Path to Heaven-Chapter 1237

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Chapter 1237

"Is there any other mana wave?" Weisuo turned to ask the female extraterritorial demons.

"No The female Exorcist shook her head. At the moment, her expression was very complicated. Although she knew from some ancestors that the heaven and earth where Weisuo lived also had amazing power of fighting power, she left them more impression that, like some heaven and earth that had been ravaged by their ancestors, most monks were weak and unbearable. In their consistent consciousness, if it was not for the difference in the vitality of heaven and earth, and if the heaven and earth were not suitable for their battlefield, they would have been enslaved by them. They are only blocked by the distant, long and unimaginable starry sky and the different, insurmountable rules of vitality. They also enjoy the saying of this magic word in foreign demons, because for them, the magic word means fear, and only because of its strength can people be afraid.

Weisuo, who was not more powerful than Weisuo, was beaten like a chicken, which had completely changed their cognition, and the two wild gods and slaves were even more frightening to her.

Only the reformed friars have such power. How powerful can the reformed monks be?

At this time, the female extraterritorial demon was a little disillusioned. The reason why the clan taboo against the first World War which came to this airspace 60000 or 70000 years ago may not be that she was ashamed and unwilling to mention it because she accidentally damaged some people. It is likely that the war will make her feel weak, or, in other words, their so-called so-called war It is not only hard to win, but also dishonorable.

"Not being chased back?" Vissault frowned and looked ahead at a ruby like floating fragment of a meteorite. The two slaves did not leave for a long time, so they have already appeared in the coverage of his divine consciousness at the moment. They are just behind the meteorite fragment and are coming towards them.

The only thing to be sure of was that there was no strong hostility between the two slaves.

Soon, the figures of the two wild gods and slaves were revealed behind the ruby like floating meteorite fragment which was also several miles around.

They continued to fly towards Weisuo and others until they reached a place less than ten miles away from Weisuo and others. The two slaves, a man and a woman, stopped. Later, the male god slave seemed to nod his head to Weisuo, reached out his hand, and a pale golden light shot towards Weisuo.

"What is this?"

Wei Suo and others are slightly stunned.

The pale gold light that the male wild God slave ordered to Weisuo at the moment was a pale gold fruit. The shape of a finger was transparent from the surface to the inside. It looked like frozen fish jelly, but the fruit base was purplish, and a drop of juice was coming out. It looked like it was just picked.

"You want to thank me, so you picked this thing for me?" Wei Suo saw the clue from the expression of the male god slave, and he was stunned.

The man grinned, but he didn't make any sound. He just nodded to Weisuo, and then he turned around and left with the woman.

"They turned back to repay their kindness?" Ji Ya and Han Weiwei and others have finally responded.

"Brother rabbit, they're good." At this time, even the silly Li freehand also said a word.

"What fruit is this?" Weisuo also looked at the direction of the two wild gods and slaves left, then turned to ask the female extraterritorial demons. This fruit is obviously growing in this space, which was just discovered and picked by the two wild gods.

"I don't know." The female Exorcist simply shook her head.

Afraid of Weisuo's disbelief, the female extraterritorial demon immediately added, "I don't know how many plants grow in this airspace. The number of our people is too small compared with this airspace, so there are very few miraculous drugs found."

"I'll try the medicine."

Wei Suo also did not say much, after nodding to Linglong Tian and others, with a roar, a direct stream of water spirit washed up.

"Is this a miraculous medicine containing pure water spirit?"

Wei Shui's spirit and spirit were washed up, and the witch gods and other women suddenly cried out, because all the people could feel it, and a more magnificent spirit and spirit of some stars came out of this finger shape, like the pale golden fruit of gel.

“… "Weisuo couldn't help but look at the place where the two slaves left.

Naturally, he felt more clearly than the witches and other people. It was really a miraculous medicine that contained a lot of water spirit energy and was extremely suitable for him to cultivate. Its medicinal power was probably at least equivalent to an eight level high-level water system demon pill. Moreover, many of the star energy, into his body, seems to have some more condensed Xianyuan benefits.

"Do you think these two wild gods and slaves feel that you are practicing the water system skill and found this plant useful for you along the way, so they picked it back for you?" Han Weiwei looked at Weisuo and couldn't help saying, "but how do they know the function of this plant? Did not the emperor of the wild warrior say that they were still in the fruit of the spirit plant flower after they were transformed into the wild God slaves, and they were not brought out until he went"There are only two possibilities. One is that the barbarians have been exploring this airspace for a long time and have some understanding of some things in it, and instilled some things into the wild gods and slaves so that they can collect things for them in this airspace. Either it is the relationship between the wild gods and slaves themselves. Maybe it is because of their own wooden roots and after the transformation of spiritual plants and flowers, they have a natural reaction to these miraculous medicines, and know whether these miraculous drugs are beneficial or harmful Linglong days after pondering for a while, said.

"It's a pity that the two slaves would not be able to recover their consciousness like a piece of blank paper." Weisuo and Jiya and others all nodded. Both of these two points mentioned by Linglong Tian are indeed possible. Since there is such a transmission array in the butu that leads to this airspace, the airspace itself is already like a big backyard garden and an endless treasure house of the barbarians. It is likely that he has learned a lot about this airspace. On the other hand, Li Shuyi is the best example. Today, Li freehand can still swallow some miraculous herbs that even Ji Ya and others don't know the use of, so as to improve their cultivation. What's different is that Li freehand seems to know only about his own cultivation and physical body. He only knows what things he can't die after eating, but he can't give it to others.

"But even if the barbarians have already explored this airspace, it will not be too long." Linglong day took a deep breath and said this again.

