MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 137 Nobility (9)

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When Shi Jingge heard Nie Ziyu's voice, he turned his head and looked over with doubts in his eyes.

It doesn't look any different than usual.

However, Nie Ziyu didn't know what was going on, his heart was beating so fast and his temples were twitching, which made him lick the corners of his lips anxiously.

"What?" Shi Jingge asked.

Nie Ziyu stared fixedly at Shi Jingge, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Wen Xusheng's wheelchair turned around again, he looked at Nie Ziyu with a half-smile, and said casually, "Cousin?"

The ending sound was raised, mixed with subtle malice, which shocked Nie Ziyu.

"It's nothing," Nie Ziyu forced a smile, but the smile was so ugly that anyone could see something different.

Nie Ziyu could guess it himself, he took a deep breath, and unconsciously clenched his fingers into fists, very hard.

"I'm just..." Nie Ziyu struggled to find an excuse for himself, "I'm a little envious."

Nie Ziyu wanted to look embarrassed to confuse them, but at this moment, he just couldn't make that expression.

He had no choice but to lower his head, cover his expression, and said slowly: "Me too..."

"...I also want to be taught by my cousin."

Wen Xusheng wrote lightly: "My cousin is taught by a famous teacher in the academy, so don't let me mislead you."

Nie Ziyu stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, lowered his head even lower, replied dejectedly, and then dawdled, "...cousin is very powerful, how could he be misleading?"

Wen Xusheng laughed and said meaningfully: "For some people, of course not."

"And for some, naturally it is."

"I'm tired," Wen Xusheng said again without giving Nie Ziyu a chance to speak, "Go upstairs."

The last two words are naturally suitable for Shi Jingge.

Without any doubt, Shi Jingge pushed the wheelchair again.

Nie Ziyu looked at Shi Jingge's back, and then realized that Shi Jingge basically didn't speak just now.

Shi Jingge pushed the man's wheelchair, and his figure got further and further away. getting out of his life like this.

Nie Ziyu shivered, and subconsciously ran out, but Shi Jingge and Wen Xusheng were no longer in the corridor outside the restaurant.

For a moment, Nie Ziyu was a little flustered.

Nie Ziyu was too aware of Shi Jingge's ambition, after all, he had cultivated it for Shi Jingge with every word and hint since he was a child.

Well... since that man is willing to teach Shi Jingge magic, in a sense, it is satisfying Shi Jingge's ambition. At that time, Jingge has other choices, will he still think about himself and pay for himself wholeheartedly?

…of course! That's the time scene song!

How much Shi Jingge cared about him, could Nie Ziyu still not understand?

But for some reason, Nie Ziyu felt uneasy in his heart.

It's like... something precious is about to disappear.

Nie Ziyu decided to go upstairs to have a look.

But for some reason, the body seemed to have its own consciousness, and quickly let him return to his room.

A wave of drowsiness invaded in the blink of an eye, leaving him no chance to resist, he stumbled back to the bed, and fell into a deep sleep in the blink of an eye.

Only after falling into a deep sleep, he weakly uttered two words.

"...don't go."

Xiaoge, don't go, don't follow him.

Nie Ziyu screamed loudly in her dream.

So, in the misty mist, a person loomed.

He seemed to have sighed for a long time, and then he showed a weak and tired smile, but his voice was still so gentle.

Then do you still want to change the magic potion of talent?

Nie Ziyu froze. He stared fixedly at Shi Jingge in the mist, unable to speak.

Shi Jingge seemed to understand his choice, so he didn't say much, just turned his head silently, and walked deeper into the fog.

The fog gradually changed, like a ferocious and terrifying beast opened its **** mouth, waiting for its prey with malicious intent.

-Do not!

Nie Ziyu yelled in his heart, but he didn't say a word.

Even though the word was stuck in his throat, he couldn't say it.


top floor.

Shi Jingge sent Wen Xusheng back to the room, and when he was about to leave, he was met with cold eyebrows from Wen Xusheng.

