MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 127 Fan Wai's Snow -02

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Fan Wai's Snow -02

Snow's work habits have been very good. The next morning, when Brian got up and washed, Snow had packed his luggage and sat in the restaurant for breakfast. He also kindly helped Brian prepare bread and milk. Brian washed his face and went to the restaurant to solve the breakfast as quickly as possible. Then he smiled and took Snow's hand and walked to the school gate.

After the graduation ceremony, the 598th students have begun to leave school. Many people on the road dragged their suitcases to the school gate. Brian was very emotional. He stood at the school gate and looked back at the school. The symbolic eagle-shaped sculpture whispers: "I graduated so quickly, I feel so unreal. I have a chance to go back to school later and ask the principal to have a meal."

Snow wondered: "Why should you ask the principal to eat?"

Brian looked back at Snow and smiled and said: "In fact, your dormitory with Lin Yuan was not on the 13th. I was with Xize at the time to live together. When I entered the school, I was looking for the principal to change the dormitory. The principal transferred you over. Up..."

Snow stunned and soon wanted to understand - why did his students in a medical school live with people in the command department and engineering department? I thought it was a coincidence that I now know that it was a masterpiece of the principal.

Snow glanced at Brian with a faint look. "Is the privileged class convenient?"

As he said, he took his luggage and walked on his own. Brian thought he was angry. He immediately followed up and smiled. "Isn't it angry? If the privileged class did not adjust the dormitory, We won't know... are you right?"

Catch up and take a closer look and find that Snow is not angry at all, but instead bends his lips slightly, like a smile.

Brian squeezed a handful of Snow's palms in angrily. "Scare me?"

Snow smiled and said faintly; "I am not so easily angry, you are a guilty conscience, too nervous."

Brian liked his cold and faint pride, and his heart was very irritating. If there weren't too many alumni around, he couldn't wait to kiss him immediately and punish him.

This idea has been endured on the spaceship.

Brian’s ticket for this time is the vip cabin of the double room, exempting the excuse. There were only two people in the wide cabin. Brian couldn't help it. He kissed Snow on the wall and kissed him. Snow was flustered by him. The meticulous and gentle kiss took care of every bit in the mouth. In one corner, the sound of drowning when the tongue slipped, let Snow couldn't help but blush.

Snow pushed Brian hard and gasped and said: "...enough, enough..."

Brian smiled and kissed his red cheeks and whispered to his lips. "So you are shy? What do you do when I mark you later..."

Snow punched, " think about it all over your head? This time, let me travel alone, you won't be..." Snow picked an eyebrow and looked at him coldly. "No. Do you want to do something good on the way to travel?"

Brian stared at the shackled chest. "No, no, my thoughts are absolutely pure. I am absolutely respectful of you... This trip is really just a simple trip. I don't have any bad intentions. Really. , Xiao Lan can testify!"

The little blue that was sleeping in the mech space button was suddenly called by the owner, and immediately replied with a hundred-fold spirit. "Yes, I can testify for the master... What do you want to prove?"

Brian: "..."

Snow: "..."

Snow didn't pay any attention to Brian and his stupid armor. He returned to his position and took the e-book and watched it casually.

Brian walked over with a big tail, sat beside him, and leaned his head against his shoulder.

After a few moments, Snow looked back and found that Brian actually fell asleep on him... The man looked asleep with a look of awkward lips, a smile on his lips, blond hair. As his breath undulating gently licked his neck, the soft, warm feeling of snuggling together made Snow reluctant to push away, looking at Brian's handsome face, his eyes were not gentle.

The little blue that was awakened immediately played the intimate little cotton jacket function, and took the initiative to show it with Snow: "Snosno, my master, he only slept at three o'clock in the morning last night..."

Snow whispered, "How did he get so late?"

Xiao Lan said: "Of course, I am checking the travel guide. He has looked at all the delicious and fun places in the place where you are going to travel. I also pick the taste you like and book a lot of restaurants. ""

Snow groaned and looked back at Brian, who was sleeping on his shoulders, and his heart suddenly filled with sweetness.

The entry time of the major units of the Lacey Empire is almost fixed in September. The free time from July to August is the adjustment time for graduates. Many school graduates will plan a holiday during this rare holiday. Graduating a trip, traveling with family, friends, or couples, is a final moment before formal work.

In such a tourist season, hotels and restaurants in major attractions are almost full, and many well-known restaurants have to queue up to eat. Of course, nowadays the network is developed, and the big restaurants have their own customer service websites. Many people will choose to book the time and seats online in advance...

Brian's usual hippie smile looks very unremarkable, but he has always been very reliable when he encounters key things, which makes people feel at ease.

This alpha is actually very considerate and considerate. A trip that says to go, he will arrange all the trips in a place that Snow can't see, and avoid all worries.

