MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 172 bad boy (fourteen)

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In the end, Shi Jingge decided to go.

The official side is also very good. When contacting the game characters of Shijingge, they also considerately asked if they need extra invitation letters for relatives and friends, so that relatives and friends can watch the heroic battle on the spot. However, the number of places is limited, and each person can only have three places at most .

After Shi Jingge lost his memory, there were only Yuan Yuhan, Yan Zicheng and Wen Xusheng around him, and now Yan Zicheng definitely didn't have to go, only Yuan Yuhan and Wen Xusheng were left.

So Shi Jingge first sent a message to Yuan Yuhan, asking if he needed an invitation letter, then looked up at Wen Xusheng, and said, "I think what you said makes sense."

Wen Xusheng, who was secretly poking at the fur ball and trying to push the fur ball off the bed, immediately retracted his hand and put on a serious look, "Huh?"

The bitter hairball poked its head out, grinned behind Wen Xusheng's back, and waved his fluffy little fist.

This scene happened to be seen by Shi Jingge, who shook his head amusedly, signaling Mao Qiu not to treat Wen Xusheng like this.

The furball stared wide-eyed in shock, then curled up pitifully into a ball, and consciously shrank under the pillow.

... The elegant and charming queen has been bewitched by the king QAQ!

"I decided to go." Shi Jingge said briefly.

Wen Xusheng nodded, he had something to say, but he didn't know what to say, so he said, "Okay."

Those eyes were very bright, and the deep black pupils were full of reflections of Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge's shoulders relaxed little by little, he scratched his head, and asked somewhat embarrassedly: "That..."

"...You can bring friends," Shi Jingge said vaguely, "Would you like to go and have a look?"

Wen Xusheng was stunned, "Are you inviting me...?"

There was a bit of disbelief in his tone.

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, "Forget it, let's do it."

Wen Xusheng:! !

This is an invitation from the queen!

Although, although the queen rejected his invitation many times, but about he also reject the queen's invitation once?

But when the words came to his lips, Wen Xusheng couldn't say the word "no".

How could he be willing to reject his queen?

"Okay," Wen Xusheng smiled, "How could I not go?"

"What if that thing touches you?"

"I will definitely be by your side."

Shi Jingge lowered his head, but his ears turned red, "Then I'll ask them for an invitation letter."

At this time, Shi Jingge's optical brain bracelet lighted up, and it was Yuan Yuhan's reply.

Yuan Yuhan said no, and the official sent him an invitation letter.

Shi Jingge said hello, and murmured: "Then just an invitation letter."

Wen Xusheng keenly captured this sentence, "So you only invited me?"

"Looking at it now, yes." Shi Jingge said honestly.

Wen Xusheng was suddenly a little happy, and he approached Shi Jingge silently, and then a little closer.

Shi Jingge glanced at him, but didn't respond, and just lowered his head to reply to the official.

[Do you really only need an invitation letter? 】

[You have three places. 】

The official has only encountered people who feel that the number of places is too small and not enough to request for more places, and it is the first time that they have encountered such a number of places that cannot be used up, so they confirm it more.

[Because it is an invitation letter for your relatives and friends, when you wait for the competition, the location of relatives and friends will be arranged first, which is different from other invitation letters. 】

Shi Jingge's hand paused.

Sitting next to Shi Jingge, Wen Xusheng, who has super eyesight, also saw the official response. At first, he didn't understand what happened to make Shi Jingge so disappointed, until he saw the two "relatives and friends" Just a few words, and I had some ideas in the dark.

But at this time, Shi Jingge stretched out three fingers, and murmured: "Yuan Yuhan himself received an official invitation letter, Yan Zicheng's words...forget it."

Every time he said a word, he pressed down a finger, and in the end, there was only one finger left.

Shi Jingge smiled, sighed a little, and felt a sense of relaxation, "Fortunately, there is Wen Xusheng."

Otherwise, he didn't want an invitation letter, and he didn't have any relatives or friends, how embarrassing it would be.

Wen Xusheng's little happiness just now disappeared suddenly, his heart was dull, it didn't hurt, but it was very uncomfortable.

It took a while for Wen Xusheng to realize that it was an emotion called distress.

Although Wen Xusheng doesn't play this game, he also watched it when Shi Jingge practiced his skills, and he also learned about this game. He knows that human beings play games with a group of people. A group of people are noisy, no matter how cold and introverted people are, they can still have friends in this game.

But Shijingong didn't.

Not only in the game, but also in reality.

Even relatives can say no, because he has been kicked out of the house.

