MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 136 Magician (eight)

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[One-way soul contract? ] Shi Jingge repeated this sentence in doubt, 【Can a contract be one-way? 】

Aren't all contracts bi-directional? There must be nodding and acknowledgment of two people for the contract to take effect.

What is a one-way soul contract?

[Theoretically,] System 111 explained, [but there are always some exceptions. 】

[For example, the soul contract is logically two-way, also known as the soul mate contract, sharing everything that can be shared, such as life magic, life and death, and soul. 】

[This kind of contract is shared by both parties, giving each other, embracing each other, and protecting each other. 】

[But one-way soul contracts are another matter. 】

System 111 paused, as if thinking about how to explain it, and finally said slowly: [Simply speaking, he unilaterally expressed something to you and promised to treat you with a soul contract, but you don’t need to treat you This has been responded to. 】

Seeing that Shi Jingge was silent, System 111 thought for a while, and then said: [That is, you can accept it or not, this contract will not have any impact on you. 】

After a while, Shi Jingge said slowly: 【Oh. 】

A simple word, no emotional ups and downs, but System 111 feels that the host's mood is not high.


System 111 was a little puzzled, but quickly put the point aside, leaving it with only one thought.

—The host is in a bad mood, shouldn't I comfort myself? Well comforted, will the relationship between myself and the host improve like a rocket?

System 111 suddenly gained momentum.

Just when System 111 was about to speak, Shi Jingge spoke first.

The tone is light, and there is no emotion.

[Can it become two-way? 】

System 111 felt something was wrong.

Is this... angry or not angry?

[Yes,] System 111 replied honestly, [As long as you respond and are willing to sign a contract with him, this contract can constitute a new and complete soul contract. 】

Shi Jingge reacted for a while, and made an analogy, [It's like you sent someone a friend request, it's up to you whether you accept it or not, if you accept it, you become friends, if you reject it, you become a one-sided friend? 】

System 111 thinks this analogy is a bit weird, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing to be refuted.

So, System 111 hesitated for a while, and slowly said: [Probably... that's what it means. 】

Only then did Shi Jingge nod, [Okay. 】

Although it is still a simple word, the emotion is obviously different.

System 111 suddenly felt a little wronged.

Its opportunity to increase its relationship with the host, isn't it... just gone?


Shi Jingge's expression improved a bit.

Wen Xusheng took Shi Jingge's expression changes into his eyes, and his eyes darkened bit by bit.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Wen Xusheng was slightly taken aback, his attention was all on Shi Jingge just now, and he didn't even notice that someone came to the top floor.

Shi Jingge stepped forward to open the door, but Wen Xusheng didn't stop him.

Standing outside is the housekeeper Uncle Zhao.

Seeing Shi Jingge, Uncle Zhao's eyes flashed with astonishment, but he calmed down quickly, and said respectfully: "Master, Master Shi, dinner is ready, do you need to move to the restaurant?"

"Okay." Shi Jingge nodded with a smile, stepped out of the door, and turned his head to close the door.

Uncle Zhao frowned slightly, what does Shi Jingge mean by this? The young master hasn't come out yet!

And at the moment when Shi Jingge was about to close the door, a force was exerted on the door, making it impossible for him to close the door smoothly.

Then, Wen Xusheng pushed the wheelchair and came out of the room expressionlessly.

"Let's go."

But Wen Xusheng's wheelchair didn't take a few steps forward when it was blocked by Shi Jingge.

Wen Xusheng looked up indifferently, just in time to meet Shi Jingge's disapproving eyes.

Wen Xusheng immediately raised his eyebrows.

Why, the current him is not even worthy of going down for a meal?

Afraid that he would torment Nie Ziyu? Or are you afraid that he will disturb their world of two?

Wen Xusheng's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Shi Jingge with a bit of ferocity, vicious, gloomy and terrifying, with a very strong aura.

Where did Uncle Zhao see Wen Xusheng angry? I was frightened for a while.

