MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 126 Fan's Snow article-01

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Fan's Snow article-01

Snow was hiding in the secret laboratory. The light on the roof shone the whole house. Dr. Wald gently touched his head and coughed and said: "Snow...the formula of the inhibitor I existed. In the computer, you have to remember it firmly, and then delete it as soon as possible... The medicine I left is enough for you to stick to the age of 18, there is still some money in the crystal card, the password is your birthday, and take care of yourself in the future... ”

The man's hand hangs down, his face pale and paper, and his body temperature is getting cold.

Snow gripped the man's hand and whispered to him: "Uncle..."

However, the man never responded again.

Snow was still very young that year. He didn't remember how old he was. He spent the whole five years in the freezer, making his concept of time very vague. When he woke up from the freezer, it seemed like the whole world. They are out of touch with him. If it is not that Dr. Ward has been taking care of him carefully, his body cannot recover as soon as possible.

I thought that my father and father didn't want him anymore. Later, he followed Uncle Ward. However, it didn't take long for Dr. Ward to die, leaving only a large number of inhibitors and a crystal card, as well as the cold laboratory.

The only reliance is not there, Snow has no idea what to do.

He is still too small, and his appearance looks like a child under the age of eight. Even if he has money, he can't buy a cemetery. He can't even bury the doctor of Huade. He can only stay with the body of that person. Cried in the lab for a whole day.

It was not a way for the body to remain here. Later, Snow finally thought of an idea. He secretly dragged Uncle Wald’s body to the outside and burned it with a fire. Then he took some ashes and put it in a box. A place was buried, and some white flowers were placed in front of the grave as a temporary cemetery for Huade.

Snow didn't sleep all night. The next morning, he locked the lab door and walked to the nearby town.

The winter of Oman's planet is particularly cold, snow is heavy, the wind is biting, Snow is walking alone on the street, remembering the winter many years ago, when he was only five years old, his father was holding him in the snowy days. They fled everywhere, they left the planet together, and Snow never saw his father again.

However, at that time, although he was saddened by the fact that he could not see his father, at least his father would be with him. He would keep the little one in his arms in a warm coat on a snowy night, and he would not sleep. Time to gently touch his back and tell him about the distant legends about the constellations...

However, today, he has only one person left.

For the sake of confidentiality, Dr. Huade built the laboratory in a desolate and desolate suburb, with no personal shadows around. Snow hasn't eaten anything for two days, and the hungry little child can only look for food by snow alone.

Snow buried his face in a thick scarf and walked quickly to the town. After walking for a long time, I finally found a shop selling snacks, and went in and took out some of the change from the pocket to buy a bowl of noodles.

The owner came out, and the hungry little Snow took the bowl and drank it. The frozen lips were almost burnt by the heat.

The owner couldn't help but persuade him: "Children, eat slowly, hey, see if you are hungry..."

Snow didn't talk, just boring his head to eat, a bowl of noodles was quickly eaten by him, and he was hungry for two days. There was no way to fill his stomach.

The owner saw the child with red eyes and just cried. He looked very pitiful. He kindly gave him a bowl and touched his head and said, "Isn't you enough?"

Snow is busy saying: "I, I have no change..."

The owner smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, this one is free for you."

Snow looked at him gratefully, "Thank you."

The owner smiled and said: "You're welcome. Are you quarreling with your mom and dad? In such a cold weather, go home after dinner, a child runs like this, your parents will worry."

Snow did not answer, silently bowed his head.

He has no parents and no family. Since then, he has left alone.


After eating, Snow went to the self-service bank to check the balance of the check card. The deposit in the crystal card left by Dr. Ward was as high as six figures. Snow knew the approximate price of the planet Oman. The town is relatively remote. The standard of living is not high. These coins are enough for him to live for seven or eight years. If there is any illness or accident, the money will definitely have a day to eat, so from now on, he must learn to save money.

The location of the lab is too remote, a few kilometers from the town, where it is almost isolated, Snow can't live there all the time, and he wants to go to school...

So, Snow went to the housing rental center and wanted to find a house in the town.

He looks so small, the landlords naturally can't rent the house to such a child. Snow's repeated requests are useless. Some people think that he left home and almost handed him over to the police. Fortunately, Snow's alertness The heart is very strong and sneaked away before the police found it - he could not be taken away by the police. Once the police knew that he had no father or mother, he would definitely send him to the welfare home, and all the children in the welfare home would Genetic testing registration, his omega identity will not hold back...

What is the end of the omega without a parent and a mother?

To be fair, it will be protected by the government and the government. It will be raised to 18 years old, and then given to the strange alpha for maternity. And if you encounter a person who is not good, maybe you will raise him at home... After all, in an empire with a disproportionate population, many people have never seen omega in their lifetime, so the young, unreliable omega is not yet What is the share of human fish?

