MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 323 Similar to Shen Xuan

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   Chapter 323 Someone who is very similar to Shen Xuan

  Song Baozhu's thoughts turned sharply, but his face remained calm.

   She looked at Luo Yi and asked, "How is your brother? I was too tired from the operation before, so I went back to rest. I just came here today, and I'm going to wait a while."

   As the chief surgeon at that time, she naturally went to the ward to check the postoperative condition of the injured.

  The injury was so serious that even if the operation was completed safely, he was still unable to escape the danger and had to be observed in the intensive care unit for a period of time.

   However, the hospital's intensive care unit has limited conditions these days.

  Song Baozhu planned to go to see the tutor first, and then go to the ward to have a look. Who knew that he would meet Luo Yi, a former unlucky **** on the way.

   simply asked directly.

   When Luo Yi heard this, his face suddenly turned down: "My brother hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said that he hasn't passed the dangerous period yet. We have to see if he can wake up."

  Song Baozhu naturally knew this. Hearing this, he could only comfort him: "You should trust your brother, he has a strong will to survive and will definitely survive."

   During the previous rescue, the man's heart stopped several times, but he was finally rescued.

Although    had her help, she still felt that it had nothing to do with that person's will to survive.

   If a person is injured like that, if there is no very strong desire to survive, I am afraid that the person will be gone before he is sent to the hospital.

   Although Luo Yi knew that she was comforting, he still felt very relieved when he heard such words.

   What's more, when Song Baozhu saved his life on the train, he inexplicably had a special kind of trust in Song Baozhu, thinking that if she said that the eldest brother could survive, the eldest brother would definitely survive.

  Thinking of that train, he suddenly thought of a person, so he couldn't help asking: "By the way, Dr. Song, your partner... what is he doing now?"

  Before on the train, he felt that Shen Xuan looked familiar and looked a bit like his father.

   So I stared at Shen Xuan for a long time at that time, and when I got off the train, I gave them the address, hoping to meet again.

  It's a pity that Shen Xuan and the others never went to him.

  He wanted to find someone, but he didn't know where to look.

   On the train at the time, although they chatted a lot, Shen Xuan and Song Baozhu were obviously not ordinary people, and they almost never revealed their specific information, and every time they talked, they spoke very broadly.

   seems to have said a lot, but in fact there are not many key things at all.

   So even if he wanted to find someone, he couldn't find it, so he could only expect Shen Xuan to find him.

  It’s a pity that no one has been waiting for a few years.

   But this time the eldest brother had an accident. They hurried to Longjing by plane after receiving the news, and unexpectedly met Song Baozhu.

  Luo Yi thought in a complicated mood, and couldn't help but look at Song Baozhu a few more times.

   She has changed a lot from what she looked like back then.

   Although several years have passed, she has not only looked a lot whiter, but also looked younger.

The temperament of    has also changed greatly, just like a big star.

   A person's change is really big.

   If the nurse called her Doctor Song just now, and Song Baozhu's facial features had not changed, he would not have dared to recognize her.

  Luo Yi was in a complicated mood, but he didn't know that Song Baozhu's heart was also very delicate at this time.

   Is this fate?

   She was about to ask when this person asked about Shen Xuan.

   She didn't forget that on the train back then, this person kept staring at Shen Xuan, it was really weird.

   But at the time, although they thought it was strange, they didn’t think too much about it. She later asked Shen Xuan if he had any relatives, and Shen Xuan also said no.

   She didn't think about it anymore, thinking that it was just people who were similar.

   Not long ago, during the Chinese New Year, she didn't know that Shen Xuan actually had an uncle.

   This person is her mother-in-law's brother, but unfortunately he disappeared when he was a child. At that time, the army was in chaos, and it was a fantasy to find a person who was missing.

   Not to mention, he was a child when he disappeared.

After    peace, Grandpa Shen and Grandma Shen tried to find a way to find it, but unfortunately they could not find it.

   Later, when something happened to the Shen family, it was naturally even more impossible to find him.

   This is a taboo of the Shen family, so neither Grandpa Shen, Grandma Shen nor Shen Lanyin said it.

   She and Shen Xuan had forgotten about the unfortunate person they encountered on the train, and naturally they would not ask rashly.

  So it wasn't until the Chinese New Year not long ago, when Grandma Shen suddenly mentioned it, she secretly asked Shen Lanyin, and then she knew that there was still this uncle.

   At that time, she thought of Luo Yi, but unfortunately it was too long ago, and the note that Luo Yi gave had no idea where it went, so she could only hold it down temporarily and plan to look for it later.

  Who would have known that he would have met Luo Yi in the hospital today.

   The injured person who was woken up in the middle of the night and came to the hospital for rescue was still Luo Yi's brother.

   It’s so fateful.

   If they are really related, maybe it is so-called fate?

  Song Baozhu's emotions were up and down, and she could not wait to ask Luo Yi about the whereabouts of that person immediately.

   So she said, "Let's talk while walking, I just happened to be going to the ward to see your brother's condition."

  Luo Yi naturally has no opinion.

   On the way past, Song Baozhu briefly said about Shen Xuan's situation: "Shen Xuan has also graduated and worked, but he is not in the hospital. Otherwise, if he sees you, he must be very happy."

   She was very polite, but didn't say anything in detail.

   It's like Shen Xuan studied abroad and is currently working abroad, but I didn't mention these.

   After all, I'm not sure if they are really related. I'm talking too much now, and it would be bad if it was an oolong.

   It is not a glorious thing to work abroad at this time, and it is easy to be regarded as a traitor.

  Luo Yi was quite happy when Song Baozhu said this, and asked, "When is he free? I'll invite you to a meal.

   You rescued me on the train before, I haven't thanked you enough yet. Now that I have met you, you have to give me a chance to express my gratitude. "

  Song Baozhu thought of Shen Xuan, who was working abroad, and could only sigh helplessly: "He is working abroad and can't come back for the time being, so he can only eat later."

   After she finished speaking, she asked Luo Yi, "By the way, I remember when I was on the train before, you said that Shen Xuan looks a lot like someone you know, is it really that similar?"

  Luo Yi was hesitating whether to say this. Hearing her question, he immediately said: "It's really similar! He is very similar to my dad!"

   made him almost wonder if his dad did something sorry and **** up outside.

   But thinking of his father's behavior, he felt that it should be impossible.

   It wasn't until later that he heard that his father was not biological, and he thought about it again and wondered if Shen Xuan was related to his father.

  Unfortunately, no one could be found before.

   Even if you doubt it, you can only think about it.

   It was great to meet Song Baozhu today!

  Luo Yi thought of this, and couldn't help but say again: "By the way, my dad is here too, just over there in the ward. You'll understand when you see my dad."

   (end of this chapter)