The invitation letter that ordinary people can send out casually, but when it comes to Shi Jingge, they can't send it out no matter what.

But Shi Jingge came from a wealthy family, good-looking, good-natured, and the youngest in the family. Before being tricked by that thing, he was the little prince of the family, held in the hands of everyone.

Just like Yuan Yuhan.

If there were no accidents, he should have grown up like a star in his family. He is a young man with amnesia and bright as the light. He must be very popular and everyone will like him.

...that **** thing ruined it all!

Wen Xusheng swore that as long as he grabbed that thing, he would grind it into powder inch by inch!

Just when Shi Jingge was about to reply, Wen Xusheng suddenly grabbed Shi Jingge's hand.

"...Two." Wen Xusheng said hesitantly.

Shi Jingge looked at him suspiciously, "Do you have any friends you want to invite?"

Wen Xusheng was silent for a moment, reached out and grabbed the fur ball hiding under the pillow, and said with a little disgust: "Although this fur ball is quite unpopular, we can't ignore it."

The hairball who was already drowsy but was awakened: "?"

...what the hell?

But before Maoqiu could express his opinion, Wen Xusheng glanced over, and it closed its mouth obediently.

Shi Jingge pointed at Fuqiu dumbfoundedly, "Are you sure Maoqiu can sit by itself?"

Mao Qiu widened his eyes, stretched out his little paw and patted his chest, "Qiu!"

Who do you look down on?

The fur ball jumped out of Wen Xusheng's arms, and gradually grew in size. In an instant, it was the size of a cat, and it was still a big fat cat.

Mao Qiu squinted at Shi Jingge, "qiu~qiuqiu~!"

Is it enough? Not enough to get bigger!

Shi Jingge was silent for a moment, "Excuse me."

In the end, Shi Jingge still asked for two invitation letters.

As for whether fur **** can be brought into the venue and whether this invitation letter can be used, Shi Jingge decided to throw the question to Wen Xusheng.

Whoever proposes it will solve it, no problem!


The third son of the Shi family has always felt uneasy recently, maybe it was the impact of the words of the boss of the Yuan family on him, or maybe it was because there was no news about Shen Changdong, which made him a little uneasy.

After that day, the third child of the Shi family had a conversation with the eldest of the Yuan family, trying to find out what happened next day.

The boss of the Yuan family didn't say why, but asked him instead, if Shi Jingge really brought bad luck to those around him, why is Yan Zicheng okay?

The third child of the Shi family was upset, and fed up with the boss of the Yuan family asking for information from him, so he hung up the call directly.

But the words of the boss of the Yuan family also reminded him, since he couldn't find Shen Changdong, could he also find Yan Zicheng?

Yan Zicheng is Shen Changdong's most proud disciple.

As a result, Yan Zicheng couldn't find it either!

The master and apprentice have been dealing with the Shi family for more than ten years, and they are deeply trusted by the Shi family. If you can't find one, it's fine, but you can't find both... Is it really okay?

The third child of the Shi family was very contradictory.

He also hoped that Shen Changdong and the others planned all this, but he didn't want it to be theirs.

In fact, maintaining the status quo may be the best situation. They have been guarding against Shi Jingge for more than ten years, how much love can they have with each other? They have already gone through the saddest period, and now they will no longer be sad.

Don't check, don't listen to, don't look at, whitewash the peace, everyone is at ease.

But... are you really willing?

If the guess of the boss of the Yuan family is correct, then wouldn't everyone in the Shi family become a joke?

The third child of the Shi family didn't know whether to tell the family about this matter, but the family members were quite busy during this period of time, one thing after another made them unable to do so, the third child of the Shi family couldn't find a good time I opened my mouth, but finally held it in my stomach.

But with things in mind, it's not a trivial matter, how can the youngest of the Shi family sleep?

He couldn't sleep at night, and naturally he was out of energy, but he got different evaluations from his family at dinner.

"The third child's complexion looks much better recently." The second child of the Shi family served him a bowl of soup, feeling a little relieved, "Please ask Mr. Shen to show the third child another day? Or the third child can find time to go for a physical examination?"

The third child of the Shi family subconsciously touched his face, "Really?"

The boss of the Shi family also nodded, and replied: "It really looks much better, it's not so pale, but have you stayed up late recently? The dark circles under your eyes have come out."

At that moment, many things slipped through Shi's youngest's mind, but he couldn't grasp anything, he just felt a chill in his heart.

"It's been a few days." The third son of the Shi family heard himself reply.

"That's not bad," said the second son of the Shi family in surprise, "You used to stay up late, let alone an hour late, and your complexion was really bad, and you didn't have any appetite after a whole day. I'm always worried that you will pass out directly."