Snow thought of it, couldn't help but kiss him and kiss him...

Seeing that Brian was very well-sleeped, Snow dared to kiss his lips and put his tongue-head into his mouth. He kissed him for a while, but was entangled by Brian in his sleep, and Snow rushed. The red face retreated, so he turned his head calmly to see his book.

Xiao Lan: "..."

Night snow: "..."

We are mech, we are pure, we have nothing to see.


Brian's travel plan is very thorough. Except for the Broken Stars and the Cepheus, this trip includes almost all the other galaxies in the Empire. A full two-month visit to the famous empire attractions, such a travel plan looks very crazy, however, Snow will go to the Central Hospital as a doctor in September, Brian also went to the mech association to formally work, I don’t know what year Heyue can only take time to travel for a couple, this time, of course, you must grasp the opportunity to play enough at one time.

Brian woke up at ten o'clock that night.

Stupidly opened his eyes and found a familiar figure sitting beside the bed. The man was wearing a neat shirt. The neckline of the collar showed a long, slender neck, holding a computer in his hand, and he was looking down quietly and seriously. Under the illumination of the light, his skin is white and transparent. In the middle of it, Brian even thinks that the boy in front of him is like a person who is made of ice and snow. It is exquisite and cold, and it is inexplicable in such a quiet night. A fragile fragility comes.

Brian suddenly sat up and hugged him from behind.

Suddenly, a large pet suddenly plunged into his arms. Snow stunned. I didn’t know what Brian’s nerves were. He looked back at him with a puzzled look: “Wake up? Go to the space station right away, and get ready to go down the spaceship.”

Brian whispered: "I just dreamed that you took the initiative to kiss me."

Snow's ear was a little red, but his face was quiet and faint: "Oh, is it..."

Brian licked Snow's shoulder with his chin and asked softly: "Have you had dinner?"

Snow shook his head, "No."

Brian said: "The space station should be coming soon. It is better to go to the hotel to stay up late."

Snow had no opinion on this and got up and quickly packed his luggage.

At this time, the cabin suddenly came the news that the spacecraft would soon land at the Bonn space station in the Lyra. The two men carried the baggage together and the boat was holding Snow's hand along the way.

Brian drove the little blue and Snow to the hotel together, because the room was booked in advance, and the two were directly taken to the residence by the service robot after registering at the front desk.

This hotel is located in the city center, convenient for travel, the hotel environment is also very good, Brian booked vip couple suite, all kinds of furniture in the room are sweet and warm, pillows, cups are one-to-one Snow looked at the large double bed in the room and the soft quilt, and the heartbeat could not help speed up...

This guy actually booked a couple's suite. Is it necessary to sleep with him on a bed during the whole journey of this trip?

Snow tilted Brian a bit, but Brian put on a look that I was very pure and I was innocent. I smiled and said, "Hungry? I called the front desk and called the nightingale to eat."

The nightingale was quickly sent up, and the exquisite cakes made people appetite at a glance. In addition to some specialties in the Lyra, there are also Snow's favorite rice cakes and meat porridge. The entrance of the glutinous rice cake is instant, meat porridge. It is also boiled, and the green onion is mixed in, and the aroma is pleasant.

Snow was hungry for a day and soon solved a plate of food. Brian turned on the TV to watch the dog blood TV series. Snow couldn't stand it and turned to take a shower.

When the shower came out, the communicator just lit up, and Snow picked it up and showed the name of Dad Lingfeng.

Snow picked up the communication device and walked to the window. The face of Ling Feng appeared in front of him. At this moment, he was sitting in the bedroom of General Util, wearing a pajamas sitting on the edge of the bed, with a smile on his face saying, "Snow, you and the cloth." Ryan to the Lyra?"

Snow nodded: "Well."

On the trip, Snow reported to his father before leaving. Ling Feng worried about his son. He calculated the time and immediately dialed the communication device and asked, "Is there a hotel? I have someone who knows in the Lyra. What can I do? Find the uncle to help."

Snow was busy saying: "Well, Brian mentioned the order."

Ling Feng smiled with confidence and then lowered his voice and said, "You two are going out alone, they are young people, and some things should pay more attention... Do you know what Dad means?"

After all, my son grew up, and Ling Feng was too embarrassed to say too straightforward.

Snow is also a doctor, and he understands what Dad meant. In the past few years, he has been parking inhibitors. His first time has not yet come. If he is with someone before the arrival of the q period, it is likely to cause complete disorder of the pheromone in the body.

After all, the two are young people, their feelings are just right, Brian is also bloody, just getting along for two months alone, it is normal to wipe the gun away from fire, so Ling Feng will specifically remind.

Snow looked blushing at Dad’s worried eyes and said in a low voice: "I know, Dad... I have a measure."