Although Snow is still small, he knows clearly that he can't be discovered...

He can only secretly sneak in the crack like a little hamster, seeking a space for survival.


Later, when an old man living alone died, Snow had commissioned the good-hearted snack shop owner to buy the small room from the hands of the elderly. The house was only a dozen square meters, and the baffle partitioned the bathroom, the bedroom and the kitchen. Although it was narrow, it was enough for Snow.

Snow carefully cleaned up there, set up a bookshelf with wooden planks at the bedside, put a lot of low-priced books, and began to study sneaking.

Fortunately, when he was very young, his father taught him to read the words. Plus, Snow was very clever since he was a child. He started his self-study from the simple course of the first grade. There is no pressure for him...

After a few years, the child grew up slowly. After he was sixteen years old, he could go out to work.

Snow has done a lot of scattered work in the form of beta, selling takeaways at restaurants, assembling parts at mech factories, or volunteering in hospitals... working hard during the day to earn some money and going back to the nest at night. One person self-study to read a book, sometimes he will take the e-book with him, and when someone else takes a nap at noon, he takes the book out and sneak a glance...

The reason why he worked so hard is because he knows that without the teacher's explanation, the foundation based on self-study is not like the age of students. The competition for the public admission examinations of the imperial colleges is very competitive. If you don’t work hard, he can’t go to the first-class schools...

- Not to mention the "Greatest School of the Empire" such as the "Santa Romia Military Academy."

When I was a child, my father often hugged him and told him the story of Shaking the Stars. The San Ramia Military Academy is the best school in the Shakespeare. It is said that the father is the graduate of this school. Many excellent generals of the Imperial Department.

Snow's biggest dream is to go to the school to see it.

The most famous schools in the empire, with fewer than ten students enrolled each year in such a desolate place as the cigar galaxy, must work harder to make it stand out among thousands of candidates and get this precious admission notice.


At the age of eighteen, Snow found someone to do a good job identification, quit all the temporary work, and concentrate on reviewing the next exam.

A person has lived for too long, no relatives, no friends. Although he is young, his personality is becoming more and more indifferent, and he is always involuntarily alert to the people around him - this is only to protect his instinct.

The public admissions examination of the Emperor* was soon arrived, and Snow played well and finally got the offer letter from the San Ramia Military Academy.

On the day of receiving the exquisite paper notice, Snow was very excited. However, he had no way to share his joy with anyone. He had to take a bunch of flowers to see Uncle Ward - he had used it two years ago. The money she earned bought Uncle Wald a cemetery and transferred the ashes from the wilderness to the formal cemetery.

Snow stood in front of the tombstone and whispered, "Uncle, I took the best school in the empire and will soon go to school... After that, I will be a doctor like you and Dad."

There is no portrait on the tombstone, only a row of golden characters in the doctor's name, which is the handwriting that Snow himself engraved.

Snow squats down and gently puts the flowers in front of the tombstone. "I will take care of myself, so don't worry."

In January of that year, Snow sneaked back into the old laboratory and made a batch of omega inhibitor tablets according to the recipe in memory. They were packed in a suitcase with ordinary medicine bottles and then boarded from the cigar galaxy. Pearl 731 Spacecraft to the Broken Stars.

When the baggage was packed in the cabin of the spaceship, a boy suddenly came in.

- The boy has a pair of black and clear eyes. Some of the baby's fat face looks very cute. His face has a sunny smile. He reaches out and greets Snow. "Hello, my name is Lin. far."

Snow's small living environment has developed a strong alertness for strangers, so that he can't get along with Lin Yuan like him. For this boy, he doesn't have much affection, only replied in a perfunctory manner: "My name is Snow."

I didn’t expect Lin Yuan to smile and say, “Snow? This name is really nice... is snow, what does snow mean?”

Snow stunned, his name is indeed the meaning of snow, the father took it for him. Because he was born on a snowy planet all year round, their family once had a happy and warm time there...

Later, the spaceship was abducted by the Federal Army, and Marshal Rosen, the head of the glory of the life and death, came to the rescue.

Snow didn't know what was going on. He didn't like to talk to people. He talked a lot with Lin Yuan. It was probably because the boy's smile was too pure. He couldn't have a disgusted feeling toward Lin Yuan.

Even inexplicable, the smile on Shang Linyuan, there will be a kind of ... very affectionate feeling.

It wasn't until a long time later that Snow knew that the strange intimacy came from the connections in their blood.

- Their biological father is a pair of twin brothers with great relationships, and there are too many similar genes in their blood.

