MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 104 Military school student-104

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Chapter 104. Reunion

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuan and Nize were standing on the bridge to check the sailing route. Snow and Brian also came over. Brian walked to Lin Yuan and smiled and said: "Look at your posture, it is quite like Decent? How? When the captain’s feeling is not very prestige?”

Lin Yuan said seriously: "No, but I feel a lot of pressure."

Brian puts his hand in the hand: "You don't have to worry about it. There is no problem with Lieutenant Colonel Ian. Moreover, the father sent the newly developed warship of the Long Snake Corps. The equipment of the fleet is the most advanced of the empire. The system I have checked it again, there is no problem."

Lin Yuan wondered: "Is it going to check the system?"

Brian smiled. "Otherwise? Do you think I just went there?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

He thought Brian was lazy to hide where he slept. Unexpectedly, Brian was very responsible to follow Lieutenant Colonel Ian to check the equipment system inside the warship. Because of Snow's relationship, Lin Yuan saw that Brian had not been pleasing to the eye, but Brian was still very reliable at the crucial moment. In just one day, he completed the upgrade of Suzaku. Lin Yuan actually had some recognition of Brian's ability. .

On the smile of Brian, Lin Yuan smiled friendlyly and said: "I hope that the road will be safe and sound. If all goes well, I will arrive at the Peacock tomorrow afternoon."

Nishizawa smiled and pressed Lin Yuan’s shoulder and whispered, “Don’t worry, I have a hunch that I should find your father soon.”

Listening to Nishizawa, Lin Yuan is not happy.

Snow suddenly went to Lin Yuan and said, "Small, I have something to ask you alone."

Lin Yuan looked at Snow with some doubts. When he saw Snow looking serious, he turned back and said to Nishizawa: "I went to the lounge with Snow. You should help monitor the route first. I have a problem calling me."

Nize nodded. "I am here, you are going."

Lin Yuan was so confident that he took Snow and turned to a separate lounge.

Looking at the back of the two omega turned away, Brian shrugged a little helplessly and said, "Hey, this brother has to whisper again... How do you feel that we are both superfluous each time?"

Nishizawa smiled and said: "Probably they have something inconvenient for us to know."


Nishizawa guessed it right, Snow wants to ask Lin Yuan's question is indeed inconvenient to let the two alpha know.

After walking into the lounge with Lin Yuan, Snow asked directly: "Xiaoyuan, you have been completely marked by Nishi, right?"

Lin Yuan: "........."

For the calm look of Snow, Lin Yuan’s ears are slightly red, and I don’t know what to say.

This is too direct. I actually ask this question when I open my mouth. Is the idea of ​​studying medicine so open?

Snow sees his brother blushing, and his heart is more certain of the previous conjecture. "How does the body feel after being marked? Is there any uncomfortable? Is there a fever?"

Lin Yuan: "........."

It is completely a doctor's voice in the patient's consultation.

The three-day white feather on the spacecraft has been at the door, shutting off all air circulation and internal sounds. The confidentiality measures should be done very well. Snow also believes that he is sick. How can he suddenly ask this question?

Lin Yuan shook his head, and some doubts said: "How did you know?"

Snow replied: "One of the medicines that Dad brought to you is a post-contraceptive, so I guessed it."

It turned out to be...

Lin Yuan explained a little embarrassedly: "In fact, the day before I gave me the injection inhibitor, I suddenly took the tablets that Dr. Fuente gave me because of the sudden reaction of my body. I completely didn't expect that the two drugs were different. Will affect each other. On the spacecraft, my inhibitor suddenly failed, so I asked Zeze."

Thinking of the marked process, Lin Yuan's face was even redder, and even felt that he could not lift his head in front of his brother.

Snow sometimes feels that this younger brother's nerves are so thick, as an omega, there is no conscious of an omega. As a brother and a medical doctor, Snow felt that it was necessary for him to give this guy a knowledge of omega.

After a moment of silence, Snow asked: "Don't give you the contraceptive pill, have you eaten it on time?"

Lin Yuan was busy saying: "Yes."

Snow was relieved and said, "That's good. I am afraid that you will not take birth control pills for a while. If you are pregnant, you will not be expelled from school. Omega's identity may attract a lot if exposed. Trouble. You are not suitable for pregnancy at all."

Lin Yuan said: "I know."