"Come here." Wen Xusheng glanced at him with a bad tone.

Shi Jingge drew a few question marks in his heart, but he still walked over as he said, "What are you doing?"

Wen Xusheng ignored Shi Jingge, but soon, a table appeared between the two of them, accompanied by a chair behind Shi Jingge.

There is also a velvet cushion on the top, which is very soft and comfortable at first glance.

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, sat down quietly without asking any questions, and didn't even say "thank you" to Wen Xusheng.

Wen Xusheng glanced at Shi Jingge, his expression became even uglier.

In the next second, the "Elementary Magic" that Wen Xusheng forged for Shi Jingge appeared on the table.

"Have you finished watching it all?" Wen Xusheng asked with unkind eyes.

Shi Jingge nodded.

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips and looked at Shi Jingge, Shi Jingge looked back innocently, but didn't speak.

For a while, the room was extremely silent.

In the end, Wen Xusheng couldn't take it anymore, and said coldly, "Ask."

Shi Jingge automatically completed this sentence in his heart.

If there is anything you don’t understand, just ask.

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, "Brother wants to teach me magic?"

Wen Xusheng said coldly: "Didn't you trade yourself for this?"

Shi Jingge was silent for a moment, then smiled suddenly, "Indeed."

So, Shi Jingge opened the "Elementary Magic", and asked in doubt: "I have never understood this, and I have read it several times, but I still don't have a clue. I wonder if I can ask my brother to explain it for me."

Wen Xusheng snorted coldly, stretched out his hand calmly, took the book, and looked at that page.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Xusheng's expression froze.

Shi Jingge chuckled softly, and his eyes flashed with malicious intentions.

"Brother," he said softly, "what is this stupid magic...?"

Wen Xusheng: "!"

"The author of this book is really unprofessional," Shi Jingge sighed, "Hasn't he been complained by other magicians?"

Wen Xusheng: "..."

"Brother, what do you think?" Shi Jingge looked at Wen Xusheng and said with a smile, "You are also a magician, let me tell you your opinion."

Wen Xusheng knew that Shi Jingge did it on purpose, and that it was the best choice for him to erase those two words now, and then give the book to Shi Jingge, telling him that there were no those two words in the book.

But when he met Shi Jingge's beautiful eyes, he didn't want to do that anymore.

Because once you do, that's the end of the conversation.

He couldn't see such a scene song.

Wen Xusheng squinted at Shi Jingge, but didn't speak.

Shi Jingge stood up, simply moved the chair beside Wen Xusheng and sat down, then leaned on the back of the chair and looked up at Wen Xusheng.

His eyes were burning and he was full of smiles.

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

"Brother, do you know who the author of this book is?"

"Brother, there is no author's signature on this book."

"Brother, you won't be deceived, will you?"

"Brother, why don't you speak?"

Really noisy.

Wen Xusheng lowered his eyes and said nothing.

However, the corners of the lips seemed to have their own consciousness, and slowly turned up, and the arc became larger and larger.

No matter how much Ren Wenxusheng tried to hide it, he couldn't hide his smile.

After a while, Wen Xusheng said slowly, "You don't want to learn anymore, do you?"

Shi Jingge sat upright, and said respectfully, "Please."

Wen Xu slapped his hands and almost dropped the book.

This "you" is really frightening to use.

The two finally officially entered the magic teaching.

And Wen Xusheng discovered that Shi Jingge is a unique learning genius.

There are quite a few magical geniuses, all of which are based on their innate magical talents, magicians, and talents determine the upper limit.

But Shi Jingge is different from other geniuses.

His magic talent can't be said to be bad, but it is really far from good.

But his comprehension and learning ability surprised Wen Xusheng.

What is it to draw inferences from one instance? This guy can draw inferences from one to the other!

Moreover, the magical energy in Shi Jingge's body was very pure.

You must know that there is a common problem among magicians who have not yet formally started, because there is no way to distinguish magic elements, basically all magic elements that can be absorbed will be absorbed, and some magicians can't even control the instinct to absorb magic elements.

