My Master Only Breaks Through on the Edge of Death-Chapter 346 - 319: Li Xingci’s Enlightenment

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Chapter 346: Chapter 319: Li Xingci’s Enlightenment

Translator: 549690339

Hidden Spirit Island, beside the Spirit Liquid Lake, Xu Fan was sitting by the shore discussing a major issue with the six dragon eggs.

“Godfather, what’s the matter?”

The six dragon eggs were arranged neatly in front of Xu Fan, like soldiers lined up in formation.

Looking at the six dragon eggs that consume all the resources of the gathering spirit array every day, Xu Fan felt a headache and thought his decision was a bit reckless, similar to a poor boy marrying a rich lady.

“Can you guys absorb a little less energy?” Xu Fan tentatively said.

At this moment, Xu Fan obviously felt the displeasure of the six dragon eggs, like they were having their food cut off.

The six plum dragon eggs clashed together, expressing their dissatisfaction with Xu Fan’s proposal.

“Forget it, keep absorbing, no problem.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.

“Ah, I’ve actually fallen to the point of cutting off my children’s food supply.” Xu Fan sighed.

Xu Fan silently sat by the Spirit Liquid Lake, watching the dragon eggs happily swimming in the lake, and fell into deep thought, wondering where he could fatten up a bit.

At this time, Li Xingci and the pregnant Su Rentian finally arrived at Linsen Immortal City after several months.

“Oh, there’s even a little surprise.” Xu Fan said as he listened to Pu Tao’s report.

Before long, a spiritual boat entered the Hidden Spirit Sect.

Eventually, the two appeared behind Xu Fan.

“Master, we’re back.” Li Xingci said emotionally, thinking that if it weren’t for Master’s backup plan, the two of them might have been trapped in that world forever.

“It’s good to be back.” Xu Fan looked at Li Xingci, then glanced at Su Rentian’s belly.

“It’s fine, Five Spiritual Roots is not a big problem; an immortal path is promising.” Xu Fan said with a smile.

“We will have to trouble the Great Master in the future.” Su Rentian, holding Li Xingci’s arm, said with a smile.

“Ha ha, this will be my grand disciple in the future, and I definitely will be concerned.” Xu Fan laughed, thinking he was not expecting this little cause and effect to be his future grand disciple.

“You’ve had a long journey; quickly return and rest.”

“Thank you, master.” The two withdrew and left.

Xu Fan watched their backs and smiled with satisfaction.

“This worldly Great Tribulation was not in vain.”

In the evening, Li Xingci’s figure appeared on Xu Fan’s mountain peak.

“Congratulations, Master, on your promotion to the Nascent Soul.” Li Xingci said with a smile, only learning that his master had already advanced to the Nascent Soul stage after returning to the sect.

“This is a small matter; your safe return is most important.” Xu Fan stared at the sky and said.

“You didn’t come here just to congratulate me on my promotion to the Nascent Soul, did you?”

“I also want to thank Master for helping me survive the tribulation.” Li Xingci gratefully said, realizing the painstaking effort his master had put in for him when they returned. Although the Realm of Nothingness seemed to be safe, it was actually full of hidden dangers.

“Oh, you figured it out.” Xu Fan was somewhat surprised, as he didn’t expect Li Xingci to discover his intentions so soon.

“Master, did you set me up with Tian’er to help me face this tribulation, or perhaps a destined calamity?” Li Xingci spoke quietly.

“You really think that I, as your master, would casually match you with Elder Su just for some spirit stones?” Xu Fan asked mysteriously.

“At that time in the Realm of Nothingness, there were two mountains. One of them hid the Door of Nothingness. If Tian’er and I had rushed in at the time, we would have been dead.” Li Xingci still felt a bit scared when mentioning it.

“At that time, I had an inexplicable feeling that letting Tian’er choose must have been the right path.”

“Later, when we attacked the Door of Nothingness, it was Tian’er’s choice that saved us from a catastrophe.”

Li Xingci knelt down and bowed to Xu Fan, performing the master-disciple ceremony.

“I only understood Master’s painstaking care when I returned.” Li Xingci sincerely said.

A gentle force slowly lifted Li Xingci up.

“I have been teaching you with great care in the world for a hundred years, not for you to perish during a tribulation.”

“From now on, practice diligently. As long as you do not court death, your Immortal Path will be long; one day, I may need you to protect me.” Xu Fan said with a smile. He suddenly thought of a good way to save the spiritual qi crisis in the Sect.

“Master, as long as I am by your side, nobody can harm you before my death.” Li Xingci said with a determined gaze.

“This task is for your Senior Brother. You can take over when he can’t handle it anymore.” Xu Fan said. Before, Xu Gang would repeat this phrase to Xu Fan whenever he found a chance.

“Understood.” Li Xingci said.

“Alright, disperse your avatar. Save us the trouble of being discovered by Elder Su.” Xu Fan waved his hand and said.


Li Xingci transformed into smoke and disappeared in front of Xu Fan.

Once Xu Fan was sure Li Xingci had left, a copper coin appeared in his hand. “Ai, the merit and destiny obtained by Brother Gang from the Nine Phoenix Island are about to be consumed.”

With that, he gently tossed the copper coin in his hand.

Early in the morning, Sword Wuji and Han Feiyu got up.

After the two had breakfast with Wang Xiangchi, for some reason, Han Feiyu suddenly wanted to go to the source of the Spiritual Liquid Waterfall.

“Feiyu, I was curious too. Let’s go together and take a look.”

“However, that place is considered a semi-forbidden area. Ordinary disciples are not allowed to enter without reason. Let me first ask Pu Tao for permission.” Sword Wuji said, leading Han Feiyu onto a spiritual boat.

“Pu Tao, we want to go to the source of the Spiritual Liquid Waterfall. We hope you can allow it.” Sword Wuji said.

“Reason?” Pu Tao’s voice came from the spiritual boat.

“We’ve never seen it and want to broaden our horizons so we can have something to talk about when we boast to others in the future.” Sword Wuji gave a far-fetched reason, thinking that if it didn’t work, they would come up with another one.

“The reason is under review. Please wait for a moment.”

“The reason is legitimate. Approved.”

After Pu Tao finished speaking, the spiritual boat of the two began to fly upwards, following the huge Spiritual Liquid Waterfall up to the peak of the Sect’s Grand Formation.

“Is this the place?” Han Feiyu asked curiously.

At this moment, a very illusory gate appeared in front of the Spirit Boat, which then flew into it.

In an instant, the two seemed to have come to an ocean of spiritual liquid. The spirit boat continued to move forward, finally arriving at a space that resembled a starry sky.

Four super giant Dao-level spirit gathering beads slowly rotated in the sky, attracting countless spiritual qi which condensed into a semi-solid super-concentrated spiritual liquid. It then entered the Array, fusing with a large water gathering formation to form a concentrated spiritual liquid with the consistency of water.

“This Gathering Spirits Array is called the Nine Dragon Devouring Sky Array, consisting of 3,600 fifth-tier treasure spirit gathering beads and four Dao-level spirit gathering beads.”

“This formation can absorb the spiritual qi tides in high altitude, covering an area of 100,000 kilometers of spiritual qi in the sky. It has the ability of space……..”

As Pu Tao introduced, the two of them began to feel the strength of the Sect.

“Good Lord! So many treasure artifacts and Dao tools are used in a single Gathering Spirits Array. If these were exchanged for spiritual swords, it would be so amazing!” Han Feiyu said with a gleam in his eye. He was envious of the Great Master’s ability to refine Dao tools.