Snow said: "You have long-term injection of inhibitors, the level of pheromone in the body is not very stable, suddenly marked, it is a big burden to the body, during this time, you have any discomfort, must be immediately Tell me, I can help you think about the measures to deal with."

Lin Yuan nodded seriously, "Okay."

Snow said: "Night snow, come to Xiaoyuan to check a body in detail."

"Yes, master."

The silver armor quickly obeyed the master's call from the space button and turned into a small human-type mech, using the probe to pump some blood from Lin Yuan's blood vessels for rapid testing.

After a while, the night snow hit the test results in front of Snow. Snow looked at it carefully and finally let go of his heart and smiled and said: "Fortunately, your estrus period is safe and uninfected, and the level of pheromone is still stable. Three months later. Re-injection of the inhibitor, the interval between the two estrus periods of many omega is not certain, you are still cautious and better."

Lin Yuan was busy saying: "I know."

Snow’s single call out of his brother was mainly worried about his physical condition. The result of the inspection was fine, and he let go of his heart. After thinking about it, Snow handed his e-reader to Lin Yuan and whispered: "There is a book here, you take a closer look. Anyway, I will go to Peacock tomorrow afternoon. This time is enough for you to read." It, there is something I don't understand, even if I ask."

"What book?" Lin Yuan opened the reader in confusion, and saw a beautifully crafted e-book on the screen.

Curious to open the catalog, Lin Yuan suddenly stunned - omega physiological structure, omega estrus basic knowledge, omega estrus detailed process and precautions, omega is thoroughly labeled steps, omega pregnancy response, pregnancy precautions, conditioning after childbirth Program……

This book describes all the relevant physiological knowledge of omega in great detail. Lin Yuan just flipped a page and turned to the completely marked chapter. It was very serious and scientifically drawn with alpha and omega. posture.

The physiological organs in the picture—including the alpha **** device and the omega's intestines—are drawn extremely realistically, and the location of the prostate and the deeper omega channels are also detailed, even scientifically describing the child after thorough labeling. Production principle...

Lin Yuan feels that his world view is not good.

How can Snow calmly let himself see this book? Sure enough, the medical doctors are so direct?

In fact, Snow gave Lin Yuan's book the empire's omegas almost a handful of copies. This was left to Dr. Snow by Dr. Ward. Snow was studied very seriously when he was ten years old.

Compared with Lin Yuan’s ignorance, when his brother’s Snow seems to be too precocious?


The fleet of the Long Snake Corps finally arrived near the Peacock Galaxy at 4 pm the next day.

After adopting the third forward route, although it was a whole day later than the original time, it was good to be calm along the road and did not encounter any accidents.

The warship temporarily stayed on the outer edge of the Peacock Galaxy. Lin Yuan and several others examined the simulated star map of the Peacock Galaxy in detail.

- This vast galaxy, in addition to a large number of stars that cannot survive, the number of unknown planets is also very impressive, like the eyes on the peacock's tail, all over the entire star field, in such a large number of planets to accurately find Rosen and The location of the rain is not easy.

Lin Yuan bowed his head and pondered for a moment, and said to everyone: "It’s too time-consuming to find so many planets. It’s better to take the Suzaku personally to check. The speed of the s-class mech is much faster than that of the warship, and, Suzaku And the black dragon can produce the induction within a certain distance..." Lin Yuan said, then he turned back and asked to see everyone. "What do you think?"

Zhou Yi frowned. "You go alone? No, I don't trust!"

Lin Yuan said seriously: "Master, if the fleet is to search for a planet, it will not be searched for ten days and a half."

Nishizawa said: "I am with you, there are white feathers, but also take care of each other, isn't it?"

Bai Yu immediately followed up and said: "Yes! I am also inductive with the Black Dragon predecessors!"

Zhou Yi can't help thinking: Why is this little prince so good to the apprentice?

I couldn't help but look at Nishizawa with a puzzled look. Nishizawa smiled at Zhou Yi. "The Peacock is far from the federal border. It should not meet the Federal Army. Plus there are two s-class mechs of white feather and Suzaku. Even if you are in danger, don't worry too much."

Lin Yuan echoed: "Yes, I am driving the s-class mech in front of the road to explore the road, the fleet is following the back, Master, do you think so?"

Lin Yuan said that it is also the quickest way. With the powerful transition speed and individual combat capability of the s-class armor, he and Xize first went to the planet to explore the road. The warships with huge volume and slow sailing speed followed the rear. And protection, as long as it does not exceed a certain distance, the communication between the mech and the warship can be maintained at any time.