This also led to the absorption of many low-quality magic elements, resulting in too many impurities in the magic power in the body, which made it impossible to twist these magic powers together, and could only slowly expel those impurities one by one.

This is normal, after all, young and weak, the magic elements that can be absorbed are limited, even if you want to absorb magic elements without impurities, you can't do it.

But Shi Jingge is different. He will delete and select the magic elements, and will spontaneously avoid low-quality magic elements. Once he absorbs the magic elements, he will attack the impurities in the magic elements immediately.

The impurities in those magic elements are not completely clear, and he will never absorb any magic elements.

Based on this alone, Shi Jingge can already take the step of a magic apprentice and directly become an official magician.

In fact, Shi Jingge has not received any systematic teaching so far, and has not even read two books.

Everything is his own instinct.

Why not surprise?

And with the passage of time, Shi Jingge's learning ability has been brought into full play.

Wen Xusheng was not originally a patient person, but when facing Shi Jingge, he definitely showed his 120% patience.

But even so, before officially teaching Shi Jingge's magic, he had done a long time of psychological construction for himself.

Ask yourself to use your patience to two hundred percent.

Afraid that he couldn't do it, he went to toss Nie Ziyu first.

It turned out that when it officially started, all the preparatory work was in vain!

Shi Jingge didn't need his patience at all.

Shi Jingge is more eager than him.

The two on the top floor are very harmonious, but Nie Ziyu downstairs is not the same.

Since that night, Nie Ziyu has basically never seen that guy, not even Shi Jingge a few times.

Even after seeing him, he couldn't say a few words, so Shi Jingge left in a hurry.

The last time, Nie Ziyu was not easy to wait for Shi Jingge, and he was so excited that he pulled Shi Jingge to talk for a while.

Nie Ziyu chatted for a few words, seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, and when he was about to get down to business, Shi Jingge suddenly stood up.

Nie Ziyu froze for a moment, and saw Shi Jingge showing an apologetic smile, and said, "The rest time is over, I have to go up quickly, or the teacher will be angry."

"See you next time."

Nie Ziyu reacted for a while before realizing that the "teacher" was referring to that guy.

It's just that during the time he was reacting, Shi Jingge had already run away.

Nie Ziyu was annoyed and angry, and made up his mind that next time, he must not play those social etiquettes, and it would be true if he came up to the point.

Otherwise...God knows there is no chance yet!

But today, Nie Ziyu finally blocked Shi Jingge again. This time, he learned his lesson, exchanged a few words of pleasantries, and then cut to the point tactfully.

"...If you don't know, you are welcome to come to me at any time," Nie Ziyu looked at Shi Jingge sincerely, "I will tell you everything I know and try my best to help you answer."

"Okay." Shi Jingge replied very readily.

Nie Ziyu's expression was very relieved, and then hesitated: " is it?"

"His temper doesn't seem to be very good. When I was young..."

Nie Ziyu paused, ""

He spoke intermittently for a while without saying anything, perfectly interpreting the word entanglement.

"Anyway," Nie Ziyu took a deep breath and said with a final word, "If you don't know how to do it, just come to me."

"Don't bother cousin."

"Let my cousin rest for a while."

On the top floor, Wen Xusheng saw this scene through the water mirror.

Every word Nie Ziyu said rang clearly in Wen Xusheng's ears, causing him to slowly narrow his eyes, with a storm brewing in his eyes.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge said, "Okay."

After a pause, Shi Jingge said with some embarrassment: "It's just..."

"How could Big Brother let me have something I don't understand?"

Nie Ziyu's expression froze, as if a little stunned.

Shi Jingge laughed, his brows and eyes were curved, showing a hint of pride.

"Brother is really very, very good."

"He is knowledgeable, citing scriptures, and he can say a little bit about all kinds of magic. No matter what I ask, he can give me the most perfect answer."

"And elder brother is really patient." Shi Jingge scratched the back of his head, "I'm so stupid, elder brother has never lost my temper, and I don't get annoyed after telling it five times."