Only Shi Jingge shook his head as if sighing, then took a wrong step, walked behind Wen Xusheng, reached out to support his wheelchair, and slowly pushed the wheelchair forward.

Where did Wen Xusheng enjoy such treatment? His eyes were full of astonishment.

It's just that Wen Xusheng lowered his head the first time Shi Jingge made a move, so no one saw his complicated expression at this time.


Shi Jingge pushed the wheelchair behind Wen Xusheng, so he could feel his figure more intuitively.

It is not an exaggeration to use the four words "skinny as a stick" to describe it.

Just go down and eat? Are you torturing yourself even when you're so skinny?

One side tried hard to find a way to make him fatter, while the other side tried desperately to turn himself into a skeleton, Shi Jingge was helpless and annoyed.

What, does your body have any enmity with you? Take good care of yourself, can't you?

And at this moment, Wen Xusheng spoke suddenly, speaking very slowly, but mixed with strong malice and provocation.

"It was a pleasure chatting with my cousin."

"Cousin is humorous," Wen Xusheng squeezed out these four words through his teeth, paused, and then said slowly, "I won't get tired of chatting with him for days and nights."

"After dinner, I still have to chat with my cousin."

"How about following the example of the ancients and talking at night by holding candles?"

The last sentence Wen Xusheng asked was very malicious.

Do you dare to let Nie Ziyu stay with me all night?

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows, what does this mean? Praise another man in front of him?

The wheelchair stopped.

The butler Uncle Zhao followed behind them, keeping a good distance. Seeing the wheelchair stop, the two of them didn't intend to call him, but took a few steps back very considerately, and quietly looked at the floor pattern.

"Brother—" Shi Jingge drew a long tune, slowly lowered his head, and the tip of his eyes was attracted by a touch of red.

Wen Xusheng's ears turned red.

It's very light, slightly powdery, and you can't see it clearly unless you look closely.

But before that, Wen Xusheng's complexion was always that sickly pale, never a little pink.

why is that?

Shi Jingge's brain was running fast, very good, he couldn't laugh or cry when he figured it out.

No wonder Wen Xusheng suddenly opened his mouth to be provocative. Is this to cover up his shyness?

It's a pity that he didn't cover it up well and was discovered by him.

Shi Jingge smiled suddenly, deliberately imitating Wen Xusheng, with mockery, making that laugh very weird.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Jingge blew gently into Wen Xusheng's ear.

The effect is very significant.

Wen Xusheng almost jumped out of the wheelchair!

But he endured it with his super perseverance, but the hand that was originally on the wheelchair suddenly turned into a tightly twisted handle of the wheelchair.

On the thin and pale hands, the blood vessels are clearly visible.

It can be seen how hard it is.

Only then did Shi Jingge continue the sentence slowly, bluntly, "Doesn't your evening time belong to me?"

Wen Xusheng choked for breath, because of these words, the hotness that he had just suppressed with great difficulty surged up again, and it became more intense. The menacing momentum almost made him unable to resist it!

But in the end, Wen Xusheng resisted.

"You dare to think about it," Wen Xusheng snorted coldly, "Stop dreaming."

"I want..." Wen Xusheng paused, "with my cousin."

"Oh." Shi Jingge replied, his tone obviously calmed down.

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips, his eyes were a bit cloudy.

Why did he refute these two sentences? Since Shi Jingge opened his mouth, wouldn't it be good if he nodded in response?

Even if Shi Jingge wanted to help Nie Ziyu out of the siege, and didn't want him to torment Nie Ziyu, so what?

At least he can get along with Shi Jingge!

It's better than...better than this.

But at the same time, there was another voice in his mind, the voice was shrill, every word was painful.

——Wen Xusheng, use your brain and grow your heart! He is just using you! Are you rushing to let him take advantage of it without charging any interest? Stop calling yourself a devil! The devil thinks you are ashamed!

—You think what the devil should do! People give you their body and mind! You think about what you should do!

—Wen Xusheng! Use your rusty brain! Think what the devil would do!