Later, the Pearl 731 spacecraft landed smoothly in the broken star field, and Snow finally came to the long-awaited St. Romiya College.

To his surprise, he and Lin Yuan actually got into the same dormitory, and this dormitory has two other alpha boys besides them - one of them is calm and calm, and at first glance is a very aristocratic child. The other with a look of awkward smile, the golden broken hair flashed the human eye, even when I met, I shamelessly covered Snow's shoulder, smiled and said: "Classmates, I am yours." My roommate, my name is Brian..."

The objection of the body being touched by the alpha, let Snow shake the fist almost reflexively!

Brian was turned to the ground, staring at the dark circles, looking at him with a grievance.

"You, why are you hitting me?"

Snow ignored him and turned to the suitcase and turned back to the bedroom. At the moment of closing the door, his face was ugly and sighed against the wall. Brian’s body touched Snow’s heart, suppressing information. There was also a fierce reaction, and Snow rushed to take out the inhibitor tablets from the suitcase and swallowed it.

Will you have a room with these two alphas in the future...

Snow's heart suddenly produced a bad premonition at that moment.

He didn't feel much about Nishizawa, but he was full of disgust at Brian's classmates who showed his shoulders as soon as he met.


However, he did not expect that he would fall in love with the boy.

A long time later, during the time when Brian’s mission was unclear, Snow always remembered the bumps and bitterness of these years – he has experienced countless hardships since he was a child, and he can grit his teeth every time. He thought that his life would be so strong and independent, silently taking his own path, but never thought about it, he would fall in love with a person, and he would be happy, happy, and painful because of one person.

It wasn't until Brian came back that Snow finally let go of his pride.

He held the man and said seriously: "I love you..."

- I admit that I love you, so, Brian, stay with me, don't leave, okay?

- There are already too many people who have left me. I can't afford to lose again.

- Only you, will wait for me to come back late at night, you know? Your waiting for me is the only warm light in the cold winter night.


On July 1, 781, the 598th graduation ceremony of the St. Romiya Military Academy was held on time. The military issued a special medal to Brian and Lin Yuan. In the evening, Brian and Snow held hands together. When I went to the school, Brian suddenly stopped and looked back at Snow and said, "Yes, you will go to the Central Hospital next month, right?"

Snow nodded: "Well."

Brian smiled. "So, how about a two-person trip this month?"

Snow thought about it and said, "I want to go to the capital star early, and prepare for work ahead of time..."

Brian patted his chest and interrupted him. "What are you prepared for? Eat, wear, live, and walk all over me." Then he shook Snow's hand and shook it like a big host. Like a pet, "Snow, can you travel together?"

Snow: "..."

Brian said with a cheeky face: "When I returned to Oman with you, I was called by my dad for two days. The trip was halfway, don't you feel sorry?"

Snow: "..."

Brian continued to please him and shake his hand. "Well? You promised?"

Snow nodded helplessly, "Okay."

Brian sat up with satisfaction and took a sigh of relief. "I have booked the ticket and will leave tomorrow morning. This time there will be no one to bother, just two of us, come on a graduation trip. ""

The starry sky above the head is shining, the shining stars are like the broken diamonds in the sky, the street lights on the campus are like a golden chain, the breeze in the night blows the hair of the two, the teenager smiles, embraces Warm as ever.

Snow hit his eyes, his heart moved, suddenly tiptoe, and kissed Brian's eyes gently.

Brian groaned and touched the eyes of the pro, and looked at Snow with some surprise.

Snow blushes and whispers: "...I... I just remembered it, the first time I saw you..."

When he first saw him, Snow had a fist to Brian's eyes, leaving him with a big dark circle. How much I hated this person at that time, and now I like this person more.

A light kiss is enough to explain everything.

Brian smiled happily and hugged the blushing teenager into his arms. He said softly: "In fact, when I first saw you, I was very fond of you and wanted to take the initiative. You, I didn’t expect you to yell at me at the time..."

Listening to his pretending grievances, Snow couldn't help but raise his lips slightly. "I won't be jealous of you in the future."

Brian suddenly put on a serious tone and said, "Snow, in the future, we will not be separated anymore, okay?"

Snow snorted and replied softly under his gaze: "...good."

A simple word, when you say it, there are some whimpers.

——Which teenagers drifted for ten years, they suffered from twists and turns, and they were tightly protected with an ice-cold shell. Then one day, he also found his own beloved, who was willing to give him a warm wait. Let him never have to worry about facing darkness and loneliness.

- Brian, it's good to have you by your side.

The author has something to say: there are several chapters outside Snow's, and if you like Snow, please follow up~

Here is a thick face to sell Amway, everyone collects my column, the pit is good, do not write tragedy, Meng Meng's author does not come to collect a hair?

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