Ling Feng smiled and said: "Well, you have a good size."

At the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t help but say: Don’t be like your brother Lin Yuan, who is dull and marked, and still can’t figure out the situation...

At this moment, Udil also came out after a shower. Seeing that Ling Feng was talking to Snow, he came over and smiled and said, "Son, I heard that you traveled with Brian?"

Snow: "... um."

Udil frowned: "Brian didn't bully you?"

Sitting next to the TV and pretending to watch TV, actually listening to the conversation on the back of Brian's back, cold, cold sweat instantly came down.

Snow said: ""

Udil nodded. "Well, you let Brian come over."

Snow looked back at Brian, and Brian immediately walked over, looking at the brilliant smile, almost shaking the big tail against General Udil on the screen. "Hey, uncle, hello... ”

Udil faintly said: "I am a few years older than your father. Should you call my uncle?"

Brian’s cold sweat on his back and immediately changed his mind: “Yes! Uncle!”

Udil said: "Well, my son has dragged you in for two months."

Brian was busy and nodded: "It should be."

Udil’s words turned and smiled and said: “If he has one less hair...”

The tail was deliberately elongated, and Brian’s palm was soaked in cold sweat. “No, no, I must take good care of him.”

Udil was satisfied. "Remember, before August 31, I will send my son back to the capital star."

Brian immediately nodded like garlic: "Yes! I know!"

After cutting off the communicator, Brian succumbed to Snow with some grievances and licked his shoulder with his chin. "General Udil is too fierce..."

Snow comforted the head of a large pet. "Don't mind, my father is scaring you."

Brian really wants to cry without tears - which is scaring? The tough father-in-law gave Sno in the palm of his hand, and the method was extremely hot. At that time, a scene of over-shouldering and falling him down to the ground, Brian is still fresh in his memory. No one knows what kind of flower man's mind is. If he doesn't agree with the future when he is married to Snow, Brian is not dumb to eat Huanglian and can't tell?

Therefore, the father-in-law is absolutely not offended.

Brian had thought of this truth very early, so that night, after Snow fell asleep, Brian, who had a good time during the day and slept, changed all the booked couples to the standard. Double room, with the determination to "do not let Snow have one less hair".

In fact, Brian didn't want to have a relationship with Snow before he got married. He respected Snow and wanted to leave the best moment in the room of the two. The reason why I booked a couple's suite was really simple. He just wants to be a little more intimate with Snow... The relationship between the two is so good, it’s not too right to lie in a bed.

Unfortunately, no one can believe this, especially Udy General...

In order to prevent the bad impression of leaving the "color magic" in the father-in-law's mind, Brian was very clever and immediately changed the couple's suite.

After lying in the double bed at night, Brian was also in a good manner, not to take advantage of Snow's cheap, but simply put Snow into his arms - the boy's body temperature is low, and the body is still bathed The delicate fragrance of the dew, the soft body in his arms, makes Brian very satisfied.


In the middle of the night, Snow seemed to have a nightmare. It was probably a dream that was not very good when he was a child. He was shaking all over his body, his hands and feet were cold, and his mouth kept whispering: "Dad... Dad..."

Brian was so distressed that he hurriedly took Snow's cold hand and took him all into his arms. He calmed the little animals and gently stroked it over and over again - touching his back: "Don't be afraid... nothing... don't be afraid ......"

Snow woke up and found that his whole body was embraced by Brian in his arms. The body temperature that was uploaded from him made Snow feel very relieved. The feelings of loneliness and coldness in the dream just now wake up. Completely vanished.

Snow moved his body and buried his face in Brian's chest.

Brian found that he woke up, touched his hair gently, and asked softly: "Is it a nightmare?"

Snow nodded lightly in his arms.

Brian tightened his arms and said with distress: "Don't be afraid, there is me... no matter what you have experienced before, there will be me in the future, I will never leave you."

Snow didn't answer, but he bent his lips slightly in his arms.

- Yes, there is Brian.

When I woke up in the middle of the night, there was a man around me who would hold him tightly into his arms when he had a nightmare. Snow had never experienced this feeling before, as if the lives of the two people were closely connected, as if this person was the other half of his heart...

He can rely on him with confidence, trust him, love him.

Snow closed his eyes again under Brian's warm embrace and patience.

No strange nightmare was made this time. When I was a child, those hard times and hard times did not reappear in my dreams. He slept very well, and his dreams were peaceful. The whole body was wrapped in soft and warm things, like lying in the sun. Under the warm cotton.

Brian looked at the boy who was asleep in his arms. He couldn't help but kiss him and kissed his forehead gently. He whispered in his ear and said, "Let's sleep well, there is me."

Snow didn't know if he heard this sentence. In the dream, he gradually raised a smile. 2k novel reading network

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