When Shi Jingge flattered Wen Xusheng unconditionally, Nie Ziyu's face became even more rigid.

On the other hand, Wen Xusheng on the top floor, the corners of his lips became more and more curved, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore, and even laughed softly.

In the end, Nie Ziyu couldn't bear it anymore, and finally interrupted Shi Jingge, "Is my cousin really that good?"

"Of course." Shi Jingge puffed out his chest subconsciously, with a sense of pride.

That pride made Nie Ziyu feel very dazzling.

"Then..." Nie Ziyu took a deep breath, "Do you know how to change your talent?"

Shi Jingge was taken aback for a moment, looking at Nie Ziyu with a sudden look of surprise and uncertainty.

"Ziyu?" Shi Jingge frowned slightly, "You..."

He stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked the corner of his lips, seeming a little nervous.

And this action made Nie Ziyu in front of him and Wen Xusheng on the top floor all darken their eyes.

Nie Ziyu looked at Shi Jingge fixedly, but his voice was very soft, " you know?"

After a while, Shi Jingge shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

"Xiao Ge," Nie Ziyu smiled wryly, and said dejectedly, "I..."

After a pause, Nie Ziyu seemed to wake up suddenly, and smiled suddenly. There was a bit of sadness in that laugh.

"You have a cousin, so the agreement we once had is also void...?"

He said this very softly, but it was just enough for Shi Jingge to hear.

"It's a good thing."

Nie Ziyu squeezed out a gentle smile, and said to Shi Jingge with a little satisfaction: "Seeing you like this makes me feel relieved."

"The vacation is over, and I'm going back to college tomorrow."

"Xiao Ge," Nie Ziyu reached out and patted Shi Jingge's shoulder, "Come on."

Nie Ziyu's face was very pale, and the corners of his forehead were covered with cold sweat.

But even so, he still offered his sincere "blessings" to Shi Jingge.

How touching.

Nie Ziyu is too familiar with Shi Jingge, and knows how to soften Shi Jingge's heart.

After he left those words, he turned his head and was about to leave, but after walking a few steps, he looked back at Shi Jingge, hesitating to speak.

After a while, Nie Ziyu managed to smile and waved to Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge stared fixedly at Nie Ziyu's back, and smiled suddenly.

This is not the end, this is just the beginning.

This is the beginning of Nie Ziyu's plan.

It's just that this time, the most important part of Nie Ziyu's plan is not being obedient.

Shi Jingge slowly lowered his eyes.

Didn't you say you want to take him to the academy with you?

So this time, when he really appeared in the academy, what expression would Nie Ziyu have?

What if Wen Xusheng was added?

Thinking of Wen Xusheng, Shi Jingge couldn't help but smile.

How long have you been away? half an hour?

I actually miss him a little bit.

When Shi Jingge went upstairs, Wen Xusheng took the time to disperse the mirror, threw a notebook to Shi Jingge, and said concisely: "Do the question."

Shi Jingge took the notebook and saw that the topics in it were all learned in the past two days, knowing that Wen Xusheng probably compiled them from various exercise books in the past two days, and his heart warmed.

Seeing Shi Jingge immersed himself in the problem, Wen Xusheng looked at him as if nothing, with a hint of inquiry in his gaze.

...would you ask?

...surely it will.

...You never reject Nie Ziyu.

Will Shi Jingge fail to see Nie Ziyu's little thoughts?

Probably not.

Shi Jingge is so smart.

A smart person, knowing that the other party has bad intentions, is willing to jump down, what does that mean?

Wen Xusheng was too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, he was just a devil, and devils were always repelled and hated.

But as long as he has what they want in his hand and he still has value to use, he can keep that person trapped by his side.

That's enough.

Can a devil still think of an angel?

I didn't like him.

A devil doesn't understand love.

The devil only knows plunder.

Like him.

Wen Xusheng thought so.

It's just that the mood is still involuntarily taking a sharp turn.