How to do? What can I do.

People have given you their body and mind, if you don't take good care of it, if something goes wrong, will you lose everything without compensation?

That would be laughed at.

How could he, Wen Xusheng, do such a thing that was ridiculed?

The logic was perfect, and Wen Xusheng himself was easily convinced.

So the voice in his mind disappeared in an instant without leaving any trace.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge spoke.

Shi Jingge pushed Wen Xusheng's wheelchair again, and complained: "Brother, do you know? It's cute to be awkward and arrogant for a while, but being awkward all the time will make people misjudge your mood and preferences."

"What if I think my elder brother hates me and dare not get close to him, what should I do?"

Wen Xusheng opened his mouth, but didn't say anything, he just sneered, as if to express his attitude.

"Brother has to be honest once in a while," Shi Jingge said earnestly, "Although being arrogant and awkward is cute, but the occasional honesty will make people like it even more."

The last few words, with a sharp ending, carry a little smile and...intimacy.

Wen Xusheng's hand holding the handle of the wheelchair was even stronger.

Even if it was a magic tool, Wen Xusheng could feel the crackling sound of it being overwhelmed.

He knew that he was using too much force, and the magic power was leaking out, so he should quickly control it.

But at this moment, he...couldn't move anything.

He knew that he should respond to Shi Jingge, just like before, or sneer or ridicule, as long as he concealed his feelings, anything would be fine.

However, at this moment, it was as if he had lost his ability to speak, unable to say anything.

Could it be that his magical power rioted and was backlashed?

So Wen Xusheng looked down at his hand on the handle of the wheelchair, and took back his magic power.

Fast and capable, the control of magical power is perfect.


Wen Xusheng thought belatedly.

It turned out that his magic power was not out of control.

It took a while for Wen Xusheng to force out a sneer as a response.

Shi Jingge sighed, and murmured: "...Tsundere and awkward, sometimes, it's also disgusting."

who cares?

The devil thought grimly, grinning sullenly in a corner where no one could see.

Talk like you'd like me.

If not, what is the difference between a little more disgust and a little less disgust?

You'll always resent me anyway.

Wen Xusheng didn't say anything, just pretend he didn't hear it.

Shi Jingge wasn't talking either, just pushing the wheelchair forward.

So, amidst the silence, a sentence involuntarily popped up in Wen Xusheng's mind.

...would you really be offended?


In the restaurant, Nie Ziyu was the only one.

The long table was full of colorful and fragrant food. Nie Ziyu was not very hungry at first, but the aroma wafted towards him little by little, whetted his appetite, but Shi Jingge hadn't come yet, so naturally he couldn't eat first.

He had to wait for Shi Jingge.

In the past, Nie Ziyu actually didn't have this kind of awareness. Why should he wait for Shi Jingge if Shi Jingge would like to come?

And he hates waiting the most.

But Shi Jingge will wait for him, no matter how long he waits.

Isn't this a matter of course?

He is the dignified heir of the Nie family, condescending to be friends with Shi Jingge, and has helped Shi Jingge so much, so what if Shi Jingge waits for him once and for all?

But now, Nie Ziyu doesn't think so.

Although he was still very irritable during the waiting process, when he thought of Shi Jingge's expression when he came over and found him waiting for him, Nie Ziyu felt that these were nothing serious.

Will be flattered?

Just like when he let Shi Jingge into his room.

After all, Shi Jingge liked him so much.

Thinking of this, Nie Ziyu suddenly felt a little more happy.

He deliberately didn't close the door of the restaurant, so that he could hear footsteps and judge when Shi Jingge came over.

As for the other guy, Nie Ziyu didn't think he would come at all.

After all, that person is always the first one to arrive and sits high above the main seat. Today he entered the restaurant, but that guy was not there, so Nie Ziyu felt that he would not come.

So, when he heard footsteps, his only judgment was Shi Jingge.

There was a slight smile on Nie Ziyu's face. He wanted to wait inside, but as the footsteps became clearer, the joy in his body became more obvious, which made him unable to sit still.