"You have stayed up all night now, and your complexion is much better than before, which means that your body is really better than before. Is this the rhythm of recovery?"

"It turns out that it is really useful to drive someone out. If I knew it, I would have advised my parents to do it earlier."

"Hey, don't tell me, K feels that the air in the house is much better."

The boss of the Shi family nodded in agreement, and then said to the third son of the Shi family: "Indeed, you go for a physical examination another day. Your health will be better. Our whole family will be happy. Let's celebrate then."

The third child of the Shi family opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Why did his body suddenly get better?

Is it Shi Jingge...or...Shen Changdong?

"Brother," the youngest of the Shi family bit his lower lip, "I'm going for a physical examination tomorrow, and I'll stop by to see Shi Jingge. I heard he's still in the hospital."

"Don't mess around!" The boss of the Shi family scolded, "Your body is just a little better, what do you want to do?"

"Exactly!" Shi's second child also frowned, "Don't be the last one, we can't celebrate this, and we have to go to the hospital to cry."

The third child of the Shi family pursed his lips, "I want to go."

"Let's do this," the boss of the Shi family finally compromised, "I'll go and see him, and I'll show you a video when the time comes, okay?"

The third child of the Shi family still wanted to fight, but was glared at by the second child of the Shi family, "Sir, don't make fun of your body, are you afraid that we can trust you?"

"Okay." The third child of the Shi family sighed and compromised.

He originally wanted to go and see Shi Jingge, if his health continued to improve, it meant it wasn't Shi Jingge's problem, and if his health got worse, it meant it was Shi Jingge's problem.

But he also knew that he couldn't convince his two elder brothers now.

...Then why don't you go secretly?

The boss of the Shi family seemed to have seen what the third child of the Shi family was thinking, and said, "Tomorrow will hold the hegemony competition, and it is also an opportunity for players to meet offline. It is at the Shi's club, and our family will definitely attend."

"I remember you also play this game? Then you can go with me tomorrow."

"But..." The third child of the Shi family wanted to refuse, but seeing the big brother's eyes that could not refuse, he finally sighed, "Okay."

Early the next morning, the boss of the Shi family got the third child up and kept him by his side under strict supervision.

The boss of the Shi family was so busy that he couldn't take care of the third son of the Shi family, so he had to find someone to watch him and went to work by himself.

Due to his health, the third child of the Shi family rarely went to crowded places, and was a little curious for a while, so he walked around.

Players came one after another, most of them went directly to their boxes or positions, only a few of them were led by the staff to a room near the backstage.

"What are you doing over there?" The third child of the Shi family was a little curious.

"That's where the great gods who participated in the competition boarded." The staff member replied.

"Can I go and have a look?" The third child of the Shi family also plays this game, but because of his health, he is a casual player, and he is quite curious about these game masters.

The staff hesitated, but nodded. The third child of the Shi family came over, there were quite a lot of people, probably relatives and friends were also there, after one person registered, the four of them left together.

After looking at it for a while, he felt that he was not interested. They are all human, so what is there to see? I want to go out.

It's just that before he walked out of this corridor, he saw a familiar person head-on, making him freeze on the spot.

- It's a time scene song!

And at this time, Shi Jingge also found him, his eyes were still bright.

The third child of the Shi family felt tense, why did Shi Jingge appear here? What does he want to do?

Shi Jingge walked over quickly, his face was so familiar, the staff around the third son of the Shi family were also a little panicked, afraid that he would come to cause trouble, so they hurried forward to block the third son of the Shi family.

Shi Jingge seemed a little puzzled, but still asked with a smile: "Hi, excuse me, do you know where the contestants register from?

The attitude is so good that it makes people speechless.

Before the staff decided whether to answer or not, the youngest son of Shi's family asked hoarsely, "What did you say?"

The doubt in Shi Jingge's eyes deepened, but he repeated it politely.

The third child of the Shi family was silent for a long time, pushed away the staff, stood in front of Shi Jingge, and asked, "What did you say?"

Shi Jingge frowned.

At this time, Wen Xusheng came over with a drink, and when he saw the youngest son of the Shi family, his eyes sharpened.

He stuffed the drink into Scene Singer, and said coldly: "He said it twice, didn't you hear?"

"You're so young, your ears don't work well?"

The author has something to say: Wen Xusheng: Get out of the way, let me do it!

Wen Xusheng: Let me see who dares to bully my queen!

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-24?22:08:44~2021-07-26?21:47:25~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Mu Xin? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: *****, Chi Zhi.? 15 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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