Some fire slowly climbed up in his body, restless, spitting snake letters like a poisonous snake, urging him and bewitching him.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge's voice sounded.

Clear and pleasant.

"Brother, Nie Ziyu will be returning to the academy tomorrow."

Wen Xusheng didn't know what he meant, he just lowered his head and said slowly, "What are you doing with me?"

"It's okay," Shi Jingge shrugged, and said very bluntly, "I'll just talk to you."

"I want to talk to you, can't I?"

Shi Jingge spoke with a chuckle, a little teasing.

He waited for Wen Xusheng to go berserk, and awkward people couldn't listen to the straight ball. He was obviously very moved in his heart, and he had to blow up a few rounds on his face.

But this time, Wen Xusheng didn't explode.

Shi Jingge waited for a long time but did not arrive, so he raised his head and looked at Wen Xusheng curiously.

Wen Xusheng also wanted to run away, but the words of Shi Jingge involuntarily appeared in his mind.

— "It's more likable to tell the truth once in a while."

Wen Xusheng sneered in his heart, he is a devil, how can he be liked by others?

But when he opened his mouth, this sentence echoed involuntarily in his mind.

He didn't pay any attention to this sentence.

He's just too lazy to get angry.

He's tired and can't fire.

Wen Xusheng thought casually, "Say."

Shi Jingge was screened by question marks in his mind, and subconsciously said, "Say what?"

Wen Xusheng glared at Shi Jingge, and said that he was the one who wanted to talk, and he was the one who didn't know what to say. Why, do you want him to find a topic?

Shi Jingge finally came to his senses, a smile gradually surged in his eyes.

"Do you want to go to college?"

Wen Xusheng spoke suddenly, but when he asked, he felt irritable again.

Why did he ask?

If Shi Jingge wanted to go, he would definitely talk to him, and why did he set up such a step for Shi Jingge?

"I want to go." Shi Jingge put down his pen, "I heard that the academy is quite interesting, with a variety of courses, and the teachers are all good in their own way. Who wouldn't want to go and have a look?"

Wen Xusheng sneered in his heart, and replied shortly, "I."

The voice was so fast and soft that no one could hear it except himself.

After Shi Jingge finished the last question, he pushed the notebook to Wen Xusheng.

Wen Xusheng squeezed the notebook hard and smiled slowly.

"Since you want to go, what are you willing to pay?"

"Give me everything you have, and the exchange is that I teach you magic."

"Is there anything else you can exchange?"

"No," Shi Jingge said so frankly that Wen Xusheng choked up frankly, "so I just want to go."

Wen Xusheng felt that if he kept his mouth shut, he could live a few more years.

Otherwise, he would be **** off by Shi Jingge sooner or later.

But that night, Wen Xusheng couldn't sleep.

He has always had high requirements for sleep, and being unable to fall asleep will make him very emotionally unstable.

After tossing and turning for a while, Wen Xusheng decided to go and see Shijingge.

And at this moment, Wen Xusheng's door was knocked.

Wen Xusheng glanced at the time subconsciously.

It's two o'clock at night.

At this time, who else could knock on his door?

It can only be... Time Scene Song.

But... why did Shi Jingge knock on his door at this time?

Before Wen Xusheng could react, his body had already opened the door spontaneously.

The thinly dressed young man appeared in front of him with picturesque eyes, which made people feel distressed.

He smiled embarrassedly, the tip of his nose was a little red, "...I really can't sleep on the floor, can I ask for a bed?"

The author has something to say: The Devil's Diary:

The devil has no feelings.

So I won't like him.

Later, Shi Jingge took this page of the diary to find someone, with a half-smile.

Wen Xusheng quickly took the diary, and scribbled out the words "no" and "no".

Added a sentence at the end.

【I like you. 】

[From the first time I saw you. 】

Straightforward devils are rewarded

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-22?23:57:24~2021-05-23?23:58:44~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Blue Eucalyptus? 50 bottles; Longer than the author's life? 40 bottles; Jun Shiye? 10 bottles; Yan Wu? 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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