So he stood up, strode out, and shouted with a smile, "Xiaoge—"

Then, Nie Ziyu saw Wen Xusheng sitting in a wheelchair, and Shi Jingge behind Wen Xusheng pushing the wheelchair.

At that moment, Nie Ziyu's smile almost froze on his face.

what's going on?

Why did that guy appear with Xiao Ge?

Why did Xiao Ge help him push the wheelchair?

Nie Ziyu looked at Shi Jingge in disbelief, as if he had been betrayed.

And at this moment, the man in the wheelchair slowly raised his head and showed a hypocritical smile at Nie Ziyu.


For some reason, Nie Ziyu just felt cold, so cold that he couldn't help shivering.

And it was this excitement that made Nie Ziyu look back rationally, and he forced a smile, "Cousin."

He called his cousin, but his eyes drifted to Shi Jingge, asking silently.

But Shi Jingge lowered his head, looked at Wen Xusheng, and didn't notice Nie Ziyu.

Nie Ziyu suddenly became angry.

—Look at him! What is Shi Jingge doing? Can't you feel it?

Nie Ziyu had some unexplainable emotions in his heart, which made him very irritable, and wanted to shout twice, so that Shi Jingge could focus all his attention on him.

But that man was here, Nie Ziyu didn't dare, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it.

But soon, Nie Ziyu found that he seemed to be getting out of control again.

He obviously wanted to watch Shi Jingge, but his gaze involuntarily shifted to other directions, looking at the sky, the earth and the wheelchair, but he couldn't see Shi Jingge anyway.

—Damn it!

— that's the guy! That guy must have done it!

Nie Ziyu suddenly remembered that when he was at the long table yesterday, he couldn't even raise his head.

How similar to the little song that hangs its head now.

— That guy must have controlled Xiaoge too!

— That guy just doesn't want him to look at Xiao Ge!

Nie Ziyu raised his head abruptly, looking at the man in the wheelchair, anger flashed in his eyes.

And all it takes is a casual look from the man, and the anger is gone.

It's like pouring a basin of cold water on the head again in winter, making Nie Ziyu feel cold physically and mentally. this a warning?

The man already knew his plan, so...?

No no no, impossible.

Only he knew about this plan, and he didn't tell anyone. How did that guy know?

And if that guy really found out, why shouldn't he be kicked out? Even if he couldn't speak bluntly because of his feelings, there are still many tactful ways, such as sending him back to the academy.

So, a man should be unaware of his plans.

After all, he has only been here for two days, and he hasn't had time to do anything other than tell stories.

Don't scare yourself.

Calm down, Nie Ziyu.

Nie Ziyu gradually calmed down, and the three sat down separately, in the same order as before.

Next to Wen Xusheng is Shi Jingge, and Nie Ziyu is opposite.

There was no unnecessary sound on the long table, it was very quiet.

What Nie Ziyu didn't expect was that Shi Jingge was the first to speak.

After Shi Jingge finished eating his share of lamb chops, he looked at Wen Xusheng's barely touched lamb chops again, adhering to the principle of not wasting, and said to Wen Xusheng: "Give me your share. .”

It should be a request, but it doesn't look like a discussion, it's like a notification.

Nie Ziyu raised his head abruptly, and looked at Shi Jingge in astonishment, never expecting that Shi Jingge would say such a sentence.

Wen Xusheng naturally didn't expect it either.

Shi Jingge was very frank, looked at Wen Xusheng, and said calmly, "I'm not full."

Wen Xusheng's eating is like being tortured, and it makes people uncomfortable to watch.

Since you can't eat it, why bother to torture yourself?

"Xiao Ge," Nie Ziyu said before Wen Xusheng, jokingly said, "There are so many dishes on the table, isn't it enough to fill your stomach?"

"Since when did you have such a good appetite?"

"How skinny is my cousin? You still want to grab my cousin's share?" "My share..."