Zhou Yi was silent for a moment and finally nodded. Seeing that everyone has no objection to this, Lin Yuan and Xize are ready to go, summoning the mech to let the warship open the hatch.

Snow suddenly suggested: "Is there a co-pilot in Suzaku? I will be with you."

He is still not at ease with his brother's physical condition. Lin Yuan has no reason to refuse to stay with Lin Yuan.

Snow wants to follow, and Brian naturally enters the cockpit of White Feather along with Nishizawa.

Four people drove the s-class mech first, and Bai Yu and Suzaku jumped to the nearest asteroid at the fastest speed. They turned on the detection system to fly around the planet, sensing whether there were traces of black dragons on the planet.

Even if the s-class armor sailed very fast, it took nearly half an hour to circle the asteroid, but the result was frustrating. There was no trace of the black dragon on the planet, but there were many strange things. The plants survive.

On the surface, Lin Yuan was pretending to be relaxed. In fact, he was very anxious. He wanted to find the position of his two fathers immediately and flew to them. He also knew that it was urgent to find someone. He must be calm and patient.

Taking a deep breath to adjust the mood, Lin Yuan took the initiative to connect Bai Yu’s communication device and smiled and said: “I haven’t found it here, continue to search for the next one.” Then I sent a target point from the star map to a planet. To Nishizawa, "Look here and look."

There are so many planets in the Peacock, so I went looking for a planet, until 10 o'clock in the evening, and found seven or eight stars in a row, still no discovery.

Lin Yuan’s heart is getting a little uneasy...

After all, the two fathers are in the Peacock. This is only a theoretical inference of Nishizawa and Berg. No one can be completely sure.

In the event of other emergencies, did the father drive the Black Dragon to other galaxies?

Or did the two accidentally encounter the federal enemy on the way to the voyage, what happened to the accident?

As long as there is a possibility, they may not be in the Pavo. Lin Yuan stared at the cosmic star map in front of him, and the fingers on the bridge could not help but tighten.

Snow looked back and said: "Don't worry, there are two planets left. If you can't find it, let's go to the nearby Apollo galaxy and look for it."

Suzaku perceives the low mood of the master, and softly comforts: "Master, as long as the black dragon is still alive, it will certainly protect the marshal, I believe that the marshal and the general will be fine."

Lin Yuan whispered: "I also hope that they are fine, just...some anxious, want to find them soon..."

Snow put his hand on his brother's shoulder and whispered, "I understand."

Lin Yuan and Dad have been separated for many years. I want to see my father’s mood as soon as possible. Snow understands very well that when he was separated from his father, he was thinking of him every night and night...

Snow pointed out that the little planet at the top of the Peacock star map said: "Continue to look here, maybe you will find something."

Lin far nodded and ordered the Suzaku through the red nerve line wrapped around his finger: "Suzaku, let's go."


I didn't expect Snow's words to become true. On the last planet of the Peacock, there was an unexpected discovery.

Plants and animals are rarely found on most of the planets that have passed by, and this planet has extremely dense forests. It was 10 o'clock in the evening. It is strange that this planet is actually daytime. The planet is shrouded in a beautiful purple light, the field of vision is very clear, the strange trees in the forest are tall and dense, and the oxygen content in the air is higher than the capital of the constellation of Cepheus.

Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly and fiercely jumped and looked at the large forest under his feet. He said excitedly: “This planet is suitable for human survival, maybe Dad they are here! Suzaku, fast—”

Suzaku immediately unfolds the fiery red wings, speeding up the speed of the sail, and the dazzling light in the red eyelids.

Bai Yu excitedly followed Suzaku and said to Nishizawa: "Master master, this planet is beautiful. I will scan a panoramic view of the planet when I am sailing. The light here is better than the white light of Cepheus." More, the plants in the forest grow very interesting, the rattan on the trees looks like hair, it is so interesting to float around! What do you think?"

Nishizawa is helpless: "... Don't pay attention to these messy things and focus on your sensing system!"

White feather: "...oh."

Silence for a moment, Bai Yu could not help but say: "Master, I did not sense the existence of the Black Dragon predecessor, will it be shut down?"

In fact, Bai Yu’s words are just casual, because Suzaku’s predecessors often can’t stand it and shut down. Unexpectedly, this sentence is like a slap in the face of a moment to remind the West Ze -

Yes, the s-class mech can only sense each other after the detection system is turned on. Under normal circumstances, the s-class mech will open the detection system, so they have not considered this, but the black dragon just shuts down the detection system. What? Or, as Bai Yu said, the black dragon is just shut down?

If this is the case, then Suzaku and White Feather can't sense the existence of Black Dragon!

Thinking of this, Nishizawa immediately connected Suzaku's communication device and said: "Small, it is possible that the Black Dragon did not open the detection system, so that we can not sense its existence!"

Lin Yuan stunned, and suddenly realized: "Yes, almost ignored this point, we have been relying on the sensing system to search for them around the planet, but if the Black Dragon does not open the reconnaissance system, this method is useless!"

Nishizawa suggested: "This planet is very suitable for human survival. Maybe they are here. It is better for us to fly at low altitudes, so that Suzaku and White Feather carefully scan and search the ground."

Lin Yuan immediately nodded: "Well, Suzaku, land soon."

In accordance with the master's orders, Suzaku swooped down and landed in the low sky nearly 100 meters above the ground. The white feathers also followed, and two huge s-class mechs flew side by side, beginning to walk along the dense forest one inch and one inch carefully. Scan it up.


In the cave, Rosen and Ling Yu are preparing breakfast.

According to the time of the empire, it is 10 o'clock at night, but the planet is just dawning. The day and night change here is very fast. The 6-hour night and the 6-hour daytime have caused the whole body clock of Rosen and the rain to be disrupted. .

Rosen washed the picked fruit and placed it on the plate in front of the rain.

Ling Yu still had no appetite, frowned, picked up a fruit and put it down.

Rosen handed the fruit to his hand, whispered: "I have to eat if my appetite is bad. You need nutrition now... This fruit was just found yesterday. Although it is strange, the taste is actually good. Do you have a taste?"

Rosen thoughtfully helped the tortoise to peel off the husk, and sent the tender white flesh to the edge of the rain.

Ling Yu had to open his mouth. Rosen immediately fed the flesh to the rain. Surprisingly, the fruit was sour and tasted really good, and the sour taste seemed to relieve the nausea of ​​the stomach.

Seeing that the rain had eaten the fruit, Rosen’s heart was so happy that he couldn’t help but peel off a fruit and feed him personally.

Ling Yu is a bit sloppy: "I come by myself..."

He was fed as a child, and this kind of picture was not thought of in the past. However, just now, he actually opened his mouth consciously and ate the food that Rosen had fed.

... for this man's bottom line, it seems to be getting lower and lower.

At this moment, the black dragon standing at the door trying to absorb the light, the golden eyes suddenly brightened -

I saw the air in the distance, two red and one white mechs are opening their wings, flying slowly over the forest, the white and red light in front of the mech projecting a large piece of light on the ground, proving that they are Carefully inspect and scan the scene within the projection range.

Seeing that the two mechs hovered over the forest, the Black Dragon immediately opened the scouting system calmly -

At the same time, in the cockpit of Suzaku, there was a flashing black dot suddenly appearing on the monitor screen. It was like a signal indicating that Suzaku immediately reported: "Master, found the armor black dragon in front, the target position is 173.77.108... ..."

Lin Yuan surprised his eyes and looked at the black dot. "Suzaku, move toward the goal!"

In fact, without Lin Yuan’s order, Suzaku immediately flew toward the target point at the moment when he found the target position.

Bai Yu is leisurely scanning the landscape of the planet. Seeing that the Suzaku predecessors suddenly flew somewhere in the past, they took a closer look through the detection system and found the position of the black dragon. They immediately followed the Suzaku with excitement.

In the cave, the black dragon calmly returned to the cave and reported to Rosenhui: "Master, Bai Yu and Suzaku are coming."

Rosen groaned, and the rain rained up in surprise. The two did not react to what happened. They heard a lively and hearty voice with a strong emotion on the doorway of the cave: "Father!"

Rosen: "..............."

Rosen, who was going to feed the fruit to the rain, fell to the ground with a peeling of the fruit.

The author has something to say:

The update time is fixed at 23:30 in the evening. If you are used to going to bed early, you can brush it early next morning. The fixed time will also save you from waiting.

Work is very busy, I also want to go earlier, but there is no way to write, everyone understands ha ha ^_^2k

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