MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 105 Military school student-105

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Chapter 105. Reunion


This voice is especially familiar, and there will be only one person who will call his father. How can Xiaoyuan come here?

Rosen groaned, and before he could respond, he saw a boy suddenly broke into the cave and rushed toward him at the fastest speed.

Rosen: "..............."

The guy who rushed into his arms, his face was obviously very excited, his eyes were sparkling, he looked up at Rosen, and he said happily: "I finally found it! You are really good..."

When it comes to this, the voice can't help but choke. Lin Yuan buried himself in his father's warm arms and hugged Rosen tightly.

Rosen took a moment and felt that the boy who was throwing into his arms was shaking with a slight trepidation. He couldn’t help but gently touch his son’s hair and whispered, “How can you find it here?” ”

Lin Yuan said sullenly: "The military announced the news of your sacrifice. He also said that he would hold a funeral three days later. I thought..."

Rosen’s heart was even more surprised – he was indeed missing for more than a month, can the Glory Legion not find him along the way? With the cautious personality of Lieutenant General Victor, it is impossible to declare the Marshal’s sacrifice easily before he found his body... Yes, did they find the fragments of the Black Dragon replica, mistakenly thinking that it was their own mech?

Rosen quickly thought about the reason, couldn't help but hug his son, touched his son's furry head buried in his arms, and comforted softly: "I'm fine, don't be sad."

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions. He said happily: "Well, nothing is fine! It is Berg Wang who recognizes that the mech is not a black dragon. It is inferred that you are not dead. I just found it along the way!" ”

Rosen frowned. "Are you looking for it alone?"

Lin Yuan was busy saying: "No, General Drew sent a fleet to protect me, and there are also Nishizawa, Brian, and Snow. Master and Dr. Fuente also came together. I just informed the fleet. They will soon land on this planet."

Rosen asked: "Is there any danger on the road?"

Lin Yuan shook his head and said: "All the way is very smooth."

Rosen smiled a little and then let go of his heart. Xiaoyuan suddenly came to look for him. He was very surprised and surprised. However, since Berg and Drew are behind the support, this is also good news. He and Ling Yu can return to Nami Star in advance.

Rosen looked back at the rain, but found that the face of the rain was somewhat unnaturally stiff.

The mood of Ling Yu at this moment is complicated and indescribable. Although he saw the appearance of Xiao Yuan after growing up in the image sent by Zhou Yi, he could see the child walking in front of him, which is totally different from watching the video.

Xiaoyuan has grown so big...

The slender teenager, his eyes are clear and bright, his face is the same as his childhood, and he has a little bit of baby fat. When he smiles, he feels particularly sunny and lively.

Just now Xiaoyuan rushed into Rosen’s arms, and Rosen hugged his soft and comforting picture, which greatly impacted the nerves of the rainy rain. He did not expect that Rosen and Xiaoyuan recognized each other. In the month, the relationship between the two will be so good.

The picture of the father and son embracing gave the unspeakable shock to the heart of Ling Yu.

The flesh and blood of the blood is thicker than the water, and the performance of the rest of the life after the robbery is vividly manifested - the son's worry and concern, the father's kindness and gentleness, gathered together, so natural, so warm.

This is the nature of blood, the connection between flesh and blood...

Ling Yu looked at the scene and couldn't say a word.

In order to implement the plan of His Majesty, he established an underground military base in Nameixing. He knew that his young age was not suitable for living on the dangerous front line of Naimi, so he took the pain to send a small place to a safe place and arranged Zhou Yi. Take care of Fuente Doka.

In the blink of an eye, fourteen years have passed, and the little guy who has been rolling has grown into a slender teenager...

When Xiao Yuan left his side, he was still a four-year-old child. He was ignorant of the world. Ling Feng did a memory clearing operation for him. For this father, he should have no memory at all...

Seeing that he is so close to Rosen, Ling Yu’s heart is inexplicably lost. Xiaoyuan does not recognize him. He is more familiar with Rosen. This is a normal reaction. The strange feeling of loss is as tight as the same invisible hand. Hold the heart and let the heart of the rain suddenly burst into pain.

He couldn't help but think of the little guy who was a child. He stuck himself all day. When he saw himself, he smiled and stretched out his arms. He called his father's picture with a childish voice. He would pick him up when he was soft. He is looking for something delicious.

However, today, he does not recognize himself...

Rosen quickly noticed the emotional changes in the rain, and found that a conversation between their father and son actually left the rain to the side. Rosen immediately let go of Xiaoyuan, whispered: "Come on See your father."

When he said, he pushed Xiaoyuan to the front of the rainy forest and smiled. "This is your mausoleum father."

Xiaoyuan looked curiously at the man standing next to Rosen. The man was still wearing a dark blue military uniform. The neat and uniform military uniforms made him more slender and tall. His delicate face was cold and cold, and his lips were tight. Close to each other, the face looks no expression. At the moment when the man looked up, Lin Yuan had a pair of black eyes and clear eyes.

That kind of feeling is very wonderful...

The other places in Lin Yuan are not like the two fathers, only the eyes, completely inherited the characteristics of the father of the rain. At the moment when the man was blind, Lin Yuan immediately recognized him -

He is the rain, his father.

The memory of childhood suddenly flashed in my mind. The man once taught him to talk, taught him to read the words, and took time to take him to the beach on the beach to play, to give him a delicious cake, when he was sent away, The voice confessed to him gently: Be sure to live strong in the future...

Now that he has grown up, Lin Yuan can understand the reason why he sent himself away. As a general, with a young child on the battlefield, there is no benefit to each other. He sent himself to a safe place to send his men. Protection, this is also reasonable.

He doesn't mean not wanting himself...

It is a painful choice for the son to choose a more suitable environment for growth...

Lin Yuan never complained that Dad had left himself. He saw him again at the moment, and there was no trace of dissatisfaction in his heart. Instead, he was greatly joy and moved when he reunited.

After a few years, my father seems to have not changed at all.

Still so young and beautiful, the surface is cold and faint, but Lin Yuan knows that Dad is actually the most heart-felt. In his vague memory, when he was a child, he was mischievous and caused a lot of trouble. Dad was not willing to beat him. ......

A full fourteen years of separation may have made the original intimate father and son become unfamiliar, but the moment of reunion, from the flesh and blood in the blood, or immediately close this connection.

Lin Yuan’s eyes floated in the water, step by step to the front of the rain, and choked and shouted: "Dad..."

After the call, Lin Yuan was naturally and very moved to the arms of Ling Yu, clinging to his own biological father, and buried his head in his arms like a child.

Ling Yu: "........................"

I didn’t expect Lin Yuan to actually recognize it at all. After meeting for the first time in many years, I went straight to my arms.

The expression on the face of Ling Yu was stiff and stiff, and was temporarily ruined by his son’s hug.

The guy in his arms is soft, and he feels very comfortable when he is holding it tightly. The furry head is buried in the chest. The dependence, trust, and love for Dad are transmitted to the bottom of the heart through this hug, almost instantly defeated. All the defenses of the rain.

The rain was silent there, and Rosen was very satisfied at the side - he knew that Xiaoyuan was a pistachio, and the indifference of the tombs of the tombs had to be unloaded in front of such a lively and enthusiastic son. Layer iceberg shell.

Xiaoyuan did not let him down, not only did not have a slight gap in the rain, and when he met, he threw himself into his father's arms, so that Ling Yu, the arrogant father, also became a statue.

Seeing that Ling Yu was made a stiff face by his son's enthusiasm, Rosen's mood was getting better and better. Sure enough, having a lively son is different, and their family's connection can no longer be interrupted.

Being held by the son of the octopus, the rain of the tomb was not breathing well. The little guy in the stomach seemed to want to show a sense of existence, so that the stomach of Ling Yu suddenly fell into the sea, almost in front of Lin Yuan’s face. Get rid of it.

Ling Yu immediately pushed Lin Yuan away, turned pale and turned to the table, took a glass of water and drank it.

Rosen noticed that he was not right, and quickly pulled Xiaoyuan over and explained: "Your father is not feeling well, don't hold him like this."

Lin Yuan snorted and looked at the rain in fear: "Dad is sick?"

Ling Yu: "........................"

As a general's mausoleum, even if he was besieged by the enemy on the battlefield, he did not feel like this at the moment.

The eldest son stood in front of him and looked worriedly and asked if his father was ill, and the little guy was still proof of his presence and his stomach was disgusting - the rain did not know what to do. Explanation.

Everyone thought that he was in danger with Rosen. As a result, he and Rosen had been ox on this strange planet for three days, even with such a dangerous state.

If the news is passed on, let the people in the military know that they will laugh.

Seeing the rainy face pale, Rosen was very considerate to help him out, explained to Lin Yuan: "Your father eats bad things, the body is not very comfortable, no big deal."

Ling Yu turned and went back to bed, and took a cold look at Rosen, but Rosen gave him an innocent smile.

Ling Yu looked at Xiaoyuan and found that the stupid son had completely believed in his father's explanation. He smiled and said, "Oh, that dad should take a good rest first. I will find some antiemetic drugs for you later. We will return tomorrow." ""

Ling Yu: "........."

This big one is simply the nemesis in his life.

Ling Yu didn't say a word after seeing Xiaoyuan. Lin Yuan knew that his father's temper had always been like this. He didn't mind. He happily took off the red necklace space button on his neck and handed it to Ling Yu. "Dad, this is Suzaku, it should be returned to you."

Suzaku came out of the space button and turned into a humanoid mech. Standing in front of the rain, he whispered, "Master, I am back."

Ling Yu: "........."

I am back.

Four words are worth a thousand words.

I am back, I finally returned to you. I have never forgotten it over the years. My master is the only omega general in the history of the Empire. I am willing to protect you at all costs. My master, Mausoleum rain.

Looking at the familiar red in front of him, listening to the familiar voice in the ear... The rainy face of the rain has suddenly moved a little, and the black eyes have become moist.

This mech was once born with him, and accompanied him through countless years of war. He even delivered his life to Suzaku. It can be said that Suzaku is his most trusted partner and he has nothing to say. The most intimate friend.

Unexpectedly, after 19 years, he and Suzaku actually reunite.

I didn't even think that Suzaku was actually intact.

Suzaku took the initiative to reach the front of the rain, and the corner of the rainy rain finally showed a smile. Gently put the slender fingers in the wide metal palm of the red mech, and whispered, "Suzaku, welcome back."

Suzaku nodded seriously and flashed a red eye to represent his joy.

The tacit understanding between the owner and the mech does not require too much rhetoric. The tombs close the space button, and the Suzaku immediately returns to the space button with ease, converging the dazzling red light.

Ling Yu looked up at his son and whispered: "... Xiaoyuan, come over."

Lin Yuan went to his father's side and sat down. "What happened, Dad?"

Ling Yu looked back at him and asked in a serious tone: "Is you saving the Suzaku?"

As far as he knows, Suzaku should be imprisoned in the museum. Now he is brought to the Peacock by Lin Yuan. Some of the rains do not understand.

On the eyes of Dad’s doubts, Lin Yuan honestly took the process of Suzaku’s escape from the museum, and Xize and Brian’s cross the sea to reduce the Suzaku into c-class, and then exchanged the prizes of the Mech Contest, and finally passed the Mecha Association. Let yourself be a master of Suzaku for a while, and carefully describe it to Dad.

Ling Yu heard a big frown and couldn’t help but said: "You are too bold, what should you do if you are discovered?"

The feeling of being worried by Dad was very good. Lin Yuan smiled happily and said: "No, Brian's level is very high. The process of modification has not left a trace, and before we set off, Suzaku also rose back to s. No. In addition to some of our informed people, no one thought that the prize I got in the Mech Contest would be the Suzaku that was dropped."