Before the word "here" was said, the plates in front of Wen Xusheng and Shi Jingge were exchanged.

Nie Ziyu paused, feeling that the scene in front of him was quite ridiculous.

Is that guy such a good talker?

How could that guy give someone else what was his own?

When he was young, he was taken to that guy's room by his uncle and aunt, and he was attracted by a puppet.

It was just a small puppet, but that guy refused to give it to him, his uncle and aunt didn't even open their mouths, and his crying didn't make that guy give in half a bit, and he even got a gloomy word "scroll".

The guy itself was eerie, and it made him have nightmares for several days.

Now, how could he be willing to give his own meal to Shi Jingge?

Shouldn't that guy be someone who would rather destroy it than share it with others? !

And at this moment, the man glanced over and said lazily, "My cousin looks at me with such enthusiasm, does he also want the lamb chops?"


"There has to be a first come, first served."

"If my cousin wants it, just look at the one next to it."

With that said, the man pointed at Shi Jingge.

These few words sounded fine, but Nie Ziyu just felt that something was weird.

But there is no time to think about it now, so Nie Ziyu could only force a smile, "That's enough for me, why do I need to grab Xiaoge?"

In the blink of an eye, something flashed in Nie Ziyu's mind.

He felt, as if he understood why those words seemed strange.

Nie Ziyu tightly clenched the tableware in his hand, and deliberately said in an envious tone: "Cousin and Xiaoge have such a good relationship."

Wen Xusheng sneered, looking very disdainful, and was about to speak, but silently looked at Shi Jingge as if thinking of something.

That gaze was so penetrating that Shi Jingge couldn't pretend not to feel it.

So, Shi Jingge swallowed the lamb chops calmly, and showed a slightly shy smile, "Don't look at the big brother who doesn't like to talk, but the big brother is very nice."

Nie Ziyu: "?"

Who is the big brother you are talking about?

It must not be the guy at the dinner table, right?

Where can this guy get the word "good man"?

Wen Xusheng also sneered, as if he sneered at this sentence.

Shi Jingge turned a deaf ear and continued to say shyly, "Brother is teaching me magic."

At this moment, Nie Ziyu only felt that he was hallucinating.

"What?" Nie Ziyu murmured, staring at Shi Jingge dumbfounded.

"Brother is teaching me magic," Shi Jingge rubbed his hair, "Brother is very patient, even if I'm stupid, he doesn't dislike me, he tells me many times tirelessly, and even writes notes for me."

"Brother is really nice."

Nie Ziyu turned his head awkwardly, and fixed his gaze on Wen Xusheng.

That expression, as if looking at some monster.

Wen Xusheng snorted softly and pushed the wheelchair, "Don't eat."

Shi Jingge also just finished eating the last piece of lamb chops on the plate, stood up quickly, and consciously supported Wen Xusheng's wheelchair, "I'm full too."

Only Nie Ziyu was still holding the tableware blankly.

At that moment, an unprecedented sense of panic surged into his heart.

No matter what he told himself, it was a good thing. When that guy taught Shi Jingge magic, Shi Jingge could gain that guy's trust more easily and get all the information about magic, which was more beneficial to his plan.

But when he watched Shi Jingge push that guy's wheelchair away, he still had the illusion that Shi Jingge was going out of his life.

Do not.

not like this.

He had to make Shi Jingge stop.

He couldn't let Shi Jingge leave.

The sense of panic permeated Nie Ziyu's heart, and he even ignored Wen Xusheng, and opened his mouth to shout out on the spot.

— "Little song!"

The author has something to say: The Devil's Diary:

Will the occasional frankness really make him like it?

don't believe it.

He is a liar.

Look at this lie, just open your mouth, one set of one set.

Although very pleasant.

Later, the owner added a sentence to the diary for this day.

[Pro-test is effective]

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-21?23:57:51~2021-05-22?23:57:24~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 44471897? 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: Xiaoxiao? 207 bottles; Yunxi? 10 bottles; Zhou Jin? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion