The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 328 - : 265

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Chapter 328: 265

Translator: 549690339

Dark clouds covered the sky above, thunder rumbled, and lightning danced wildly, appearing and disappearing into an abyss. Just the terrifyingly formidable aura was enough to turn the expressions of the Taoist Qingxu and Old Master of Heaven, watching from a distance, utterly pale.

At the moment when Pei Xuanjing’s Yin Spirit manifested itself, the ferocity of the thunder and lightning intensified beyond belief, as if harboring the power to bring about Armageddon.

Bolts of flashing lightning, followed by deafening claps of thunder, mixed together in a chaotic symphony.

Taoist Qingxu speculated in his heart that such a ferocious force could perhaps move the age-old Taihe Mountain from its millennia-long resting place.

At this moment, Pei Xuanjing was undistracted. His Yin Spirit left his body and floated a hundred feet above his head in the open air.

In an instant, he felt an immense pressure. The surrounding thunder and lightning seemed to have enough power to split his Yin Spirit into pieces, reducing it to ashes.

Just then, a bolt of Heavenly Thunder struck towards Pei Xuanjing’s Yin Spirit.


A trace of electricity flowed into his entire Yin Spirit. Despite lacking a physical form, it made him feel a tingling sensation, as if his hair was standing on end.

However, these tingling sensations were negligible for Pei Xuanjing, who was accustomed to Thunder Forging Body; they were nothing worth mentioning.

Pei Xuanjing’s Yin Spirit sat cross-legged in midair, and after the Thunder Struck, his Yin Spirit did not move a thread. The purple-green light spread evenly over his Yin Spirit, standing firm as a rock despite the downpour of the Heavenly Thunder.

Simultaneously, streaks of purple-green light flowed around him, forming intricate patterns, and his Yin Spirit became somewhat crystal clear.

Pei Xuanjing roared, and his Yin Spirit emitted a resonating sound like a big bell. The thunder around him dissipated and fully integrated into his Yin Spirit.

At this moment, he felt his Yin Spirit becoming stronger than before, showing a noticeable improvement.


His Yin Spirit waved his arms and took the initiative to attack. With a sweep of his fingers through the void, countless bolts of lightning charged towards his Yin Spirit.

As his Yin Spirit moved, he struck several palms in succession, creating boundless power resonating in the void, taming the lightning and holding it in his hand, before opening his mouth to swallow it whole.

The sound of shooting electricity could be heard from within his Yin Spirit while it seemed to shatter slightly.


Pei Xuanjing was not afraid at all, his skill circled and though his Yin Spirit’s strength fluctuated, he forcefully tamed the thunder within his body.

Countless bursts of energy exploded around him amidst constant thunderclaps, but he did not have the slightest idea of giving up.

Whoosh whoosh…

After a moment, Pei Xuanjing refined the thunder. His Yin Spirit became clearer, stronger and fuller.

The Yin SDirit was crvstal clear like iade. incrediblv robust. and seemed real.

At this moment, Pei Xuanjing felt his Yin Spirit become as exceptionally powerful as when he initially entered the Upper Three Realms through physical body cultivation.

“Is this the Energy of Creation from the Thunder Tribulation?” Pei Xuanjing murmured to himself.

He could feel that after the thunder tempered his Yin Spirit, impurities within his Yin Spirit were purged, making it more pure and stable.

If so, let the thunder come even more ferociously!

His Yin Spirit moved again, rising hundreds of feet higher, closer to the thunder. Once again, countless bolts of lightning fell. Pei Xuanjing wore a smirk, summoned his skill, and without any hesitation, swallowed these bolts of lightning, making them his own.

After an unknown amount of time, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the thunder ceased.

Pei Xuanjing’s Yin Spirit was standing in the void, his body gleaming crystal clear, emanating an abhorrent aura.

With a shift in thought, his Yin Spirit returned to his body.

“Huh?” he suddenly noticed, after his Yin Spirit returned to his body, his Yin Spirit’s energy dispersed throughout his body, making his control over his body even sharper.

His Yin Spirit could accurately observe every inch of his body. Even though he had gone through a bone replacement transformation once and his body was near perfect, he still discovered many deficiencies and flaws at this moment.

The moment Pei Xuanjing opened his eyes, divine light flickered in his pupils, emanating a terrifying aura that startled the hearts of Taoist Qingxu and the others from afar.

He waited as Pei Xuanjing’s formidable aura receded, until he returned to his original harmless appearance.

“Congratulations, Taoist friend, for safely transcending the Thunder

Tribulation, making great progress in your skills and truly stepping into the Spirit Realm, distinguishing yourself from the Mortal Realm.” The group congratulated Pei Xuanjing one after another.

Their tone was laden with undisguised envy.

Even though Martial Artists of the Mortal Realm live only up to four 60 -year cycles, consuming extraordinary treasures that can prolong life even if they have no hidden injuries, their lifespans won’t exceed more than 250 years.

However, once a person steps into the Spirit Realm, not only does their strength significantly increase, their lifespan also experiences a substantial increase. Moreover, Pei Xuanjing was the first to breakthrough in the way of Refining Spirit.

Legend has it that cultivators who condense Yin Spirit could, even when their lifespan ends, choose transmigration at the last moment of their life and start over.

Even though such transmigration and reincarnation could be hindered by the possibility of “pregnancy confusion,” it usually won’t cause any issues due to the retained wisdom carried within. When cultivating for the second time, it’s expected to be smooth sailing, and stepping into the Spirit Realm would be nearly guaranteed.

There’s always a trade-off in life.

It could be said that among the cultivation of the spirit, qi, and body, initially entering the Spirit Realm through the way of Refining Spirit may make one the weakest in terms of combat power. However, it also makes one the most mysterious, and the chance of reincarnation exceeds that of cultivators pursuing the other two paths.

“The path of cultivation is long and arduous, and I have just taken a step ahead,” Pei Xuanjing humbly replied with a smile. He then added, “With the revival of Heaven and Earth, and the diverse resources and experiences accumulated by all, I believe it won’t be long before everyone will be able to step into the Spirit Realm.”

Pei Xuanjing was right. Although he had stepped into the Spirit Realm earlier with the help of a life simulator, he was only slightly ahead.

These people before him were able to reach the pinnacle of martial arts under the bindings of heaven and earth. Their talents and comprehension were excellent, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were one in a million.

If Heaven and Earth had not revived, they might have been stuck here for their entire lives.

But now that the binding of Heaven and Earth has been broken, and no further restraints are holding them back, entering the Spirit Realm is only a matter of time as they concentrate on their cultivation.

“Hahaha… Then let’s hope your auspicious words come true,” the group laughed.

The hearty laughter echoed throughout the mountain peak.

Now that the restraints of Heaven and Earth have been shattered, there was nothing holding them back. As Pei Xuanjing rightly mentioned, without such confidence, why would they have bothered to come in the first place?

Pei Xuanjing also laughed heartily, feeling the rich Heaven and Earth Essence Qi around him, his heart filled with happiness. 𝚏ree𝚠𝚎𝐛nove𝚕.com

Reflecting on his 34 years in this world, he had finally shattered his restraints today, soaring from a small fish to becoming a dragon, breaking free from the Mortal Realm.

From now on, he could travel anywhere in the world.

Who in the world could stop him from roaming freely?

“Huh?” At the moment when Pei Xuanjing was brimming with ambition, a sound rang in his mind:

[Host has advanced to the Spirit Realm, Life Simulator transformation beginning..]