When Ling Yu listened to his son’s narrative repeatedly mentioning the name “Xize”, he asked: “The one you said... I want to change the roommate of Suzaku, the son of His Majesty, the little prince Nishizawa?”

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, he has helped me a lot."

Ling Yudao: "Black Dragon just said that Bai Yu has also come. Is Xize this time with you?"

Lin Yuan said: "Yes, they seem to be outside..."

Ling Yu said: "Let them come in."

Lin Yuan ran to the door of the cave, and several people outside the door said: "Come in!"

In fact, Nishizawa and Brian stayed outside the cave. They didn't dare to come in, but wanted to give Lin a little space and time. Lin Yuan reunited with the two fathers. There must be a lot to say, they A group of outsiders is not good at the scene.

See Lin Yuan came out to call them, and the three turned and walked into the cave.

Brian and Lin Yuan are only friends. I saw Lin Yuan’s two fathers naturally, but they didn’t have much thoughts. They were only curious about the legendary general of omega. They couldn’t help but look at the man next to the marshal, and they were secretly surprised. The unique temperament of this omega general.

Snow is not familiar with the marshal, and it is the first time to meet with Ling Yu. However, Ling Yu is the younger brother of his father's fraternal twins. It is very kind to see the feeling of the rain. As a younger generation, Snow should naturally say hello to him. On the black eyes that resembled Dad, Snow took the initiative to go to the front of the rain, and smiled politely: "You are the mausoleum? I am Snow."

Ling Yu and Snow once had a side in the underground city, but the situation was urgent. He directly stunned him with an anesthetic, and did not see his appearance. At this time, he saw it carefully and found that Snow grew and Unlike the brother Ling Feng, it inherited Udysse's sky blue eyes and platinum-gold hair, with white skin and slender figure, it looks very delicate and gentle.

Ling Yu couldn't help but smile. He nodded and said, "Is your father still okay? Is he with Udil?"

Snow nodded and said: "Yes, he pretends to be a doctor and stays with his father's Rose Corps. Before this departure, he also specifically told me to tell you, please don't worry, he is safe now... and, The communication line of the Rose Legion is closely monitored by the Military Defense Network. At that time, if you need the assistance of the Rose Corps, you can directly contact your father's communication device."

I didn’t expect Ling Feng’s son to be so sensible. Ling Yu felt very happy. Looking at Snow’s eyes, he couldn’t help but moderate. He nodded and said, “I know, I will contact your father after I go back.”

Ling Yu turned his gaze to the last tall boy. The boy looked very calm and steady. After entering the cave, he remained silent and his face was very calm. It was probably the son of His Majesty?

Sure enough, the boy’s gaze on the rain, the teenager immediately respectfully said: "General, hello, I am Nishizawa."

Ling Yu nodded. "Listen to Xiaoyuan, you have helped him a lot at school? Is it your idea to save the Suzaku?"

Nishizawa said: "I just did a little bit of effort. The main reason is that Xiaoyuan himself is very good. On behalf of the school, he won the national championship. Let us have the opportunity to pass the mech association and drop the Suzaku."

Ling Yu faintly said: "No need to be modest, thank you for taking care of Xiaoyuan at school."

Nishizawa: "..."

This is simply flattering!

Although the surface remained calm, Keze’s hand had already squeezed a cold sweat. The scene that was taught by the marshal was still vivid. He heard that the character of General Yun Yu was more indifferent and proud, and Nishizawa had already been well He prepared for a lesson.

Unexpectedly, although General Ling Yu was cold and timid when he spoke, he seemed to have no slight dissatisfaction with him. Even took the initiative to say thank you for taking care of Xiaoyuan? Did he recognize the existence of his own daughter-in-law?

In fact, Nishizawa thinks too much--Lin Yuan did not tell Dad that he was marked by Nishizawa. Ling Yu thought that Nishizawa was a "good roommate" who spoke loyalty, but only politely thanked him.

Lin Yuan, who is a thick nerve, was too excited when he saw his father. He completely forgot to tell him that Nishizawa was his own alpha. Instead, he accidentally misunderstood and let Nishizawa escape. 2k novel reading network

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