MTL - 80s Wedding Night: Cannon Fodder’s Original Partner is Gone-Chapter 322 meet again

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   Chapter 322 Meet Again

  Song Baozhu narrowed his eyes and stared at the man's face, feeling that the face was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

  This is strange, with her memory that is almost unforgettable now, if she really wants to see it, she should not forget it.

   Where did you see it?

The thought of    just flashed in Song Baozhu's heart, and she was immediately suppressed by her.

   Saving people is the most important thing right now, and she can't be distracted in the slightest.

   At this time, she heard the teacher say: "Baozhu, you come to handle the knife."

  Song Baozhu looked at him subconsciously, and then his eyes swept over his hand holding the knife, feeling that something was wrong.

   So she nodded: "Okay."

   After saying that, he walked over and took the knife.

   At this moment, she suddenly noticed that the teacher's hand holding the knife was slightly stiff.

  Song Baozhu was startled, and suddenly had a very bad premonition, but did not dare to show it, just took the scalpel and operated it skillfully.

  The instructor talked about the situation of the injured and instructed her to use the knife.

   The operation was very long, because the man was seriously injured, so the whole operation was very complicated.

  Fortunately, Song Baozhu ate Xingshen Pill, and now her whole body is extraordinarily awake, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

   After an unknown amount of time, she felt that her legs were too stiff to move, and the whole operation was finally over.

   In the middle, the man's heart stopped several times, but fortunately he was rescued.

  After the operation, Song Baozhu only felt that her legs were not hers, and her arms were sore and sore.

   She worked hard to move her arms, then slowly lifted her stiff legs and walked away, only then did her stiff body feel alive again.

   She slowly walked out of the operating room, and it took another ten minutes before she finally recovered.

  I took out my watch and saw that 11 hours had passed!

  Song Baozhu couldn't help rubbing her stomach, no wonder she felt hungry.

   So after telling her colleagues, she immediately changed her clothes and hurried back home in a car.

   After such an operation, she must go back to sleep.

  The tutor is older and more tired than her, and has been helped to rest one step ahead.

   So Song Baozhu didn't have time to talk to him.

   When she returned home, Grandma Shen had already prepared chicken porridge for her, which was simmering on the stove. When she saw her return, she immediately brought her out, along with some dishes for dinner.

  Song Baozhu was already very hungry. After eating quickly, he rinsed his mouth again and went back to the house to rest.

   This sleep went straight to the next day.

   When she woke up again, it was already seven in the morning.

   But Grandma Shen got up earlier and made breakfast.

  Song Baozhu must go to the hospital today, so she drove away after eating breakfast.

   The family did not ask her about the hospital.

   There was also a case where Song Baozhu was called by the hospital in the middle of the night. They were used to it, but they just felt distressed. I want her to stop doing it, but the patients in the hospital are waiting for help.

  Song Baozhu fell asleep, and the whole person became refreshed.

   After she came to the hospital, she planned to ask her tutor.

   She suspected that something might have happened to the teacher's body, otherwise his hands wouldn't be so stiff.

  This is not surprising, why the hospital called her in the middle of the night, knowing that she had just returned from abroad and promised to let her rest for a day.

   And the tutor called her three times a day to urge her to come back, and there was an explanation.

   Before she received a call, she thought it was her tutor who had heard something, so she was particularly worried about her staying abroad.

   Now it seems that he is afraid that his health is out of order and he is worried that he will no longer be able to perform the operation in the hospital, so he is more eager to call her back, hoping that she can replace him.

  Song Baozhu frowned, feeling a little depressed.

  Teacher is very great. He saves the dying all his life and sacrifices himself to save others.

   She can't be that great.

   She didn't like the fact that she was woken up by the phone in the middle of the night and called to the hospital.

  Although life is at stake, she doesn't want to sacrifice herself.

   What should I do?

   Or, cooperate with the school, orientate the training, and train more good surgeons?

   In this way, wouldn't she relax?

   can also save more people.

   However, the money she has now is not enough, it seems that she still has to work hard to make money.

  Song Baozhu sighed helplessly, and decided to rescue the mentor first, and let him burn for a few more years.

   She thought secretly, she wanted to go to the tutor and take a good look at his body.

   Who knew that just as she was halfway there, she heard her colleague stop her: "Doctor Song!"

  Song Baozhu turned her head and saw that her colleague was waving at her, and there were two people, a man and a woman.

   looks like the patient's family.

   The key is that one of them is very familiar!

  Song Baozhu widened his eyes in shock, and then saw his colleague lead the two men over quickly.

   "Doctor Song, you are finally here. They are here to find you and want to thank you in person."

   Colleagues said, and introduced to Song Baozhu, "The injured person who was sent the night before yesterday is called Luo Yan, and they are Luo Yan's family."

As soon as she finished speaking, the tall man next to her said in a complicated tone: "Comrade Song, you actually became a doctor! You even saved my brother, I really... thank you so much! You saved me on the train at the beginning, now Saved my brother again, you are the great benefactor of our family!"

   As soon as he said this, the delicate woman next to him exclaimed: "What? The woman you said before who saved you on the train is this Doctor Song?"

   She said while looking at Song Baozhu in disbelief.

  No way, Song Baozhu really doesn't look like a heroine who can defeat robbers and save lives.

  Song Baozhu was also very surprised. She never thought that she would see Luo Yi in the hospital, that is, the unlucky guy she met on the train that year.

   She remembered that when she and Shen Xuan went to Hei Province to find Grandpa Shen and Grandma Shen, they dreamed of train robbers, and then they met Luo Yi, the unlucky guy, in the sleeper carriage.

   If she hadn't acted at that time, Luo Yi would have died at the hands of those robbers, becoming a big grievance.

   She rescued the person easily, and later got a reward for catching the robber.

  The Shen family was able to quickly rehabilitate because of this.

   At that time, Luo Yi also left an address for her and Shen Xuan and asked them to find him.

   But after they came back from the Black Province, they were busy studying and preparing for the college entrance examination. They really didn’t have time to travel far, so they didn’t go.

   Later, they went to college, had children, and Shen Xuan went abroad to study, so they had no time.

   Who would have thought that he would meet Luo Yi in the hospital.


   "The one who was injured before was your brother?"

  Song Baozhu's mood was more complicated.

   When she saw that person before, she felt that the person looked a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it.

   Seeing Luo Yi now, she finally remembered, doesn't that person just look like Luo Yi?

   It was only a few years later and the man closed his eyes again, so she didn't recognize it.

   But seeing Luo Yi, she remembered another thing.

   (end of this chapter)