Weisuo nodded. He understood the meaning of linglongtian. This airspace is equivalent to a huge treasure house, which is monopolized by the barbarians. If we explore it for a long time, the advantages in this respect will surely be reflected. Maybe there will be many powerful magic weapons beyond the recognition of the monastic world.

From this point of view, the first battle of Beimang was carried out in a timely manner, and if it is delayed, it will not be the situation of today.

"What are you going to do next?" Linglong day looked at the unfinished map of the sky in front of the female extraterritorial demon and asked.

"The forbidden areas mentioned by the demons outside the territory may be related to your spirit clan and the desolate clan, and it will be safer for us to enter them. My view is that we should explore these areas one by one before making plans. What do you think? " Weisuo took a look at Linglong Tian and others and said.

"That's the only way." Yuan Yin Laozu and others nodded after a little meditation.

"The map is not ready yet?" Weisuo looked at the female extraterritorial demons, "which is the nearest forbidden area from us now?"


"This Is it the aura of heaven and earth? "

A few days later, Weisuo and others stayed in front of a large green light shrouded airspace, and their faces were full of surprise.

Green light is emitted by some large and small green meteorites.

The surface material of these meteorites looks the same as that of ordinary rocks, but there is a flash of firefly green fluorescence from inside. These meteorites are only half the size of a fist, but the larger ones are miles in square. They are full of void, surrounded by two giant meteorites with a radius of more than ten thousand miles.

Out of these flash green fluorescence meteorites, around the center of the two huge meteorites, there are countless large and small meteorites of various colors. Some of these meteorites are more than hundreds of miles in diameter, forming a small world of their own.

Of course, such a complete scene, Weisuo and others can only see the whole picture from the airspace map of the female extraterritorial demons.

From the edge of green meteorites, they have entered thousands of miles, and they have not seen the two giant meteorites in the center.

According to the airspace map of the extraterritorial demons, this area is called cuigu domain, and the two giant meteorites are named cuigu island.

Along the way, this is the third place that Wei Suo and others have explored and listed as a forbidden area.

In the first two places, one is filled with the space hurricane that even the emperor and the sky are all broken, and the other is the whirlpool formed by the star rays, which are destructive forces.

No matter what happens inside or outside the country, there is no problem with the maps produced by the extraterritorial demons. Those two places are indeed forbidden areas that are not suitable for foreign demons to enter into existence, but they are also not suitable for Weisuo and others to enter into existence. On the way, the female extraterritorial demons were also very good. During this period, the male extraterritorial demons woke up once and were still knocked unconscious by Weisuo, and she did not get mad. Only two problems have come to the fore.

One is that Wei Suo exerts the light of Purdue on the female extraterritorial demons. As a result, the female extraterritorial demons have no reaction. In other words, the Purdue light has no effect on the extraterritorial demons.

Another point is that the female extraterritorial demons have obediently listed the elixirs and refining materials in the airspace she knows. However, after collecting one or two of them along the way, Weisuo also responded, because the meridians and vital energy in his body were completely different. For them, the so-called miraculous drugs for extraterritorial demons contained innumerable complex and disadvantageous star energy inside. His refining had no benefit at all, let alone the rest of us.

In this celestial battlefield, the earth mother Scripture is of no use, that is, every move consumes Zhenyuan, but there is nothing to supplement for the time being.Fortunately, Wei Suo and others are carrying a large number of spirit stones and miracles, as well as a large number of ancient miracles just scraped from the butu. Otherwise, if Zhenyuan is exhausted and cannot be replenished, they will have to wait for death in this airspace.

But even if it's a mountain of gold and silver, if there's no supplement, it's a matter of time.

But now, in this area where extraterritorial demons are also listed as forbidden areas, Wei Suo and others feel the existence of the aura of heaven and earth, which is a great surprise to them. It is equivalent to suddenly finding a water source in a desert.

"Is it that our heaven and earth, when it broke up before, flew here?" After the initial surprise, Wei Suo and others were more surprised when they went to the location of cuigu island in neili. Because the rules of vitality that fill this area are more and more similar to the world they are familiar with.

If it wasn't for the meteorites, large and small, still floating around in their sight, they would have doubted whether they had returned to their heaven and earth through the teleportation array.

"Is it because the vitality here is almost the same as the heaven and earth we live in, which is not conducive to the extraterritorial demons?"

After more than ten thousand miles, we can see the huge outline in the void in the distance.

The huge outline is full of emptiness, which makes people feel as if they have been walking in the sea for a long time and finally see the land. The land, to Weisuo and others, not only exudes the aura of heaven and earth, but also the law of vitality is almost the same as the heaven and earth where they are.

"Is that?"

All of a sudden, the pupils of Weisuo and others contracted abruptly. A white light suddenly flew out from the huge outline!

"It's none of my business. I've never been here before!" The female Exorcist immediately screamed, because all the people could see that it was a speed of escaping light, extremely terrible, absolutely far higher than the previous wild gods and slaves, rippling in the void. I'm afraid even Weisuo's empty footwork is almost the same.

This is absolutely a terrible character!

Weisuo's figure moved and stood beside the female extraterritorial demons. As long as there was any change in the female extraterritorial demons, he could directly kill them with one blow. And all the other people are very tacit, are gathered behind him.

"Dayuantian?! Is that you? "

All of a sudden, Linglong Tian's body trembled violently and sent out an unbelievable exclamation.

The white light crossed the void again and again, which was so fast that it was hard to imagine. The exclamation voice of Linglong sky almost just started to ring. Ji Ya and others all saw clearly the figure in the pure white escape light.

Among the pure white brilliance, he is actually a thin man wearing a light blue jade dress. On his back, however, there is a pair of white wings! , the fastest update of the ReadNovelFull!