, the queen has always been a gentle and gentle image. It has never seen the queen so angry, and even the fingers shaking when touching it.

Mao Qiu quickly hugged Shi Jingge's fingers, trying to comfort Shi Jingge with the fluff on his body, and played with his little paw for Shi Jingge, rubbing his little head against Shi Jingge, trying to make Shi Jingge happy.

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, and said softly, "Actually, I'm not that unhappy."

"I expected it a long time ago."

He let out a breath of foul air slowly, seeming to have calmed down a bit.

Knowing that you are lying unconscious on the hospital bed and don't come to see your family, can you still expect to have any feelings for each other?

Shi Jingge opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but the words really came to his lips, and he couldn't say anything.

Mao Qiu licked Shi Jingge's finger, "qiu~qiuqiu~"

If you don't want to talk, don't talk.

Shi Jingge patted its head and looked left and right. He was angry just now, and he didn't know where he ran.

At this moment, Shi Jingge suddenly heard a familiar voice.


When Shi Jingge looked back, he saw Wen Xusheng.

At that moment, his tense body suddenly gradually relaxed.

He is not alone.

Wen Xusheng strode over, Shi Jingge smiled at him, but saw Wen Xusheng frowning.

"What's wrong?" Wen Xusheng's eyes flashed with anger, "What did that guy do to you? Is it...?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shi Jingge, "How do you know that?"

Shi Jingge felt that his disguise just now was pretty good.

"I don't know either," Wen Xusheng said honestly, "I just think you're sad."

The fur ball crawled out of Shi Jingge's pocket, and spontaneously entered Wen Xusheng's pocket, and "qiuqiuqiu" to Wen Xusheng for a long time, which made Wen Xusheng's face more and more serious.

"It's nothing," Shi Jingge grabbed Wen Xusheng's hand, and wrote as lightly as possible, "It seems that I'm going to draw lots, and I don't know who my opponent will be. My luck is really bad. Do you want to draw lots for me?"

"You must be very lucky, right?" Shi Jingge smiled.

Wen Xusheng nodded, of course his luck is good, otherwise how would he find his queen?


As soon as Wen Xusheng came out, Shi Jingge blocked his mouth with his finger, "Don't say it."

"I don't want to hear that right now."

"I just want to quickly participate in the competition, quickly lure that evil spirit out, and then..."

Shi Jingge was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "...go to a place I like, and build a home for myself."

"Although it doesn't seem to be taken seriously enough to say this here, I still want to ask—"

Shi Jingge took a deep breath, "—are you willing to be a member of my family?"

Wen Xusheng's eyes widened. For a moment, all other information was wiped out of his mind, and only this question was broadcast in his ears in a loop.

Shi Jingge thought for a while, and added: "If there are no accidents, he should be my only family member."

Wen Xusheng: "!"

"Oh no," Wen Xusheng scratched his hair in embarrassment, "There are also hairballs."

Maoqiu looked at the stupid Wen Xusheng, and then thought about Wen Xusheng's previous coquettish operations, a sense of crisis came to his heart, and he couldn't help but bite Wen Xusheng hard, "qiuqiuqiu!!"

What are you doing in a daze? ! Hurry up and agree!

After this village, there will be no such shop!

Hurry up!

Under Mao Qiu's urging, Wen Xusheng finally moved.

He slowly raised his hand, put it to his mouth under the suspicious eyes of Mao Qiu and Shi Jingge, and took a hard bite.

"What are you doing?" Shi Jingge asked in astonishment.

Wen Xusheng still hadn't let go, and it was Shi Jingge who rescued Wen Xusheng's hand in the end.

"It hurts," Wen Xusheng murmured, "So, am I dreaming?"

Time Scene Song: "..."


Wen Xusheng's eyes gradually became ecstatic, "So, is this true?"

Shi Jingge said with a wooden face: "No, it's fake."

"I'm going to draw lots, see you later."

"Don't—don't—I promise—I promise!"

The lottery is to go on stage one by one, and while being introduced to everyone, the lottery is drawn, so the progress is slow.

But the warrior group was the first group, that is, the first ones to take the stage, so it was soon Shi Jingge's turn.

"Fifth valiant warrior, hour ten, please come on stage—"

The author has something to say: Mao Qiu: The king who always loses the chain at the critical moment of August 18 :)

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-26?21:47:26~2021-07-28?22:21:09~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: water jade? 50 bottles; 47858011? 38 bottles; purple sadness? 23 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion