When Beauty Meets Beasts-Chapter 851 - This Is A Trap!

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Chapter 851 - 851 This Is A Trap!

851 This Is A Trap!

It was fine when things were peaceful, but once something happened, she would have no one to use. Bai Di, Shuang Yun, Sang Ye, and Xue Ling were the only ones who would help her.

Huanhuan finally calmed down. “In that case, their ultimate goal is actually me.”

Bai Di comforted her gently. “Don’t worry too much. Although Shuang Yun is in danger, the contract hasn’t been broken. This means that he’s still alive. As long as he’s alive, there’s hope. I’ll go out of the city to look for him and save him as soon as possible.”

Huanhuan quickly grabbed his hand. “You can’t leave! If this is all a trap, it means that the other party was prepared. Now that Shuang Yun is in danger, they’ll definitely think that I’ll send you to save him. At that time, they’ll set up a few more ambushes. Even if the three of you have ten lives, that won’t be enough to harm them!”


Bai Di said nothing, while Xue Ling and Sang Ye looked solemn.

Clearly, what Huanhuan said made sense.

The other party was deliberately sparing Shuang Yun’s life to lure them into a trap.

Whether they saved him or not, it was a dead end.

At this moment, Jian Yi hurried in and whispered, “The king of all beasts is here to see you.”

Why was He Zong here at this time? Huanhuan was annoyed and said no.

However, Jian Yi said, “The king of all beasts said that he’s here about Shuang Yun.”

Huanhuan’s expression changed slightly.

Shuang Yun had just gotten into trouble, but the king of all beasts already knew.

She glanced at her three mates.

Xue Ling smiled faintly. “It seems that this king of beasts is not simple. Let’s meet him.”

Huanhuan nodded. “Take him to the reception room and have him wait for me.”


A moment later, Huanhuan walked into the reception room accompanied by Bai Di and Xue Ling.

He Zong had been sitting in the reception room for a while.

When he saw Huanhuan, he immediately stood up and bowed slightly. “Lady Prophet.”

Huanhuan nodded. “Hello.”

After both sides sat down, Huanhuan did not give the other party a chance to talk nonsense. She went straight to the point and asked, “Jian Yi told me just now that you came to see me about Shuang Yun. Can I ask what it is?”

He Zong first glanced at the two men behind her before stopping.

Huanhuan understood what he meant. “These two are my mates. They’re one of us. Just say what you have to say. There’s no need to be afraid of them.”

Hearing this, He Zong could only say truthfully, “I heard that Shuang Yun went to hunt down the first elder this time. It’s been ten days and he hasn’t returned. I’m worried that he might have encountered danger on the way.”

“Thank you for your concern. This is our own family matter. We can handle it ourselves.”

He Zong smiled. “You don’t have to be so wary of me. I came to you this time to help you.”

“How do you want to help me?”

“I know you’re short of manpower now. I’m willing to mobilize 200 beast soldiers in my hands to help you find Shuang Yun. If he’s really in danger, they can escort him back immediately.”

Huanhuan narrowed her eyes. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch. What are your conditions?”

He Zong said, “I actually don’t have any conditions. I just want to be in-laws with you. As long as your daughter can become mates with our son, we’ll be a family. If something happens to Shuang Yun, we naturally have to save him.”